Goodness, everyone is just in so much pain these last few days... poor us!

At least we all have each other to vent to and understand what we are all going through.
I went to the zoo today and it was sooo wonderful. except that I didn't sleep AT ALL last night so I was very exhausted after we were done with the zoo, but I was so happy I was able to make it there!

When I got home, the tummy issues started kicking in again. and now I'm in my room with the heating pad on my tummy and just trying to relax but these cramps are killer. and i think i'm getting my period soon, and OF COURSE I think it's going to wait to start until Monday which is my prep day... this always happens. Gosh, I'm still shocked that I have to do this all over again... Last time I did the prep I was sitting in the hotel room crying but thinking to myself, it's okay this is the last time I have to do this for a while... and little did I know I'd have to do it again the next week. ughh. Just hope everything goes well this time... It's getting really difficult to be getting worse and worse and be getting no help, just pain. I wish you all could be there with me in the hotel room with me to talk with me when I'm in pain. It's so hard to have my mom sleeping, but I'm up ALL night in pain with no one to talk to and just feel like total crap. And i have a quiz I have to take for my online class in school on monday... Prep, quiz, pain, and period? oh my goodness, I'm gonna need a miracle! hahaha

but atleast i got to see my wonderful and beautiful giraffes today

that makes me smile everytime I look at the pictures and remember the memories!
Cat, I hope your fever goes down! I hate fevers

I always get "fever-ish" feelings when I do my prep, because my immune system freaks out when I do prep and basically puts me in a flare... which is ridiculous. I like to put a cold wash cloth on my forehead. That really soothes me and makes my head feel a little better (especially when I can't take anything for a headache or anything during preps).
Carrie, that makes me so sad to hear that you are having that soreness.

It's not fair that you are trying to do something that is fun and that makes you happy, but then it only hurts you after...

Keep us posted on how the joint pain is, hope it lightens up soon.
Allie, I hope that you get some answers from the doctors office on monday when you call them back! That's weird that they told you that they weren't going to call you about results but then did anyway... but that could be a good thing. keep us posted! I can totally relate to you going out and then getting so much pain on your way home

you poor thing. The other night the same thing happened to me. I was out with my boyfriend and then all of a sudden got really nauseous and light headed and felt terrible. Had to go home

I really wish we all lived in the same city or something so we could all just have weekly meetings in person! That would be such a relief!
Little Miss H, I really hope that you are ok! I hope that you don't need to get operation or anything yet. and I hope you haven't lost too much blood as well!

I will be thinking of you this week!! Seems like your doctor is very knowledgeable though, he's trying to definitely figure out what's happening and seems concerned, what a concept!

If you need to vent during your prep or anything on here, don't feel bad or anything, because I'm going to be in a lot of pain just like you are, so we can vent together and get through this. We just gotta get through this stupid prep! We can do it!