Ughhhh I'm just sooo tired of all this

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 8, 2011
Penryn, Cornwall UK
I know I've already posted so any times(sorry for that) but I'm just soooo fed up of everything at the minute, I'm working through the pain, eating even though it hurts, I've got an operation on my jaw on Wednesday-hopefully they can put it right, aza has stopped working but I'm still taking it:(, my stool is nothing but a bit of blood and mucus, constant headaches, I've got an operation on my arm soon, me and my mum aren't getting on the minute, work is a struggle, my muscles and my joints hurt, feeling constantly tired and sick, pain all over my tummy area, not being able to swallow properly and many more things going on.

Ughhhhh I'm just so fed up with it all when is it ever going to end :( :ybatty:
:voodoo::yrolleyes::angry-banghead:, I now have to go and see a councillor because I am soooo angry, depressed, frustrated and fed up all the time but hopefully they are able to help me.

Sorry for all this I just have no one else too turn too:(, the only person I will talk too is my best friend well at least I have someone :)
I'm so sorry your going through so much.

I don't think it's a bad idea to see a counselor.
You have enough to deal with, without trying to keep it all in.
As you know, you have the perspective that most don't.
You grew up with this, you know the struggles of childhood/teenage/adult of someone with IBD.
That is going to ware even on the strongest person.

Have you talk to your docs about your meds? I mean if there not working, there not working.
As for your mom........try to make a mends (remember I'm a mom:)).
That's just added stress you don't need. So talk things out and if it doesn't work at least you know you tried.


You are going through a really tough time right now but I promise you are on the right track. You are working with your doctors and there will be a drug that kicks in to help you. I know its frustrating and depressing and you have very right to be upset. Just know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I think its great you are seeing a counselor. It's good to get this stuff off your chest.

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