Please feel free to add to or create threads on ostomy surgery and living with a stoma in this subforum.
hi Paddy, great to hear from you again. my mum put the phone down on me fast as her stoma bag, ileostomy, has done nothing but leak all weak. her stoma site is usually blistered, skin off in patches and bleeds too, tis the stomach acids, she often used to sit there and cry but there was nothing we children could do for her. so its still giving her the same old issues even after 39 years of one. hers gets crinkley too. i knew you suffered short bowel syndrome by your previous posts. its obvious cos like me you eat something and the lot just shoots straight through, its such a nuisance.
i just got back from my gastro bloke, got to have chest xray as i've done nothing but cough since humira and a colonoscopy as my transverse colon and terminal ileum are agonies. not had anything much at all in my colon since my twenties, but now, pushing 50 i've got issues all over again.
best wishes, hope it settles down soon
Just graduating from 'newbie' and would like some feedback from anyone with an ileostomy and has experience of adhesions. I've had loads of gut removed and also have i.b.s as well as Crohns Disease. Didn't know that was possible but it's official, written on my file. I have a very short colon and am pretty well housebound as the frequency is :-eat then poop x 6 or7 times( emptiable bag)and then am so exhausted, sleep. I graze mostly but am very limited to what I can eat. My weight is steady around 9st( I'm 5ft 7ins)so that's not a problem.
Some feedback from someone who recognises these symptoms would be really welcome. Docs have said adhesions prevent further surgery. I get blockages from time to time as apparently theres a kink in the colon which is cused by scar tissue.
sorry to soud like a whinger but am just so glad to have found you all!
Hi, thank you so much for talking to me. I apologise for the late reply. But we do not have a strong signal on the farm. So there are many days that I cannot go on internet! And I am still struggling to use the forum!:yrolleyes:I do not have a stoma sister that come and visit me at home. I dont think in South Africa they do house visits! But I do go to Cape Town when I need her. That is a very expensive visit and the stoma products as well. Luckly my medical aid pays most of it. But it is a ongoing struckle with my med aid, because everytime they first reject the claim and after contacting them, then they pay. Otherwise I must go to the provinsial hospital. That is a state hospital. There I get some of my products (bag, rings) for free. Some of the products they do not have. Their is also a stoma sister, which I like very much. Patty why can't you leave your home? Or what happened that you are so afraid? Did you also had mishaps? Like the bag came loose etc? Do you also have pain and what is you diet? Sorry for all the ?, but every doctor and every stoma sister gives me different advise!:sign0085: I feel like an allien. It seems those who do have stoma's dont talk about it. I could not find one support group in my area. It is like if they are ashamed of it. Is it the same in your region? I must also say, my friend is very supportive. He puts on the bag etc, because my stoma is very suncken in. It is very difficult to put on the bag correctly. Patty do you also feel sometimes depressed? Okay enough questions, I think the answers will keep you bussy for days:lol2:Hi Hannetjie, so happy to hear from you. I hope all is well and that you are getting good care...I think every region has different types of support. I'm not very lucky however I have a wonderful husband who is very understanding and he helps me more than I can say. Do you have a visiting stoma nurse that you can call on? I feel that is so important as so often we become frightened to go out. I know I do and have to be really carefull if I know I have to go outfor any length of time.
I look forward to hearing from you again, you must be very brave! xxx
Thanks. The problem I and everybody else have is that WE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE! But this stoma really is something else. When I had cancer. I got the op and chemo for a year. And that was emotionaly a very difficult time. But this time I need to deal with pain. How do one deal with pain? The pain decides where and what I can do for the day. Planning is nearly impossible. Because I never know how I am gonna feel the next day/moment. But I hope, I pray that the doc can find the problem with my next visit on Friday. :lol2::welcome: Hannetjie!!!
Glad to have you on board. You have been through the ringer. But it sounds like you've beaten everything that has come your way, and hopefully, you will continue to do so!
Hi, I really hope your mother is better. I beat the cancer, and I will always be gratefull for the Lord that He saved my life. It was a touch and go time! When I got it, my only prayer was that I life until my son is done with school. Now he is 26 years old! So yes I am very grateful. It is only the daily pain that I have, that realy is very difficult to accept. Hopefully the doc I am going to see on Friday do find the cause. If only I know why I get these horrible pains, then I can deal with it. Even if they cant fix it. It is the not knowing that frustrating and depressing.Hi there, Hannetjie,
welcome to crohns forum. sounds like you're really going through it at the moment, but its great to hear you survived cancer. hope all settles down soon