Treatment alternatives

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 25, 2012
my mum suffers from chrons, she has had a bowel section already around 2 years ago and is currently taking azathioprine and started humira about a year ago as treatment however it seems to be ineffective, another small area of bowel is begging to become damaged and if possible we would like to avoid or delay as long as possible another operation. also the humira injections leave her feeling sick alongside some other side effects.

having read quite a bit about various treatments would thalidomide possibly be a more effective treatment? and would there be a chance that a doctor would consider prescribing it as an alternative treatment (i know it was a controversial medication) but is the doctor likely to listen to my advising it?

also im interested to hear from those who have tried cannabis for it, i have read a few papers extolling the virtues of it for many GI problems chrons included. i myself have smoked it so im not unfamiliar with it and would have little problem getting hold of it. but my mum has never taken a psychoactive drug aside from painkillers given in hospital so i have concerns about her being overwhelmed and having a bad experience that puts her off using it until the benefits become evident (ps i know its illegal, but if breaking a small law will help my mum im willing to take that chance)

(also if youre a doctor or chemist feel free to use medical terms and chemical names, i may not be great at putting my thoughts into words but i do have a fairly decent knowledge of biochemistry and im not afraid of learning if anyone would like to point me in the direction of any worthwhile reading on potential alternative treatments)

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