Trying to cure my Crohn's with Diet - Blogging about it

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Jan 22, 2013
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum, I am a long term sufferer trying to cure my Crohn's Disease through a paleo/whole 30 diet, I believe that this diet will work best for me and I am trialing different foods and giving a complete guide of how I am eating in case it actually works.

For those interested the blog is:

caveman for crohns. blogspot (without the spaces, I am new and apparently I need 10 posts, but I dont want to spam people with irrelevant text.

Thanks for your time,

Rory McCarthy
Hi Rory - I'll check out your blog, I'm also in Auckland!

Hope you are enjoying the forum.

Heather :)
you are not going to cure it with diet.

the dysbiosis of the intestinal flora may need to be corrected with bacteria that has been destroyed. research a fecal transplant.
you've got my support. There are a few of us on here doing diet only and having amazing results!
Though I am not a crohn's patient (my son is), I have done the Whole 30 and it is a solid diet. I started it in June and I have stayed 99% on the diet because it made me feel so much better. I have Hashimoto's and the diet is created to reduce inflammation, which I would think would help any auto immune or inflammatory disease. Since October I have been on half my medication for thyroid and I feel better than before I was ever on meds. I hope to eventually be completely off of meds :) We'll see! I have my son on a very similar diet (SCD) and he is doing great. I think the only difference between SCD and Whole 30 is the following (just in case you are curious :)...

Whole 30 allows sweet potato, but SCD does not.
SCD allows honey, but Whole 30 does not.
SCD allows seed oils and Whole 30 does not.
Whole 30 allows unsweetened cocoa but SCD does not.
SCD allows hard aged cheese and yogurt and Whole 30 does not.
SCD allows peanuts and peanut butter and Whole 30 does not.
SCD eventually allows legumes and Whole 30 does not.

The cookbooks

Well Fed and Practical Paleo are both great. It Starts with Food (the actual book written by the authors of the Whole 30 diet) is also a great reference.

Good luck and definitely keep us posted. :thumright:
Good luck with the paleo diet. Hope it works out and you find some relief. I'm pretty much a follower of that eating style too, finding it helpful.

Here of late I'm been modifying the diet in order to help improve my gut flora through diet . I'm new to doing this, began last Sunday, and had a hiccup the other day with the diet drinking some alcohol, (didn't realize alcohol was bad for gut flora) but so far so good. My skin tone has improved, and it seems I've cut down on bathroom trips by about half, possibly. (Not keeping court of bathroom trips, but have noticed an improvement.) Hoping the trend continues!
I had some blueberry wine of all things. Tasted good, but did a number on the gut, causing a good amount of cramping and keeping me up for the night. I wouldn't have realized alcohol can effect gut flora till I had the bad night - and so did some reading and saw the mention. If there is any positive from the experience, just had severe cramping, but used the bathroom little.
Thanks guys for the support, @wildbill - just because there's not a wealth of evidence around diet doesn't mean you can't make yourself asymptomatic, I know of lots of people who are now asymptomatic due to diet.

As for my health, today I had the firmest stool I have had since being diagnosed, so whatever I am doing already seems to be working.

As for Fecal Transplant, yes I am waiting for more research in that area, and I will be first to sign up for any clinical trials as recent studies have shown some amazing results. Living in NZ, we don't get access to as many trials as others on this site may do.

Started my day 1 today at this... am excited to see what happens. I found out today I have celiacs as well as really low B12 which needs to be investigated further and then a GI referral. In the mean time I'm hoping that this diet will give me some relief.

I really like your blog.

As for cure - who can say what will or will not cure any disease - be it chronic or otherwise. I guess for me any positive effects of dietary change can only be a good thing in this situation.
Cool heatherb, Soy (Lectin) is by far the sneakiest ingredient I have found that is restricted it's in so much so remember to check the labels :D
:D I'm an avid label checker, so that won't be a problem - going to cook my first proper dinner tonight using only things as part of the paleo/whole 30 approach. It'll make it much easier now I've found out I'm celiac so now is as good a time as any to start! :)
Unfortunately, there is no cure for Crohn's yet, but I am sure through the wonders of science, man will find a way.
But, like you guys were discussing, it can be managed through proper diet and a state of remission can be acheived
I have to say this diet has yielded the most positive results for me so far out of anything that I have tried, I am not saying it will work for you, but I am really surprised at how fast it has turned my life around...

I can pass wind now without fear of follow through.

How are you finding it heatherb ?
I have to say this diet has yielded the most positive results for me so far out of anything that I have tried, I am not saying it will work for you, but I am really surprised at how fast it has turned my life around...

I can pass wind now without fear of follow through.

This is great to know and it is very encouraging! Thank you for updating us on your progress. Keep us posted. :thumright: