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Nov 5, 2009
I met with the surgeon on Tuesday and I now have a surgery date of January 5th!!! She said a min. of 5 days in the hospital so I'll have plenty of time to let you all know how it goes and everything. I'll also try to have my husband update my facebook for all you friendsters out there :)

I'm excited/ really freaking nervous! I'm just hoping this is going to finally be the thing to put me into remission after 12 years.
ah i have been in the hospital for 2 weeks now preparing for surgery and my date is finally here. i'm getting it tomorrow morning :) good luck with your surgery. i hope we both have some relief really soon.
Good luck to you Tish! :) I really hope all goes well for you. Let us know how you are doing. Are they doing yours laparoscopically? My surgeon said she was going to try it and see if she can, but not sure how it will go.
Oh wow!

Sending loads of love, luck and best wishes to you both!...:goodluck:

I hope more than anything you both have as successful an outcome as my two!

Dusty. xxx
yes, mine is going to be done laparoscopically thank god. open surgery is scary too me! and the risks are so much higher for infection.
Oh I hope it works amazing for you and has you feeling loads better.

I am so glad I did my surgery and I hope it works as well for you as it did for me. I'll be thinking about you. Good luck.
thanks Dusty and nic :)

@tish, I'm really happy that can do yours that way as well! I guess since I've had a few laparoscopic surgeries done, there's a chance that they won't be able to do mine that way?? who knows! hopefully it can be done like that.

Good good luck tomorrow, again!!
Good luck with the surgery and enjoy the Holidays.

Like the pic of your little one in the Bumbo chair. Our little guy (7 months now) outgrew his pretty quickly, when we tried to lift him out of it, he was stuck in it,
She's too big for it now, too. We started using it at about 3 mo and probably only got to use it until 6ish months. I LOVED the bumbo chair.

Thank you for the well wishes!

Stupid question, and seems kind of small...... but will I have a catheter in when I wake up from surgery as well? I know I'll have an NG tube... just curious about the cath.
I have read of people on here that don't have one but both Sarah and Matt did. I mean you would always have one inserted in theatre for during the op but some docs remove them before you go to recovery. As uncomfortable as they can feel they can be beneficial in the first day or so for the obvious reason that you then don't need to move or get up to go to the toilet.

Dusty. xxx
I did not have a catheter still in when I woke up after my resection. The docs were all about making me walk which for the first couple days was not terribly appealing.

Good luck with your surgery!
You could ask your surgeon. Mine told me I would have a catheter and I did. I'm sorry to say it was a nightmare and I celebrated when they finally took it out. It sucks to get out of bed but not as much as laying there feeling your bladder fill to capacity. I hope if you do have one it works a lot better than mine. I don't think my experience is too common because not one of the nurses who handled it believed me when I told them it wasn't working.
Good luck! Hopefully you'll be fine for many many many years to come! I can see myself having a resection in the not too distant future!
Thanks everyone!!

I'm fairly scared, but happy to possibly see some relief in sight. I woke up yet again this morning in so much pain and vomiting even though I haven't eaten a damn thing yet. I'm just so sick of feeling horrible all of the time. I feel really depressed, I think maybe I'm just having a "poor me day". I'm trying really hard to enjoy Sadie's first Christmas with her, but its really hard to when all you want to do is curl up in bed! I'm making the best of it though :)

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Oh, and I got my official date. January 5th is the big day.

I was just curious about the cath. I had one when I had Sadie for a day after the c-section. It wasn't horrible, but I'd rather not have it. I'll ask them about it.
Imagine waking up and feeling normal. Having a breakfast of your choice without worrying how you'll react. Keep thinking about the benefits of post op and hopefully that will see you through. They do say 'no gain without pain.'

You're a brave person! Whenever Im in that state... I drop everything and just stay in bed! Hope it all works out for ya!
Merry Christmas Manzy!! I hope the surgery gets you feeling as sunny as your disposition and Sadie's beautiful eyes!!
Sending Healing Wishes!

Hello there! I'm sure your surgery will go just fine. I am sitting here on Christmas day feeling soooo thankful to be here with my family. 11 days ago I had an abdominoperineal resection with ileostomy and bilateral ovary excision (they looked bad when surgeon got into my belly). I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease on July 7, 2000 (large intestine). It has been quite the battle--multiple medications, procedures, hospitalizations, etc. I knew the day would come that I would be faced with excision of my large intestine and an ileostomy. Ya know what? I'm happy to be alive and to be able to watch my children grow! I am eating without any pain! That in itself is a miracle! Admitedly, I am still raw and sore and quite emotional about the whole experience--but I am gonna make it. The second that you wake up from surgery is the beginning of peace of mind--because you know you will do whatever you have to do to get back home to your family! Wishing you the strength for peace of mind and ease of heart! You can and will, girl! Warmest regards, Dana:heart:
Snap. thank you so much for your kind words. It made me tear up quite a bit, because you're right. I will do anything I need to do to make it back home to my family and be well for my precious little girl.

I am so happy for you that you can eat with no pain! I'm hoping I'll be at that point soon. I am trying to be realistic because I'm still going to have active disease in a couple other parts, but the really bad part that they are taking out should give me a lot of relief, and we're in hopes that the Tysabri I will be getting will heal the rest of the problem areas. :)

I love hearing success stories.

I wish you a speedy recovery!!

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