Suzie, glad to hear you got some answers finally! Yes, as the others said, collagenous colitis is a form of microscopic colitis (in the same family as Crohn's/UC). I haven't heard of hyalinized colitis either though, hopefully someone else in that other thread can help you out! What's next for you? Have they started you on any type of medication/treatment?
Chell, how are you doing? Any better? I don't suppose you've gotten those pill cam results yet?
Bozzy, it sounds like your rheumy is on top of things, and I hope you can get everything figured out soon. As for the knee pain, do they have any idea what's causing that? Is it your hypermobility, or the calcium deficiency or something else? And as for the blood tests, I think they can check for rheumatoid arthritis through blood tests but for other types of arthritis they might need to look further. Hopefully that's what the bone scan will be looking at? I got my arthritis diagnosed through x-ray. Anyway, I hope the tests go well and please keep us posted!
As for me, I had a bad tummy weekend, ick! I ate some fresh broccoli without cooking or steaming it first, and my guts hated that. Sometimes they're okay with broccoli, but not this time. I had a fair amount of d with undigested broccoli bits in it, lovely. Oh, and there was another undigested Asacol tablet in my d. I bravely picked it out - it was a full tablet, not just the shell. The weird thing was, it was squishy! I picked it out and gave it a gentle squeeze to see if it was just a shell or not, and the contents squished out. It seemed like, my body softened it up but just couldn't digest it all the way so the contents remained in the tablet even though everything got softened up. Interesting. I'm going to keep an eye on things and see if it's always a full yet squishy tablet. Fortunately I don't see undigested Asacol all that often - I see undigested tomato frequently but now am able to discern between tomato and Asacol!

So yeah, I had not a great weekend and mostly stayed in and caught up on some sewing projects. I ate low-res and am doing somewhat better now although still a bit iffy. I pushed myself to go to the gym and it was very challenging - when I'm not feeling great, all the weights seem so much heavier! On a really good day, the weights hardly seem to weigh anything at all and I just breeze through my workout. On not so good days, like today, everything is so heavy and such a challenge. I'm proud of myself for making it through my whole workout though, in spite of it being totally exhausting.
Oh, and some good news - my hubby got a job! The pay isn't great and it's only a couple days a week, but his new employer is someone we've known for awhile and she's awesome. She owns a costume shop and recently she needed someone to help her out at an event, and hubby had recently told her about his lack of employment, so she asked him if he could go help her out. So they were at this event all weekend and I guess hubby was a really big help, so much so that she offered him part-time work in her costume shop. Yeah, that's excellent news! Hubby's been depressed over his lack of employment and I think this will be a nice boost for him, besides the bit of extra money which will be really nice too. Plus it's a really cool place so I think it will be really fun for him to work there! So that's great and I'm very happy.

(Oh, and no worries from me about hubby going away for a weeked event with another woman - she's a lesbian.)
How's everyone else doing? Big hugs to all and I hope everyone is having a good tummy day!