You should watch the video, your opinion might change. Or not... There is a LOT of scientists (even ones that work for FDA) in the vid that are convinced autoimmune diseases specifically of the gut are formed through mutations from taking GMO which our body does not recognize and attacks, causing inflammation. The pesticide used in the gmo we eat is supposed to kill bugs by making their stomachs burst open. Not saying it is the cause, but the video is definitely worth watching
Well, we grow our own veggies and our insecticide of choice is Ivory liquid (yes, dishwashing detergent). Just a couple tablespoons in a couple gallons of water is all it takes, and it basically strips insects of their protective coating and melts their little bodies, also pretty gross. I'm not sure which is worse, but Ivory liquid's a lot cheaper and keeps our veggies squeaky clean too! (Ok, so that last part was a joke.)
Doesn't work on all bugs, only those with "soft" bodies, not those with especially hard shells. There's no residual effect, you have to spray the insects directly, so we have to spray almost every week. We use a pump type garden sprayer, and actually, spray our entire yard with it. Adding a few drops of citrus and/or cedar oils also keeps Mosquitos, spiders, and certain other types insects away too.
I would have liked to watch the video, but unfortunately, it's no longer available on YouTube.
We buy our meat from an free range farm that raises poultry and livestock on organic grasses and grains, and stopped eating anything containing high fructose corn syrup or soy some time ago, well, except on sushi, of course!
The taste difference alone between fresh organic grass fed poultry and the frozen supermarket variety is gigantic. Fresh organic is just so much juicer, tastier, that it doesn't really need any additional seasoning, flavoring or basting.
Our veggies are tastier too, and not just tastier than those at the supermarkets, but they're tastier than veggies from most farmer's markets too. We get our fertilizer from a BYOB (bring your own bucket) horse farm that gives us all the fertilizer we can shovel, for free! Of course we return the favor by bringing them veggies from our garden.
We only grow "heirloom" veggies, which are not genetically modified, because the seeds from genetically modified veggies will not germinate, which is quite intentional, forcing farmers to rebuy seeds every year. With heirloom veggies, we can dry out the seeds from our veggies, for use in the next year's planting.
We even buy heritage turkeys now, which have very small breasts. Those big breasted turkeys you buy in supermarkets can't fly, and most even require artificial insemination to produce eggs. Those gigantic (genetically modified) breasts prevent them from getting close enough to each other to, umm, mate.
So if the turkey you eat has lots of breast meat, it's been genetically modified, even if it was raised organically, regardless of where you live. With the exception of heirloom, almost all veggies you buy have been genetically modified as well. Even most of the "organically grown" veggies at "Whole Foods" and farmer's markets because the seed most often used has been genetically altered.