Ever, that's a long list! So, what
can you eat? Personally, I know I am lactose intolerant, but particular types of dairy are worse for me than others (milk & cheese are very bad for me, but can do butter & ice cream with little trouble). And when my IBD is active, then the lactose digestive enzymes don't work as well, but they work pretty well when I'm in remission. So I am eating a bit more dairy here and there now that I'm in remission. (I shouldn't, as I found out recently that I have borderline high cholesterol, but cheese is just soooo yummy!) Anyway, I hope you get some relief from avoiding the foods in your list. I hope the B12 shots help too!
Sunshine, I enjoyed the new video.

Glad I could contribute to it. Has the pred kicked in yet? Good luck with the ultrasound! I haven't had ovarian cysts myself, but I know a few people who have, and they all have said it's quite painful. My cousin had one that burst and she had to go on complete bed rest for a week. Ouch! Hang in there! On the plus side, if a cyst is the cause of the pain then hopefully that means your ME is settling down?
Phear, that sounds like a pretty bad doctor.

I saw your other thread too, it sounds to me like this guy had his mind set on IBS before you even walked through the door. Can your GP refer you to a different GI? Hopefully if you explain things to your GP, they'll understand and send you to a better GI. Since the CT is already booked, you may as well do it, but in the meantime if it were me I'd start researching other GIs in the area. Good luck! I hope the CT can shed some light on things.
Star, how frustrating! Especially after all the trouble you went through getting the MRA (well, both of them!). I remember you said that you emailed your rheumy - no response from him yet either? That is really frustrating! If it were me, I'd be calling every day asking for those results. My GI sometimes takes awhile to get back to me so in the past I actually have called his office every day for about a week until he finally returned my calls. I think they get sick of me but I don't care. You should definitely call or email again, and let them know you're very upset because you haven't gotten the results yet. Sometimes medical people are really busy (not that that's a good excuse) and need a lot of reminding about stuff like this. My GI is super busy (he apparently works out of two different clinics and the hospital so he's only at the clinic I go to a max of twice per week) but I just keep calling until I get a response!
How's everybody else today? I am doing well, although my GERD has been giving me a bit more trouble than usual lately. I was doing great when I first started Nexium but now it might be losing a bit of effectiveness. I've also noticed that one of my reflux trigger foods seems to be bananas! I googled and all I could really find is that bananas are not acidic and should help with reflux, not cause it. But when my reflux acts up and I start burping acid, the burps often taste like banana and usually occur not long after I've eaten bananas or banana bread. Hmph! Bananas have always been an IBD safe food for me, but apparently I need to cut back on them for my GERD. I'm not too happy about that! Especially since many other fruits cause my guts to become quite unhappy. I can't digest strawberries or tomatoes at all. I don't know what I'll do without bananas as my go-to fruit!
Other than that, though, I'm doing pretty well. I got my new bike yesterday and it's soooo nice, I can't wait to go on lots of rides. I think I embarassed my co-worker though, she asked me today if I got outside on my lunch hour yesterday to enjoy the nice weather, and I replied no, I went to the gym. She said in a snarky way, Oh, did you get all sweaty and sticky? I said, yeah, of course! (Do people go to the gym and expect to not get sweaty???) She was like, Well, I'm an old lady (she's in her 50s so not all that old!) and I can't really do exercise at my age. I said, my mother is nearly 60 and she runs marathons - she just ran one in Antarctica! So age is clearly no limit. Then my co-worker said, Well, I was thinking about buying a new bike but I'd probably only ride it once a year. I said, I just bought a new bike myself and I am going to ride it often, both for fitness and to offset high gas prices. Then my co-worker just slunk away. Hah! I think I made her feel ashamed about all the excuses she was giving me about not exercising. I felt like saying, hey, I have IBD and I work out a minimum of 3x per week - I have no excuses, in fact my illness just makes me want to work out even harder so I can fight it as much as I can! It's a motivator and not an excuse. I felt like I had already said enough to her though, but if she brings it up again I think I will say that to her. *evil grin*