Two years...

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Mar 4, 2009
Today marks two years I've been on Humira. Nowt else worked, or made me ill in other ways. It's not all been plain sailing. I had to go to weekly injections, but have backed off to 10 day intervals for a few months now. I tried going back to fortnightly but felt very tired and my symptoms started to come back. So 10 days it is.

Best Christmas present I've ever been given. Thanks Dr Middleton, and the NHS.
Yeah Beth, hope it continues for a long time to come!
Have a fab Christmas too!
Thats brilliant Beth. Long may it continue.
Glad Dr Middleton is looking after you well, my gastro consultant says he will refer me to him in the new year for another opinion cos I'm weird..hope I don't have to wait forever.

Do you see him on the nhs then?
littlemissh, Yup, Stephen Middleton at Addenbrooke's. He's quite difficult to actually get to see with a long waiting list and even then you're not guaranteed to see him! I've also seen another consultant - a Chinese chap, and one of his registrars and they were good people and did what I needed them to. Having said that the last two times I've been for ordinary appointments I've seen Stephen.

Where are you going to at the moment, local?
Yeh, I'm at the local DGH currently. I'm very happy with my consultant but he wants me to see steve middleton. I did see him at the end of a hospital stay at addenbrookes 18 months ago and he seemed really nice.
My consultant uses him a fair bit for second opinions. I have become 'interesting' due to possible gastroduodenal crohns which isn't settling and perforation from this and so he wants his thoughts on whether it is GD crohn's and how to treat it.
I always get seen by the consultant at the moment..every 2 weeks, too much for my liking, but he knows me and my case so I don't have to go through the story over and over. So I'll have to get used to the idea of seeing different members of the team who know me less well.
I will have to ask how long it may be...don't want to have this nj tube for too long.
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I am so glad Humira is working well for you, Beth.

May you have many, many more healthy years ahead!
Hi Beth, really pleased to see your post. I am due to see Dr Middleton on Tuesday 03.01 and I think we will be discussing me starting Humira due to a very bad flare I am currently on. I think he is brill and if I can't see him I think his registrar Dr Pither is really good as well :)
Here is wishing you a normal poop! To blaytent? Let me try again, I hope your bowels continue to do well. Yes, that sounds better :-]