You all have my support, I'm glad you are having a good day MissLeopard. 
MissLeopard - I’m glad to hear your depression is getting better, but I’m so sorry to hear that your stomach isn’t. I hope it starts improving soon! Keep us posted.
Miss Leopard - I hope things improve. It sounds like things are really difficult now. Hang in there! I was reading up on therapy dogs because of you and it makes me really want one. What breed were you lookng at? I think our dog wants to be an only dog, though. He is a weird combidation of very bouncy and snuggly. Maybe I can get him to snuggle more and calm down a bit. He is about 50 lbs, tall and lean, and its oddly reassuring to have him flop against me.
I am sorry.Oh boy, today is not my day.
On top of my stomach being generally a bother, today I took a tumble down the stairs. Slipped and landed with my full weight right on the edge of a step. My lower back took quite a blow and I'm very swollen and in a lot of pain. Talked to a nurse on the phone who didn't think it seemed serious enough to have to go to the ER or anything since I can move and have full sensation but MAN it hurts bad and is going to be so blue tomorrow.
It's so typical, I'm so clumsy and things like this happen to me often though it's been a while since I did something this bad/painful. I'm bummed because I'm only 2 weeks out from surgery and was hoping to be able to be active and enjoy these weeks, but I'm pretty sure this injury will keep me pretty still for at least a week...
I will keep you in my prayers MissLeopard. I hope things settle down soon.
I think that's a good idea to let the doctor know as much family history as possible. I was told to avoid seeds, especially small ones, as a precaution at one time when the doctors thought I may have had diverticulitis. I eat them now and I'm okay, as my doctor said it was an off chance, and seeds have been found to be fairly insignificant regarding this particular problem. You may want to ask about that too.
I've taken high dose PPIs for 3 years now. No calcium issues for me as far as I know. The issue for me has been iron. Recurring iron deficiency and anemia that I've had to have treated with iron infusions. If you do have to stay on them just make sure that someone does test your levels occasionally. It can mess with things other than calcium too, apparently.
Glad the Nexium is helpingStupid insurance is holding up my prescription of the Xifaxan again! I had it approved back in August but now they are delaying it again. UGH!
Anyway, I started taking the Nexium this morning for the gastritis and it seems to be helping already. No stomach pain today after about a week! YAY! Hopefully, this will get rid of it altogether. My friend at work has had to take Nexium regularly for 2 years and I hope I don't have to do that since PPI's can cause calcium absorption issues.
Wishing you the best.
AgreeA chiropractic adjustment often helps me with similar problems, I hope it helps you too.
A chiropractic adjustment often helps me with similar problems, I hope it helps you too.
My chiropractor helped me todayI love my chiropractor! My friends at work use him, too, and he's wonderful! I told him once that his hip adjustment actually caused me pain and soreness that wasn't there before and he was really gentle from then on. My hip is taking a long time to move back into place because my right leg is not the same length as my left (it's actually just a tad longer) so my right hip is constantly inflamed. I hope to get in next week on Thursday after work.
ETA: It stinks not being able to use Advil! That's pretty much the only pain reliever I can use that works well. Tylenol just doesn't cut it and I'm stuck with just dulled pain rather than being painless. Vicodin is just not worth the addiction risk most of the time and I can only take it at home so, when I have a headache like today, I'm forced to use plain Tylenol.![]()
Ugh. Tylenol is really not a great pain reliever. It certainly does nothing for my headaches. Have you tried Celebrex? My GI lets me take that for arthritis pain.
My chiropractor helped me today
Finally got my Xifaxan today after my GI nurse submitted a new prior authorization to my insurance. I've taken 2 doses - one at dinner and another at bedtime (about 5 hours apart). I've noticed that, as of this evening, the painful bloating in my lower abdomen has decreased so I'm hopeful I'm on the right track. I still need to get some B12 but I'm having a difficult time finding one that is both effective and low-FODMAP friendly. It seems like every sublingual tablet or liquid has sugar alcohol like xylitol, mannitol, or sorbitol - all of which are no-nos because they cause horrible symptoms in me. The one that I found that did not have any SAs and was effective had apple juice in it which is also high FODMAP so I'm still researching on Amazon.
Anyway, I'm experiencing better results at my job and decided to stay there for now instead of moving to a different company where I would lose my FMLA and benefits for a period of time. I'm starting school in January to become a nurse which will require me to resign in a little more than a year's time anyway, so it seems best to stay put - especially since things are going well. It would be such a hassle to start from the beginning again since I would not stay with a new company for longer than a year anyway.
I was told Toradol should have never been given to me in the hospital...after the fact. I looked up Celebrex and it says not to use it if you have intestinal bleeding... how many of us can be sure we don't? I think I'll avoid it myself.
I actually have been using turmeric myself, to good effect. My doctor recommended it to me to add in my smoothies, he said it absorbed far better in the presence of freshly ground black pepper and fresh ginger root. It has been beneficial in my case. I add 3/4 tsp of turmeric and roughly 7-10 ground black peppercorns with a tablespoon sized piece of ginger to a 500 ml smoothie. I am on the high end, as this is generally enough for a liter or more.
I wouldn't take any NSAID's it has made me worse before. I'm thinking of you, and will keep you in my prayers.
Izzie you can take your own blanket to the hospital which may help with the detergent issue, I always take my own when I'm I'm. Obviously in post op etc they will use theirs but once you're settled in your bed you could swap them. I also take my V shaped pillow as I can't sleep without it but again your own pillow may help.
In terms of your laptop I've seen loads of people take theirs when I've been in especially for watching films. The only thing I would suggest is get someone to bring it in once you're out of surgery and on the ward, there often aren't lock boxes big enough for a laptop on the ward so they have to go to the main hospital safe and then they take ages to come back to the ward.
Also good luck! I remember you're story from way back when I joined the forum, I really hope this gives you some relief at last!
I'm glad you're feeling good about the surgery, I really hope it all goes well as works well for you.Thank you! I remember you from way back when as well, how are you doing these days?
I'm actually feeling so zen about surgery now. The closer it gets the more convinced I am that it's the right decision. Don't know if it's the months of CBT therapy at work or what but I'm very calm and confident now. I'll totally bring my laptop then, I imagine I won't have much energy but I have tons of audiobooks and podcasts and movies on mine to keep me at least somewhat entertained.
I'm glad you're feeling good about the surgery, I really hope it all goes well as works well for you.
I'm doing okay, still got my NJ tube but hopefully having it changed to a GJ December/January which will be nice. Finally gaining weight which is good and doing some physiotherapy to build some strength back up too![]()
Hi MissLeopard,
I hope the coupon works and you can find some relief. I also hope Donnatal helps you when you get it on Monday. You can pm me any time if you need to vent or just talk.
Hoping you feel better soon,
Good luck with your surgery today, Izzie!