Triamcinolone for Fissure

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Dec 31, 2013
My GI put me on nitroglycerin ointment for the fissures. Within 60 seconds, I had a headache. Reading up on nitro, it says that it is supposed to act like a "chemical surgery" by relaxing the sphincter. Sounds good, but the headaches are killer.

So, I did a sergical consult and the surgeon did an inspection, said it looked "pussey" and prescribed the triamcinolone. The triamcinole feels great and I think I am getting results.

Anyone else have good luck with the nitro?
How about with triamcinolone?
How about both at the same time?
Has anyone else been told their anus looks pussey? :-(
I have been on a nitroglycerin ointment for an anal fissure. It didn't help me at all, but I don't remember getting headaches. I hope you have better luck with the triamcinolone. Hmmmm... pussy anus makes me think fistula or abscess, you may want to keep an eye out and take a lot of sitz baths. Just watch for fevers/chills and other signs of infections, as this may indicate something more along the lines of fistula.
Ugh! That is what I was worried about! I will have my GI take a look when I see him next week.

The headache is crazy. Within 60 seconds of applying the ointment, boom, headache.
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I was on nitro ointment compounded with something else, and it didn't give me a headache. But it does give some people head aches and the doctors always asked me if I was getting headaches when he saw me. As for the pussey, yah I agree with Essie, sounds like a fistula or abscess. I was misdiagnosed by my GI for about 3 or 4 months, until I saw a colorectal surgeon. It is frustrating because I feel like those 3 or 4 months caused things to get worse then they should have. I would recommend seeing a colorectal surgeon as opposed to a GI. I complained to my surgeon how I didn't like the GI bc he misdiagnosed me for so long, and the surgeon said that its not the GIs fault, they aren't really trained well in dealing with those type of issues (fissures, fistulas, and abscesses).
Thanks for the concerns, I will have it checked out. It was a colorectal surgeon who said it was pussey upon close inspection. I assume he would have id'd an abscess, right? Ugh! I see the GI next week, so I will ask him to do a rectal exam. Just thinking I will request an exam shows how far I have come! It just seems funny, "um, can you please inspect my rectum". I will re-see the surgeon in 2 months. The ointment has made the whole area feel very good, so at least I have that going for me.
Ooh woops!! I re read ur first post and saw that the surgeon said it was pussey! Sorry! If the cream is makin you feel better, that's good! Maybe the pus was just from irritation in the area? Not sure. But if the surgeon didn't seem concerned about an abscess maybe it's not one. If he does am internal rectal exam I think you'll know if it's an abscess or not. With mine, when the surgeon did the internal exam it was extremely painful and he was able to feel the abscess. If your not having extreme pain, i would think it's probably nothing to be concerned about.