Treatments in Ireland.

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Sep 19, 2012
Hi, I was wondering if any fellow Irish could give me a run-down on the medications available for Crohn's that are not steroids.

I'm currently on Pentasa 3000mg daily (Mesalazine) but honestly, when I take it, it gives me terrible wind pains in my stomach and it doesn't make much difference any more.
I would think the medications that would be available are pretty much the same as other places as they have been approved for use of treatment of crohns disease.
There are a lot of different types of medication I have tried nearly all that are out there.
6mp and azathioprine are commonly used and lots of people on the forum have had a lot of success with them, both of these are tablets. There is also methotrexate which can be tablets or injection and although the side affects seem scary it has worked well for me (so far).
There are then biologic treatments the two main types you hear of are humira that is injection you do every other week or weekly depending on how well it keeps you under controll. The other common one is remicade/infliximab that is done by an infusion every 8 weeks.
I would speak to your GI so you can get more information about the options available to you. Although some of the side affects of drugs seem scary the more severe ones are very rare and usually people just get the usual ones like feeling sick or tired. If you are on any of these treatments your GI will monitor your bloodwork regularly usually monthly to start with to make sure it if working well for you. Hope this helps a bit and that you can make a decision that is right for you.
hi funnybunny im fellow irish woman buti dont have crohn's. i have UC but i think the treatments are the same.
theres asacol, mezavent, salofalk, and you know pentasa.
i couldnt take pentasa either, i was sensitive to it, gave me wind and made my symptoms worse. asacol was ok as long as i took them at night but made zero difference. steroids didnt work either. long story short im now on remicade.
where is your crohn's located?

is that for pain? cant say i know much about it but ive heard a few say that traditional Chinese medicine has helped them lots.
good luck

Hey funnybunny, what hospital are you a patient of? I'm with St. Vincents, they are brilliant, because I kept on getting re-occurring abscesses, they started me on Humira, I'm also on Imuran.

My IBD nurse told me the list of treatments is the same as anywhere.
Hey funny bunny
welcome to the mad house, i'm a fellow Irish crohnie and yes the meds are pretty much the same, I was on pentasa for a long time. It worked wonders but yes there was some wind pains but it helped when I played around with when I took it and what I ate before or after, pentasa stopped working and I changed back to asacolon and again it depends on when I take it. If your crohn's has changed location or spread then pentasa may not be targeting the right area, I know a scope is not on the top of anyone's wish list but that and some other tests may help to locate any new issue's. Pentasa, asacolon, salofalk and mezavant etc are pretty much the same drug but they release at different times in the system. have a chat with your IBD nurse and see if maybe even giving one of the others a go will help. I tried mezavant earlier this year and by day 4 I felt great by day 10 I couldn't get out of the bathroom, changed back to asacolon and it all settled within a week. so you should get results and answers fairly quickly as to which works best. If that fails as the others have mentioned then there are plenty of other meds to try and in the different combinations.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Gwen xx
Hi Everyone,

I have been suffering with Crohn's since 2012 and I underwent an ilestomy last July. I'm coming to Dublin to take up full-time employment this may. My company is providing insurance under 'VHI company plan plus 1'.

My doubt is, will I be covered for the Crohn's treatment under this plan in case I require it. Do I have to mention it before hand to the insurer?

This is very important for me, so please help me with the information.

If this is not the right place please guide me accordingly.

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