The flare that won't quit

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Oct 13, 2008
I've been fighting this flare-up for 2 years now with a variety of meds and ended up with a new GI dr who I've seemed to make progress with, but now I'm back to bloody D and the bathroom campout. I think it's just some major family stress that's triggered this particular bout from my month long "almost remission". I'm too bull-headed to go to the ER this time because it's always the same ordeal, and I'm sure the ct scans and scope will show the same ulcers bleeding. My GI wants to resection my colon but I've been trying to avoid surgery for as long as possible, and will do so for now.

I'm headed to Phoenix again Monday to visit some friends then we're going up to Payson to camp/hunt. I can't get a refund on this trip and I'm going no matter what. I guess I'm bullheaded and tired of this disease running my life.

I'm planning on just taking a good stock of painkillers along with my regular meds and hoping everything works out ok. Everyone there knows about my condition, and I'm sure they'll get me to help if something goes horribly wrong.

It's just one of those days where I lose that positive attitude, spend all my time in the bathroom staring out the window at the beautiful day outside, and not getting any work done.....I need something to lighten my mood.
Thanks...I'm not that brave just fed up if that makes sense. I am waiting to see if I can get heath coverage for remicade, other than that he wants to cut me up... We'll see. I think a med change is in order, I'm just generally tired of the whole ordeal of it all at the moment. I want to enjoy my life, not be stuck in the bathroom (still sitting in here hehe). I want to go have fun and no major trouble and deal with the rest when I get back. My friends are flying me down there because they think I need the vacation. AND I really want to I am. It is as it is lol. Thanks.
aw bless you.. typing on here whilst sat on the toilet :D makes a change from counting floor tiles..

i think you're courageous too.. it's so tempting to withdraw from socialising when Crohn's is active, or in fact when any illness is getting us down. i think you have a good positive attitude, despite feeling fed-up. sounds like you have some good & caring friends - go for it, i hope you really enjoy yourself :)
Thanks. These are those real friends that have been around since the trouble started about a decade ago. I'm hoping to move down there, if only I had a car that had a/c.... On one of the volkswagen forums i'm more active on you can read about my 3 day voyage in my 76 beetle from Missouri to Arizona, it was an interesting trip for sure.

Camping always has it's drawbacks since I don't like to apply calmoseptine with a bare hand, and don't like to leave a mess, guess I could just light it all on fire hehe. AZ is really strict about having fires though, and I'm guessing we won't even be able to have a campfire :(

We're going to the top of the Mogollon Rim, it's beautiful and full of wildlife. It's climate is so different, it will probably get down in the lower 40's if not 30's at night. MUCH different that Pheonix that same time of year.
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I love to camp. Now we "RV" due to my illness. Take a plastic grocery bag and a bunch of baby wipes with you. Put the used wipes in the grocery bags.( I don't apply Calmoseptine with bare hands either.) You might have to haul it out with you but I'm sure you will see trash cans where you can drop off your stuff.
Any way I hope you have a great time.
Thans imisspopcorn, which is actually one of the few foods I absolutely refuse to eat, and had the weirdest discussion about on the telephone with my grandmother (she has diverticulitis) in my whole life. I RV'd it for a week earlier this summer at stockton lake, it was great, but felt more like a motel on the lake then really camping..not to say it wasn't very comfortable. I'm just more used to dig a hole in the ground and bury it type of stuff. I'm going to have to do the grocery bag thing, I'm going to be toting tucks wipes and calmoseptine with me (lucky airport security counts the giant tube as medication and doesn't throw it away because it's over 3 oz.) I guess that hand sanatizer stuff is called for too..mostly for my friends. It's been so long now my own poo doesn't bother me a bit.

<=a tad bit buzzed and on hydrocodone, excuse any bad replies sent while I'm on this damn toilet.
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jonhenry, I just LOVE that you are sitting on the toilet and typing into this forum - funny in a horrible kinda way, yeah?
I find it greatly ironic....that's the beautiful thing about a laptop and's either the toilet or a soak in the tub...and tunes to go with it all hehe

<-I also answer the phone while on the toilet....usually people notice but ah well... it gives me a chuckle every time...

laughter is the best medicine.....thank god I found the lounge on this site......
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Ugh I'm off the toilet but dazed on painkillers and in pain still...I can hear my brother on the back 30 firing off his new 9mm....I want to shoot my sig....I think I'm going to drag my ass outside and hope guns make me feel better..........