Wow, a lot of posts in here since yesterday!
Allie, you mentioned a hemmie that's only gotten bigger. I had that issue for awhile. Stuff like Preparation H did absolutely nothing and didn't even numb the pain from the hemmie. But I did some googling and found the vitamin E trick, which did seem to help. Not a ton, but over time my hemmie did shrink and is gone now. What you do is, get a bottle of vitamin E gel capsules, like ones you'd take orally. But instead of swallowing them, you take a push pin and poke a hole in one end of the capsule, and squeeze the gel out directly onto your hemmie. I won't lie, it gets a little messy and I highly recommend that you wear a pad so you don't get vitamin E gel all over your underwear (at first I didn't wear a pad, and it actually leaked through my pants at one point, that was embarassing and it didn't wash out so my pants were ruined! After that I wore a pad when I applied the vitamin E gel!). Give it a shot if nothing else is working for your hemmie.
Star, you mentioned sweating on the toilet - do you ever get night sweats? When I flare, I have awful chills when I'm awake and then I get both hot and cold sweats when I'm asleep. I'll wake up just absolutely soaked head to toe in sweat and I'll either feel freezing or way too hot (usually freezing, I've only had hot sweats a few times). It's disgusting, I have to change pajamas and the sheets. If I know I'm in a flare I just automatically sleep on a towel so that it'll soak up most of the night sweats. Still, it's really gross! And it really seems to indicate fever, but frustratingly my temp is always normal or just below. It's so odd!
Sunshine, I'm sorry to hear you're still doing so poorly.

Do you have a date scheduled for the pill cam yet? I hope it's sooner rather than later, I'm sure you're not looking forward to prepping again (are they making you do prep?) but I'm sure you'd rather get it over with so that you can start on some treatment already! Everybody else has mentioned their go-to nausea treatment, so I'll mention mine as well - ginger. It comes in so many forms - you can get it fresh, pickled, in capsules, even in tea. I keep it on hand at all times. Sometimes Zofran doesn't do anything for me but ginger is pretty reliable for anti-nausea. I hope you get through this rough patch soon! Keep us posted about the pill cam re-do.
JWB, thanks for the info, I haven't heard of that herb before. Have you tried it yourself?
Dahlface, I'm sorry to hear that you collapsed again.

I hope your insurance comes through for you on the Entocort. I know that it's really expensive without insurance, over $1000 per month and possibly even as high as $1500. If your insurance won't cover it, there's a few things you can try - you can ask your doctor if he/she has any free samples of Entocort. Drug reps often give doctors a ton of samples to hand out. So that could keep you going for awhile. Also, contact the company that makes Entocort and see if they offer any type of assistance or discount programs. And finally, check with your pharmacy to see if they have any kind of a discount card. I know that Walgreens has one and I think CVS does too. Good luck! Entocort worked great for me, I hope you're able to try it and that it helps you a lot too.