Traveling with to Disney Crohn's

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Jan 11, 2016
I was diagnosed with Crohn's back in January. I am traveling to Disney in June and I have some reservations. I will be flying. I do not feel like I have a great dr and I am looking for a new one.
What type of information do you bring?
The only pain med that helped me through my first experience was Percocet. Is it appropriate to ask for a script to carry on me incase of an issue?
I read that people have "emergency" medicine that is stronger than immodium, is this something that I should ask for?

Has anyone traveled to Disney with Crohn's? I am considering getting a Guest with Disabilities pass, so that I won't have to worry about lines that are over two hours. Has anyone ever done this before? Did Disney give you a hard time about it?

My fiancé also agreed that if we need to, we can rent a wheel chair while we are there since fatigue and joint pain are a huge struggle still right now (which my doctor thinks is unrelated, but I believe it is).

ANY and all advice is greatly appreciated.

I haven't traveled to Disney since I was diagnosed with Crohn's. The Guest with Disabilities pass sounds like a good idea.
I traveled to Disney during a small flare, I didn't use the facilities but they were there if needed. Additionally I took with me some fortisip shakes just so that I could avoid food but remain healthy. Hope you have a nice trip.
I have Crohn's and took my family (including two toddlers) to Disney in January. I took pain pills just in case I had fatigue, even though I don't tend to need them anymore now at home. I will say that I did use them everyday there given the amount of walking and standing. At that time, I was still eating a somewhat limited diet and I was impressed by how many paleo and gluten free options Disney had. They were amazing. You can go on Pinterest and find a lot of good information about Crohns/Disney stuff and also special/needs Disney resources and boards. I would absolutely say that if you think there's a chance you'll need a wheelchair you should arrange for it just in case. Disney is wonderful about that - and so are their hotels. Good luck, hope you have a magical time! It's the best place to be if you have any special needs at all, they are super sensitize to that.
I have Crohns and brought my 4 year old 2 years ago. We drove there from Pennsylvania! I personally wouldn't get a handicapped pass for Crohns unless I really needed, but they do have fast passes and we used those for the most popular rides. I got more tired than the rest of my family and I just sat down when I needed.
Know that the disabilities pass has changed, you no longer just get to go to the front of the line. Instead if you indicate you have a disability that makes standing in line hard/impossible, they give you what is basically a fast pass to come back at a certain time. They only difference is the fast pass has a time frame (for example 10:20-10:40), the disability pass just has a time you have to come after (so come at 10:20 or later).However they don't ask for proof so i think it is pretty easy to get a pass should you need it.
The first thing you should do when you get to the park is to get a map and locate every rest room. I haven't been to Disney since 1998 and don't know how much the parks have changed.

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