My son aged 12 is going into year 9 tomorrow. It has been suggested by the school nurse that he brings a change of trousers and underwear to leave in her office. He is newly diagnosed and has never had an 'accident'. He doesn't actually know yet that some people with crohn's have accidents, I haven't told him all the things that he may face in the future as he is finding it hard enough to come to terms with. I explained about the clothes to him and said it was in case he had a bleed and wanted to get changed. He is very against taking them in. My husband says let him decide as he currently is not experiencing extreme urgency. I don't know what to do. My thoughts are that ok it hasn't happened yet but I don't want the first time to be in school with no change of clothes. Maybe I am fussing too much, maybe it is not that common? Do I respect my sons wishes or do I explain exactly why he may need them and risk a major reaction from him? I don't know what would be more harmful psychologically, telling him why he might need them or him not having them if he did? Anyone else face this and what did you do please?