Sofrustrated1990, welcome to the club. I'm glad you found us but sorry you had to seek us out. If I read your post correctly, they found inflammation in your colon but didn't diagnose you with anything? It sounds like you've been through a lot of tests without answers, that's very frustrating and I'm sure you're exhausted. Are you currently seeing a GI? Are there more tests in your future - another colonoscopy might not be a bad idea, especially if the first one found inflammation. Did they take biopsies during the colonoscopy? Have they tried treating you with anything else besides pred?
Chell, glad to see you around, and it's good to hear that you've got the pill cam scheduled and that it's coming up soon! That makes 3 of us with appointments on Sept 10th - I have a pH impedance test that day (trying to figure out why my GERD is still acting up and why Nexium is starting to fail) and Bozzy has an appointment that day too. Hopefully Sept 10th is the day we all get some things figured out! As for the pill cam prep, I had to do 1/2 prep but the nurse explained to me that it's really more a precaution than anything, and they just need the small intestine mostly clear by the time the capsule hits it. So fasting overnight should be fine - if you're worried you could do a bit of laxative the day before or do a liquid diet the day before, or just eat lightly the day before. Any of those, from my understanding, should be fine. Good luck with the pill cam and let us know how it goes! Got my fingers crossed for you!
Star, that's a bit scary, I hope you're doing better today? I've come to learn that there are no hard and fast rules with my illness. Just because I can eat something one day doesn't mean I can eat it the next, and no two flares are alike. Heck, no two days are alike, even in remission this is true! There are general rules which are generally true (such as, I usually have night sweats in a flare, and I can usually eat chicken). But I'm always learning something new about my body and my illness(es) and nothing ever stays quite the same for long so there are no solid rules. Frustrating yes, never a dull moment, and my health always keeps me on my toes! Anyway, that was a ramble. I hope you're doing better today and have gotten over the post-flare-like symptoms and are doing okay. Big hugs!
Naturelover, I am such a creature of habit, I do tend to eat the same foods every day. If it were up to me, I'd have pasta every day of my life! And sometimes I do that in a flare, I just have plain pasta with a little butter or olive oil for every meal and it makes me feel better. I have tuna sandwiches for lunch probably 3 days a week (today I walked on the wild side and had a salmon sandwich, ha ha). It's easy, it's safe, and it's comforting to me. I've talked about this in other threads, but sometimes I think I might have Asperger's, for various reasons. One of those reasons is that I crave consistency and routine, and I don't like when things change. So when I get into a routine, I tend to stick with it. I get up at the same time, go to work at the same time, eat my snack at the same time, work out at the same time, etc - every day. When my usual routine is changed, both my brain and gut get unhappy. So eating the same foods every day makes my brain and gut happy - most of the time! Grapes not so much though.
How's everyone else doing today? As for me, my GERD is going haywire again. I had some M&Ms today which apparently set it off. I *refuse* to give up chocolate so I'm just dealing with the reflux for now! I am glad I'm going in for pH testing soon though, I hope it finds some reason as to why my GERD is not very well controlled.
I might not be around the forum much for the next few weeks - this week looks to be pretty busy work-wise, and then next week I'm taking off. Not going anywhere in particular, just going to maybe take a few day trips here and there. Sept 7th is hubby's and my 10 year wedding anniversary so hopefully we can come up with something nice to do that doesn't cost too much.

I can't believe it's been 10 years already! It does not feel like that long. I do have the pH impedance test on Sept 10th and I made sure to take that day off work too, so I'll probably be on here posting updates on that day. I'm sure you guys will see all sorts of complaints about reflux and NG tubes from me on that day. Ha ha