Another one that's been struggling here! I've actually been away visiting family so that was extra fun! I'm living on antisickness meds the last couple of weeks which is frustrating and not managing to eat much but still getting diarrhoea with a lot of mucus.
Luckily (if there is such a thing) today is Klean Prep day for my small bowel MRE tomorrow so I'm hoping that as I've had a particularly bad couple of weeks it might actually be useful and show something. However, if it doesn't I'm stuck with the diagnosis of refractory IBS. My GI has already referred me to the counselling service even though I'm incredibly sceptical about it actually helping my symptoms! Then in about 10 days I see the dietitian so hopefully they can do something to help too, my GI suggested I try the low FODMAP diet so I've bought the book but I really don't even know where to start with it! But the dietitian should help with that surely?
I can't believe I have to drink another litre of Klean Prep before the MRE tomorrow, I have to drink it in 20 minutes rather than the hour and a half I got today. And I didn't even manage it all in that time, it took me 2 hours to drink three quarters of it :/
I am sorry.Oh man, that prep is absolutely the worst. I was confined to the toilet most of the night. I used MoviPrep which had a HORRIBLE flavor and I had to gulp it to keep from throwing it back up. It worked, though, because my doctor said my gut was completely cleaned out. I think it worked a little TOO well if you catch my drift. LOL! I hope the MRE gives you some answers. I'm still awaiting the results of my biopsies of mucosa and the small polyp he removed. Good luck to you!![]()
I so admire how you just keep fighting, MissLeopard, in spite of all you have going on. I sincerely hope you get both some relief and answers soon.
Tuesday is also my honey's birthday. I hope you do something nice for yourself, as I hope I can do something nice for Doug. (Can't figure it out yet.) I'll now be thinking of you too on your birthdays. You deserve a break and I hope you can find some little escape from all you have going on. (((Hugs)))
MissLeopard, I hope you have a really nice day with your grandmother and a great birthday. Hopefully your body will calm down enough to allow you to enjoy the day.
Sandy, I hope Doug has a good birthday as well and that you can figure out a nice birthday treat for him.
How's everyone today? I'm still bad. I really think I've fallen out of remission and it sucks. I took 3 bentyl and 3 Zofran just to be somewhat functional at work today. And I'm not sure that I'm going to make it through the whole work day. The good news is, I had emailed my GI but he doesn't always look at those messages so I called his office this morning. I was afraid he'd be away since I know he takes off a good chunk of the summer. Fortunately he is in the clinic today and I got to speak with his nurse at length about what's going on. It sounds like she's going to recommend to my GI that he prescribe me some Entocort, which has gotten me out of flares in the past. So now I'm just waiting for the nurse to speak to him and then call me back - she said she'd probably call this afternoon, so I'm just waiting now. Waiting and trying not to cry at my desk at work. And sometimes failing at the trying not to cry part.
I seem to recall colonoscopy results in the US usually take about a week (my last c-scope was about 4 years ago although I did have a flexible sigmoidoscopy last year). So hopefully you'll get those results soon. As for mucus, in my understanding, everybody has mucus in their digestive tract. It helps the stool move through. Passing visible mucus doesn't necessarily mean anything, although in my experience I tend to pass more mucus during a flare. It's one of those symptoms that doctors don't really pay attention to though because a normal, healthy person can pass visible mucus. It is really disconcerting when it looks like you just blew your nose into the toilet, though!
I don't even have an office door, I'm a cubicle dweller. So usually I go to the bathroom and sit in a stall and cry when I feel the need to cry at work, but sometimes those pesky emotions come out when I'm in my cube.
I'm doing better, though - my GI did put through a prescription for Entocort. I was told that the nurse would try to call me this afternoon, but if she didn't have a chance to call, that I should just check with my pharmacy this afternoon and see if they have that prescription for me. So I looked online at my prescriptions just now and sure enough, there's Budesonide (generic Entocort) waiting to be picked up. Phew! I am very, very happy about that. Steroids seem to be the only thing that gets me out of a flare. And I'm pretty sure I'm flaring - in spite of self-medicating with things like zofran and bentyl, I've still had about 7 or 8 bathroom trips today, all of them with orangey-colored diarrhea. I *only* get that orangey color to my stool when I'm flaring. I've also still had zero appetite today. I've literally only eaten about 3 bites of mac & cheese and maybe 8ish Sun Chips. Once the steroids kick in, though, I will turn into an eating machine.I get HUNGRY and eat EVERYTHING when I'm on steroids. I'm kinda looking forward to that part because it sucks to have no appetite!
Mine too. Support sent.aRG! I was trying to vent about an accident I had in public, and the post disappeared. That about sums up how my day is going.
I'm off to see how adult diapers are rated on amazon.
aRG! I was trying to vent about an accident I had in public, and the post disappeared. That about sums up how my day is going.
I'm off to see how adult diapers are rated on amazon.
It's always interesting hearing what other people really think, isn't it? That said, I'm sure your mother has her own worries about you and just needs to let off some steam because she's concerned. On the other hand again, it, it would be nice if she talked to you about her fears first, or got your permission to talk about what is okay to talk about with your condition, especially if it is something that is sensitive (and nobody wants to think worst case scenario.) And since it does make you upset or anxious, I would definitely talk to her about how that makes you feel when she talks to others about it. I'm sending hugs. :ghug:
aRG! I was trying to vent about an accident I had in public, and the post disappeared. That about sums up how my day is going.
I'm off to see how adult diapers are rated on amazon.
Sorry you're not feeling well. I cried at my desk recently and closed the door. I'm in a public area and people stop in my office all the time. It was right after I received test results from my GI nurse that didn't help with finding a diagnosis. I was so frustrated. It sucks feeling that way.![]()
Izzie, work days like that are the worst!I'm sorry to hear it and I hope you're home and resting now. My day was basically like that yesterday although I was able to self-medicate enough to be somewhat functional at work. Still, it wasn't a fun time. I'm presuming you're at least allowed regular bathroom breaks at your job?
I'm literally on day 1 of the steroids and already feeling an improvement. My appetite is up and so is my energy. Guts are feeling better, too. Usually Entocort doesn't kick in this quickly for me (it usually takes 1-2 weeks!) so I don't know if this is placebo effect or what. At any rate, I'm happy that I can eat somewhat normally and am feeling like a human again.
I am glad for the nice time you had.I spent time with my grandmother today for my birthday and we had a lot of fun. Somehow, at lunch, we got into the discussion of what I've been doing with my GI doctor and how I'm going to find the answers as to why I'm feeling so crummy. She brought up a very good idea - my dad was tested as a kid for all sorts of food allergies or sensitivities with a skin test which is something I've never had. I've never seen an allergist. My grandmother and I have a lot in common, including sensitivities to makeup and food (I think she is gluten sensitive, too), and she's been dealing with GI issues all her life. A skin prick test could help me figure out quicker which foods to stay away from so I can avoid symptoms.
Anyway, today was a very good day. I was able to enjoy myself without feeling abdominal pain for most of the day, though it caught up with me this evening when we got home after dinner. I just took some Kaopectate and Bentyl a little while ago, and it's getting better. I saw a rainbow and a VERY beautiful sunset (it was so unique!) on the drive home from my dinner out with my family. I had a lot of fun.![]()
Happy birthday@ MissLeopard,![]()
@ MissLeopard,
33 is about the perfect age. My mom used to say every year just gets better, but now at 87 she just says the golden years are really leaden years.
Hope you feel better soon.Man oh man. Forgot my meds tonight, took about... 5-6 hours before I realized. And wow I feel terrible, my entire stomach/esophagus/mouth is burning like crazy. I find it so strange how I can go from fairly functional human being to feeling absolutely horrid within a few hours because I didn't take a pill the size of my pinky finger nail [emoji14] It's bizarre.
Hopefully I didn't give myself gastritis by being a forgetful dumb. Hope the rest of you are well.
Man oh man. Forgot my meds tonight, took about... 5-6 hours before I realized. And wow I feel terrible, my entire stomach/esophagus/mouth is burning like crazy. I find it so strange how I can go from fairly functional human being to feeling absolutely horrid within a few hours because I didn't take a pill the size of my pinky finger nailIt's bizarre.
Hopefully I didn't give myself gastritis by being a forgetful dumb. Hope the rest of you are well.
Best of luck.I just sent my GI doctor an email through the patient portal asking if the results of my scope are back. I don't know if he'll answer it, though, as he didn't answer my last question. I meant to call the office yesterday but never did since I was pretty sure they would put me on the phone with the nurse (it seems like she's the only one who can discuss the results besides the doctor) and I didn't want her to just tell me her interpretation of it since she tends to be abrupt. I would like them to post the results on the portal, but I'm not sure if they do it or the pathologist posts them. It's been 8 days since the scope was done.
Don't give up.I came back from my lunch break to find that multiple documents had been loaded to my patient portal. I looked at it and one of them was the pathology report from my colonoscopy. It says that there was no evidence of Crohn's Ileitis, IBD, and Colitis (both microscopic and collagenous). So, again, no answers. I'm glad that nothing showed up, but it also leaves unanswered symptoms again. I'm not sure if I want to push for a small bowel MRE or if I just want to give up. It's so frustrating when you feel something but no one can figure out the source...![]()
Don't give up.
I would get a second opinion.It's really difficult not to, especially when my GI doctor keeps pushing the IBS diagnosis on me. I see him next Friday (8/5) as a follow up. I don't know what his next move will be or if he'll quit testing altogether.
Earlier, I was looking up allergy specialists as I'm planning to ask my GP (I also see her on Friday, 8/5) for a referral. I really want to get the skin scratch and prick test so I can figure out which foods are bothering me (I already know gluten is a trigger but I also suspect corn). I hope I can get it done before my insurance year starts over on Sept. 1st and I have to pay my deductible again.
I would get a second opinion.
That is probably why you should keep pushing until you get an answer.My mind keeps going in circles and I keep thinking, "Is it really worth it to spend more money when they haven't found anything yet?" The only thing I have not had done that probably should be done is a scan of the small bowel, but I'm starting to wonder if it is food allergies after all and all I need is a change in diet. I don't know. It's very confusing and frustrating to hit another wall. Also, my symptoms are not as bad as other people who post here. I have constipation most of the time and I'm gaining weight, not losing (I'm actually overweight). The only time I see blood when I wipe is if I have hemorrhoids. I just wish someone could tell me what is going on. I hate the unknown....
That is probably why you should keep pushing until you get an answer.
MissLeopard, I also encourage you to not give up - but it is okay to take a break if you're having doctor (or doctor bills) fatigue. I also would encourage you to seek a second opinion. There is no "typical" case of IBD - some Crohnies are overweight, some experience constipation instead of diarrhea. Having symptoms like that though, that aren't commonly associated with IBD, does make it harder to get a diagnosis. That doesn't mean you should give up, though. You know your body best and you know something is wrong and that it's more than IBS. So take a break if you need to, seek out a new doctor when you're ready to get back to looking for answers, and don't give up.![]()
MissLeopard, have you had your thyroid checked?
MissLeopard, funny you should ask - my GI had me tested for Addison's at one point. Addison's can mimic a lot of IBD-like symptoms, and it responds really well to a low dose of steroids. I believe 7.5 mg of prednisone is the ideal dose for Addison's. When I was ill and flaring with no answers, at one point I demanded to try a trial of pred. I was put on 10 mg for 5 days, and I felt SO GOOD during those 5 days. Because I had such a fantastic response to such a low dose of pred, and also because my sodium is often low/borderline, my GI felt like Addison's fit pretty well. So I had the ACTH blood test, but my results came back negative, so I don't have Addison's. It was a good thing to rule out, though.
As for your GP ordering tests, it probably depends on your GP and on what tests. I know my GP does colonoscopies (I've always had my GI do my scopes though, but it's good to know I can fall back on my GP to do those if need be). And he can certainly order bloodwork, it was my GP who ordered the ACTH test for Addison's in fact. He can order x-rays and CTs and MRIs as well. Not sure about GI-specific things like pill cam, it was my GI who had ordered that test for me. But my GP seems to be able to order most tests.
And don't worry about it, pain/symptoms plus frustration does not equal clear thinking.That's what the forum is here for, support first and foremost. We support each other when we're able to and we reach out for support from others when we need it. Everybody here is going through similar things, we can all understand your frustration as we've all been there ourselves!
Praying. I hope you get answers soon.Last night was the worst and is a prime example of why I'm not ready to give up on finding a diagnosis other than IBS. My right upper abdomen was spasming so bad that I couldn't stand up straight. I took some Bentyl 10mg but it hardly touched it so I took another and laid down for a "nap." I ended up waking at 9am this morning so I had 12 hours of sleep and now I'm kind of groggy. I took my thyroid medicine so I have to wait a full hour before eating anything. I don't know what set off the spasms last night. I was really constipated yesterday so I decided to have organic black bean chili for lunch, which I've had before and it didn't bother me. I had gluten-free breaded chicken tenders and tater tots for dinner, which I've also had before and it didn't bother me.
I'm supposed to go out with my aunt tonight for a belated birthday dinner but I have no idea where I want to go that's safe. I really didn't want to even schedule it last night, but she does this yearly, so it was expected. Say some prayers that I can figure out where to go that won't give me an upset stomach or horrible cramps/spasms.
Missleopard have they done a delayed gastric emptying test on you ??
You have to eat two scrambled eggs /toast and water and then they take pictures ( scans) over 4 hours to see how long it takes to empty .
You sound a lot like my Ds prior to being dx with gastroparesis
When things sit in your stomach you are just plain miserable
Good luck with your Gi
Did you get biopsy results back yet or did I miss that ???
Hope it continues to improve.I'm finally doing a little bit better. It's been a week that I've been on the steroids and they seem to have finally kicked in today. Yesterday, I stupidly attempted to walk my dog. That went pretty badly, I nearly passed out several times. I literally had to talk myself out of passing out, it was not good. I barely managed to make it through the walk, then I felt really awful for most of the day.
Today, though, I woke up and actually had an appetite! And I've only been to the bathroom once so far this morning instead of 5 or 10 times. That's a definite improvement. Not sure if I trust it enough yet to walk the dog again, though! I'm going to give it a few more days before I attempt any type of exercise. I do feel a lot less unwell today than I've felt in awhile, though. It seems very promising.
MissLeopard, I have a BCBS PPO plan through my work and it's pretty decent as far as the number of doctors that accept that insurance. And it sounds like you have been leaning towards getting a 2nd opinion anyway, so maybe not such a bad thing to have to quit seeing this particular GI.
I had red meat yesterday too - I had lamb, which usually sits fine with me. Today though I'm SO gassy! I go to the bathroom thinking I'm going to poo, but all that comes out is a ton of gas. I'm not sure if it's a flare thing, like if I'd be gassy right now regardless of what I ate because my body just isn't digesting things correctly. At any rate, I'm eating much more simply today. No lamb for me for awhile.
It's times like this I really miss Japan. You could go into any convenience store in Japan and buy rice balls. It was such a perfect thing, just rice with a little bit of fish in the center and maybe some seaweed, and that's it. I would sometimes grab a rice ball for a snack or for breakfast. US convenience stores don't carry rice balls and I wish they did. Japan really knows how to do tummy-friendly, easy food. My belly was quiet and happy the whole time I was in Japan and I'm sure the food played a big part in that. I miss Japan!
Yep, that's where I go too, a research/teaching hospital (through the University of Wisconsin system). They have a lot of cutting-edge technology and most of the doctors are quite good, so hopefully you can find a good new GI as well. (There's of course always at least a few bad doctors in every system, so I'd still encourage you to do a bit of research on what doctors you'll be able to see once you get the details of your new insurance.)
Blerg, I'm having a worse day today than yesterday. The gas has finally subsided but I just feel really unsettled belly-wise and I'm back to being a bit light-headed. I'm trying to get some electrolytes into me in case that's the cause of the light-headedness. I had a banana earlier for potassium, and now I'm eating a few chips for the sodium. I don't really feel like eating, though, I *still* don't have much appetite. It's weird to be on steroids and to not be ravenously hungry (which is what I usually am on steroids). I guess they still haven't fully kicked in? It's been something like 8 days on the steroids now so I think I just need to be more patient. I hate being patient when I feel like crap, though.
I'm currently awake at 4 in the morning with really bad chest pains. Back pains, more like. This has been happening a few hours after I take Ranitidine for the past few days or so. I'm not sure what it is but I get nauseous, feel like I have a rock sitting in my stomach, and then I get the pain, it usually passes in 30 minutes but it's quite painful when it's happening.
It's too bad because the medication has been helping with my other symptoms. Though I will say that I find it absurd that I'm on 80 mg of PPIs and 300 mg of h2-blockers and Gaviscon as needed daily and I'm still not feeling okay. It's better, with this amount of medication, but I'm nowhere near back to normal.
I'm so concerned about the semester starting, I'm not sure how I'm going to try to keep up with classes when sometimes I can't fall asleep until the early morning. Had to call in sick to work today too, even though it messed things up for my coworkers. I was so dizzy all morning I could barely stand for more than 10 minutes at a time.
I'll have to wake up in 3 hours to call the GI's office to check in on test results and ask some questions. Being sick is like having a side job. Moonlighting as a professional patient![]()
I'm currently awake at 4 in the morning with really bad chest pains. Back pains, more like. This has been happening a few hours after I take Ranitidine for the past few days or so. I'm not sure what it is but I get nauseous, feel like I have a rock sitting in my stomach, and then I get the pain, it usually passes in 30 minutes but it's quite painful when it's happening.
It's too bad because the medication has been helping with my other symptoms. Though I will say that I find it absurd that I'm on 80 mg of PPIs and 300 mg of h2-blockers and Gaviscon as needed daily and I'm still not feeling okay. It's better, with this amount of medication, but I'm nowhere near back to normal.
Was at surgeon Monday to see if I needed hernia operated on. He asked about acid coming up. I had said no but noticed I had a little last night.Ron - The doctor was still on vacation returning tomorrow, so I'll have to wait. This only seems to be happening when I take Ranitidine though, so I'm just going to not take it today and see what happens. Hope you are well!
MissLeopard - I have a rather large hiatus hernia which is probably the root cause of my reflux. I don't think I ever had too much or too little stomach acid, I never had a problem prior to the hernia, but when you have a structural issue like mine it seems like stomach contents just go where they want. I'm not even slightly functional without meds and I was practically bed-ridden and ready to jump off the nearest tall structure before I was put on PPIs so I must say I'm a big fan of them [emoji14]
I don't think this is ideal though, and I am hoping for surgery moving forward but for now I can't do much but keep taking the medication because it is at least keeping me somewhat functional. Luckily this only seems to happen with Ranitidine and not my regular PPI dose (which doesn't rly do enough on its own, sadly).
Ughhh. I'm still flaring. It's something like day 10 or 11 of being on the steroids and they apparently still haven't kicked in yet. Today I'm really pale, crampy, nauseous, weak, dizzy, exhausted, just feel awful. Getting seriously impatient for the Entocort to start working already.
I have found that steak bothers me.The past few days I've had an upset stomach, frequent bathroom visits and a lot of gas and just feeling like I'm having constant mild food poisoning. I'm wondering if it's that I ate meat and somehow can't digest it well? In any case it's annoying and I don't know what to do to stop it or if I should bother the GI with it or not. I've had this twice in about 6 weeks or so. I feel like the more meds I take the more sensitive my entire system gets.
The past few days I've had an upset stomach, frequent bathroom visits and a lot of gas and just feeling like I'm having constant mild food poisoning. I'm wondering if it's that I ate meat and somehow can't digest it well? In any case it's annoying and I don't know what to do to stop it or if I should bother the GI with it or not. I've had this twice in about 6 weeks or so. I feel like the more meds I take the more sensitive my entire system gets.