Tired of being tired!!!

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Punctuation Impaired
Aug 3, 2009
I just can't take this fatigue anymore. I know I should be doing cartwheels because I'm not having any pain. I feel really guilty because I am complaining when there are soo many more people who are sicker than I am. I have got so much stuff to do right now, but all I can think about is napping. Why can't I feel normal again? I am so tired of being tired!!!
Fatigue is a mean animal IMP. I would almost pick the pain over the fatigue.
There is no need of feeling guilty, yeah, people are sicker than we are or may ever be; but dealing with chronic fatigue is a terrible issue. I hope you get some relief soon; are you still dealing with insomnia as well?
I hear ya girlfriend - the fatigue is the worst sometimes - I too have so much to do and all I want to do most days is lay down and rest...I too feel guilty but we have to really realize that because it is a "hidden" disease it sometimes fools us...imagine if we had an inflammed, ulcerated, nasty looking organ on the outside of our bodies that everyone could SEE! - including us - this would quickly remind us why we feel so sluggish all the time...now, isn't that a nice Christmas thought lol Keep your chins up...even if you can't keep your head up ...
I completely sympathize. As bad as all the other symptoms are--pain, bleeding, frequency, urgency--the fatigue is absolutely what gets me down the most, makes me feel least human. In my case it's severe--I've had to give up working and have periods (like right now) when I can't even leave the house. This is harder on me than anything I've ever dealt with before--I don't feel useful, and as a result I can't be happy. I'm 27 and watching all my friends begin to build their careers while I sit at home and miss out. I'm working very hard on finding a way out of the fatigue and will share anything I come up with. Does anybody else have any fatigue-fighting tips?
You DID start a thread on it Carrie! :) It's just horrible isn't it? I get up and all I wanna do is go back to bed! Every single minute of every single day is an effort and I hate seeing other people who seem to be breezing through life and getting up to all sorts.
I have my best friend staying with me at the moment and she does so much! And when she came home last night after a 12 hour work day where she'd had to fly to a different town, which was the day after getting back from a road trip where she went to a big party and then a concert the next night and had no sleep, she complaind of being tired! I felt like slapping her, simply because I had been doing stuff all and could barely see straight!
I'm with Farm, I think I'd ratrher have a bit of pain than the fatigue. It's a killer.
Yawn - I get the fatigue thing to Carrie! Sorry buddy....I know it is definitely rough this time of year....way too much to do!
I know what you meen. Im so tired all the time. I get 9 hours sleep and have to force myself out of bed. I have to much work to do. I have a 1500 word research report to do by next friday and all I wana do is stay in bed!! I'm rly worried its not guna be good enough. :/ will just have to keep going. one more week of rly hard work then I dont have anything in untill Jan. I will have to start it before I go back home for christmas tho, while I have the library! *sigh!*
I feel you! Sometimes it's the the energy drains right out of my toes and fingertips.
I'm not so fond of the dark circles I have under my eyes today either.

@LittleMissValentine-I could get 12 hours of sleep and still be exhausted. Too bad I only get about 5-6 because I end up working on my homework through the night. School=more added fatigue because you can't get any sleep!
I would trade the fatigue for the pain any day personally. I can deal with being tired, but the pain is crippling and I don't like having to take pain killers all day long.

Fatigue does suck, just not as much as the pain IMHO.
I am so tired of being tired all the time also. I am in pain and tired..... its horrible. I wish I could have 1/2 the energy I used to have before the Crohns came along.
I am in remission (not perfect remission, but its fine) and I was still getting so tired. I kept putting it down to running around after the 3 kids.
When I was at the drs next I said "you know I am good but just sooo tired".

Turns out that I was really really low in B12 and I have been one of the lucky ones that the injections have actually been life changing for me.

I was getting really tired (blood tests showed inflammation but no REAL pain), I was also getting a bit confused and overwhelmed in my head. I was starting to feel almost depressed when I KNEW that I didn't really have anything to be depressed about that wasn't in my control to change.

I do realise that if your crohns isn't it the terminal illieum that this may not help you at all and ofcourse there are some people that have B12 that barely feel a change. I hope someone can be helped like me though, cause the fatigue is awful and my heart goes out to you all struggling with it. :(

I also kind of think that not having B12 would of run me down so much that it may have even set me up for another flare...
All, I know is my husband gave me the best gift ever, he and the kids did the tree...One less thing to worry about! I'm such a Scrooge this year too...
I am so tired but it seems like I can never fall asleep at night. Sometimes generally after 6 am I can fall asleep for a few hours then I'm back up with the pains again. I'm with Crohnshobo on this one take a little fatigue then the pains. Maybe just a balanced pain fatigue issue.

Are some days better than other for anyone else or is it just fatigued all the time?
mwb3779 said:
I am so tired but it seems like I can never fall asleep at night. Sometimes generally after 6 am I can fall asleep for a few hours then I'm back up with the pains again. I'm with Crohnshobo on this one take a little fatigue then the pains. Maybe just a balanced pain fatigue issue.

Are some days better than other for anyone else or is it just fatigued all the time?
I think we need an insomnia club thread or as Farm calls it inzombia....It's kind of like "What came first, the insomnia or the fatigue?" rather than the old chicken and the egg argument....What helps other people here??? I pretty much have resorted to taking Benadryl, my doctor wouldn't prescribe anything for me. I also notice no difference if I nap during the day. When I get a great nights sleep, I still feel like i was up all night.
imisspopcorn said:
I think we need an insomnia club thread or as Farm calls it inzombia....It's kind of like "What came first, the insomnia or the fatigue?" rather than the old chicken and the egg argument....What helps other people here??? I pretty much have resorted to taking Benadryl, my doctor wouldn't prescribe anything for me. I also notice no difference if I nap during the day. When I get a great nights sleep, I still feel like i was up all night.

I also resorted to taking benadryl to sleep. When I complain of being tired to my doc he just looks at me in a funny way and keeps on going to another topic. I really need a new doc. He will prescribe nothing for the pain I have to go to the emerg. room to get anything and then he gets irritated because i go to the emerg room. I am so fed up and don't know what to do. I haven't done a thing as far as christmas dec go and my sink is usually full of dishes and the trash is overflowing i just don't have the energy to do it.:(
dustydshook said:
and my sink is usually full of dishes and the trash is overflowing i just don't have the energy to do it.:(

I am so thankful for this forum. I know I keep saying it but it is true. Each time I read a post I am amazed, it is like I am reading my own thoughts. Reading about overflowing trash and a sink full of dishes is what it is like in our home on most days. That is NOT my style of living by any means. I can't stand living in clutter or an unkept environment. My mom and my sister both have real OCD with cleanliness, never a dirty dish in the sink, vacuuming done daily, kitchen floor is swept and mopped daily(if not more) and never ever would you see leftover toothpaste in the sink after brushing. I have a better chance of winning the lottery than my sister going out in public in without make-up or wearing sweatpants. As a matter of fact, I have never seen her in sweats. lol It is hard to try to keep up with those standards when I am either in pain, nauseous or simply exhausted. During a flare tired doesn't even fit into my vocabulary, it's straight up exhaustion. Does that seem to fit with how you feel? My husband has now layed down the law and I have this week to fix it. He is tired of me trying to (unsuccessfully) keep the house clean and using up what little energy I have on it. He would rather I save it to do family things. So now I have to find some sort of maid service to come in once every two weeks or once a month for deep cleaning. I hope this helps physically. I am just concerned it will just make me more stressed by wanting to clean before the service gets here. lol Has anyone else tried this? Does it truly make any difference? I am so embarrassed, this forum is the only place I could share something like this. My mom is so OCD she starches and irons ALL of her sheets. She is 74 years old and has the cleanest house I've ever seen. She would never in a million years understand this. You are right... so tired of being tired. Thank you again for listening. Thank God for this forum. For the first time since diagnosed with Crohn's back in 1981 I actually feel human. Not like an outcast. Not like I am being judged in a negative manor for EVERYTHING.:frown:
I haven't tried a cleaning service , we couldn't afford it with my salary cuts since being sick. I can't stand living like this either just to look at iit makes me tired. My husband does help out however its only on his days off as he is workiing 12-14 hrs a day to make up for my lack. I have an eight yr old that i can usually bribe with quarters to do the easy stuff like sweep and take out the trash. My husband will carry the laundry up and down the stairs for me. Sometimes ifeel like such an invalid and its embarrassing to have company over especially my dad who is also ocd. and doesn't understand my disease. There is also a neighborhood teen that will mow for me for 10 bucks. So i have made out pretty good just still isn't where i want it to be, I am just too tired to do anything else about it.
I take a suppliment called Somnolin to help with my serotonin levels. It really helps me fall asleep and stay asleep. I also find my quality of sleep is better.

You'd think as tired as we are, we'd be able to sleep, right?
Thanks for the tip Rhonda. I've tried Valerin...It maks me fall asleep, but it's not a good deep sleep....I need some moonshine, where's that shine runner???
imisspopcorn said:
Thanks for the tip Rhonda. I've tried Valerin...It maks me fall asleep, but it's not a good deep sleep....I need some moonshine, where's that shine runner???
Becareful what you ask for.
I´m tired all the time and I´m able to sleep anytime (fortunately). I jst don´t seem to get "enough sleeping hours" NEVER EVER! I can sleep 12 hours one night and still be tired.
God I can't get 12 hours ever :p although I'm sure if I did I'd feel the same way. I've had bascially a week of bad nights now and I'm trying to study for my 3 finals this week!:( and its not going well because I can't stay concentrated on what I'm doing. I usually don't get the fatigue too much but when you just don't sleep its hard. I'm sorry you guys are feeling the same way.

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