Trying To Conceive (TTC) Support Group

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Mar 19, 2010
Anyone else trying to conceive? Guys TTC are welcome to join the chat too if they dont mind the TMI talk.

I'll start first. I have a DD that is going to be 3 in March. We had no problems conceiving, it only took us 6 months which is normal. I was in med free remission back then. I had an uneventful pregnancy which ended in an elective c-section.

We started trying again in Oct 2009. I got pregnant on the first try but it was a dud. I thought it was just a fluke and kept trying. Then I started flaring. I didnt conceive in that time, but we kept trying anyway. I went on remicade in March and went into remission. I conceived in June, Sept, and Oct and I could not make it to 5 weeks before losing it. So that is 4 failed conceptions. We took a break and we are thinking about starting again as soon as my next cycle starts which should be today. My GI put in for a referral back in Nov but I still havent heard from them. I called again on Thurs and they said they would send a reminder. I guess I wont hear from them until the new year.

I just cant believe after having an easy first go at it that its so hard for me this time around.
Best of luck to you Lydia. I have been trying to conceive for several years with no success, which has been hard enough to accept, but 4 failed pregnancies??? My heart goes out to you.

My husband and I finally went to a fertility doctor in August. I am almost 39 and do not have any kids, so I am starting to get anxious. The fertility doc was not too happy about my being on Imuran, but he said we should proceed with the plan of stopping it if I do get pregnant. Of course, others on here have taken Imuran throughout their pregnancies without problems, but both he and my GI advised against it. At the advice of my GI, I am weening myself off of Imuran. It's been a bit of a catch-22 because as I decrease my dosage, my symptoms increase. My GI said, regarding pregnancies, if you go into it in a flare, you are more likely to have worse symptoms, but usually people that go into it not flaring end up feeling better. At least that has been his experience.

Sorry, I somehow got off track and babbling. Right now my husband and I have just been trying on our own and are waiting until after the holidays to pursue more aggressive means of fertility. I will keep you posted.

Best of luck and keep us posted as well!
Thanks for sharing Cookie. Infertility sucks so bad. I hope you have your miracle baby. Good luck and keep me posted on how they are handling you.
So I am 4 DPO (days past ovulation) into my 2WW (2 week wait). I am not testing until my period is 1 week late because if I have another loss, I dont want to know. I will just tell myself it was just a late period.

I still have not heard back from my referral and I am getting pissed about that.
Hi Lydia,
I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble with conception and pregnancy.
My first preg. went off without a hitch also, and my second one was my miracle. I was infertile for two years and kept asking the docs to fix it (as I was 22) and had my first child when I was 15. They kept saying I would be fine and it would eventually level out. It never did, when I went into remission my first and only time I went running around like a chicken with my head cut off as my GI had told me "now or never". So he sent me to this WONDERFUL Gyno who also did fertility tx's In GP Alberta. He was fantastic. He said technically I had been trying for 2 years already (no birth control as I had no periods, didn't ovulate either) He gave me these little pills and a cycle to follow and wouldn't you know first cycle BOOM I was in flare b/c I was preggers!! To keep the pregnancy viable they rx'ed me progesterone for the entire 1st trimester. My gyno explained that with crohn's your body sees a baby as something else taking your nutrients, body fat etc. from you and as it is already combatting this problem with CD and can't get rid of the problem, so unfortunately it eliminates the pregnancy instead. Especially if you're not in complete remission and pretty healthy with good weight. I was in remission but weight stayed low and had much of my bowels removed so I already had absorption issues. They tried to also put me on pantasa while preg. but made me too sick and lost 11lbs. But, the progesterone I think helped to keep him in there. Maybe if you mention that to the doc? I am not sure (can't remember) if they rx'ed it to me before or immediately after I became preg.

Hope that helps, and I wish you and your family all the luck, well wishes and hugs!!

Hi Lydia,
I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble with conception and pregnancy.
My first preg. went off without a hitch also, and my second one was my miracle. I was infertile for two years and kept asking the docs to fix it (as I was 22) and had my first child when I was 15. They kept saying I would be fine and it would eventually level out. It never did, when I went into remission my first and only time I went running around like a chicken with my head cut off as my GI had told me "now or never". So he sent me to this WONDERFUL Gyno who also did fertility tx's In GP Alberta. He was fantastic. He said technically I had been trying for 2 years already (no birth control as I had no periods, didn't ovulate either) He gave me these little pills and a cycle to follow and wouldn't you know first cycle BOOM I was in flare b/c I was preggers!! To keep the pregnancy viable they rx'ed me progesterone for the entire 1st trimester. My gyno explained that with crohn's your body sees a baby as something else taking your nutrients, body fat etc. from you and as it is already combatting this problem with CD and can't get rid of the problem, so unfortunately it eliminates the pregnancy instead. Especially if you're not in complete remission and pretty healthy with good weight. I was in remission but weight stayed low and had much of my bowels removed so I already had absorption issues. They tried to also put me on pantasa while preg. but made me too sick and lost 11lbs. But, the progesterone I think helped to keep him in there. Maybe if you mention that to the doc? I am not sure (can't remember) if they rx'ed it to me before or immediately after I became preg.

Hope that helps, and I wish you and your family all the luck, well wishes and hugs!!


What was your gynos name, because GP is closer to me than Edmonton? My GI can give me a referral there as well.
No red-headed witch today. Maybe she will come tomorrow and crash my party. If she is not here by Saturday I think I will take a pregnancy test.
Well onto another cycle. I am so devastated. This does not get any easier for me. I wont even be able to see a fertility doc until July 19th.
Well we had good timing this cycle. I ovulated about 3 days ago. Its out of my control now. The hubs and I decided to keep trying while we wait to see the specialist. I agreed with the understanding that he is going to have to see my cry each month it doesnt work out. I only get upset for a day or two and then I am fine, but I do need some extra hugs to get through it.

Am I really the only one here trying to get pregnant?
Well we had good timing this cycle. I ovulated about 3 days ago. Its out of my control now. The hubs and I decided to keep trying while we wait to see the specialist. I agreed with the understanding that he is going to have to see my cry each month it doesnt work out. I only get upset for a day or two and then I am fine, but I do need some extra hugs to get through it.

Am I really the only one here trying to get pregnant?

Lydia, you are not alone. I am trying to get pregnant too. MY OB/GYN ordered a semen analysis on my hubby so lets see how that goes. she feels that Remicade could affect the sperm count.

so don't feel alone. I know it can be very frustrating and exhausting. hopefully you will see a light at the end of the tunnel.

I sometimes wonder if remicade can affect fertility, but there is no data on that, and there are many women here that have had remicade babies. I had no problem getting pregnant when I was in med free remission. I need the remicade to be well so its hard.
Well I had some red spotting toady at only 6 DPO. I am not testing until I am late which will be the 21st. My fingers are crossed that its implantation bleeding. It find it funny that I still have hope after all the stuff I have been through.
Did you have implantation bleeding with your other pregnancies? This is a symptom I never experienced with either of mine. I hope that you efforts will soon result in a successful pregnancy.
A really great website for TTC/miscarriage/infertility (and all it's accompanying BS!) is

We did IVF to have our twins and this website seriously helped me! I met some other members in person and it was so nice to have a resource and somewhere to go to vent and bitch and compare notes on treatments and stuff. They have tons of great resources and research from people in the field.

I had three ectopic pregnancies-first one was an oopsie pregnancy, the other two were very wanted :( I ended up having my fallopian tubes removed after the 3rd one and moving on to IVF. It was such a whirlwind of emotions and procedures and problems, but all worth it in the end. My kids are almost 10 now. I didn't have the stress of Crohn's to deal with at the same time though, I was diagnosed about 6 weeks after they were born.

Best of luck to you, hope your dreams come true for you soon!!
Hi Lydia how are u going?

I'm yet to seriously start trying yet but have a lot of concerns about becoming pregnant. I was recently dx with arthritis on top of having crohns and have been put on new meds. I'm doing ok so far crohns has been good for nearly 3 months but arthritis still not so good. Hoping that settles down soon too. My hubby and I have concerns regarding the future trying to deal with my illnesses, raising a family and working etc. He is worried that if we have a bub and I get sick he will have me and a bub to look after plus the house plus work and it will all be too much!

I understand his concern but is that enough of a reason to not have a baby. If we could see the future and know that would be great but we can't so just have to stay positive it will all work out.

I'm just wondering how everyone else copes with these diseases and babies?

I'm sorry I have kinda hijacked your thread Lydia but wanted you to know your not the only one out there to feel lost etc. Even tho we haven't technically been trying everytime I get my periods my heart sinks as I kinda hope it would just happen so I don't have to stress bout the future!

All the best Hun and take care x
Hi Lydia how are u going?

I'm just wondering how everyone else copes with these diseases and babies?

Even tho we haven't technically been trying everytime I get my periods my heart sinks as I kinda hope it would just happen so I don't have to stress bout the future!

I am with you, Tan! I am not exactly "trying" yet, but I think my husband and I would like to start within the year. But I am so scared! I have read many women spiral downward after giving birth; even my GI said it is common to flare afterward due to the hormone changes. I want to be able to enjoy my newborn! Any advise from the moms would be greatly appreciated! I will start a new thread so not to overtake your TTC thread, Lydia. Which by the way, Lydia, I am crossing my fingers for a positive update next week!
I wont lie, flaring does impact your parenting. However, I think that life, anybody's life has some type of obstacles that teach us lessons. For my daughter, its having a mom with a chronic illness. She will know what thats like and I am ok with that. I still manage when sick. I still get up every morning, and keep the same routine. I may have a shorter fuse, but I tell her the truth and I apologize when I screw up. My husband is a great help and he is an awesome father, and a support when I am sick. So that helps. I also have a wonderful support where I live. I have friends that will give me a break, if I ask them. Sometimes I have to humble myself and ask, thats the key.

My biggest piece of advice is to get yourself as healthy as you can before you start. For some that may not be remission, but going from a severe flare to a mild one. Whatever you think your best can be.

Many of the crohns maintainance drugs like 6MP, Azathioprine, remicade, prednisone, and humira are compatible with both pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The ones that are contraindicated are methotrexate, flagyl, and cipro.

This is one of my favourite videos in regards to crohns and pregnancy.
Wow! What an informative video! About all of my questions were addressed! Thank you so much for sharing, Lydia!
Another thing to keep in mind when you start trying, is that it can take healthy couples up to a year to conceive. Thats with perfect timing. It may happen right away, but dont get discouraged if it doesnt. It took me 6 months to conceive Lilly and that was when I was in med free remission and totally healthy.
Another thing to keep in mind when you start trying, is that it can take healthy couples up to a year to conceive. Thats with perfect timing. It may happen right away, but dont get discouraged if it doesnt. It took me 6 months to conceive Lilly and that was when I was in med free remission and totally healthy.

Yes, you are absolutely right. That's something I have had in the back of my mind, too. And, of course, causes another concern, because what if when we first start trying I am feeling well, but in several months flare back up and have to put the baby making on hold! It is going to be so tricking to time everything perfectly. *Sigh*

PS - Your Lilly is just beautiful. You are very lucky. Of course, a brother and sister for her would be wonderful, too. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, Lydia!
Yes, you are absolutely right. That's something I have had in the back of my mind, too. And, of course, causes another concern, because what if when we first start trying I am feeling well, but in several months flare back up and have to put the baby making on hold! It is going to be so tricking to time everything perfectly. *Sigh*

PS - Your Lilly is just beautiful. You are very lucky. Of course, a brother and sister for her would be wonderful, too. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, Lydia!

We have been trying since Oct 2009, but I did take like 2-3 months off, when my flare got severe. It happens.

This is a really good site for keeping track of your cycles. I just use the free version, and track using cervical fluid and cervical position, but you can also take your temperature in the morning for more accuracy.
A really great website for TTC/miscarriage/infertility (and all it's accompanying BS!) is

We did IVF to have our twins and this website seriously helped me! I met some other members in person and it was so nice to have a resource and somewhere to go to vent and bitch and compare notes on treatments and stuff. They have tons of great resources and research from people in the field.

I had three ectopic pregnancies-first one was an oopsie pregnancy, the other two were very wanted :( I ended up having my fallopian tubes removed after the 3rd one and moving on to IVF. It was such a whirlwind of emotions and procedures and problems, but all worth it in the end. My kids are almost 10 now. I didn't have the stress of Crohn's to deal with at the same time though, I was diagnosed about 6 weeks after they were born.

Best of luck to you, hope your dreams come true for you soon!!

just wanted to say that this a great website that you posted.
I'm following this and praying for you Lydia! Don't give up!

For the rest of you ladies thinking about having a's such a blessing and the children really do brighten up the dark days of this disease! Don't let it beat you! ( I need to remember that too)
Thanks for the support ladies. DH and I are going to give it our best shot. He is getting a sperm analysis done on Monday, just to get it out of the way before we see the specialist.

My hormonal tests came back normal, so I have that going for me.
hello, I'm new here and wanted to join this thread about trying to conceive. DH and I have been trying to conceive our first baby for a year and a half now. Its been pretty hard on us because it has taken so long and DH's crohn's has been a lot more active than it has been in the past 8 years.

DH has had crohn's for about 20 years and got diagnosed when he was a teenager. Right now he's on humira (after 10 years on Remicade), prednisone and azothioprene.

After several sperm analysises and seeing an infertility urologist we got the diagnosis of male infertility due to low sperm count and motility. The urologist said that DH's counts are so low because of low nutrition since DH hasn't been able to eat well or keep food down in the past year. Right now he's in the hospital TPN and has had a couple of blood transfusions because of low iron counts. :(

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and share my story... I'd love to hear about everyone else's experiences with ttc and crohn's. Thanks :)
Hello Greenbay!

There are some vitamins and supplements that can help low count and motility.

Co-Q10, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Maca, Vitamin D can help. Also be sure to find the most bioavailable forms of these vitamins, or they will not be absorbed.

You may have to wait till he is able to eat again though. It also takes about 72 days to correct any issues with sperm as it takes about this long for sperm to mature.
Thanks Lydia!!

He just started TPN last week, so we're hoping that 3 months from now his count and motility will get better from all the absorbed nutrition!

I also wanted to mention that we were at a seminar recently where the doctor said that azathioprine causes low sperm counts. :( This was the first we'd heard of that drug being an issue.
Thanks Lydia!!

He just started TPN last week, so we're hoping that 3 months from now his count and motility will get better from all the absorbed nutrition!

I also wanted to mention that we were at a seminar recently where the doctor said that azathioprine causes low sperm counts. :( This was the first we'd heard of that drug being an issue.

IUI (Interuterine Insemination) can also help with low count issues, because the sperm are washed and put directly into the uterus, bypassing the cervix. Maybe look into that as well.
hello, I'm new here and wanted to join this thread about trying to conceive. DH and I have been trying to conceive our first baby for a year and a half now. Its been pretty hard on us because it has taken so long and DH's crohn's has been a lot more active than it has been in the past 8 years.

DH has had crohn's for about 20 years and got diagnosed when he was a teenager. Right now he's on humira (after 10 years on Remicade), prednisone and azothioprene.

After several sperm analysises and seeing an infertility urologist we got the diagnosis of male infertility due to low sperm count and motility. The urologist said that DH's counts are so low because of low nutrition since DH hasn't been able to eat well or keep food down in the past year. Right now he's in the hospital TPN and has had a couple of blood transfusions because of low iron counts. :(

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and share my story... I'd love to hear about everyone else's experiences with ttc and crohn's. Thanks :)

Hi green bay.

I read your story and looks like I am in a similar situation. my hd was has been having crohns for 17 years. he started Remiciade about 4 years ago. I have just started ttc hasn't been a year for me. We did a testosterone test and the results were normal thank God. I am getting his semen analysis results tomorrow. so lets see how it goes.

I know it can be frustrating trying to conceive and when you find out that oh it is not working. wishing your HD a speedy recovery so, you could start TTCIN'G.
Hello Greenbay!

There are some vitamins and supplements that can help low count and motility.

Co-Q10, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Maca, Vitamin D can help. Also be sure to find the most bioavailable forms of these vitamins, or they will not be absorbed.

You may have to wait till he is able to eat again though. It also takes about 72 days to correct any issues with sperm as it takes about this long for sperm to mature.

hi lydia.

what is the bio available forms of these vitatmins? and where can you find them?

hi lydia.

what is the bio available forms of these vitatmins? and where can you find them?


Generally good quality vitamins are more bio-available. Ie. most cheap brands will use zinc oxide, but it is poorly absorbed compared to zinc monomethionine. Also a good zinc supplement will have a little copper, because zinc depletes your copper stores. Vitamin C is better absorbed with a supplement that contains bioflavanoids. Vitamin D is better is an oil capsule as opposed to a pill, because vitamin D is fat soluble and you need a little fat/oil to absorb it. Same with vitamin E.
Generally good quality vitamins are more bio-available. Ie. most cheap brands will use zinc oxide, but it is poorly absorbed compared to zinc monomethionine. Also a good zinc supplement will have a little copper, because zinc depletes your copper stores. Vitamin C is better absorbed with a supplement that contains bioflavanoids. Vitamin D is better is an oil capsule as opposed to a pill, because vitamin D is fat soluble and you need a little fat/oil to absorb it. Same with vitamin E.

With Co-Q-10 and Maca, you want a brand you can trust, so the amount on the bottle is actually in the capsules. A company that follows GMP, and GLP protocols, is a good place to start.

Oh and I love ordering from You can look at product reveiws before you decide to buy anything and shipping is only 4 dollars for 3 lbs or under.

We get my husbands SA results back on the 15th.

Good luck ladies!
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Hello ladies!

I thought it would be a good idea to join you guys in this thread as me and my DH are trying to conceive. I've been off the pill for 3 years, but we have been using "safe" periods and jumping off (don't know what the term is in english) untill the last 6 months. Nothing has happened yet, so the last few weeks we've been having sex every second day. My period isn't stable, and I have loooong periods - about 40 to 60 days, so I don't really know when I have ovulation. I saw a specialist gynecologist a couple of weeks back and during an ultrasound he said that I have perfect uterus and ovaries, so that was good to know. I'm giving it a few more months, and if nothing happens my DH has to deliever a sperm sample, so that I can start on Pergo.

I'm currently on Entocort 9 mg and Imurel (1 month in).

I think I had ovulation this weekend, so fingers crossed it will work this time! :)

So this is my story. Looking forward to getting to know you ladies better. :)
With Co-Q-10 and Maca, you want a brand you can trust, so the amount on the bottle is actually in the capsules. A company that follows GMP, and GLP protocols, is a good place to start.

Oh and I love ordering from You can look at product reveiws before you decide to buy anything and shipping is only 4 dollars for 3 lbs or under.

We get my husbands SA results back on the 15th.

Good luck ladies!

thanks Lydia, for the website. I have an update on my TTCin'g. we just go the semen analysis results. so my husband has a low sperm count and low morphology. my OB/GYN suggested if we don't conceive naturally ICIS is another option for us. I have been very disappointed and disheartened. He is going to see his urologist and see what they suggest any ways to increase sperm count and morphology.

any suggestion and advice is appreciated.

good luck to you lydia and all the ladies
thanks Lydia, for the website. I have an update on my TTCin'g. we just go the semen analysis results. so my husband has a low sperm count and low morphology. my OB/GYN suggested if we don't conceive naturally ICIS is another option for us. I have been very disappointed and disheartened. He is going to see his urologist and see what they suggest any ways to increase sperm count and morphology.

any suggestion and advice is appreciated.

good luck to you lydia and all the ladies

Just remember to give it 72 days, after supplementing to see if it works. It takes 72 days for sperm to mature, so it will take that long to see any benefits.
Hello ladies!

I thought it would be a good idea to join you guys in this thread as me and my DH are trying to conceive. I've been off the pill for 3 years, but we have been using "safe" periods and jumping off (don't know what the term is in english) untill the last 6 months. Nothing has happened yet, so the last few weeks we've been having sex every second day. My period isn't stable, and I have loooong periods - about 40 to 60 days, so I don't really know when I have ovulation. I saw a specialist gynecologist a couple of weeks back and during an ultrasound he said that I have perfect uterus and ovaries, so that was good to know. I'm giving it a few more months, and if nothing happens my DH has to deliever a sperm sample, so that I can start on Pergo.

I'm currently on Entocort 9 mg and Imurel (1 month in).

I think I had ovulation this weekend, so fingers crossed it will work this time! :)

So this is my story. Looking forward to getting to know you ladies better. :)

There is a herb called vitex, which can help women with long periods, have normal cycles. It can take a few months to work but I have hear many women on other TTC forums sing its praises.

Good luck catching the eggie.

PS: I think we call "jumping off",the "pull and pray" or wihdrawl method.
Wow.. Why haven't I heard of Vitex before?? :D

I looked it up and it seems to have helped a lot of women, as you say. I'm definitively going to order some if this PP doesn't give results. Thank you very much for the tips Lydia. :)
hi i have been try as well and no luck iam on humira. i have had crohns sence 2003 and i am only 27years old i want a baby so bad i just dont think it will ever happen.
hi i have been try as well and no luck iam on humira. i have had crohns sence 2003 and i am only 27years old i want a baby so bad i just dont think it will ever happen.

hi tony girl.

it is too soon to give up. start with your ob/gyn she will have some suggestions for you. we have just started TTCing, my husband has crohsn low sperm count and bad morphology. my ob/gyn suggested if we don't conceive naturally our other option is IVF/ICSI.

good to luck to u
hi i have been try as well and no luck iam on humira. i have had crohns sence 2003 and i am only 27years old i want a baby so bad i just dont think it will ever happen.

How long have you been trying? Do you have regular cycles? Is your husband healthy?

It can take healthy couples up to a year to conceive.

It can help to monitor your cycle so your timing is good. You only have about a 3 day window to have sex in order to conceive and if you are missing that window, getting pregnant is difficult.

I use to monitor my cycles. You dont have to temp, you can use OPKs and watch your CM, and CP.
Wow Lydia! just reading through your post is so informative. That video was really exactly what I was looking for. Thank-you for sharing so much of your valuable knowledge!

My husband and I were TTCing a few months before I was hospitalized with a nasal-gastric tube in February 2010. Since then it's been a rollercoaster of trying to get off prednisone, while dealing with the symptoms from a stricture in the ileum (I keep having obstructive-like symptoms), and getting onto some new meds. Currently, I'm upping my Humira to weekly with high hopes that it works.

The drs keep saying wait 'til you've been controlled for 6 months to get pregnant... I'm getting impatient but I was also told it's super important for neural tube development to get my B12 levels (and folic acid levels) up. My b12 is always low, and I didn't realize that's a huge issue for a developing fetus.

So I'm taking the next few months to get serious with my vitamins and counting down the days 'til we can TTC.

I'm already 30, so that factor is always at the back of my mind. My husband and I definitely are probably just getting less and less fertile as we get older... and everyday that goes by I think about it.
Welcome Tummygirl. I see you are a fellow Canadian. If you have trouble with vitamins, by some methylfolate (metafolin) instead of folic acid. Folic acid has to be converted into methyl folate, while a methyl folate supplement doesnt need to be converted. This may be what you need to increase your folic acid levels as you likely have absorbtion issues. B12 shots are handy to.

I order this one.
Hi Ladies,

Well even tho my hubby and I haven't been exactly TTC but we also haven't been using any form of protection so if it happens it happens. I just found out yesterday after getting a check up due to irregular periods that I now have another thing to add to the never ending list of health issues... I was dx with PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome :(

So now it has just made the whole TTC process that much harder for me as I was already struggling with having Crohns and Arthritis to deal with. Im off to see an OBGYN to talk to them about our options and see what meds I can be on to increase ovulation to limit the time it takes to fall preggas.

Way does it have to be so frustrating and hard... I sometimes wonder whether its worth all the pain and just be happy with being just hubby and me. But I don't want to get to 40 and realise I have missed my chance and Im sure once Im holding that baby it will be well worth all the struggle and stress.

Well thats my TTC story its great to have a place to come and share our fears and know their are others that understand what it is like to have this/these diseases and TTC.
Hi Tanya. A lot of my friends with PCOS got pregnant with clomid. If they had a really long cycle, the doctor gave them provera to start their peroid, and then clomid after that to trigger ovulation. For them it was a matter of ovulating. As soon as they did, they were pregnant.

Good luck!
Hi Lydia, I really hope that is all it takes for me too fall pregnant too. I have an appointment with an OB in a month so will see what they have to say about it all plus with my two other diseases and all the meds Im on.

Good luck for you too.
My husband got his SA results today. He has an excellent count with good quality sperm. He was pretty proud of that. It must be all those vitamins I make him take. ;)

Well I am officially in the 2WW (The 2 weeks wait happens after ovulation, while you are waiting to see if you actually got pregnant from all that baby dancing.) My husband says he feels very optimisitc about this cycle. I hope he is right.

Good luck and good health to everyone!
My husband got his SA results today. He has an excellent count with good quality sperm. He was pretty proud of that. It must be all those vitamins I make him take. ;)

Well I am officially in the 2WW (The 2 weeks wait happens after ovulation, while you are waiting to see if you actually got pregnant from all that baby dancing.) My husband says he feels very optimisitc about this cycle. I hope he is right.

Good luck and good health to everyone!

that is great news your husband SA are good. Lydia what supplements does your husband take?

good luck with everything
that is great news your husband SA are good. Lydia what supplements does your husband take?

good luck with everything

A multivitamin, 500 mg Vitamin C, 200 IU Vitamin E, 30 mg Zinc, and 2000 IU Vitamin D.

Seriously, they like to see 20 million per ml or greater to be considered fertile and he had 50 million per ml.

Zinc and Vitamin D is good for crohnies too, so you get another bonus there.
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A multivitamin, 500 mg Vitamin C, 200 IU Vitamin E, 30 mg Zinc, and 2000 IU Vitamin D.

Seriously, they like to see 20 million per ml or greater to be considered fertile and he had 50 million per ml.

Zinc and Vitamin D is good for crohnies too, so you get another bonus there.

unfortunately that is the not the case with us. My husband has a morphology of 2% normal and sperm count is 16 million. it sucks. I went to pick up his result form my ob/gyn office seeing all the pregnant woman made me realize I may never be able to experience pregnancy.

I am curious to know if there are any men out here who has crohns and low fertility. I talked to his GI he doesn't think it could be the medication he is on. we are having another appointment with another GI for a second opinion followed by a urologist.
unfortunately that is the not the case with us. My husband has a morphology of 2% normal and sperm count is 16 million. it sucks. I went to pick up his result form my ob/gyn office seeing all the pregnant woman made me realize I may never be able to experience pregnancy.

I am curious to know if there are any men out here who has crohns and low fertility. I talked to his GI he doesn't think it could be the medication he is on. we are having another appointment with another GI for a second opinion followed by a urologist.

It takes about 72 days for any supplements to take affect, because this is how long it takes for a sperm to develop to maturity. Avoid hot baths if he can help it.
Hows it going everyone, any updates? I am feeling a little weird so I think I am going to test in the morning. Wish me luck!
Hows it going everyone, any updates? I am feeling a little weird so I think I am going to test in the morning. Wish me luck!

I have an appointment with a fertility specialist in April. so we will see how that goes. I am preparing myself for IVF/ICSI if that is our best and only option. since I am new to this IVF/ICSI . I would love to hear if anyone is interested in sharing their story and if IVF/ICSI worked for them.

all the best Lydia.
It was negative. Boo. We are taking a break for a couple months. We dont want a christmas/winter baby. We have waited this long what is a couple months.
Sorry to hear today's test was negative.

I can understand not wanting a Christmas baby. I always felt bad for those born around the holidays, because their birthdays were easily overlooked. However, how cute would it be to have a little girl in December and to name her Noel?!
I live in an isolated mountain community that does not have a hospital that delivers babies. We are also concerned about winter driving and roads.
Oh, when you said Christmas/winter baby, my mind went in that direction.

That makes complete sense for not wanting a winter baby, especially with the way winters have been going! It is apparently spring, but it still feels very much like winter.
Oh, when you said Christmas/winter baby, my mind went in that direction.

That makes complete sense for not wanting a winter baby, especially with the way winters have been going! It is apparently spring, but it still feels very much like winter.

Its the xmas thing too. lol. Sorry if my tone didnt come through right.
Yes I do. They have great prices/selection and they are American actually. 4 dollars for shipping under 3 lbs.

thanks, I have an update and it might even be helpful for men who are on remiciade treatment and are trying to get their wife/ partner pregnant. my husband met with a different GI he is one of the top docs in field of crohns and very much involved with research. he gave my husband a study done on men who are taking remicade and it's effects on sperm motility and shape.

my husband is going to switch to different meds and we will give it three months to see if there is any improvement in sperm productions. if any one is in Boston, Massachusetts it might be worth a try to see this doc. he seems very knowledgeable,
Well my appointment with the OB/GYN got bumped up to tomorrow from July 19th. I am so thankful I get to see a specialist regarding the issues I have been having. I will update tomorrow.
Excellent news! Good luck, Lydia! Looking forward to tomorrow's update.
any up dates from lydia. hope your appointment with dr went well

It went ok. He didnt seem to concerned and ordered a bunch of blood work. I am just waiting for the results. I was a little concerned, because he basically said there was not much that could be done, and deep down he thinks there is nothing wrong with me. I dont know how well that sits with me.
It went ok. He didnt seem to concerned and ordered a bunch of blood work. I am just waiting for the results. I was a little concerned, because he basically said there was not much that could be done, and deep down he thinks there is nothing wrong with me. I dont know how well that sits with me.

is he a fertility specialist? hopefully there may not be anything wrong with you.

goo luck with everything.
Hello, I hope you don't mind me popping in :)
Lydia I am sorry for your losses, I really hope you will find some answers and get a BFP soon!
I am also TTC, we have a DS who is almost 2 and have been trying to fall pregnant since Aug 2010 with no luck. I had conceived DS on our first cycle and had a reasonably good pregnancy, had a couple of minor flares which were treated with cortisone enemas. However after the birth I flared badly and so was put on prednisolone and stopped breastfeeding. A few weeks later I also developed a DVT in my leg then my lungs (which apparently could have been related to my UC flare) so I was then on warfarin for 6 months.
We have just started seeing a fertility specialist who said that my previous blood clot could be a reason why we havent fallen pregnant yet, we have been doing various tests which I haven't got the results back yet.
I hope we can find some answers, it's so heartbreaking it doesn't happen month after month.
Good luck to all!
Oh, Lydia, I am so sorry to read this.

I read in the Diet & Fitness forum you are trying a gluten free diet to see if this has any effect. I sure hope this helps. Please continue to keep us posted. Thinking of you.
I just had my 5th loss today. This is the suck.

I am so sorry for your loss Lydia, when I was looking ino doing IVF/ICSI, I came across fertility treatments for women with miscarriages. might be good if you see a fertility specialist and see what they recommend for you.
Oh Lydia,
I am so sorry. (((HUGS))) MC SUCK! mine was horrible. I'm not sure what the worse part was...the pain, no one talking about it its like a secret club, no one *warning* me what it'd be like(other than being told it would be like a period...big fat lie!), or of course the insurmountable pain of the death of my dreams.
Now here you are dealing with #5. How are you handling it? Do you have someone to talk to when you need/want to talk?? Oodles of hugs for you.
I'm not ttc just yet, we're discussing it and we may be trying soon. My IUD has like 5 yrs left but I might get it taken out sooner since I'm having some trouble wih it. Anyway I'm on 6mp (50 mg) is it ok to get pregnant while on 6mp or would it hurt the baby? I know lialda alone won't keep me in remission...just curious
I'm not ttc just yet, we're discussing it and we may be trying soon. My IUD has like 5 yrs left but I might get it taken out sooner since I'm having some trouble wih it. Anyway I'm on 6mp (50 mg) is it ok to get pregnant while on 6mp or would it hurt the baby? I know lialda alone won't keep me in remission...just curious

Lots of crohnies take 6mp or immuran while pregnant. Its a class D drug when taken at doses a donor patient would take. Crohnies take a much much lower dose to control their disease, and at this dose it is considered low risk.
Hello Ladies. I have had crohn's since I was 14 (I'm 35 now). When my husband and I decided to try for a baby we had troubles. Everytime I tried to go off the pill I would end up in agony and in the ER and sex was extremely painful. Not as romantic as I thought it would be! The doctors thought I may also have endometriosis in addition to the Crohns but they did not want to go in as I had too many operations already and they were concerned because of all the adhesions and of rupturing the bowel.

To cut a long story short we ended up going through IVF in the UK. We were lucky enough to be successful on the first attempt and I am pleased to say we had twins, a boy and a girl. Due to 3 resections prior to pregnancy I did have the complication that the babies pushed on my intestine and blocked it at the resection join. The last 2 months of my pregnancy I was on a liquid diet. Small price to pay for my beautiful children. I went off Mesasal to fall pregnant and I did not flare up during or after my pregnancy.

I didn't need to go back on the pill after the babies were born. The doctors seem to think a lot of the pain may have been adhesions and the pregnancy stretched theses. I was painfree for a few years and then gradually the pain returned, each month getting a little worse.

Although we are content with our 2 children (who are now 6) we always thought if we had another child we would welcome him or her with love and have not take any precautions. Each month i am a little disappointed. I thought something would have happened by now.

In terms of looking after children while dealing with crohns disease it isn't easy at times but you do what you have to. When the kids were young they would bring there little chairs into the bathroom for me to read to them. They thought that was normal! Even today they would have a conversation with me because they know it could be awhile before I come out!

I wish you all luck that you can fall pregnant soon.
I'm going to join in here too if you'll have me! I'm not officially TTC yet, but at the same time, not trying to avoid anything :) I'm relatively young (24), but I've had Crohn's since I was 11 and we have no idea what the meds may have done to my girly bits along with scarring etc, plus my partner has had cancer and chemo so we don't know exactly what's going on there either. Don't want to leave it too long, just in case we run into trouble.

I thought we'd hit the not avoiding jackpot in June after realising I was 2 weeks late. Was ok for about a week after, was just started to feel a bit queasy but otherwise good, when I started spotting and cramping then bleeding the next day. Luckily it wasn't too painful, but the bleeding was horrendous.

Crohny66 - your story has given me hope that it can happen, fingers crossed all of us here have the same outcome! I would love love twins, my partner's cousin has twins and they are the most gorgeous children on the planet - I helped look after them when they were tiny (and still do), and the hard times are certainly outweighed by the cute times!
My love and I have just decided to try for babies, I very nervous that I will have problems conceiving. I've had crohns for 10 years and about to start Remicade. Here's hoping to all us ladies we get our babies!
Oh Lydia,
I am so sorry. (((HUGS))) MC SUCK! mine was horrible. I'm not sure what the worse part was...the pain, no one talking about it its like a secret club, no one *warning* me what it'd be like(other than being told it would be like a period...big fat lie!), or of course the insurmountable pain of the death of my dreams.
Now here you are dealing with #5. How are you handling it? Do you have someone to talk to when you need/want to talk?? Oodles of hugs for you.

Physically they were all similar. Lots of cramping and heavier bleeding. Emotionally it gets worse and worse. I sobbed in the tub like a baby, full body sobs, while my husband took a wet cloth to my back. The poor guy didnt know what to say as I dont think he has ever seen me so sad and heartbroken. Then I got really drunk and went to bed. (Bad idea when you are bleeding, i know) I will still well up with tears if I think about it, and how I may never carry a pregnancy ever again. Now I dont know what to do. I have thought of going on birth control for a mental health break.
6+ months and no luck

I've been trying to conceive for over 6 months and haven't had any luck. This weekend I got a fortune in a fortune cookie that said something along the lines "you will soon receive long awaited good news." I actually hoped I was pregnant and that the fortune was correct! I am usually the least superstitious person, but I really wanted it to be true... No luck. Got my period.

I'm 39 years old, my Crohn's was diagnosed 2 years ago, it seems to be under control, but I wonder if I went gluten free or somehow was able to gain weight if I might get pregnant.

I do have two healthy children who were conceived prior to my having any crohn's symptoms. I am starting to think I should just quit trying.

Anyone else still trying to conceive?

Lydia - how are you doing? I just read this thread and am sorry to read about your losses and struggles.
We took a break for a couple months but we are now trying again. The break was nice actually and I got to treat some of my underlying depression issues. I also had to come off remicade and needed time to figure out my medications.

If you are over 35, you should seek help after 6 months. There may be an underlying issue that is easy to treat. Good luck!
Hello all - I just finished reading this thread & my heart is breaking for you Lydia and all the other ladies who are having issues :( That is my biggest fear, not being able to get pregnant, or not being able to carry. My husband and I have put off TTC because we wanted to be more financial secure, and to live a little before we bring kids into the picture. I am 31, he is 33. I have been a crohny for 7 yrs. I can't say I'm in remission as I am just getting over a flare up, but compared to some people it seems my symptoms are fairly minor. I usually only flare for 2-3 days then am ok for a few months. I have an appt with my GI in May so we will start talking babies at that time. Good luck to you all - I will be keeping you in my thoughts!! xo
T-Minus 9 days until I enter TTC mode! :mario2:

I had a vasectomy reversal done so that's going to add an extra potential hurdle for us. I pray that it worked and I'm fertile.
@Manders - I am glad your flare is coming to an end. Hoping you have a healthier 2012 with perhaps a little bundle on the way!

@David - Congrats! I am laughing in my office over your Mario - he looks like he is ready for some action! LOL

Hubby and I are planning to get the baby making ball rolling this spring or summer. I have a GI appointment tomorrow and plan on discussing the subject thoroughly. I wish I could be a bit healthier and have an answer as to what is going on with my health before TTC, but I have a feeling I may not have a choice.
Just catching back up with this thread. I avoided posting through all of last year because my hubby and I were aggressively TTC, culminating with three consecutive failed IUIs, and I just didn't feel like opening up with all of the painful feelings. I knew it would open up some flood gates and I would end up sobbing all over my computer and posting a mega-thread that no body would want to read. Anyway, we took the last three months off and I am accepting things a little better and even beginning to think about giving it another go.

My main reason for posting here is for Lydia. I am so sorry to hear of the troubles you have had carrying a pregnancy. It's hard enough not being able to get there, but I can't even imagine how it must feel for you. This may be an obvious question, but I didn't see it anywhere in your posts so I thought I'd ask. Have you been tested for lupus anti-coalgulent? It's a clotting disorder that thickens you blood and prevents proper blood flow to the uterus. I asked my doctor about testing me for it since my dad has it, but he said they usually wait until you have at least one miscarriage. Just thought I'd ask.
Wow Lydia! just reading through your post is so informative. That video was really exactly what I was looking for. Thank-you for sharing so much of your valuable knowledge!

My husband and I were TTCing a few months before I was hospitalized with a nasal-gastric tube in February 2010. Since then it's been a rollercoaster of trying to get off prednisone, while dealing with the symptoms from a stricture in the ileum (I keep having obstructive-like symptoms), and getting onto some new meds. Currently, I'm upping my Humira to weekly with high hopes that it works.

The drs keep saying wait 'til you've been controlled for 6 months to get pregnant... I'm getting impatient but I was also told it's super important for neural tube development to get my B12 levels (and folic acid levels) up. My b12 is always low, and I didn't realize that's a huge issue for a developing fetus.

So I'm taking the next few months to get serious with my vitamins and counting down the days 'til we can TTC.

I'm already 30, so that factor is always at the back of my mind. My husband and I definitely are probably just getting less and less fertile as we get older... and everyday that goes by I think about it.

Hi everyone! I posted the above message a year ago and I'm happy to say that I am approximately 16 weeks pregnant at the moment. I had an indium scan in August which showed no active disease. That was the go-ahead to TTC.

I'm still taking weekly Humira. Feeling great though! I'm anxiously waiting for the anatomy ultrasound in a month, so hat we can hear that everything is developing properly, but so far, so good.

Just wanted to send an update! :)
Congrats that is exciting news.

Lydia, Im so sorry for all the trouble you have gone thru.. I can understand the side of trying to fall pregnant without success but it would be heartbreaking to fall and then not be able to carry it. My heart goes out to you.

We have been trying for over a year and for the last 4 months on ovulation inducing meds to no success, next avenue will be IVF!

Good luck x
I'm new to this forum and thanks to David he advised me about this thread. I must say to Lydia I'm sorry to hear everything your going through and I hope one day you get your baby. I wanted to say that I was on remicade and had a little girl (who is almost 2)while taking remicade. This time around I want to TTC in 6 months but I'm on imuran and cimzia. My GI is okay with me taking the cimzia but was concerned about the imuran and maybe wanted me to take predisone for the first trimester. However after reading this thread all the wonderful information you have provided Lydia I am being more reassured about staying on imuran while TTC and during my pregnancy. Thanks so much!! :)

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