I have this problem where I read all the new posts on here, and then I basically respond to everyone in my head, and I forget to actually type it out. Then when I go to actually type up a response, I either forget everything I was going to say, or I can’t remember if I actually did respond, and I wonder if I’m repeating myself. Annnnnd I’m too lazy to go back to check for sure.
MissLeopard, I’ve also had some bad experiences with responses from nurses. Some are great......but some definitely aren’t. When I send a message to my GP, her nurse reviews it first, and if it’s not something she can really answer, then my doctor will write me a message back. The majority of the time I actually do get a response from my doctor, which is nice. I think I remember you mentioning that at one point your CRP was high. I’m surprised that wasn’t more of a red flag, because I don’t think that would be elevated for no reason. And with your family history of autoimmune disorders, you’d think they’d really want to investigate. When I had mine tested (I think only once or twice), it was fine, but my cholesterol has been high for years (basically since I’ve been sick). Finally after a couple years, I had one doctor tell me that high cholesterol is often a sign of inflammation. No one seemed to care before. So honestly, I have no idea what doctors are thinking when they go over blood work results. I can’t seem to make any sense of it haha.
Izzie, I feel sad and frustrated just reading your posts. I want to tell you that you’re still recovering and it’s still early, but I can’t imagine how disheartening that must be. You went through hell after your surgery, so if you don’t get any improvement with your symptoms, that would be completely horrible. I really hope that once you heal more, you’ll start feeling a lot better. You deserve a happy and healthy life!
I actually left the house last week!! Go me! But then it took me days to recover. I had an appointment with my GP to refill my meds and just update her on everything. I pooped 6 times before my appointment.....of course. Then they had me fill out some paperwork, which I wasn’t expecting because I’ve been going there for several years, and I started shaking (my stupid new anxiety!). When the nurse checked my heart rate, it was in the 130s. After my appointment I felt so relieved that it was over, that I went to the pet store to get my cats some treats, went to my dad’s house to steal some food, and went to get a pizza as a reward for my adventurous day. That would’ve been nothing before, but that’s A LOT for me now. My dad drove me to all the places, but still. It sounds dumb, but I was proud of myself. Now I just need some convincing to get my butt to the dentist. Nausea and anxiety plus the dentist are really not a good combination. But I need to go, ugh!