Awmom!!!! You're a UT girl??? I'm a UT girl, too! But I'm a bit perplexed that you don't know if Hook Em is Longhorn or Aggie. LOL. Gig Em is Aggie, Hook Em Horns is Longhorn. NEVER FORGET THAT! LOL.
We were SO close, but not close enough in the med center because we go to Children's Memorial Hermann. In Houston, I suppose you know, there are two big Pedi GI groups and no one else. So, you're either a UT Physicians Pediatric Specialty patient, or Texas Childrens patient. UT docs are at Hermann. I have heard good things about both groups, but we ended up with UT because when Marni first got sick and I called TCH pedi GI to try to get her an appointment, they said the first one they had was in three months. I told them I had a four year old with excruciating pain and diarrhea that had lasted six weeks, and they said, "We can see her in three months". Needless to say, I was turned off. When I called UT, they said the same thing, but I was so upset by then, I started crying and asked what is someone supposed to do with a four year old in this much pain and withering away to nothing, and the scheduler said hold on....and then Jacob, one of our doctors' nurses came to the phone to talk to me....and then he said to bring her in tomorrow. Needless to say, I love Jacob!
Having said that, I've heard the same stories about how other parents ended up at TCH. I guess it's who you get to talk to when you call.
I have met a couple of the doctors from the TCH group, though, at CCFA functions. Do you go to any?
As far as Nico's fatigue....can it be possible that the crashes are still happening because he's still healing from the surgery? Keep in mind that he's been sick a long time, and because of that, his body may take longer to completely recover. I will check back to see what your doctor says tomorrow. Please post.