Greetings. Doc dx’d me with UC and proctitis approximately 6-7 years ago. I’ve been seeing my GI for nine years, mostly for recurring colon polyps. I’ve suffered with IBS for forty years.. may have been UC and proctitis for some of that time at least, but I just always passed it off as “spastic colon” or IBS. Lots of cramping, frequent and urgent diarrhea , and “dumping syndrome” for decades. By the time I went for my first colonoscopy in 2010 (at the age of sixty one) my GI informed me that not only did he find a massive precancerous six cm polyp, but that I also had UC and proctitis. At one point a few years ago, he also muttered something about borderline Crohn’s.

So here I am. I had found this support forum in 2014 and posted in the Crohn’s forums a time or two.
My GI doc moved to Fla. this year and I had to find a new GI clinic. Hated that. Will meet my new GI in August and we’ll review my GI history together and go from there.
The only thing I take is two 500 mg Azulfedine bid. But I have noticed more frequent flares this year and they are not one bit pleasant. A lot of constant low abdominal pain, (mostly right sided) and low back along the tailbone and rectal area. But instead of my usual diarrhea, I have done a 180 to frequent bouts of constipation. Shocking!

So not used to that.
I have never experienced bloody stools, as so many with UC describe, however. Occasional mucous, often shredded looking, or fragmented. But never bloody. So I’m still confused as to a proper diagnosis. Maybe this new GI can help provide an accurate picture of what’s going on. I’m on a q 2 years colonoscopy schedule due to polyps, including a sessile polyp last year. Ugh. Will check back here in August after meeting my new GI doc. In the meantime I do hope these flares calm down in duration and frequency.