Good luck Izzie. I hope everything went well.
Just took my first dose of Donnatal elixir. Man, that stuff tastes NASTY! It reminds me of the Hycet I had to take earlier this year after my tonsillectomy - too much alcohol! I had to take something for my stomach cramps again and decided that, since I was home and my family was home, I would try my first dose. It was about 15 minutes ago and I'm feeling kind of sedated and a little loopy, but nothing too bad (probably a good thing I took it around bedtime). Definitely will not take it unless absolutely necessary. I'm not sure if it's working yet because the cramps were coming in waves. I haven't felt one in a while, so maybe it's doing something? Only time will tell. I'm supposedly allowed to take the medicine up to 4 times a day (as needed).
By the way, my GI nurse is PHENOMENAL! My pharmacy called her to let her know they were unable to fill/order the Donnatal elixir. She sent me a message thru the portal and said she wanted to send the tablets but, when she called the pharmacy, they said I had transferred the prescription. I told her I was able to fill it at my old pharmacy. They mixed it on the spot when I paid for it (it came in three separate bottles). I am VERY pleased with my GI and her nurse.![]()
I'm glad you are happy. I hope the new medicine makes you feel better.
Hello MissLeopard,
We get to have all the fun hey? Testing new drugs is just totally freakin awesome....unless they make things worse...(we should be paid big bucks for doing all these experiments) Ever feel like a lab rat?Hopefully this new experiment that you are involved in will continue to be a positive experience.
Best wishes as always,
Oh Izzie I am so sorry. That sounds horrible. I can well believe it took them that long to figure out what to do. I had bone surgery on both feet in college and threw up the oral pain medication they gave me the morning after surgery. It took them all day to figure out I just needed something different and I finally ended up on subcutaneous morphine. I lay in bed weeping because it hurt so much. What I cannot believe is that it took them three days to figure out the epidurals weren’t working. I’ve found here in the states that the nursing care is better at some hospitals. That doesn’t always correlate to better doctors, though. In my opinion the worst thing they’ve done here is the creation of hospitalists. They are doctors who work solely in the hospital as “in house general practitioners” and in my case have blocked me from seeing the specialists I needed to see. I am also shocked that they had no proper eating plan for you after the surgery. Aside from that one wonderful nurse, was there anything they did right? Are you able to manage on your own or is your Mother with you?
Incision itching can be awful. My Mother was allergic to the material they used to use to sew up incisions and after one abdominal surgery the stitches popped. There were little craters where the stitches were rejected by her body. Good grief. Sometimes you go to the hospital and some things get better and others get worse. I can’t remember (and I apologize) if you have to return to a job in a timely manner or if you can take the time you need to recover. I hope it’s the latter and that there is no outside stress making you crazy. I’m sure you are staying hydrated even if you aren’t eating much. Can you tell if there is a difference in your dysphagia yet? It’s great that your heartburn is so much better! What a welcome change! Don’t rush your recovery and I’ll Be thinking of you.
By the way; anyone else here who's had a catheter in and had serious difficulty peeing after? I had my catheter taken out yesterday and haven't been able to feel the need to urinate since. I figured it was still okay since I was able to go and just did so regularly, now I'll go to the bathroom and have to sit for a minute to even get a trickle going, and it doesn't necessarily feel like I'm emptying my bladder enough. Will probably have to go in to at least have an ultrasound to see if what I'm feeling is correct, but I'm trying to put it off until the morning so I don't have to go to the ER or anything tonight.
ETA: I also think I'm developing a cold as I have a runny nose and feel feverish this evening. Just what I need right now...
I also hope you start feeling well soon.Izzie - That sounds completely traumatizing! I’m so sorry you had to go through that. After all you’ve been through, the surgery better give you a way better quality of life! You deserve to be completely healed.I think you should definitely file a complaint when you feel up to it. If you can remember the names of the people who really sucked, I’d include them. It’s ridiculous that you were treated that way! Maybe you can also include some praise for the nurse who actually cared and did her job. It sounds like she deserves to be recognized for her efforts......although I mean, technically shouldn’t all the nurses have done what she did...? I’m glad your mom will be there for a few more days. Definitely call or go in if things don’t feel right (although I’m sure the hospital is the last place you want to be right now). And as others said, keep an eye on your temperature. I hope you start feeling great really soon!
Ask the nurse about the weight loss.No fever so far today, hallelujah!
I do have a strange sensation at the top of my incision where I just feel like my guts are about to fall out. Not sure if that's normal since I've never had surgery like this before, but taking short walks is hard, I feel like I have to press at the incision to keep it from falling apart. Probably in part psychological but it does feel very strange. Am going to make an appointment with a nurse to have my wound redressed. I was given things to do it alone but I feel like if I see blood and staples on my own body I'll faint, or just do it wrong and get an infection or something. Hopefully they'll be able to help me out.
Am losing weight rapidly and not eating much. I've lost about 10 lbs so far this past week. I'm normal weight, and don't necessarily want to come out of this looking like a bag of bones, but I suppose it is what it is.
No fever so far today, hallelujah!
I do have a strange sensation at the top of my incision where I just feel like my guts are about to fall out. Not sure if that's normal since I've never had surgery like this before, but taking short walks is hard, I feel like I have to press at the incision to keep it from falling apart. Probably in part psychological but it does feel very strange. Am going to make an appointment with a nurse to have my wound redressed. I was given things to do it alone but I feel like if I see blood and staples on my own body I'll faint, or just do it wrong and get an infection or something. Hopefully they'll be able to help me out.
Am losing weight rapidly and not eating much. I've lost about 10 lbs so far this past week. I'm normal weight, and don't necessarily want to come out of this looking like a bag of bones, but I suppose it is what it is.
Good grief! They tried to give you ground beef with cabbage and onions? Who was in charge of your dietary instructions. That would be enough to send most of us into some nice abdominal spasms at the very least. Since my diagnosis I eat mostly white things except for simple veggies and fruits. Make sure you get some protein, either in a shake or something like bone broth. Gelatin powder can provide protein as well. And eggs are pretty simple. Hope your incision is fine when you get it re-dressed.
Ensure has carregeenan in it which is supposed to be bad. I think there is a variety of Boost that doesn't have it.Served with tomato sauce! I thought it was a joke at first, but oh no, they fully expected me to eat it. I didn't, of course, but still... Diet generally was weird in the hospital, they failed to order the right thing for patients and they wanted me to eat crackers day 2 (which I did, but of course it made me bloated as hell). And when I was on a soft diet they gave me a plate full of rice and sausage... In most hospitals after a fundoplication you're on a liquid diet for 2 weeks, but not here, oh no. Finally a surgeon during rounds said I could just be on their liquid diet instead since the soft diet clearly was not working out...
For some reason, Ensure is giving me heartburn and every instance of heartburn right now is upsetting since it makes me feel like the surgery failed. Of course, I was instructed to stop my PPIs cold turkey and I was on 120 mg/day so I'm probably having some serious rebound. Hopefully it will pass.
ETA: This was an abdominal surgery ward. Everyone got the beef/cabbage/onion/tomato sauce combo that day... Just, not a good idea.
Ensure has carregeenan in it which is supposed to be bad. I think there is a variety of Boost that doesn't have it.
I hope you get some answers too. I know it's expensive to go to the Chiropractor here, It helps me sometimes though.
Izzie, I have no idea how bad it is to sneeze after abdominal surgery but I am sure it’s perfectly awful. How are you feeling today (and how is your Mom)? How did the dressing change go? I’m hoping both you and your Mom feel better soon. How is the heartburn (now that you’re not being fed mince, cabbage, and tomato sauce!)? I need a refill for my PPI which I take twice a day. My wonderful GI has semi-retired and moved his practice and the doctors who have taken over his practice—and whom he ecommended—doesn’t have any appointments until July 2018. I know they’re treating me as a new patient, and it’s just ridiculous! When I asked what I should do if I have any issues before the appointment (and I do), she said to call the on-call GI! Good grief!
Hope things are going well for you!
Exactly. And I specifically asked that no resident work on me. I specifically said "are you doing it and not some resident?" and he promised that he would do it. If I was going to let a resident do it I would've wanted to do some research and meet them beforehand. I never met the resident who performed my surgery.
MissLeopard83, I'm in Sweden so the process is a bit different but I am being contacted by the chief of surgery next week, as well as filing a formal complaint. I've never signed any consent forms or anything, no one really does here, so I'm not sure what the rules are regarding this kind of thing. I've definitely already let them know that I'm NOT pleased with the post-op care and the incredibly poor pain management. Being told that you "have to understand that we're too busy right now" when you're writhing and screaming in pain is not acceptable.
I'm not sure how much I can do or what I have the energy to do but I'm filing a few complaints in writing so they at least have to deal with it and go through the formal process of reviewing their practices...
Hmmm, I wish I knew more about your country to help you. The resident performing the surgery could be charged with medical battery in the United States.![]()
I hope you feel better soon.Ugh, I have bad abdominal cramping again tonight. I got home and took a shower and it started. I took some Donnatal but I'm waiting for it to take effect. It takes about 15-30 minutes, usually. I was under so much stress at work today that I'm sure it had something to do with it.![]()
I hope you feel better soon.
Fortunately, after 30 minutes, the Donnatal finally kicked in. The spasms were pretty intense, so it took longer. As usual, I fell asleep from the phenobarbital but I feel much better.![]()
MissL, you're on phenobarbital? Are you prone to seizures? That's the med that my dog is on for her seizures. I don't doubt that you fell asleep, that stuff makes my dog zonk out and it also makes her extra clumsy (I don't let her walk up or down a full flight of stairs anymore, but she still sometimes falls off of the 2 little steps when she goes outside or comes back in).
No, it's an active ingredient in the Donnatal along with atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscamine. It's supposed to soothe the bowel and allow the antispasmodics to do their work. The Donnatal has been a lifesaver! If I didn't have it, I would have been in so much pain last night. I just wish I could figure out why I keep getting these severe bowel spasms.![]()
Wish you the best
Has anyone had a problem with their doctor's nurse giving them vague answers which make it seem like she's answering before consulting with the doctor? That's the way my GI nurse is acting - she didn't answer my question from Friday. She just told me to hold a PRN medication since she thought I was taking it every day (I rarely take it) and then said that excess mucus in my stool is normal. My GI, on the other hand, told me to contact her if I was continuing to have problems and I'm starting to wonder if the nurse is growing tired of answering my questions so she is just answering herself. I plan to call and see if I can talk to the doctor directly without the nurse interfering. I thought I liked this nurse but I don't like her answers...![]()
Not quite the same, but I get very different advice from my surgeon and his two different nurses. I find I get the best advice from one of the nurses, my surgeon and the other nurse seem uninterested in actually giving me complete answers...
In another fun turn of events, my incision is leaking pus and hurting pretty bad. It's leaked through 3 bandages today and I try to clean it up but it's swollen and I think there's an issue under the skin that I can't really reach. Got an appointment with a nurse tomorrow but with the way things have been going I feel like I need to see an actual doctor TONIGHT, so I'm on hold with a clinic and hopefully I'll get in. I'm starting to spike a fever, slowly getting up there, and I'm not in the mood to wait 20 hours and get a full-blown infection.
Man I just want things to be better right now. My mother is still here and it's starting to become annoying to both of us. I've told her I'll be okay on my own but she's reluctant to leave when things are so up in the air, and I do appreciate the help, but being almost 30 it isn't the easiest thing having your mother live with you for over a week in your one bedroom apartment...
Would you be able to get a nurse to come and visit you? In the USA, home health is available for those who are approved thru insurance. Maybe your surgeon or GP could arrange a private nurse so you don't have to keep making the trek out when you are still recovering.![]()
I wish! The healthcare system here is completely overloaded, getting any kind of care at all is hard right now. That and everyone you speak to has different opinions and advice, even if you tell them the exact same thing. Can't even get in at a clinic tonight so tomorrow it is. Or the ER, but that feels like overkill. I just really don't want a bad infection on top of everything.
I changed my own dressing again, using some antibacterial wash and an antibacterial bandage. I'm hoping that will at least stall the progression overnight...
Izzie!!You seriously can’t catch a break at all. I’m so sorry! I wish I could do something to help you. Please keep us posted on your condition.
Maya, thanks for your response. My GP did suggest CFS/ME at one point but she was just kind of like, it sounds like you could have chronic fatigue syndrome. And that was that. At my last appointment she also said that I might have POTS, but that all I can do to help that would be to exercise more.
Maya, thanks for your response. My GP did suggest CFS/ME at one point but she was just kind of like, it sounds like you could have chronic fatigue syndrome. And that was that. At my last appointment she also said that I might have POTS, but that all I can do to help that would be to exercise more.
Thanks everyone! No doctor today or tomorrow, but I had a very nice nurse practitioner dress my wound and remove the staples and I'm seeing her again tomorrow morning. I'm hoping she can refer me to a doctor at her clinic right away. Since my fever is not very high they're not super worried, and the infection seems fairly local so far (not the entire incision is affected, most of it looks very nice except for the small inch-long area where it's leaking and a bit swollen).
I did use wipes with chlorhexidine, which was really only a guess on my part, so I'm glad I made a good choice there.
I did mention the fever and dizziness to a nurse at the 24 hour clinic but she claimed if my fever wasn't higher I could wait. I have very little trust left in me for my local health care system, so I'm honestly a bit anxious and fed up, but my mom is still with me and if things progress overnight I'll go to the ER.
I think a large part of my current distress is my fear (panic, really) at potentially having to go back to my surgeon and go back in that hospital if I get a proper infection. I've had flashbacks at night when I try to sleep just of the pain when my pain management wasn't working and no one was doing anything and the thought of going back there or letting that surgeon do anything again freaks me out to the point that I almost have a panic attack.
You're all so great! Being able to vent here helps keep me sane.
I actually ended up in the ER last night when my fever spiked. They were understaffed but they took some blood and since it was normal they didn't think it was bad enough to put me on antibiotics yet. I'm changing the dressing often, and a nurse is looking at it again tomorrow. Basically just keeping an eye on it, and my fever has since gone down and I think it's leaking a bit less fluid than it was in the beginning.
I was however super allergic to the adhesive on the dressing they put on it in the ER, so now I have an angry red rash under the tape. Again, something the nurse will probably look at tomorrow. Things feel pretty stable but I'm so sick of having to deal with it at all. Looking forward to a day where I don't have to "keep an eye" on anything medical.
My mother has gone home so I'm on my own! Kind of enjoying not having to be social even though it's a bit uncomfortable to be alone.
Still having reflux symptoms which is so so discouraging but I've decided to wait it out for the coming month since I know it can be a rough few weeks and months initially only to then turn around.
I have decided though that if I need further treatment I'm looking elsewhere. If I need more surgery, I might look into medical tourism and go to Mayo where I've heard people have had very good results when dealing with reflux disease that involves other complicating factors. My disease is not straight-forward, and I need doctors who get that.
Hope you are all doing well, sounds like some of you are moving forward with tests and potential surgeries and I hope you all get good results and the help you need!
MissLeopard, Thanks for the info! I have only really seriously considered Mayo Clinic in Rochester, but also have looked at Cleveland Clinic. Only in the very early stages of considering that, but it's nice to have some idea of where to turn in the future if necessary. Sorry your aunt had such a bad experience. My mom is about an hour's drive away so it's not far, and she's happy to come back if problems arise. Very grateful to her for having been so helpful over the past few weeks. Also have at least one great friend and a few casual coworkers who I would call if something emergent came up that I needed help with.
Sorry you're having such intense pain, I know how terrible it is. Running out of pain meds has been a concern of mine too this week, I'm not a fan of being on them either but when you need them you need them...
I support you.Thank you Maya. I think the main thing troubling me about surgery is recovery time, I'm meant to be spending Christmas at my dad's which is a three hour drive. I will be staying there a couple nights but I'm worried I won't have healed enough for the drive to be pain free and safe. Also what sort of pain levels should I expect? I've seen varying accounts, some people seem to find it mildly uncomfortable and others intensely painful.
If it helps for comparison I've had four previous surgeries, two being laparoscopy surgeries.
MissLeopard I basically had a ton of blood tests done to rule out anything else as my Mum has Lupus, when they all came back fine I was diagnosed with M.E/CFS after 6 months of symptoms. I was 13 when I got sick and 14 when diagnosed so there might have been other things going on in the background and I have no idea what blood tests I had but I didn't have any other testing done. Now I get a lot more joint pain and with my other conditions I may have to have more testing though as they are more common in autoimmune conditions and EDS. Although I doubt it's EDS as I don't get enough points on the Beighton scale, and it's other joints that cause me problems and do funny things.
MissLeopard - I know the feeling, my shoulders often pop out of place and it can take days for them to pop back, sometimes chiropractors just make it worse because it pops back and forth more easily for a while after a session. Glad you were helped, though!
As I'm recovering from reflux surgery, some of my other GI issues are becoming apparent. Most notably my chronic constipation, which is even harder to deal with when you've recently had open abdominal surgery...
Looks like I'm going to be referred back to a "regular" GI rather than my current surgeon at least for managing the constipation long-term since too much straining on a regular basis puts a lot of strain on the reflux surgery and might shorten its longevity.
Also have to make a million calls to figure out who should really manage my recurring iron deficiency. My surgeon's office won't refer me, my GP wants a referral from my GI who I no longer see. It's a mess. I feel like I should hire a full-time assistant just to keep track of my medical stuff![]()
Hope everyone's doing alright!