The Amitriptyline Club Support Group

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Jan 21, 2010
I'd love this to be my Support group, cos I'm in love with it.
I love David too, so I'll be in his testing one too
Shall we discuss our Amitriptyline experiences in here? I'll start. Hi, I'm Cat, I've been on Amitriptyline 25 mg for a little over 2 years now. My GI put me on Entocort in October 2010, and while it worked great, I had one side effect from it and that was constant, chronic headaches. After a couple weeks of that, I couldn't take it anymore and called my GI to tell him about the headaches. He put me on Amitriptyline and the headaches stopped! I was on Entocort for 7 months but have stayed on Amitriptyline with no plans to discontinue it. It prevents my migraines and helps me sleep at night. My GI feels like it should also be calming my guts, but I don't feel like it made any difference there. Still, I like not having regular migraines and I need all the help I can get with falling asleep, so I'm happy to stay on Amitriptyline. :)
Hiya I'm Joan and this Amitriptyline is the Dog's Doodah's!!
At high doses (250mg) it's an anti depressant, called tri cyclic, an old one, been around for decades.
Docs discovered it's uses at lower doses (10mg-25mg) as a first line defence for IBS, bed wetting and as a preventative for migraines.
I've been on it for over 2 years now, as a preventative for migraines. I discovered it's magic almost immediately, it stopped spasms and contractions in my gut, got rid of the headaches, but more importantly, I stopped getting up during the night.
I sleep so restfully, it's sheer bliss! Also, when I was on Pred or Entocort it keeps me calm!
One drawback, I put weight on, but that's ok, and it retains urine, sometimes it's hard to empty bladder efficiently.
I'd recommend this med for insomnia, anxiety and migraine/headache.
I have no intentions of ever stopping it, I love it xxx
I developed severe insomnia and restlessness/anxiety when I took prednisone for the first time. I tried buying sleeping pills but they didn't help. My GP prescribed my amitriptyline. At first I thought it didn't work because I was on a low dose (10mg) which is standard for treating insomnia.

My GP said to increase the dose until I found the amount that "knocked me out." :p At about 150mg (the dose usually used for depression) I was getting the best night's sleeps of my life! :) After weeks of taking it I realised not only was I sleeping again, but all the anxiety and restlessness had gone - I was always calm, and was a much nicer person to be around. My family actually commented on this! I presume this is because it's working as an antedepressant on me, even though that's not what I'd intended.

I can't say enough good things about it. :) It does make my bladder uncomfortable, but I'll take that any day rather than go back to how I felt before. And that includes how I felt before prednisone - my not-on-drugs normal state. I didn't know I could be such a calm person. I'm normally more than a little neurotic. I didn't realise how much until the Ami kicked in and I could notice the difference.

I've been on it since mid-December last year, and had worried about tolerance building up, but that doesn't seem to happen with this med. I'll keep taking it forever too.
Hi,I just got prescribed Amitriptyline 10 mg for insomnia...took just 3 tablets...I'm scared to take all the time,so I don't get hooked ...I wonder does anybody else have problem w/insomnia..and addiction forming...thx
Hi Miaa, welcome to the forum. Do you have inflammatory bowel disease? Why don't you share your story in the My Story part of the forum, so that everyone can get to know you. :)

Amitriptyline will work best if you take it consistently every day. It's an anti-depressant so it's non habit-forming. You won't get addicted to it.
Hi,I just got prescribed Amitriptyline 10 mg for insomnia...took just 3 tablets...I'm scared to take all the time,so I don't get hooked ...I wonder does anybody else have problem w/insomnia..and addiction forming...thx

10mg (or 30mg if you took 3) is a very low dose, so you shouldn't worry too much. To get it working for my insomnia, I had to go up to 150mg. Although that's a higher dose than usual for insomnia treatment, people taking it as an anti-depressent go up to 300mg. So at your current dose the side effects shouldn't be too bad.

As Cat said, it's not addictive and does take a while to build up in your systmen so you have to take it consistently, though that's more true for its anti-depressent effects than for its sleep-inducing properties, which tend to start straightaway. However I have found that if I take a higher dose (say 200mg - I played around with the dose a lot to find what was best for me) I'll sleep longer and deeper, but not necessarily on the night I take the higher dose - it might be a night or two later. It's hard to predict the timing of its effects, so you do need to be consistent in taking it once you're found your optimum dose. Often a doctor will start you on a low dose and then have you build up gradually until you get to an amount that works well for you.

While it isn't addictive like some other drugs, it can cause a physical withdrawal if you stop suddenly after taking it for a while. From the leaflet that came with my prescription:

DO NOT stop taking these tablets suddenly...
... Withdrawal symptoms ... include feeling sick, headache and generally feeling unwell. Gradual withdrawal is associated with ... symptoms including irritability, restlessness, excitement, and hyperactivity, as well as dream and sleep disturbances during the first two weeks of dosage reduction. Feeling elated or overexcited has been reported ... These symptoms are transient and are not a sign of addiction.

So it's really important you follow your doctor's instructions, both now and if/when you stop taking it.

It's worked so well for my insomnia, I feel so much better on it. It took a while to get the dose right and for all the effects to kick in. If you decide to take it, make sure you stick with it a good few weeks in order to feel its benefits. If you get side effects you don't like, go back to your doctor to discuss coming off it or finding ways to counter the side effects.

If you're not happy taking something that can cause withdrawal or don't want to have to take something every day, you may be better off with some other insomnia treatment. But amitriptyline isn't psychologically adictive - well except that I feel so good on it I don't want to stop!
Hi everyone..I joined this group because I am always looking for something to help my severe anxiety..I wanted to see if it helped you all with anxiety too :)
Hiya Mary
Yeah I believe it's helped me. It tends to keep me calm, it certainly did on steroids!
Hi everyone..I joined this group because I am always looking for something to help my severe anxiety..I wanted to see if it helped you all with anxiety too :)

It definitely makes me less anxious, which took me by surprise because I began taking it only to help me sleep!

When I started taking amitriptyline I was already on prednisone, which was causing me to have all sorts of mood swings, including anxiety. The amitriptyline seemed to counteract the anxiety from the pred., but then I tapered off pred and kept taking the ami, and, as I said on my first post on this thread, now I'm calmer than ever. I'm more able to concentrate, I don't get restless and bored like I used to when I'm stuck in the house much of the time (I'm currently off work due to health problems) - I feel content just passing the time resting, reading, etc. whereas before (and especially when on prednisone!) I'd get so frustrated not having enough to do.

I also like amitriptyline's effects on my mood because while taking it I still feel like myself and in control of my emotions. With the mood changes that came with prednisone, even the ones that should have been positive (I experienced spells of "euphoria" fairly often when on it) unsettled me because I was aware there was no logical reason for me to be feeling that good. The moods felt fake and random and not really "me". With amitriptyline, I feel more down to earth, and my emotions are the same as I'd be feeling if I wasn't on ami. I can still feel negative emotions - anger, sadness, etc. - but now I'm able to deal with things more reasonably and put things in perspecitve. It makes me calm but doesn't deaden my feelings.

I expect it works differently for everyone, but definitely worth trying for your anxiety.
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I've been taking Amitriptalyne for nine months now and it definitely works. I take 25mg at night. I have one question, is it covering symptoms that may need to be checked out. I mean I'm grateful that it relieves the cramping but I feel like it may be keeping me from having a true diagnoses. Does this make sense?
Goin to the GP in a moment to see if I can join da club, I'm constantly getting annoying headaches from the imuran, hoping this will do the trick
I've been taking Amitriptalyne for nine months now and it definitely works. I take 25mg at night. I have one question, is it covering symptoms that may need to be checked out. I mean I'm grateful that it relieves the cramping but I feel like it may be keeping me from having a true diagnoses. Does this make sense?

Are you seeing a doctor or awaiting any tests? I take it you haven't been diagnosed with Crohn's yet?

I wouldn't have thought Amitriptyline would alter test results (colonoscopy, endoscopy, etc.), and it won't treat any inflammation there might be in your intestines, so in that sense it won't keep you from being diagnosed, though you should always tell the doctors doing any tests you have what medications you're on, just in case they do influence results.

I'd rather treat my symptoms than wait around in pain as the diagnostic process can take a while! You can still see a doctor about the problem, even when you're treating it yourself at home. Amitriptyline is just stopping you feeling the pain, it isn't treating the cause so there's still good reason to see someone about it. I presume you've been prescribed amitriptyline by a doctor, so you must have reported the cramping then? Have you been referred to a gastroenterologist? Just make sure when a doctor asks you about your pain you inform them that it was worse before you started on the medication. It may actually be useful for them to know amitriptyline is helping, as that may give them some clues about the cause of your pain. (Amitriptyline only works on certain types of pain.)
UnXmas, I am undiagnosed, and have been for almost two years. I have seen three different docs including the IBD clinic in Vanderbilt. They are the ones that prescribed the amitriptalyne. It works fine 80% of the time. I will have pain break through at times.
UnXmas, I am undiagnosed, and have been for almost two years. I have seen three different docs including the IBD clinic in Vanderbilt. They are the ones that prescribed the amitriptalyne. It works fine 80% of the time. I will have pain break through at times.

I guess you know all about diagnosis taking a long time then. :( I went undiagnosed for many years. I think if it were me I'd continue taking the ami. if it's helping. I hope it continues working for you.
It's defiantly not working today or the past two days to be exact. Do you have days that the pain comes through the ami? Along with the nausea, indigestion and gas and bloating.
It's defiantly not working today or the past two days to be exact. Do you have days that the pain comes through the ami? Along with the nausea, indigestion and gas and bloating.

I don't really take it for pain. I don't have that much pain, and when I do I take codeine for it. I take it for insomnia and anxiety, and although I've not had a day when either of those were anywhere near as bad as they were before I was on ami., there is still some variation in how deeply I sleep and my anxiety levels.

Perhaps you're having particularly bad pain at the moment, so that even with the ami. the pain is noticable, rather than the ami. no longer working?
I don't really take it for pain. I don't have that much pain, and when I do I take codeine for it. I take it for insomnia and anxiety, and although I've not had a day when either of those were anywhere near as bad as they were before I was on ami., there is still some variation in how deeply I sleep and my anxiety levels.

Perhaps you're having particularly bad pain at the moment, so that even with the ami. the pain is noticable, rather than the ami. no longer working?

That makes sense. Everything seems to be better this morning, that would be such a welcome relief. I do have hydros, in fact I took 2 1/2 pills yesterday along with zofran, bentyl and tums. Did it take them along to find yours if so how long? I just don't understand why they can't find it, :ybatty::ybatty:this has to be more than IBS.
That makes sense. Everything seems to be better this morning, that would be such a welcome relief. I do have hydros, in fact I took 2 1/2 pills yesterday along with zofran, bentyl and tums. Did it take them along to find yours if so how long? I just don't understand why they can't find it, :ybatty::ybatty:this has to be more than IBS.

Do you mean how long did it take me to be diagnosed? Over ten years! :yfaint: But I was a very complicated case for a number of reasons. It's a long story.

What other symptoms do you have besides pain? What tests have you had?

Is the amitriptyline working again now?
Do you mean how long did it take me to be diagnosed? Over ten years! :yfaint: But I was a very complicated case for a number of reasons. It's a long story.

What other symptoms do you have besides pain? What tests have you had?

Is the amitriptyline working again now?

In May 2011 I was awakened in the middle of the night with abdominal pain and what felt like gas that I couldn't pass. It got increasingly worse and I went to the er. They did a ct with contrast and the er doc came in said you have crohns go to a gi doc here is some pain pills along with cipro. Needless to say I was back the next day. My stomach was so dissented I looked like I was 9 months pregnant. They admitted me, I was there for 9 days during that time they did an upper and lower scopes, of course they did them both seperatley so i got to do two clean outs, ct endography, numerous X-rays. When I got out the same doc did an MRI endography and a pill cam. The MRI showed a gallstone and the doc didn't want to do anything with it. The doc lost my pictures for the pill cam and then he miraculously found them and he said that didn't show anything. But I'm not sure he really found my pictures. Needless to say that s when I changed doctors. The new doc removed my gallbladde, did a breath tet to check for bacteria over growth- negative, did a promethious test- negative, checked my poop, did another ct endography and then they sent me to Vanderbilt. Let me back up after the ct at the hospital the radiologist said it was crohns and the hospitalist sent me home with pantesa and steroids. When I went for the follow up is when the other doc said no crohns. Vandy scoped me again up and down and it came back negative. The doc at Vandy said that I had a major insult to my small intestines and that has caused me to have IBS. She wanted to do a pill cam I Said I quit. She put on ami and here I am.
Do you have the option of seeing any more doctors? I had to go through several before I found ones who took me seriously. Being dismissed with an IBS diagonsis seems to be something many people experience before going on to be diagnosed with Crohn's. So many things can cause the same digestive symptoms, so diagnosis can be difficult. Getting back negative or inconclusive test results seems to cause some doctors to assume there's nothing wrong.

Did the steroids help you at all? If they did, that would support a diagnosis of Crohn's or similar conditions. Do you have copies of the CT results which showed Crohn's? It might be worthwhile seeing if you can get copies so you can show them to new doctors without having to go through more testing.

There are some good doctors out there. I found you have to find a balance between pursuing a diagnosis and giving yourself time off from having to deal with doctors.
So at the moment Apparently i have inflamation of the TI . I have constant LRQ pain and headaches , sore joints , weird intermittent skin things on my knuckles. A red eye every couple of weeks and now Im enjoying hip pain that would put a toothache to shame !
Amitriptyline is the only thing so far to help with the pain ( head aches and it helps me go to sleep ) for that Im grateful. As ive been on Asacol now for 2 years and it works for me to a point . But both are not doing a bad job at all , or beast of a bad job.
I had to go up to 50mg for it to be effective and it took a while but I get blissfull sleep with it , so I can put up with most stuff during the day .
So at the moment Apparently i have inflamation of the TI . I have constant LRQ pain and headaches , sore joints , weird intermittent skin things on my knuckles. A red eye every couple of weeks and now Im enjoying hip pain that would put a toothache to shame !
Amitriptyline is the only thing so far to help with the pain ( head aches and it helps me go to sleep ) for that Im grateful. As ive been on Asacol now for 2 years and it works for me to a point . But both are not doing a bad job at all , or beast of a bad job.
I had to go up to 50mg for it to be effective and it took a while but I get blissfull sleep with it , so I can put up with most stuff during the day .

I see you were recently dx, how long did it take them to find yours?
Do you have the option of seeing any more doctors? I had to go through several before I found ones who took me seriously. Being dismissed with an IBS diagonsis seems to be something many people experience before going on to be diagnosed with Crohn's. So many things can cause the same digestive symptoms, so diagnosis can be difficult. Getting back negative or inconclusive test results seems to cause some doctors to assume there's nothing wrong.

Did the steroids help you at all? If they did, that would support a diagnosis of Crohn's or similar conditions. Do you have copies of the CT results which showed Crohn's? It might be worthwhile seeing if you can get copies so you can show them to new doctors without having to go through more testing.

There are some good doctors out there. I found you have to find a balance between pursuing a diagnosis and giving yourself time off from having to deal with doctors.

I am on my third doc, and yea I could change again but I have been to the IBD clinic at Vandy and they even dismissed me as to having IBS. The doc at Vandy said I had a "major insult to my small intestine". Someone really needs to explain that to me because I can't find out anything about that. She even did a scope on me, she was the one that found the skin tags on my hiney and said that the fact that had a gallstone and I had to have my gallbladder removed and liver enzymes were up and down during my attack were signs of crohns but she does not think I have it. Go figure. And yes the steroids helped. When I was in the hospital I had a partial blockage and the steroids reduced it. My first ct without drinking the gooy stuff just the contrast through my veins showed swelling in my small intestine and in my ti. Then I had a ct endography done and that really showed the blockage and swelling in three different places in my small intestines not to mention my ti. And that was after 4 or 5 days on steroids. I went to see my gp on Monday, I had a low grade fever and my sed rate was elevated. But the rest of the blood work was good even my liver enzymes. I go see my gi this Monday. We will see what they say, it's been a while since I have been. Over the testing.
I see you were recently dx, how long did it take them to find yours?
Well it took almost three years of phoning ,argueing and basically not giving up in the hope of finding something that would explain why my life changed.
Never give up , even if its just treating symptoms as this too can help in diagnosis apparently.

Regarding Amitriptylene (which I use myself every night) I have just read an article in the magazine of the Crohns and Colitis UK group. It makes clear that high doses of Ami were used as antidepressant. Now it is well recognised that pain relief is achieved in smaller doses and it also slows bowel function. Together these things give me a nights sleep. Confusion arises because Ami is only licensed as an antidepressant, because the manufacturers patent has expired making the drug very cheap. Therefore there is zero incentive for the drug company to apply for a new license and the medication leaflet does not address the real uses and benefits of Ami to those of us with Crohns.
Another update: I've been on amitriptyline since last December, and I'm still sleeping really well. I wondered if it was still helping me sleep or whether I'm just sleeping better anyway. I used to sleep well without any meds, but started amitriptyline when I was on prednisone which caused insomnia. I'm no longer on prednisone, but I carried on with the amitriptyline because it was making me far more calm than I used to be.

So yesterday I tried taking amitriptyline in the early evening, rather than at bedtime like I usually do. And the result was me falling fast asleep just an hour or two after I'd taken it, and sleeping right through the night as well. Which I'm taking to mean that I've not become tolerant to its effects (I get really worried about the possibility of becoming tolerant to meds, and couldn't find much information about amitriptyline in this respect). So it's good news - it's still working. :)
My own experience over two years is that I take it every night and double up in times of crisis. I have tested coming off it with no withdrawal. Personally I have no fear of this drug in moderate doses before sleep. It might contribute to waking drowsiness but I can live with that, my one coffee of the day fixes that.
I don't find amitriptyline makes me that much more drowsy during the day. It does make me feel calm emotionally, which I guess is kind of related to drowsiness. Or maybe I'm just so tired all the time anyway that I don't notice the difference. :p What I do notice is that there's no gradual build up to falling asleep with amitriptyline like there usually is when you fall asleep naturally. I take the med, my sleepiness level stays about the same for a couple of hours, and suddenly I fall into a very deep sleep.
It gave me the most vivid and scary dreams my poor man copped it with me letting out screams in middle of night,had to stop taking it.
UnXmas, I'm exactly the same!
I don't feel drowsy during the day and I'm defo much calmer, I'm still loving this Amitrip!
I'm the same too, Joan and Unxmas. I usually take my Amitriptyline an hour or so before bedtime, then I do something relaxing like take a bath or read a book. By the time I'm ready for bed, I'm feeling quite drowsy and can usually fall asleep pretty easily. I find that I don't always stay asleep though and sometimes wake up too early, particularly with the sun coming up so early this time of year. I think the sun comes up around 5 AM because that's when I find my eyes opening lately - the sunlight shines through my supposed light-blocking curtains and then my eyes pop open. I can usually doze back off until it's time to get up, but it's annoying. Still, since its primary purpose for me is to prevent migraines, I'm happy to stay on Amitriptyline and can't complain too much. I haven't had a migraine for probably 6 months or so which is great!
Hi everyone, I'm taking amitriptyline to slow down my ileostomy. I can now get through the night without having a leak! I'm only taking 20mg cos I'm on other antidepressants and there could be a problem with serotonin syndrome. I'd like to take more because it also helps with pain and I like the idea of less anxiety - I could ditch the xanax. Is anyone else taking it with an antidepressant and if so how much are you taking and do you have any side effects? Thanks. :)
hi, I'm on amitriptaline due to migraines. I am on 25 mg but I find that I wake up extremely groggy for most of the day and can't function. I cld the neurologist at the headache clinic and he said for me to cut the tablet in half--12.5 for 3 days and then bump it back up to 1 tablet.

I did that and I'm still groggy and can't even drive for fear of getting into an accident so I wind up rescheduling my medial appointments.

Does anybody else face this issue..the grogginess and does it go away if you are on it for a certain period of time? how does it take for the grogginess to go away so you can get on with your day of work, chores, driving, etc.

thanks. oh, I have had Crohn's for a long time but I'm on Entocort to keep it in check.

Hi everyone, I'm taking amitriptyline to slow down my ileostomy. I can now get through the night without having a leak! I'm only taking 20mg cos I'm on other antidepressants and there could be a problem with serotonin syndrome. I'd like to take more because it also helps with pain and I like the idea of less anxiety - I could ditch the xanax. Is anyone else taking it with an antidepressant and if so how much are you taking and do you have any side effects? Thanks. :)

Hi, like I think I said in my previous posts, I didn't start taking amitriptyline for its antidepressant effects, but it does make me feel calm and puts me in a better mood than I'd be in normally.

It doesn't give me any "high" feelings - I don't feel energetic or get a buzz from it. I think that's a good thing though. The only times I've experienced something like that have been when I've been on morphine (I've never done any type of illegal drugs), and the high felt very false, and my actions and words felt a bit out of control. That's fine when you're in hospital and your family and the nurses know you're going to be loopy from the drugs, but the calm, natural state of mind that amitriptyline puts me in is far far better than a high off of morphine.

Side effects - it slows my digestive system down too. Not good if you're prone to constipation, but for me (and many other people on a Crohn's forum I expect), this is a bonus.

It also makes my bladder feel a bit uncomfortable.

Just to warn you though - a huge number of side effects can come from amitriptyline, and there's not really any good way of predicting which you'll get, or at which dose. It can take several weeks before both its side effects and desired effects come on, and you may need to experiment with adjusting the dosage for a while to find the amount which suits you best.
hi, I'm on amitriptaline due to migraines. I am on 25 mg but I find that I wake up extremely groggy for most of the day and can't function. I cld the neurologist at the headache clinic and he said for me to cut the tablet in half--12.5 for 3 days and then bump it back up to 1 tablet.

I did that and I'm still groggy and can't even drive for fear of getting into an accident so I wind up rescheduling my medial appointments.

Does anybody else face this issue..the grogginess and does it go away if you are on it for a certain period of time? how does it take for the grogginess to go away so you can get on with your day of work, chores, driving, etc.thanks. oh, I have had Crohn's for a long time but I'm on Entocort to keep it in check.


I can't offer much help I'm afraid,

I've read that the drowsiness can fade over time, but for me its sedating effects seem to continue consistently. As sleep was the effect I desired from it, this isn't an unwelcome effect for me.

I can't function due to exhaustion whether or not I'm on amitriptyline, so I was already used to feeling daytime sleepiness.
hi, I'm on amitriptaline due to migraines. I am on 25 mg but I find that I wake up extremely groggy for most of the day and can't function. I cld the neurologist at the headache clinic and he said for me to cut the tablet in half--12.5 for 3 days and then bump it back up to 1 tablet.

I did that and I'm still groggy and can't even drive for fear of getting into an accident so I wind up rescheduling my medial appointments.

Does anybody else face this issue..the grogginess and does it go away if you are on it for a certain period of time? how does it take for the grogginess to go away so you can get on with your day of work, chores, driving, etc.

thanks. oh, I have had Crohn's for a long time but I'm on Entocort to keep it in check.


I get a little bit of sedation at bedtime though not much and it doesn't affect me during the day - but then very few drugs do affect me in this way. You could try just taking a quarter of a tablet for a week then slowly up it as your body adjusts. Hope this helps,
:heart: anna
Is there any risk of cancers with this drug??? Also kidney problems?

Not according to my side effects leaflet, 723crossroads. It can cause bladder problems - "problems passing urine, increased urine production" - I'm not sure whether that could lead to kidney problems, but it doesn't say so.

I've been on this over seven months now and all the side effects seem to have settled down and it's still putting me to sleep and still helping my emotions.
Hi everyone! :sign0144:

I'm so happy about this forum. I just started Amitriptyline about three weeks ago. I started at 10mg, now I'm at 25mg. I'm sleeping better. I think it may be calming me down a little bit which I need. I'm a caregiver for two mentally ill family members. Dealing with depression and anxiety myself, anything to help with sleep is much needed. If my stomach is hurting at bedtime, I'll take a bentyl + gas x + Amitriptyline and I'll sleep through it.

As far as daytime grogginess goes, I kind of like it. I have one coffee in the morning which helps me get going. That's all the caffeine I have all day. Lately I am taking a nap around 2-3pm. In fact. I am just waking up again for the second time today! :ywow:
Hi Moogle, I'm glad you're feeling benefits so far. For amitriptyline to help with depression and anxiety you'd usually need a much higher dose than what you're on now though, but I'm glad you're sleeping better!
Has anyone experienced weird dreams with amitriptyline? I am still sleeping well, but my dreams have gotten really odd. Not necessarily scary, but on the borderline.
Has anyone experienced weird dreams with amitriptyline? I am still sleeping well, but my dreams have gotten really odd. Not necessarily scary, but on the borderline.

I haven't, but it is listed on my leaflet of Amitriptyline side effects.
Yup, I see nightmares on the list.

Last night I dreamed that I was really high off the ground, hanging upside down by my legs on some swings. I didn't fall, but my sunglasses fell off and a bunch of bugs scattered...

Now, time to call my therapist!
I seem to recall having odd dreams when I was first on Amitriptyline, but now that I've been on it for a few years, I'm noticing that my dreams are so normal that I sometimes can't remember if it was a dream or real life. Like, I'll dream that I'm cleaning my kitchen, or I'll dream that there's a hole in my pants pocket and I need to mend it. Really boring, mundane stuff like that. And as a result, it confuses me. A few days after the dream, I'll think, is there really a hole in my pants pocket? In the dream, it happened on a specific pair of pants. So I'll go and check over my pair of pants thoroughly and I get confused when I can't find the hole. It's very odd! Sometimes I still have typical dreams, the kind of dream where nothing makes sense or I can fly or whatever. And I know later on that those are dreams of course, but the line between dream and reality gets really blurred when I dream about mundane things!
Cat, i have dreams like that too. Where you think something has happened but it didn't cos you only dreamt it. Very strange. And embarrassing if it concerns someone and you mention it..... Fortunately my family know all about it. This has occured for years though and isn't related to amitriptyline.
I'm on 50 mg to slow down the output from my stoma. I've reduced the dose of my other antidepressant and was wondering what dose of ami helps with anxiety and depression?
Annawato, I googled and found this:
Initial dose: 25 to 100 mg per day in 3 to 4 divided doses or 50 to 100 mg at bedtime.
Maintenance dose: 25 to 150 mg per day in single or 3 to 4 divided doses. 25 mg per day at bedtime has been used for premenstrual depression. Dose increases should be made gradually. A small number of hospitalized patients may need as much as 300 mg per day. ECG, blood pressure, and heart rate monitoring is recommended for patients receiving high doses.
From this site:

I was thinking it was something like 100 or 150 mg for depression and that seems to be what this is saying. I don't know if a higher dose works for other stuff - I know that when my GI bumped me up to 40 mg, it stopped preventing my migraines. I'd been on 25 mg which was working great, can't remember why he bumped me up, but the migraines came right back. So he put me back at 25 mg and that's been okay still.
Cat, i have dreams like that too. Where you think something has happened but it didn't cos you only dreamt it. Very strange. And embarrassing if it concerns someone and you mention it..... Fortunately my family know all about it. This has occured for years though and isn't related to amitriptyline.
I'm on 50 mg to slow down the output from my stoma. I've reduced the dose of my other antidepressant and was wondering what dose of ami helps with anxiety and depression?

Higher doses are used for depression: 150 - 300mg a day. I take 150 and it helps my mood a lot. I tried taking more but above 150mg it doesn't seem to make any more of a difference than 150. This is true for insomnia too. Low doses are usually used for insomnia (like 10 or 20mg), but that didn't help me sleep. At 100mg it started helping me sleep; at 150mg (the dose I stuck with) I can sleep through anything. And as with the effects on my mood, the strength of the effects do not seem to increase for me if I take more than 150, i.e. I get the same strength of effects at 300mg as I get at 150mg.
It's not doing anything for my stomach at 25mg. My doc said I should come off because of the nightmares. I may ask to try it at 50mg and see how it works. I'm feeling bummed out because for a while I felt like I had some control over my D.

I was trying Amitriptyline and 1/2 imodium. The imodium just backed me up and the D just comes back. The Amitriptyline didn't stop the D. I am pretty sure it's some stuff in my diet I need to change. I was hoping these meds could allow me to eat more liberally without worrying. So depressed right now.
Moogle, I have no idea if this will work but when you have a stoma and have liquid output certain foods can help. Apples are one thing that really helps and also metamucil which is counterintuitive since its a stool softener but what it and the foods do is absorb excess liquid from the bowel so making you have a more formed but still soft poo. Any soluble fibre should help so if you google soluble fibre and see what foods take your fancy.....? This may not help at all and I'm not sure what foods you can and cannot tolerate but thought it may be a way to slow things down since you are not getting any relief from medications.
Questran is another medication that may help - it absorbs bile salts from the intestine and liquid with it...............but your doctor is best to advise on this since it may interact with other meds.
Thanks annawato. Actually I am trying questran. Funny enough, just tryed it for the first time this morning. Too soon to know how it's working. I'm taking it in the morning since I'm not on other meds in the morning. Crossing fingers!
It's not doing anything for my stomach at 25mg. My doc said I should come off because of the nightmares. I may ask to try it at 50mg and see how it works. I'm feeling bummed out because for a while I felt like I had some control over my D.

I was trying Amitriptyline and 1/2 imodium. The imodium just backed me up and the D just comes back. The Amitriptyline didn't stop the D. I am pretty sure it's some stuff in my diet I need to change. I was hoping these meds could allow me to eat more liberally without worrying. So depressed right now.

Generally I found the constipating effects of Amitriptyline exceptionally strong, but then for some reason I still have odd days with really severe diarrhoea. My doctors have suggested it's "overflow" diarrhoea - i.e. that I've been so constipated that liquid stool is all that can get past an impaction in the bowel, but I'm not convinced as sometimes it seems like a really large volume for that explanation - but you might want to consider it if you're still getting diarrhoea on Amitriptyline and Imodium. I gave up Imodium and Lomotil once I started Amytriptyline.

I hope you have more luck with the Questran. Have you tried Lomotil (Co-phenotrope)? I found it stronger than Imodium but less constipating than Amytriptyline.
Annawato mentioned metamucil - the main ingredient in metamucil is psyllium husks. I take psyllium myself, it does a lot of good for me - but like with questran, it can interfere with how medications are absorbed/digested, so if anyone reading this does try metamucil/psyllium, make sure to wait at least 2 hours before & after to take any medications.

As for amitriptyline being constipating, I find it only constipates me if I take other meds in conjunction with it. If I just take Amitriptyline, I don't get constipated and tend towards looser stools/diarrhea. But if I take a zofran, I get a little bit constipated. If I take a Lomotil, I can get very constipated and may not go for up to a week. So be really careful taking stuff like that when you're on Amitriptyline! I'd rather have d than be backed up for a week, at least then things are moving through me and I'm not risking a blockage or anything like that. So I only take zofran when I really need it, and I pretty much do not take Lomotil at all anymore.
Cat, I'm feeling the same way. Nothing good can come from prolonged C. There may be some truth to what UnXmas said about an "overflow". I had a similar experience a month ago after being stopped up on Imodium for a week and had an acute attack (after my mother's birthday dinner too no less). So I'm pretty much done with Imodium unless it's an emergency.

UnXmas, did you find the constipating effects of Amitriptyline more so at a higher dosage? I've been doing 25 mg the last few weeks. Thanks!

p.s. Thanks for your support. Even though I don't have IBD diagnosed, this is a really helpful forum for me. :)
UnXmas, did you find the constipating effects of Amitriptyline more so at a higher dosage? I've been doing 25 mg the last few weeks. Thanks!

Yes a lot more. I didn't notice any constipating effects until I was up to about 100mg, and at 300mg I needed stool softeners.
I'm curious if you guys are using this for depression, diarrhea or both?

I'm being told it can help slow down diarrhea? Anything to go less would be nice. Does it create a bulking effect like Imodium?
NGNG, I'm on a low dose of Amitriptyline to prevent migraines (I'm on 25 mg). My GI put me on it because he felt it might help with my bowels too - he said it can "calm the guts" in some people, but I don't think I'm one of those people. I haven't noticed any change in my guts, except like I said, if I take another med (like Zofran or Lomotil) in conjunction with Amitriptyline then I'll get constipated. But on its own, no, I personally haven't noticed any constipating or bulking effect. I did some googling on the whole "calm the guts" thing when I was first taking Amitriptyline, and I seem to recall that my impression was that it works better for "calming" IBS rather than IBD. My GI has said he thinks I have both IBS and IBD, but Amitriptyline hasn't done much for my guts. As a migraine preventative, though, it's great! I get way fewer migraines than I used to, so I'm happy to stay on Amitriptyline forever just because of that.
I'm sorry it hasn't helped your guts too. We need all the help we can get. Do you think it might just be because you are on a low dose?

I need an anti-diarrheal and wouldn't mind an anti-depressant too but the tricyclics scare me.
I'm sorry it hasn't helped your guts too. We need all the help we can get. Do you think it might just be because you are on a low dose?

I need an anti-diarrheal and wouldn't mind an anti-depressant too but the tricyclics scare me.

I was actually prescribed it for prednisone-induced insomnia. But first I noticed it was far far more constipating than any anti-diarrhoea drug I'd ever taken (Imodium and Lomotil) and then after quite a few weeks noticed it was also boosting my mood and my outlook on life. Now I don't have insomnia because I'm off pred, but am still taking it for my mood, and it also means that when I have a lot of stomach discomfort during the night, I can sleep through much more of it. When I had surgery, I slept SO much better than after any previous surgery, and I'm sure that was because Amitriptyline was knocking me out. I am on a high(ish) dose - 150mg.
I may ask my doc about upping the dosage as well. At least I know it may be an option to try. I also have a lot of anxiety problems that could benefit from an antidepressant. SSRIs DID NOT agree with me in the past so I don't want to try them again. Elavil has been gentle thus far at the lower dosage (minus the funky dreams, haha).
Moogle, as long as you don't get migraines, I would think it'd be okay to ask your doctor to up the dosage. I believe I mentioned this earlier, but at one point my GI decided to try me at 40 mg instead of my usual 25. Within a few weeks, my migraines came back, so I went right back to 25 mg and have been doing well at that dosage ever since. But I didn't notice any side effects or even an increase/change in the odd dreams during the few weeks that I was at 40 mg, so in my experience it would have been fine if not for the migraines returning. If I didn't have migraines and wanted to increase the dosage, I don't think I would want to go from 25 mg right to something like 100 though, I'd maybe go from 25 to 50 and see how that goes, then maybe up to 75, etc. Step it up gradually - particularly since you had a bad experience with other types of antidepressants, do it in baby steps rather than all at once so you don't overwhelm your system.
I have recently been prescribed Ami for lower back/severe RLQ/right hip pain - I was in so much pain that I could hardly stand, bend down or walk up or down stairs. I also couldn't lie on my right side at all. My Gastro Dr didnt think these symptoms were anything to do with the IBD and so gave me 10mg of Ami a day for 28 days. The pain has almost gone away and I am sleeping better. I just wondered if anyone else has been given it for these reasons? From reading on this group most people have had it for migraines or insomnia, and I am just a bit curious as why Ive been given it for my hip/back pain? I have also not found that the Ami has helped at all with the D or bad BM that ive been having.

Would be interested to know if anyone else has been given Ami for the same reasons as me and if they had to carry on taking it for good? I was concerned that it was the first signs of joint problems as the pain was in my hip more than anywhere else.

Thanks in advance and Im happy to find a thread to do with this medication! :)
I was originally prescribed it because I found that Ativan helped me sleep through my stomach pain. My doctor thought it was because of anxiety so he gave me Ami 10 mg. Ativan was too addicting to me because it is a benzo. Bad withdrawals with that one.

I seem to be sleeping a little better with it with ami. I am sticking with it for the meantime because I need as much sleep as possible. UnXmas was mentioning it was more constipating at higher doses. I may ask my doc to up my dosage in the future because I have anxiety. It is originally an antidepressant. Hope that helps. :)
Who else is getting dry mouth like crazy? It may be because I sometimes use bentyl at night with it. I need to pick up some biotene mouthwash today!
Who else is getting dry mouth like crazy? It may be because I sometimes use bentyl at night with it. I need to pick up some biotene mouthwash today!

I do but not from Amitriptyline. I think that's one of the side effects that will gradually wear off (after weeks/months). I've been on Amitriptyline since last December and can finally say that it no longer gives me the bladder problems it did when I was first on it.

I just end up using mouthwash many times a day. I've tried all sorts of artificial salivas and other dry mouth products but none of them seem to help.
So I did a really stupid thing yesterday evening: I was planning on going straight to bed and took my usual 150mg Amitriptyline. Then I had to use the bathroom, and so an hour later I still wasn't in bed. But when I'd finished in the bathroom and was heading to bed for the second time, I was apparently operating on auto-pilot because without thinking I took another 150mg.

And I slept for ages! I didn't wake up until about two hours after the time I usually wake up, and instead of waking up for a second multiple times throughout the night (sometimes stomach discomfort makes me wake up just a little, and sometimes I wake up when my dog (who sleeps with me) moves around). But having taken the 300mg Amitriptyline I didn't stir once the entire night. I love how I don't seem to be building any tolerance to this med when it comes to using it for sleep! Sometimes I wonder if it would still work to treat insomnia for me - and apparently it would.
Wow, that's a lot. I'm glad you're ok. If I took that much, I'd probably hibernate through winter. :p

I think I was still in the range deemed safe for use, but definitely at the upper end of it. I actually felt really good after my nice sleep!
Im new to this club but not with the use of Amitripyline. I believe the first time I was prescribed it was to help w sleep when I was first dx with depression and was taking Prozac. I stopped using it because it made me sleepy in the am and I was still in the work force. My GI doc wanted me to begin again earlier this year when nothing was helping control my D. I was taking 6 tabs of lomotil daily as well as immodium and nothing helped. I was also experiencing some incontinece at night while asleep. I always seem to wake up right after i lose it not before! Anyway, it didnt help much a few months ago so stopped. Im also taking wellbutrin and lexapro as well as low dose xanex when needed. I started taking it(25mg) again recently with this flare-up in my colon and the D has really slowed down! It could also be that Im on prednisone as well, but I have stopped taking the lomotil and immodium all together which is amazing! I was told it helps with spasm as well and that may be why Wheeze2 was given it to try? Glad to see this old drug is helping us all out in some way or another. Oh, and I can sleep!!
I'm no longer in this club as of yesterday. :( Had a GI appointment, and I told him I've still been having some gut symptoms off & on, including passing blood. He's of the school of thought that amitriptyline can "calm" the guts and induce/maintain remission. I'm not of that school of thought and amitriptyline has never been enough to keep me in remission by itself. Anyway, my GI said that amitriptyline gets turned into nortriptyline in the body by an enzyme, but he said some people lack the enzyme and maybe I'm one of those and that's why it's not doing enough for my guts. So he said I should try nortriptyline itself as that might work better for me. I'm willing to give it a shot, but am not overly optimistic by any means and I'm pretty sure I need something more than nortriptyline and Pentasa to get me back into remission! But, I took my first nortriptyline last night (still 25 mg, same dose as the amitriptyline). It went well - I did have a lot of dreams, but otherwise no side effects or big difference so far.

Anybody else try nortriptyline after taking amitriptyline? Did you notice any difference/improvement between that & amitriptyline? I just mainly want to keep my migraines in check - amitriptyline did such a great job of preventing them, so I was hesitant to make the switch. If I get a migraine anytime soon, I'm going to go right back to amitriptyline.
Sorry cat I can't help you with that one but I wish you the best wiht it, hopefully it will keep those migraines at bay.
:heart: anna
I take 20mg nightly for migraines and to help with body and stomach pain. In the beginning, it was great -- stopped me up and I had zero pain and slept so good but after a month those benefits were lost. It is a miracle for migraines though. I used to have 5 migraine days a week. Unbearable pain. I've been on it since August and have had 3 migraines in the past 3 months. Only around my period and they go away easily with a pain killer.
I'm no longer in this club as of yesterday. :( Had a GI appointment, and I told him I've still been having some gut symptoms off & on, including passing blood. He's of the school of thought that amitriptyline can "calm" the guts and induce/maintain remission. I'm not of that school of thought and amitriptyline has never been enough to keep me in remission by itself. Anyway, my GI said that amitriptyline gets turned into nortriptyline in the body by an enzyme, but he said some people lack the enzyme and maybe I'm one of those and that's why it's not doing enough for my guts. So he said I should try nortriptyline itself as that might work better for me. I'm willing to give it a shot, but am not overly optimistic by any means and I'm pretty sure I need something more than nortriptyline and Pentasa to get me back into remission! But, I took my first nortriptyline last night (still 25 mg, same dose as the amitriptyline). It went well - I did have a lot of dreams, but otherwise no side effects or big difference so far.

Anybody else try nortriptyline after taking amitriptyline? Did you notice any difference/improvement between that & amitriptyline? I just mainly want to keep my migraines in check - amitriptyline did such a great job of preventing them, so I was hesitant to make the switch. If I get a migraine anytime soon, I'm going to go right back to amitriptyline.

Cat - do you know what the difference is between Amitriptyline and Nortriptyline in terms of their effects? If you lacked the enzyme, wouldn't that mean you wouldn't have experienced benefits on Amitriptyline at all? I've never heard of Amitriptyline being used as a treatment/maintenance med for IBD. I've read it can help with general stomach pain and as it's constipating it can help with diarrhoea, but I can't see how it would help with bleeding? :confused2: Hope the Nortriptyline works for you anyway - if it's anything like Amitriptyline the effects may take a while to kick in, so it may be worth keeping going with it.

I finally found that Amitriptyline is not a universal anti-insomnia med for me. :( I always get terrible restless legs and insomnia after general anaesthesia, and my recent surgery was no exception. But the doctors did drastically reduce my Amitriptyline dose from 150mg to 50mg because they didn't want it slowing my gut down - so perhaps I was in a close to withdrawal state? Anyway, I had several awful nights. Now I'm back from hospital the last couple of nights and my usual dose of Amitriptyline - plus the effects of the anaesthesia finally wearing off - and I've slept well. Still waking up a bit from pain and because I'm getting used to sleeping with a stoma bag, but no more insomnia or restless legs, touch wood. :)
I've been wanting to get off of it because I just generally hate taking meds, but I notice I sleep a lot better on ami. I actually ran out yesterday for example, and unfortunately I had bad gas and bloating all night long due to stuff I ate (and not having a good bm yesterday). I couldn't sleep well, kept waking up because of the discomfort. I'm gonna stay on it because I need the sleep.
UnXmas, my GI said I might not be totally lacking the enzyme, but it's possible I don't produce enough of it or something along those lines. Nortriptyline is not keeping me asleep nor helping me fall asleep as well as amitriptyline did. The guts have been okay so far and no migraines as of yet. I've only been on the nortriptyline for like 4 days now, so I know I have to give it more time to see what it really does for me.
Well, I'm happy to say that I'm back in this club as of yesterday. :D I tried the nortriptyline stuff for 2 weeks, but it made no difference in my guts and I wasn't getting any sleep on it. I emailed my GI saying I wanted to go back on Amitriptyline, and yesterday he wrote me back saying that's fine with him. So I took my Amitriptyline last night before bed, and I slept so much better than I have been! I missed my Amitriptyline and am happy to be back on it, as it's apparently the only way I'm going to get any sleep. :p
Well, I'm happy to say that I'm back in this club as of yesterday. :D I tried the nortriptyline stuff for 2 weeks, but it made no difference in my guts and I wasn't getting any sleep on it. I emailed my GI saying I wanted to go back on Amitriptyline, and yesterday he wrote me back saying that's fine with him. So I took my Amitriptyline last night before bed, and I slept so much better than I have been! I missed my Amitriptyline and am happy to be back on it, as it's apparently the only way I'm going to get any sleep. :p

Welcome back! :) Having had my dose reduced when I was in hospital, I know the feeling of how nice it is being back on it and able to sleep again!

Was it just 2 weeks you were off it? I wonder if you were in withdrawal, as I believe that can cause insomnia?
Hey guys, I've been having rapid heart beats a lot lately. It may be hypoglycemia, but it's a lot worse than I remember. I take both bentyl and elavil and rapid heart beats are a side effect of both. Has anyone had issues with rapid heart beats?
Yes - my heart flutters occasionally. I've been on Elavil for 25 years on & off. My GP had me do a halter monitor for 24 hours & the cardiologist decided that the benefits of the Elavil outweigh the little heart flutters. He gave me a small dose of a Beta blocker once a day & I'm fine now.
Thanks rrhood1. I'm going to stop it for a short while and see how I do. It's kinda funny because I feel like I sleep deeper when I'm on it, but sometimes I have a hard time falling asleep because of the fluttering.
UnX, I don't think I was in withdrawal - I was taking Nortriptyline, which is very similar (my GI told me that Amitriptyline gets turned into Nortriptyline in the body by an enzyme) - it's just that I didn't have the sedating powers of Ami (Nortriptyline doesn't knock you out like Ami does for some odd reason). With Amitriptyline, I take it an hour before bed and then fall asleep pretty quickly when I crawl into bed - I can definitely feel the sedating effect. With Nortriptyline, I had no sedating effect, and naturally I've never been able to fall asleep easily on my own, so I'd just lie there and eventually drift off but wake up multiple times and I just didn't feel very rested. I'm so happy to be back on Amitriptyline, I've been sleeping so well since I have been back on it!

Moogle, I get palpitations every so often, but nothing like what you described - it's definitely never kept me from falling asleep, I maybe get one or two short (a few seconds) episodes of palpitations every week or so. I wonder if something like Lomotil would help you like Bentyl does, without this weird effect on your heart? At any rate, this is definitely something to mention to your doctor, especially if it gets worse or doesn't get better.
I missed a night last night because I ran out of Ami. I slept enough, but today I felt really stressed out. Has anyone felt that way after missing a night? I got my refill and can't wait to take it and sleep tonight!
I missed a night last night because I ran out of Ami. I slept enough, but today I felt really stressed out. Has anyone felt that way after missing a night? I got my refill and can't wait to take it and sleep tonight!

It can cause withdrawal symptoms so it may well have been the ami. When I had to have a dramatically reduced dose following surgery (my bowel was paralysed and ami is constipating) I felt awful, but at first there was no way to know how much of this was due to the ami as I was on a load of new drugs and also going through a codeine withdrawal (for the same reason - codeine's constipating), but after going a couple of weeks hardly sleeping at all, when I got home and got back on amitriptyline I was not only able to sleep again, but also felt so much more well, mentally and physically after taking that first dose at the amount I'd been on prior to surgery.
Hi I was prescribed amitriptyline just over a year ago and was on it for two weeks and it turned me into a complete zombie....felt so bizarre I had to stop taking it. Although mine was prescribed for hypersensitivity in my glands so under my armpits in my neck and groin area, the pain was so intense I literally couldn't get out of bed for a few days until it passed. Still to this day they do not know what caused the problem but have linked it to a side effect of Humira. Didn't realise Ami was also a good crohns medication as I'm nearing the end of options as I'm now on infliximab and have exhausted all other medicines. Did anyone notice that Ami have them the same zombie side effects but did they pass??
I've been on Ami over a year now and it still knocks me out, but I find that a positive thing! I was so worried when I started taking it that I'd become tolerant to it and stop sleeping again, but it seems that hasn't happened for me.

It won't actually treat Crohn's - it won't tackle the inflammation or put you in remission, so likely you'd need other meds alongside - but it can be constipating, which may help with diarrhoea, and it does work as a painkiller, though I'm not sure whether it's effective against pain stemming from Crohn's.
Re LuLu, I felt too drowsy in the morning when taking larger dose but know I'm on 10mg at night and it helps. Regarding how it may help Crohn's, I was told by my GI that it has helped others with chronic diarrhea along with needing to wake in the night to go. This is my issue. I did start at higher dose 25-50mgs when I was taking Prednisone to help w sleep, but when I stopped the Prednisone I went down to 10mg. I am having problems with chronic diarrhea along with cramping...leads to pain. Looking for help in that department. I already take 6 Loperamide(Immodium) daily as well as Donatal and nothing seems so work. Lomotil doesnt work either :confused2:
Here is my experience with nortriptyline:

I used to take morphine sulfate for chronic back pain. I still had some debilitating pain even at 250 mG per day.

I went to the hosp with a partial small bowel obstruction and my doc switched me to nortriptyline. I had to take the morphine and nortriptyline 100 mG per day, for three weeks, before my back pain vanished. I quit taking MS and quality of life improved immeasurably.

Nortriptyline is a miracle drug for me. If one is trying nortriptyline for chronic pain, give it at least a month before giving-up. Moreover, I needed to take it for three months before my mood changed. I had some dizziness and dry mouth that disappeared over time.
just wondering if anyone got insomnia from this stuff? I had a terrible sleep last night and felt so tired but kept tossing and turning and my mind couldn't shut off.. it was horrible, i'm going to try 5mg tonight, wondering about the constipation also, does it tend to fade away after a while?
just wondering if anyone got insomnia from this stuff? I had a terrible sleep last night and felt so tired but kept tossing and turning and my mind couldn't shut off.. it was horrible, i'm going to try 5mg tonight, wondering about the constipation also, does it tend to fade away after a while?

No the complete opposite - it cured my (prednisone-induced) insomnia, and is prescribed as an insomnia treatment. However, strange as it sounds, insomnia is also a possible side effect, so it may well be that unfortunately it is having that effect on you. This does happen with some medications - they can cause complete opposite reactions in different people. I believe Amitriptyline can also cause both weight gain and weight loss, and I know there are meds than can cause constipation and diarrhoea.

For me some of the side effects of Ami did ease of over a several weeks, and some disappeared completely. Others are still as strong today as when I started taking it over a year ago.

So I'd see if you can stick it out for at least a few weeks and see if it eases. Trying another med to counter the insomnia may be a possibility too.
Thanks :) I was prescribed it fr these relentless headaches iv been getting. I just tried a half dose, hopefully I'll tolerate it better :)
just wondering if anyone got insomnia from this stuff? I had a terrible sleep last night and felt so tired but kept tossing and turning and my mind couldn't shut off.. it was horrible, i'm going to try 5mg tonight, wondering about the constipation also, does it tend to fade away after a while?

I do. Nortriptyline makes me high. :ylol:

I also take 1 mG of lorazepam each night to sleep and stool softeners. A small price to pay for total (except when blocked) pain relief.

Hi all

I know it's been a few months since anyone posted here, but I just got diagnosed with fibromyalgia and my GP has given me an rx for amitriptyline. We had a good chat about it and she told me to have a look at the information on it and see if I think it's right for me. Looking through this it looks like most people have had pretty positive experiences. I'm curious if any of you have had many side effects and if so were they worth it? Any advice is welcome :) .

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