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Valleysangel, obviously drowsiness is a side effect of Amitriptyline - I'm presuming they told you this already, but take it about an hour before bed. The first few days you're on it, you may wake up feeling really groggy - this effect is temporary and shouldn't last more than a few days to a few weeks tops. I had that effect for maybe the first day or two, then it went away. The only other side effect I've had from Amitriptyline is that it has a mild constipating effect - I only really notice it if I take other medications with it that also have a constipating effect (Ami + Zofran means I may not go for a day or two, Ami + Lomotil means it may take a whole week for me to go!). So just be a bit careful about what other medications you take while you're on Amitriptyline as you don't want to get too backed up. Other than that, I haven't really noticed any side effects at all. I'm on it to prevent migraines, and for that purpose it's been great for me. I hope it works well for you too! What dose will you be taking?
I'm on 10mg Amitrityline, moving up to 20mg on Monday. I have been taking them now for just over a week, and I have noticed weird dreams. Not nightmares, but very vivid real feeling dreams. Kinda freaks me out a little. Doesn't seem to be helping for the pain or the D at all. Hoping that when I go up in dose it does
Thanks Cat

I've been told about the drowsiness, and honestly it would be a really good thing for me as my sleeping pattern has been pretty disrupted lately. I'll keep that in mind and make sure I'm careful what else I take. I'm glad it works so well for you! I'll be on 10mg, but I think that may increase if it's not effective enough.
Hi Valleysangel92
Ok your gonna sleep like a baby and probably wake up in the same position that you fell into bed. Its a great sleep. You will feel a little groggy but I found its best not to dwell on it , just get up and go out for walk or some fresh air.
I believe its supposed to work like a anti spasm med, relaxing the muscles or something like that .
Personally i have found it to be very good but its not a pain killer as such.
I found it also helped with my migraine which I got regularly when flareing so it does have good uses.
Hope it works for you too.
Hi Peter..

My GP said it helps fibromyalgia because it works on the chemicals in the brain and nerves that send and receive pain signals, since in fibromyalgia these are over active . Plus disrupted sleeping pattern is a feature of fibro so helping that aspect can really improve things.
I'm glad to see its working well for you :) .

Thankyou for your input
Been on Ami for at least 25 years. Dosage has been increased and decreased according to my need. Side effect: some grogginess in the am at first - goes away after a couple of weeks; dry mouth - worse with higher doses but Biotene helps with it; enhances the effect of other drugs (my sister with MS uses it to enhance the performance of some of her meds at her doctor's recommendation); really bad headache if you drink while taking this; I sleep like a baby - it is truly wonderful.
I'm coming to the end of my second full week on amitriptyline this weekend and so far I've not really had any problems. I had a bit of nausea on the first day, but that settled over the following few days so I think my body just needed to get used to the new medication. I'm sleeping much better already, if anything, I'm having trouble waking up now, which is a nice change I have to say :) .

The pains not got much better yet, but I know that can take up to 4 weeks and we may have to tweak my dosage, even if it doesn't help the pain, just sleeping better is making me feel much more myself! Even when my whole body hurts I can deal with it so much better after a full nights sleep, and its definitely doing me good mentally knowing I won't be up most of the night!

If anyone is reading this debating taking this medication, I would say that its one of the best medications I've used and I wish I'd had it suggested sooner. I know the long list of side effects is scary, they made me pretty nervous, but its worth a shot in my opinion.. remember though, it is just my opinion so make sure you discuss it properly with your doctor.
Another fan of Ami here!

I'm a really bad sleeper anyway and with Prednisone I don't sleep at all. I only take 10mg but it really helps me sleep and almost more importantly it takes the edge of my mood swings and aggression I get from high doses of pred. I really don't think I could work without it, I'd end up killing all my colleagues :voodoo:

I've told my GI that they really should prescribe this automatically when they prescribe 60mg of pred, they didn't for me and I only found out by accident through a friend. It didn't take long to work; immediately for sleeping and a few weeks for the mood smoothing effects.

I can't imagine ever giving up these lovely little pills! (and neither can my husband :kiss:)
I think the same thing - I would prescribe Amitriptyline to anyone on prednisone, or not on it for that matter! I couldn't cope on prednisone without Ami, but the Ami worked so well I carried on with it even when off prednisone. It helps me sleep so well, and I've been on it nearly years now with no tolerance to this effect. It also makes me a much much nicer person.
Does anyone understand the difference between Amitriptyline and Nortriptyline? I've had severe bladder problems for ages, and tried everything. Amitriptyline makes my bladder symptoms quite a bit worse, but I've read Nortriptyline is used to help some bladder problems. My urologist thinks my bladder is getting worse due to adhesions, but I don't feel they're the issue, and I don't think surgery for the adhesions is going to help. If amitriptyline makes my bladder worse, will nortriptyline probably do the same?

I've also found something different recently in the way amitriptyline is working and interacting with other meds: I know I've posted many times that the reason I was prescribed ami in the first place was to stop the insomnia caused by prednisone, which it did: prednisone gave me an insane amount of energy, severe insomnia and restlessness. Amitriptyline stopped all those side effects completely. Recently I've been taking prednisone again, as well as still taking ami, and haven't had any of those side effects from the prednisone, except that I am waking very early in the morning, around four or five am. I don't mind as I'm a morning person, but I can't understand why the effects of meds would alter like this, especially as I'm taking the same doses. (And when I had a brief course of prednisolone, I had different effects again.)
As a Crohn's patient who has been on Nortriptyline for 8 years now, I just can say it isn't worth it. My doctor called it a "wonderful pill", and I read in wikipedia that its offlabel application, though not FDA approved, is slowing down the bowel. But, a member of SSRI family, Nortriptyline is an antidepressant, though usually prescribed in higher dosage for depression. I have had severe mood swings throughout these 8 years including suicide ideation, and I don't know why my doctor never listens to me.
Crohn's symptoms since 2000,
Diagnosed with Crohn's 2002,
Put on Prednisone & Pentasa 2002,
Reduced drugs to only Pentasa (2*400 mg) until 2007,
Obstruction & Severe inflammation & bleeding in 2007,
Back to Prednisone and Azathioprine (plus Nortriptyline), 2007-2014,
Perforation and ileum resection (32 cm) in July 2014,
Stopped Azathioprine, on Asacol, Clidinium C, Nortriptyline, Metronidazole from July 2014- December 2014,
Flare-up & internal bleeding at small intensine, hospitalized in December 2014,
Put on Prednisone IV, then after a week oral prednisone 40 mg tapering 5 mg/week, since January 2015,
Current meds: Asacol 800 (4/day), Clidinium C, Pantoprazole 20, Folic Acid, Ciprofloxacine 500, Nortriptyline 10 (each 2/day), Eisen plus 1/day.
Well I tried taking a higher dose of amitriptyline and taking it later in the evening, and didn't wake up super-early this morning, I woke at 8:00am which is late for me.

Hamid - I think amitriptyline and nortriptyline are both meds that work so differently from person to person. The list of both side effects and desired effects is so long (and includes suicidal ideation and other mental health issues), I can quite see how they could be horrible for some.

But any doctor should know that. Are you still having problems from it? Can you ask a different doctor about it?
Well, I've been with this doctor during Crohn's journey for 13 years now, and somehow I trust him so much that I'veI hardly found a 2nd opinion necessary. He once offered me to switch from Nortriptyline to Citalopram, but I felt awfully dizzy and turned back to Nortriptyline.
I just had an appointment with my doctor and he prescribrd Librium (Chlordiazepoxide) for insomnia, though the same problem (getting up at 4~5 and no sleep afterward) still exists.
My solution has been taking easy on getting up at 6.5 to go to work and trying to sleep as much as needed, at least once or twice a week.
Hi Hamed. Isn't librium addictive? If I remember correctly, I think it's a med that can only be used for a short period before tolerance develops.

I seem to be in quite a good sleep routine at the moment. The prednisone is still ensuring I wake early, around 6:30am, which I like, and the Amitriptyline still ensures I have no trouble getting to sleep and sleeping well up until that time.
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You're right about librium, UnXmas; as far as I remember its best use is for acute stress reduction for a period of a month. Given my probably ongoing, though minor, bleeding, I think this tranquilizer is what I need right now.
Actually too much was going on in my head that I forgot to discuss Amitryptiline with my doctor, but I will call him if this insomnia persists, as the combination has worked well for you. Way to go!
I also tapered 5 mg of prednisone off just today, which means that the night dosage is over. So, that may be a game-changer for my insomnia. I'll wait and see.
Hopefully tapering prednisone will help you, and the librium too. Finding the right meds always involves so much trial and error, but eventually you'll find something that will help.
I seem to have got timing my sleep down to a fine art. Prednisone is still making me wake up super early in the morning. So when I don't mind, and want a really early start, I take my Amitriptyline early the evening before, at 8:00pm, then about an hour later it kicks in and I go to sleep. If I'm not in bed quite that early, I can force myself to stay awake, but as soon as I'm in bed I'm gone - literally as my head hits the pillow. Then I wake up around 5:00am. When I don't want to wake up that early, I take the Amitriptyline later, about 9:30pm, and take a higher dose, and then even on the prednisone I'll sleep in until around 8:00am. I seem to need an afternoon nap no matter what I have or haven't taken.

Meds seem the best way to treat sleep disorders.
Hi there. I've taken Elavil infrequently over the years and have been using 10mg over the past week to help with some anxiety related insomnia. However, it seems that even though it makes me very drowsy at bedtime, I'm having early waking with it and having a hard time getting back to sleep.
Has anyone else had this happen to them with Elavil? I'm really disappointed because usually it works so well for me.

That's a very low dose. Were you on a higher dose before?

What time do you take it in the evening? You probably already realised this as it's obvious, but if you take it at, say, 9pm, its effects are going wear off earlier than if you take it at midnight.
Hi and thanks for replying. Yes, it is a low dose, but it's helped me in the past get through some rough weeks. I usually take it around 9PM and by 11PM it helps me get to sleep. One night I tried taking 10mg at 9PM and then another 10mg at 11PM but I still woke up around 3:30AM. Elavil has a very long half life, so I guess I didn't think it would wear off in less than 7 hours - certainly not in only 4 hours? It's not that I wake up alert either, I'm still drowsy...yet I can't always get back to sleep. I think I'm having some weird dream when I wake up as well, so I'm kinda confused when I start to come out of the sleep. Then I wake up a little, wonder what time it is, look at the clock and get upset that it's so early.

It's very frustrating, I'm not sure if I should stick with it and hope I can adjust to it or if I should switch to Atarax (hydroxyzine), I have 10mg tablets of those as well.
The maxium safe dose of amitriptyline is I think about 300mg, so you could certainly try increasing the dose and see if that helps. I find the effects can vary a bit, but generally the higher the dose, the longer (and more soundly) I'll sleep. You're right that it's supposed to last along time. I take mine (150mg usually) around 10pm, and wake up between 7 and 8am (which is actually quite late for me, I'm a natural early riser).

Have you tried not looking at the clock when you wake up?
Hi. Yes, I do not look right when I wake, I try to stay relaxed and maybe to some breathing exercises. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. If I start to become alert and I am just lying there wondering what time it is I just look.

Right now I'm leaning towards using 10 or 20 mg of Atarax tonight and see if there's any difference. If not then I'll probably go back to the Elavil at 10 or 20 mg and see if I can adjust to it. I find the low dose of Elavil good for my anxiety levels so I'm hesitant to give up on it but I don't want to keep hitting my head against the wall if I don't have to.

I think I read it's common for people to get weird dreams on Elavil at first and then adjust to it. If the weird dreams subside then maybe the early waking will too...

Thanks, it help to talk about it with someone.
I suppose taiking both Elavil and Atarax together isn't a good idea? (I'm not familiar with Atarax, but assuming it's also a sedative I guess they could cause problems if you take both.)
Hi. You can take them together, I know that people with Interstitial Cystitis often do. Atarax is just an antihistamine. It's like Benadryl but it's actually known to have better effects on sleep and anxiety.

Well, I took 10mg of Atarax last night. Got nice and sleepy and fell asleep great and proceeded to wake at 1:30 AM. I fell back to sleep around 5 and got up at 8. So it appears Elavil isn't the sole cause of my waking, rather I'm probably in the midst of one of my anxiety flare ups. It's been about 7 years since the last one which is about the longest I've ever gone.

I guess it's time to see my GP, though his help is often limited. I do really not want to start taking a sleeping pill, benzo or even an SSRI. SSRI's can mess with both sleeping and my gut, and I know if I start taking sleeping pills I'll just start having anxiety about getting dependent.
Hi I've been on amitriptyline for over 6 years and it's great only problem I have had is weight gain my dose varies from 10mg to 50mg but sometimes I take more i take it for depression, anxiety and for insomnia.
I'm new to amitriptyline! I started my dose of 1 tablet last night, and I have no idea what to expect. I don't know if 1 pill is enough for pain as the label printed by the pharmacy says "2 for pain", but doctor told me 1.

I'm not allowed to exceed 2 pills as I'm already on Venlafaxine (Effexor) 150mg (another antidepressant). Not sure how long I should wait for me to increase my dose!
I was prescribed Amitriptilyne when Tramadol wasn't doing what I hoped regarding arthritis pain.I can take up to three a night,but only take one.I only take one Tramadol twice daily.I googled Ami., it and it 's supposed to help with pain and mild depression.I will say though,I get a really good nights sleep now.I haven't had any adverse effects and have been using it for about six months.
So far, I seem alright, but I've only taken for 2 days now. Not sure the 2 antidepressants are reacting so all is good right now. May need to up the dose, but I'll give it a week. Any more than 2 & the two could start reacting and could cause serotonin syndrome.
Kelleh, I've been on Amitriptyline for about 5 years now. My GI prescribed it because of my migraines, and because he felt it might help "calm" my guts. No such luck there, my guts are as un-calm as ever, but it does work okay for preventing some of my migraines, and it also helps me sleep at night. I take 25 mg each night. What dosage are you taking?
Oh! Everybody seems to love it here. Do you ever think if you weren't on it, that your guts would be worse? I think I'm only on 10mg, so pretty low. Prescription says take 2 for pain and IBS (ugh, devil word), but I have to be careful because of the Venlafaxine.
My understanding is that anywhere between 10 and 25 mg are the recommended doses for gut issues. So yes, 10 mg is on the low end, but still within the range where you could see some benefits. Honestly, I think my guts would be exactly the same if I weren't on Amitriptyline. The only gut change I've noticed since being on it is that I get constipated a bit more easily. For example, since being in Ami, if I take other meds that slow down my gut (such as Zofran), then I need to make sure I'm drinking a lot of water and having some soluble fiber, otherwise I will get constipated for a few days. But that's literally it. My guts can still be angry, painful, have an extremely fast transit time when they want to, etc. And as you know, I've been having a lot of rectal bleeding lately, so my guts are clearly not "calm" as my GI had hoped. But, I'm happy to stay on Ami for the sleep and migraine benefits. For me it's not a successful gut treatment though.
My GP seemed to think it may help my hard stool etc.! I like the fact it can help migraines too as I'm also a sufferer! Hopefully this won't make my constipation worse! Think it's too early days to see if if helps my stomach issues.
It's possible it could make your constipation worse, so do keep an eye on that aspect of things. But yeah, for migraines it's been great. I used to get migraines with auras fairly often, like once per month. The auras freaked me out and the sensitivity to light & sound temporarily put me out of commission (I'd have to go lie down in a dark quiet room until it passed). Since being on Ami, I can't even tell you when my last aura was. I sometimes still get sinus migraines, but I no longer get migraines with aura. My last one was probably a few years ago already. That alone has been worth it!
I shall do. Venlafaxine is a terrible drug for constipation. But in the pamphlet that comes with it has no indication of constipation being a side effect, so hoping I'll be alright and avoid it.

Migraines with aura are horrible. They make you so unable to do anything. I haven't had one for a long time luckily.
Quick update. I've put my dose up to 2 tablets now. Self-inflicted stomach ache really, as I had a bad weekend of foods I have recently banned due to the elimination diet. However, as I found when I first started these tablets, I find it really easy to sleep (and sleep through my alarm! even if I've had over 10 hours sleep!), worse now I'm on 2! Did anybody else find this?
I've only taken 2 a few times.I didn't notice a difference in my sleep pattern.
On one,I can also sleep 10hrs.especially on these dark mornings.Luckily,I don't need to set the alarm daily,but if I've had an early appt. and needed to,there has been the rare expletive coming from my mouth when it goes off.I don't normally cuss,honest.
I'm glad you too are sleeping well,it's gets you through the day a lot better.
I've been on amyltriptiline for a couple/three years now, originally for chronic sciatica, although I noticed as a side effect it did calm my Crohn's Disease. I started on 15mg, which crept up to 20, then for the last 8 months, 25mg. I've just put it up to 30mg! Getting worried. Will I keep adjusting to higher doses?
I've only had the dosage upped if I had more pain but after it settles we take it back down.

30 mg is a smallish dose - I'm on 50 mg at night for sleep and pain and have been on this for a year now. I was on 125 mg. I've been told maximum is 300 mg and I've never had to take it that high.

I was told by one of my doctors that I should probably never take it down past 10 mg in case I need to up the dosage. If I keep a small amount in my system, increasing without a lot of side effects is easy.

I find it helps with my Crohns as well - but I use it mostly for pain (and to help me sleep).
Thanks for that. Will make a note of those doses, although my doctor has never mentioned what dose is appropriate. I just figure it out myself! Even the 30 mg is having little if any effect and I'm in a LOT of pain as soon as I lie flat which takes all of the rest of the next day to wear off. (If it ever does).

I just doze for short periods and wake up in dreadful pain because I stiffen up and then have dreadful muscle spasms. I've gone from being hyper-active to confined mainly to bed or a wheelchair. If I do go out in the wheelchair I need two or three days in bed to recover.

After having a second bowel resection about a year ago I'm now waiting for the first of two hip replacements, then knees. The 'back surgeon' won't address my spinal problems, (spodylolisthesis, three bulging discs, degenerative osteo-arthritis of the spine), until the hips are replaced. I've been on the waiting list for eight months now and the problems are all just getting worse!
That's awful,SooBee.No wonder you're not getting much pain relief,with so much going on.
I hope things get sorted really soon.Sending big hugs your way.
It is a pain! 😬 I just wish our NHS would treat people more holistically, but with the state of the NHS I suppose we should be grateful they're treating us at all! 😆
I agree.I find it really scarey the way things are going with the NHS.
I do think twice about making apts., with my GP even,although I'm careful not to take risks.
I just rang to make an appointment - nothing availabe until the 20th, and that's just the nurse! As my question was quite urgent, doctor will call me back!
I was originally prescribed amyltriptyline for the nerve pain of chronic sciatica, which I still have, but I think it does help the spasmodic pain you can get with Crohn's. I've twice been admitted to hospital as an emergency with obstructions. Unfortunately, in the dose I'm taking now it doesn't seem to be helping much!
I was prescribed Tramadol for chronic lower back pain.When I reported to doc.that tramadol wasn't doing the job as I would have liked,he prescribed Ami. as a booster.
The pain was only slightly better,but I stick to a low dose for both.The best thing about Ami. is I get a good nights sleep with one tablet,but I'm restless with two.
I know we're all different in how meds. help us and I for one intend to use them forever if need be.
That is interesting. As I said I'm having a lot of pain, having upped the dose. It never occurred to mean that less may be more. I also take Zapain, (500mgs paracetamol: 30 mgs codeine). I always leave a good two hours between them, which means I'm very late going to bed. I wonder if I should reduce the dose of amyltriptiline and take them at the same time as the Zapain.
co-codamol had no effect on my pain.Solpadiene soluble was very good though,except my BP was raised due to it.That's the reason my doc 'scribed Tramadol' taken an hour before bedtime,but I take it as I prepare for bed and it works fine.
I can take up to 3,but will stick to one for now.
Zapain is Solpadene, just a cheaper version. ( Interesting that, I've always had really low blood pressure but last time it was taken it had shot up!).
So could you take Solpadene with Ami, and what dose of Ami are you on?
Just on 10mg of Ami at bed-time,and 50mg tramadol twice daily.I will probably have to up the dosage some day, but have just had my annual review with my GP.I've only been on these meds for about 7-8mnths.My BP dropped to a good level very soon after I stopped solpadeine.Having said that,I have just taken two we've been for a walk and my back pain needed attention pretty damn quick.I'm very careful not to overdo the meds but I'm not going to suffer pain needlessly.
I know not technically the same but I take nortryptoline for migraines. Been taking them for years and down to 10mg a night. Am I allowed to join the club or will I be turned away at the door!!!!:ybiggrin::ybiggrin:
Scottsma - Thanks for the info. I've been too nervous before to take the Solpadol at the same time as the Amyltriptiline. Took them fairly close together last night and actually slept for more than 30 minutes! Yay!

Also, don't know if it had anything to do with that, but I started to take turmeric yesterday. Been meaning to try it for ages. If that had anything to do with the sleeping, again, Yay! I've often noticed that when I have a korma everything feels more comfortable for a few hours. I know it's odd when you've got Crohn's, to be even able to eat Korma, but I can???

I actually noticed that Crohn's is listed among the things that Turmeric can help.

Also noticed as I started to look more closely at Amyltriptiline, that it can cause weight gain, and skin sores. I have both! Put the weight gain down to the second resection I had a year ago. I weighed eight and a half stone, (5' 8") a year ago - eleven stone now. I've never been so heavy!
Hi, I have been on a lower dose for approx 2 years, rencetly increase to 25 mgs, with great sucess. Sleep better, but, still wake up several times during the night for bms! I feel a lot better within myself as well. If it helps to slow down the bowel, well, I have not benefited from that result as of yet!
Hi guys and gals,

I'm new to this club.

I am currently taking 30 mg before bed to help with nerve pain. My lower back especially hurts, just enough to keep me awake and uncomfortable. I have nerve damage as a result of multiple surgeries on the rear end near the spinal area. Amitriptyline seems to help. My GP has told me to experiment with dosages up to 70 mg.

I find at that dose it is pimple and ingrown hair city! so i have gradually reduced my dosage to 30mg. I am doing quite well with this amount and it seems to be a happy medium. We all get a few pimples right? I find it helps me rest and get a good nights sleep. What have your dosages and experiences been like? I am a very curious (and chatty) person. Please excuse me if I talk too much.....just born that way, Hahaha.

Can't wait to talk to you all and share our experiences with this off-label treatment.

Sending my positive thoughts and prayers your way.

all the best,

Funny you should ask....hahaha.I also take Ami.with tramadol for chronic back pain.I don't know if the pain is associated with my guts or not,but it's a daily problem.I'm quite active and busy,but can only walk for a couple of hours without the sickening pain showing up.I used to walk at least 6ml daily when I had dogs.I've had bladder probs.since early December,tested for cystitis and 'scribed anti-bi's.Nothing happened.I know Ami.can cause bladder I've decided to take time off to see if things go back to normal.I'm loath to do so mind you,as I sleep well on this space.
Hey Scottsma,

Sorry to hear about the recent troubles!:hang: I'll be sure to watch out for symptoms of that myself. Ami seems like a godsend though right now. Whats the dosage you take of Ami?

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Only one 10mg at bedtime.First 'scribed 2-3 but had dreams and restless nights.It was my plan to stop taking them for a while but "the best laid plans"etc and I went ahead and took one as usual last night.I've been using them for 18mnths.......does that make me an addict hahaha.

Just reduced my dose to 20mg Amitriptyline per night as I have had another bunch of pimples and ingrown hairs. Seems like it is gotten my cortisol level too low and allowing too many small problems to turn into uglies. I'm trying to see if this Amitriptyline is the culprit or not. Have you noticed any of these things?

All the best,


I have started (yesterday) to reduce my dosage to 20mg of Amitriptyline at bedtime. I think it is causing further skin issues . Ingrown hairs and lot's and lot's of pimples. Have you experienced anything similar, or does anybody else know more about this? I think it is messing with my cortisol levels and making small issues into uglies. Maybe it is not the culprit but I'm trying to find out. Anybody who knows about this is welcome to respond.

All the best to you,

Well thankfully I'm not spotty (yet) Have a google and see if that's a side effect.It might be something else.Of course if you googled the side effects of everything,you'd probably not sleep for the worry.
I've been on Ami for 25 years or there about. Differing dosages dependent on what I need. When I'm having a lot of pain, I take 100 mg - it helps me get to sleep and it's a drug enhancer so it seems to help my Crohns meds work better. I've never had any skin issues - had some when I went through menopause but nothing else.
That's why I take it,as a drug enhancer.Not sure whether or not it's giving the tramadol a boost,but I sure sleep well.And a good night's sleep is good for most things.
It's actually Red Riding Hood. I have a personalized license plate RRHOOD and all my emails are RRHOOD, rrhood1, rrhood4.

It was a nickname from high school.
Well folks,

I took a vacation from the Amitriptyline club as I quit for several months. Now I'm baaaack.:) I seem to need 50 mg to sleep and reduce pain. I'm only noticing minor skin issues so maybe I'm at the right dose? Who knows.
I hope it works for you Chris.We always seem to be juggling food and meds and stuff to get the right balance.I was put on Ami because tramadol for my back problem wasn't working very well.I'm probably on the lowest dose for both of them though and although the tramadol keeps the pain down to a dull roar the 10mg Ami.allows me to sleep for 9-10hrs.and I'm very happy with that as I'm a very light sleeper.Sleeps important for us as it blocks out all the nasties we have to tolerate during the day.
Hi, I see in an earlier post, someone mentioned Amyltriptile affected one's cortisol level? Can anyone explain? Also does Amy cause weight gain?
What type of 'bladder problems' does it cause?
I've been on it for about five years now. Originally prescribed for degenerative disc disease, but seems to also help the Crohn's. I'm taking 35mg at bedtine with two Solpadol.
I haven't noticed any weight gain but I do have slight bladder problems.Mornings are no problem,tea etc goes straight through,but my flow can be very slow in the evening and afternoon, although it doesn't stop me getting up once or twice during the night.I'm willing to put up with it though for a good nights sleep.Has your doc. put you on solpadol ?
I find it really helps my back pain but it puts my B.P up so that's why I'm using tramadol.
Hi, I see in an earlier post, someone mentioned Amyltriptile affected one's cortisol level? Can anyone explain? Also does Amy cause weight gain?
What type of 'bladder problems' does it cause?
I've been on it for about five years now. Originally prescribed for degenerative disc disease, but seems to also help the Crohn's. I'm taking 35mg at bedtine with two Solpadol.

Amitriptyline is actually originally intended as an antidepressant. As an antidepressant it reduces stress, theoretically if one lowers stress you would also lower the natural production of the stress hormone cortisol in our adrenal glands. Cortisol is our natural version of steroids which reduces inflammation among serving other functions. When used as a medication, it is known as hydrocortisone. Too much cortisol causes increased risk of heart attack among many other unpleasant things. So there are two sides to every story. Finding the right balance is what I find so difficult.

Amitriptyline also could cause weight gain as that is a common side effect of most antidepressants, although oddly taking most antidepressants can lead to weight loss as well. Go figure. If a person is taking any type of antidepressant I believe the side effects would be directly dose related(unless you are allergic, then who knows). For that reason small doses are less likely to cause noticeable side effects.

I'm not a doctor, I have however done a lot of research and have spoken with my doctor, who tends to agree with this rationale. I hope this helps.
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I have now recently been prescribed 50mg of amitriptyline 3 times a day as required, plus 60mg at bedtime. It is due to chronic back pain. It makes me a bit groggy, but it sure makes my back and neck hurt a lot less.
Thank you; very helpful. Wow, that’s a big dose you’re on. Do you know what the dose would be for its original purpose, depression. I dropped my dose back to 25mg at night, with the aim of getting off it altogether, but my back and neck pain, (I have degenerative disc disease), seems to be getting more painful again, so think I may have to up it again!
Wow Chris,as SooBee said, that's a lot.But if it works for you then go for it.I'm still on one at bed-time to help with back pain,I have 2 tramadol daily also.But I don't feel it's enough and sometimes have to take a couple of well.That's what happens when you pretend to the doc.that all's well.SooBee you could Google Ami.for depression,but I expect it will depend on how bad things are, and on you're doc.too.
feel better soon friends.
I’ve been on amitriptylene for years. I’m currently on 100 mg at bedtime for pain. The drowsy feeling will go away after a couple of weeks. I’ve been on a dose as high as 175 mg for depression. If you have any questions I’d be glad to answer what I can. I’ve done a lot of research on the drug and as I’ve said I’ve been on it for years.
I’ve been on amitriptylene for years. I’m currently on 100 mg at bedtime for pain. The drowsy feeling will go away after a couple of weeks. I’ve been on a dose as high as 175 mg for depression. If you have any questions I’d be glad to answer what I can. I’ve done a lot of research on the drug and as I’ve said I’ve been on it for years.

I don’t suffer from real depression, and even on 35mg at bedtime, I find I’m not as alert as I usually would be, which does make me mildly fed-up! As I said, I think I will have to go back up to the 35mg though as I’m feeling more and more pain. I suppose if 35mg keeps me going I shall have to keep to that dose? It also seems to help keep the Crohn’s on an even keel!
Amitriptylene is a strange drug. It has multiple uses which include:

It enhances the performance of other drugs and makes them works better.
It helps with sleep disorders.
It helps with depression.
It helps with low grade pain for such diseases as fibromyalgia, Crohns, arthritis.

Doseage is determined by your doctor. I’ve heard of people taking 900 mg per day or as low as 10 mg per day. I had a psychiatrist tell me that if you’re using it for pain, you should not go off it entirely - you can decrease it to as low as 10 mg per day for as long as you want and then if you need more you can quickly re-build the level to deal with your pain.
Thank you; very helpful. Wow, that’s a big dose you’re on. Do you know what the dose would be for its original purpose, depression. I dropped my dose back to 25mg at night, with the aim of getting off it altogether, but my back and neck pain, (I have degenerative disc disease), seems to be getting more painful again, so think I may have to up it again!

My doctor said between 200-300mg or so was given for depression. Possibly slightly higher in some extreme cases.