Trying to quit smoking

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Dec 28, 2009
This is my deal.
I have never been a big smoker - like 7 a day for the past 15 yrs. For a couple of months before I was diagnosed, I was feeling really bad and starting smoking a little more because if it. It helped me deal with my messed up body and helped my depression. Since I was diagnosed with crohns in July, I have been trying to cut down because they they it makes things worse. I'm now smoking about 3 or 4 a day and I can't seem to shake it. Everytime I try to quit, I just get depressed and I can't do that to myself or my family now. They just got me bacl from being this "bathroom-ridden" person who layed in bed whenever I was home. On one hand, I am feeling very well lately and don't want to kill it by smoking but on the other, as much as I have learned to deal with the fact that I have crohns (which is still depressing when I think about it) and I can't eat all the yummy foods and drinks that I love, i can't bring myself to quit now. It going to sound pathetic to those that never smoked and sad to those that had, but I really don't want to quit now. I have too much going on in my life to let that go too and deal with the side-effects of that.
My wife has been very supportive with this crohns stuff and when I get depressed, she starts thinking that something is wrong with me and I am not feeling well. I can't do that to her.
Anyone understand what I am going through?
Is smoking a couple a day really going to upset thr crohns?
Thank you in advance for all your unbelievable support.
Steve, I don't smoke, never have. I hear it is one of the most difficult habits to kick. Worse than heroin addiction. There are meds that help you to quite smoking that also are used for depression. Wellbutrin is the one that comes to mind at the moment....Maybe do a Google search and see what others are out there and what people say about their effectiveness? Good luck to you.
Although I have never smoked, I do understand. I have friends who have been trying to quit forever, and some that have suceeded. The one consistant thing they all say is that you cant quit untill you are abolutely ready to, and from the sounds of it you arent.

Id say for right now dont let it stress you out cause that will affect you aswell. Concentrate on getting your health under control first, then worry about the little details like quitting. Plus its not like your a pack or two a day!

Good luck! :)
I had a friend who was a heavy smoker when she got pregnant, and the GP actually told her that to quit completely would be more harmful to the baby than cutting down substantially. She managed to drop from 40 a day to 10 using patches and gum. She's now addicted to the gum but thats a different story!

Totally get where you are coming from - so little left to enjoy with Crohn's... and it's not just the food, it's doing stuff with the family as well, you can't help but think, for gods sakes just let me have one little cigarette!

In my opinion you have quite a small habit and you should be congratulating yourself on halving it already rather than beating yourself up for not quitting completely. I'd bet my last penny that Crohn's has forced you to make a miriad of other lifestyle changes already!

Smoking is supposed to be terrible for Crohn's so don't get me wrong - I'm not encouraging you to carry on smoking, I'm just saying, you know what, you've done well already so give yourself a pat on the back, and if it takes another six months to halve the habit again down to 2 per day, you will still have made a brilliant achievement.

This isn't a race! Take it steady and you will get there!!! And while you're headed there DAMN WELL ENJOY those couple of **** if they make you feel good and help you deal with everything else this crappy disease throws at you!

HUGS and support flying your way!!!

Steve, I was a 1/2-1 pack a day smoker until April. After I was diagnosed with Crohn's I figured this would be a good time to quit. I had help. Welbutrin worked great for me along with the patch. I have not smoked since 4/12/09.

If you're not ready, don't beat yourself up. This is not an easy thing to do. You have to be ready to quit or else it won't stick. Trust me, I quit alot before it finally stuck.

Good luck and I'm here if you need.
I quit cold turkey after ten years of smoking. At the time I thought is was hard but looking back I can't imagine why. TBH I strongly feel it is a nervous habit. My key to beating it? Every time I had a craving I did something constructive instead. Grab a vacuum, change some fish tank water, walk a dog, wash the car, whatever.

All it takes is the personal motivation. Sitting in the hospital with O2 tubes up my nose and being told that I would die from smoking because I had chronic asthma and was allergic to tobacco smoke was motivation enough for me.
I took up smoking about a year before I was diagnosed Steve. I was a bit of a chain smoker - LOVED it. But guess made me SICK. It was so bad in the end that every time a smoked - I'd have to run to the bathroom afterward. Then I was diagnosed and my GI told me that I had to quit - it would make my Crohn's symptoms worse. Then two weeks later - I have emergent surgery to remove some of my colon. I haven't smoked since - I would be too afraid that it would cause me to have another horrible flare and need surgery - THAT is my motivation. You just have to find what your motivation is. And I watched my Mom struggle with it for over 40 years - she finally quit out of the blue two years ago after only smoking about 4 a day for the past 7 or so years. She is on Wellbutrin. She has a tendency to be depressed anyway - so that helped her with that part as well. I wish you luck!! Good for you for trying!!
I quit recently after smoking a pack a day for almost 10 years. For me, my motivation was other people because I would never quit for myself. Saying that it should just be done if you want to quit is a bunch of bull because we enjoy doing it. It's not just an addiction to nicotine or a nervous habit, it's an enjoyable activity for anytime whether you're bored, hanging out with friends or are having a few drinks. This is the reason why it's hard to quit.

So I told my boyfriend that I wanted to quit and that I needed help. So he said that everyday that I smoked a cigarette from now on, I wouldn't get my back scratches that I love dearly for that day. So I had to make a choice of which I enjoyed more and there's almost nothing on this Earth that's more enjoyable than back scratches imo. Also, it's not like he was controlling what I did. This would only happen if I agreed to do it. Haven't smoked since then.

But I also used a device to help me quit. Sheer willpower isn't possible for some people. So I used an electronic cigarette. They can be purchased online at places like With this, you can have the full feeling of smoking (the draw into your lungs and having something in your hand) without all the harmful chemicals of regular cigarettes. The nicotine levels range from high to none. So this way you can taper down and take in no nicotine eventually and then one day put the device down and never pick it up again if you choose. This is better than any gum or pills imo. I also don't use the device anymore.
I quit smoking 2 years ago after having been a smoker since my early teens (I'm almost 47 now). It had nothing to do with the Crohn's ~ that's a very recent thing in my life. Anyway, my mom had just passed away and life was really crummy and I had alot of aniety so my family doctor put me on Ativan and I took advantage of the peace-able/kind of 'zonked' feeling it gave me to give up the ciggies. I haven't ever heard of anyone else quitting with Ativan as an aid, but it worked for me.

Good Luck! :)
Hi Steve, I have been trying, and failing, to quit smoking also. It is HARD. And I suprise myself that I could still smoke after being diagnosed with Crohns. Just goes to show how powerful the addiction is.
I've tried the patches in the past week or so and end up pulling them off so I can have a smoke. They also make me really itchy and I have these itchy circles all over at the moment!
I would say that 4 a day is really not a big issue. To be honest, you are likely not even physically addicted with that quantity, which means when you do feel ready to stop it should be relatively easy for you! So, don't beat yourself up, you've already cut down and that is an achievement in itself :)
so do you guys light one up, take a few pulls and then butt it for later? My Gf does that and I can smell the pack of smokes sitting on the kitchen table from 10 feet away. She smokes on the porch or in the basement when she is in the house. If she borrows my car I ask her not to smoke in it. I quit almost 20 years ago and It is really amazing how bad that smells. I had no idea when I was a smoker.
I quit a pack-a-day habit just over a year ago with the help of Champix (Chantix in the US). My Crohn's flare subsided significantly after that.
Nicotine is a stimulant, and addictive, so it is not surprising that quitting provokes a pretty big back lash from the body and mind. The physiological effects get better after a few weeks. That is the most difficult time for me.

When you really want to quit, use whatever method will help you do it. I have used the nicotine gum and it helped. I have also quit twice cold turkey. Harder but doable if you are in the right frame of mind to do it.

I quit for years at a time, and now am smoking again. I am also going to have to quit, sooner rather than later. I am not looking forward to it, but I know I can do it, since I am a professional at quitting. I am good at quitting, but I suck at staying quit for more than three years at a time.

Good luck, and I know you can do it.

I started smoking a pack a day back in 1976. I came home from work one day in 02' and said I'm done. I quit for 5 yrs until I had to ride home from a job site with a chain smoker. I have been smoking again for the last 2 yrs.

I enjoyed the best 5 yrs of my life since being DX with CD when I quit. I have found the 2nd time to be much harder to quit. I'm getting close though because I'm not enjoying it quite as much as I use to.
I must have put a Jedi mind trick thing into my own head because the aversion to the smell of cigarettes is strong enough I have never considered going back. It almost causes my head to snap back!

I started as a teen in Grade 9 and quit at 20something with that aforementioned trip to the hospital with a hole tore in my lung. Ever have air leak out of your lung in be absorbed into your soft tissue? Kinda like having bubble-wrap under your skin. Like I said it was a Great motivator for me :ybatty:
My wife's parents are having to quit after having a 2 pack a day habit. Her mother has lung cancer from smoking, and to see both of them struggling is hard. I myself used to smoke a pack a day. But I guess it was just environmental, as I never had a hard time reducing my nic intake. Just yesterday I tried to smoke a cig, took the first drag, then threw it out.

Good luck on the quitting. But over a couple of smokes a day? Don't beat yourself up over it! IMHO.
you have to be mentally reeady to quit.
a few on here know that i tried and failed to quit on new year day. but i quit again and have been 5 days ciggy free. i use the gum ad the reward system. the money i wouldve spent on smokes goes into a tin and with tht money i buy myself a reward. today it was a bunch of flowers. i also said i would give my son £2 Everyday i dont smoke. he is saving it up for somehing special.
Thank you all for your comments and words of encouragement.
As I was writing the original post, I was wondering what the response would be to what some would say to be a really stupid question. “Of course you should quit” were the responses I anticipated getting but in my mind, with all the other stuff going on my live right now and all the sacrifices I have given up in the past several months to regain a normal (re-defined, obviously) quality of live, I didn’t see my intake to be so terrible. In fact, I thought that despite all, I managed to cut down (for the most part).
I wasn’t looking for someone to say “sure, Steve, smoke - it wont do anything to you” as much as someone to say, as you mostly all did day, “your not crazy – we know what you are going …. And its not so bad” - thank you.
The scariest part of all this is that although my very supportive wife, a non-smoker, hates when I do smoke, since all this stuff happened and I do find relief in smoking when I am having a bad crohns day –for the first time since we know each other, 12 yrs, that she actually tells me to go have a cig. It’s really freaky.
I’m rambling. Sorry.
Try Chantix. My GF used it and has now been smoke free for a little over a year. Really should not be smoking with Crohn's.
Steve said:
i dont believe its "how" as much as "is it the right time".

I wanted to quit for a couple of years. If you are ready, it will be easier than if you aren't.
Hi Steve, I have been an on off smoker since I was about 17, but wasnt a heavy smoker. Many times I was good to quit up to 2-5 years, and feel better and then like an idiot I would start up again, my Crohns would flare. My Original Gp was adament that I quit smoking and lied when I said I did.. Then my Second surgery was booked and read some horror stories about being put under and the risks... since then it will be 8 years now and quit. I used the patches, but didnt last long on them because night times I would get weird dreams and wasnt sleeping. I carried around a bottle of water and chewed gum alot, now I dont chew gum and still drink the water. I even got my hard-headed husband to quit. It not only affects you but your family members (unless you go outside to smoke) and animals are affected it has been proven. It is becoming so taboo now, I hardly know anyone who smokes, and I get ill if I smell it. Like being told to lose weight, smoking and drinking YOU have to take the first step, if you fail, try again. Quit quitting, take it one day at a time. Since I quit my flares were still there but not in the severe stages. The other reason is, it absolutely terrifies me to get Emphasema, (sp) not being able to breathe... no thanks.

Hope you can quit for yourself, not for any other reason ok. Good luck, and hang in there ok!!! BTW food taste amazing after you quit!
merrywidow said:
you have to be mentally reeady to quit.
a few on here know that i tried and failed to quit on new year day. but i quit again and have been 5 days ciggy free.

Awesome! Keep it up!
I am going to start my quit smoking effort tomorrow, but this time I am going to do it gradually, which is the suckiest way to do it in my opinion.

I do not want to shock my physiology by dropping a pack and a half habit, to nothing. I have done it before, but I do not want to risk screwing up my remission.

My plan is to reduce my smoking by two cigarettes per week until I am down to half a pack or so, and then quit altogether.

Your post made me think about it again, so thank you for the reminder. If I could get by with a couple a day, I would not even worry about it. I either smoke a lot, or not at all. Two a day would be torture for me.

I quit smoking 4/5/09 and find that I feel so much better. I had tried quitting a couple of time before but it is not an easy task. No matter how much people say you need to quit b/c it makes Crohn's worse, etc., you can only do it when your ready. Every time I would try to quit, and failed, I felt horrible when I would tell my husband b/c he was able to put it down and not think twice about it. I finally wanted to find out for myself if it would truly help my symptoms. Once I found that it did, there was no going back. That don't mean that I don't feel like lighting one up here and there, but I don't. I occasionally used the commit lozenges to help beat the urge. Good luck!!!
The problem for me, is I do not feel better when I quit. I am more tired and lazy, and will undoubtedly gain weight. Three years I put up with it, and finally just started again.

I feel better when I smoke and have suffered no consequences from it yet, but that could catch up with me someday.

So, Im not the only crohns person with this problem! lol I've been smoking for about two years now a pack a day. its very hard to quit..:( seems like I struggle and struggle to get a few days wtih out one then on that 3rd-4th day I just need one.....:( want to buy will power....hehe
merrywidow said:
you have to be mentally reeady to quit.
a few on here know that i tried and failed to quit on new year day. but i quit again and have been 5 days ciggy free. i use the gum ad the reward system. the money i wouldve spent on smokes goes into a tin and with tht money i buy myself a reward. today it was a bunch of flowers. i also said i would give my son £2 Everyday i dont smoke. he is saving it up for somehing special.

Hey Sharon I have read some of your posts and noticed you are still kicking the habit day by day! :) Good for you. Both and you and your son will reap the rewards. It's not about saving money, because you never do, unless you put it away. I should of half a pack a day for up to coming 8 years??? The money I should have lol... your health is the most important. Very proud of ya!!:)
Jettalady said:
Hey Sharon I have read some of your posts and noticed you are still kicking the habit day by day! :) Good for you. Both and you and your son will reap the rewards. It's not about saving money, because you never do, unless you put it away. I should of half a pack a day for up to coming 8 years??? The money I should have lol... your health is the most important. Very proud of ya!!:)
i put the money (£4.50) in a tin every morning. i am starting to get my sense of smell back, which is great as i can smell the flowers i brought myself as a reward. but its not so good when the cat farts!!!

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