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thanks cat! The injection was a bit uncomfortable.. thats a lie.. i hated it haha.. i only let him inject one knee and not both!!!

i actually went out last night with work.. and i wore heels!! so was fully expecting my knees to be awful today... but nope! seems to have done the trick! (it was usually just my left knee that caused pain) so fingers crossed it works!

he said this was a trial - i think if it works, then i will be tried on meds??.. he said it would be similar treatment for rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis

interestingly enough.. 10% of people with SAPHO have crohns/colitis. SAPHO is an inflammatory issue. (but i dont know the ins and outs of it.. if im honest, im a tad confused.. so ill ask more Q's next time i see him)

@star - the dr did warn me about post injection "flare" is quite common.. but so far I seem to have gotten away with it!

@cat - i love american elections.. so much more exciting than our elections. If it was like that here, we would have higher voting rates. too many people just dont vote. my opinion is "you dont vote, you cant complain" haha!
Have fun though :) xx
Hi everyone, so ive been meaning to come on and update with my pill cam results but ive been so poorly in hospital and not had chance.

How is everyone doing?

So i ended up being rushed into hospital with severe pain that my usual oramorph and high doses of slow release morphine and it just didnt ease it off any, they plied me with more oramorph,more slow release and IV morphine and i was still in agony.

i then got a call (whilst in a+e) with my pill cam results and bingo it showed inflammation along the TI.... just before i went into hospital i had a letter from a previous test MREnterclysosis or something or other that i was told was normal (this was done at another hospital from my usual one) my gi had gone over all my results and found a shadow over my ileum from this test which was highly suggestive of ileal disease...i was then told that this shadow ties in with the inflammation that showed on my pill cam.

I should be greatful for some results but i dont know how to feel tbh and my emotions are all over the place. Im due in for surgery on the 22nd of this month and im petrified.

sorry for any spelling mistakes im dosed up and half asleep and sorry for rambling on!

Hope your all doing well, i have read a few posts and it seems you are all still suffering :( sending big hugs to you all Xx
Jenni, that sounds awful but at least it sounds like they're getting somewhere as far as figuring out what you've got going on. What kind of surgery are you having - is it exploratory? Good luck with it and please keep us posted - I hope you get some solid answers soon so that you can get some good treatment and relief! Big hugs to you!

Bozzy, that's interesting about how 10% of SAPHO patients also have IBD. I would be interested to know what your doc has to say about that. Glad to hear the steroid injection seems to have worked - I avoid heels too, it's just not worth the pain! I own a few pairs of boots with heels and will wear them on special ocassions but 99% of the time I wear flat shoes (ballet flats at work and sneakers the rest of the time).

So, I went to the Obama/Springsteen rally on Monday. It was fun and I'm glad I went, but I paid for it! All the local news outlets were saying get there extra super early. I went with my hubby's cousin and her daughter, and they drove so they picked me up at 5:15 in the morning. I hadn't slept well the night before and I had been running to the bathroom from 2 AM until 5:15 (I took some meds to stop me from going, which is a good thing because there weren't bathrooms at the rally!!). It was freezing cold and still dark out outside when we got downtown and we just waited, and waited, and waited. My joints do not like cold, and they do not like it when I walk or stand for a long time, so I started hurting pretty quickly. We ended up standing for about 7 hours straight in the frigid cold - the rally didn't start until about 10 AM and Springsteen came on at something like 11 or 11:30 and Obama came on last, right around noon I think. It was really cool to be at that rally, especially the day before the election, but I was sore and stiff and painful afterwards. It was worth it, but the aftermath was still not pretty.

And then the day after, election day, was also my birthday but the election itself was so stressful, I really don't like Romney and didn't want him to be elected. There was a local election for the senate that I was really nervous about too as the candidates were polar opposites, I liked one and hated the other. So I was really nervous that Romney and/or this senate candidate would win as that would have been really upsetting. Hubby took me down to Illinois and we went shopping in the Chicago suburbs for most of the day, which took our minds off of the election, but when we got home both of us got really stressed waiting for the results. Then I got a massive headache and just felt awful. I stayed up way too late watching the news coverage of the election, and was so stressed - fortunately all my candidates won! But the stress of the day plus the stress on my body of being at that rally the previous day really took a toll on me, and my guts and joints haven't been right since.

So, I'm eating low-res for a bit and trying to be nice to my joints. Lots of hot baths, heating pads, etc. It was an eventful time and I'm glad that things politically are okay and can calm down again. Bozzy, you said you love the excitement of American elections, but it can be really stressful so I will trade with you if you want! You can have our exciting elections and I will take your low-stress elections and your corgi-loving Queen :) (And the NHS too of course!) Ha ha.
"Corgi loving queen" haha! You do make me laugh cat!

I was so relieved when i woke up to find Obama had been re-elected. he's a big hit over here. just oozes charisma! And lets be fair... government cannot make significant change in 4yrs.. so hopefully an extra 4 helps :)

Our "coalition" government is a joke. Two polar opposite parties "working together" lol!
My vision has been awful lately..i cant describe it. What im looking at just doesnt sit right...

@jenni.. i really hope this means you can start a road to recovery. what surgery are you having?
bozzylozzy - what is SAPHO? Something I have never heard of! Sorry if you've posted already and I've missed it.

Catatonic - sounds like a fun day out but I hope you feel better soon! I'm not from the US but the coverage was pretty exciting to watch. I still don't get how they decide who has won!

I was just on holiday for a week and the last part of the week I spent really quite sick, actually the sickest I've been tbh based on symptoms. I'm quite upset this happened I feel like I ruined it for everyone I was with, including my husband. I am waiting for my GI doctor to see me to decide what medication to put me on and I got home to a letter with the appointment having been pulled forward to... JANUARY 29th 2013!! I can't wait that long!!! I see my rheumatologist (who has been hassling my GI to see me, I think I need to switch GIs) in 2 weeks and hopefully he will be as unimpressed as I am.

So depressed right now :(
Hi lsgs - SAPHO stands for: Synovitis, Acne, Pustulosis, Hyperostosis, Osteitis.
Im not 100% sure what it means for me. i dont think i have all those things? My bone scan showed problems with my feet and breast bone/collar bone.
I do suffer with mild acne on my back/chest and face. I also intermittantly get tiny blisters all over my fingerss which are very itchy (palmoplantar pustulosis)

I think in a nutshell.. its and inflammatory problem that affects - joints, bones and skin!
Its common to have chronic borderline CRP levels

On top of this.. my stomach (not bowels) has been so uncomfortable... like extreme indigestion.. i think im getting gastritis again. woke me up at 3am this morning :(

Lsgs- where abouts are you based? 23rd January is ages away! Maybe switching GI's might not be a bad idea!
Hi lsgs - SAPHO stands for: Synovitis, Acne, Pustulosis, Hyperostosis, Osteitis.
Im not 100% sure what it means for me. i dont think i have all those things? My bone scan showed problems with my feet and breast bone/collar bone.
I do suffer with mild acne on my back/chest and face. I also intermittantly get tiny blisters all over my fingerss which are very itchy (palmoplantar pustulosis)

I think in a nutshell.. its and inflammatory problem that affects - joints, bones and skin!
Its common to have chronic borderline CRP levels

On top of this.. my stomach (not bowels) has been so uncomfortable... like extreme indigestion.. i think im getting gastritis again. woke me up at 3am this morning :(

Lsgs- where abouts are you based? 23rd January is ages away! Maybe switching GI's might not be a bad idea!

Jeez that does not sound like fun at all.

I feel your pain on the stomach thing, mine kicked off last night after dinner and didn't pass until about 7am this morning. Had to call in sick for work again. So getting sacked soon. There is something so wrong about pain that isn't touched by 60mg dihydrocodeine and 1g paracetamol. It was one of those ones that if I thought A&E could do anything I would have been there in a heartbeat. Eugh I feel like such a moan honestly, I just don't know what to do anymore.

I'm in Glasgow btw!
Glasgow! Cool beans. I have family in falkirk. Havent been to scotland for ages.

What tests have you had so far?

I'm a bit of a complicated situation, I have loads of autoimmune issues with another disease I have called sjogren's syndrome. I had a colonoscopy about 4-5 years ago before the diarrhoea started. Sigmoidoscopy shortly after showed internal haemorrhoids. MRI showed spleen upper limits of normal. CT showed lymph nodes enlarged throughout body, nodules on liver and fatty liver disease despite being a good weight. Pillcam showed nothing although I was having no diarrhoea when this was done and did no prep as I was physically unable to at the time. Most recently I had a high calprotectin (has been mildly raised in the past but this was definite) which has put my docs onto the idea of IBD and that's why I am here!

Bloods have always shown inflammation (ESR) and loads of wacky autoimmune issues (high LFTs, pancreatic enzymes raised, CK, +ve ANA, +ve anti-ro, anti-la, immunoglobulins interestingly iga found in the gut, low complement etc etc I could go on haha)

My ESR went from 51 when I felt really unwell in summer to 2 after a steroid shot so it's likely inflammatory based...

I have booked an appointment privately for tonight and I'm just gonna pay I can't hang around waiting in the NHS any longer. He is getting my notes as he works in the hospital I've been going to. I'm hoping it goes well as I'm off work again today and being self employed really can't afford this! :frown: Personally I think I need scoped again when I'm in a 'flare'.

How is everyone else except fed up of my moaning :p
Wowzers! You have been through the mill. similar to me.. im definitely not a simple case to crack!
(My CRP level was only 11 when i had appendicitis!)

Anywho.. i actually work for private health insurance. All private doctors must do some NHS work. so if he wanted to do more tests.. to avoid costs to you.. he should be able to do it o NHS.
I dont blame you for not waiting. I certainly didnt! (I only use private very occassionally)
Because there is a gastro diagnostic ward at my local hosp that have been fantastic when ive been incredibly ill. also my neurosurgeon is the only guy in yorkshire who deals with Chiari.. and he's only NHS

good luck tonight! And keep us posted x
lsgs, good luck with the GI appointment tonight! I hope it's worthwhile. You mentioned you had a steroid shot and your ESR went down - did it make you feel significantly better? If it had that effect on your ESR and if it made you feel better, you might want to ask about trying an oral steroid like prednisone (it might be called prednisolone in the UK but it's the same thing). At any rate, I hope the appointment tonight is a good and productive one and that you can get something in the way of tests/treatment/relief/answers. Keep us posted!

Bozzy, how are you doing today? You mentioned possibly having another bout of gastritis, I hope that's not the case. I feel for you, I know how awful gastritis can be. Whenever my GERD gets too riled up then I start getting gastritis pain, it's awful - much sharper pain than my IBD pain which is at most a dull ache in the LRQ these days (it only really aches at all if I eat something I shouldn't or if I overeat and stuff myself). So anyway, I hope you didn't have to deal with another round of gastritis and are doing okay!

As for me, I'm doing okay. Not super great but not bad. My hip is still somewhat achey but better than it was. The weather here just turned bitterly cold (I can see snowflakes out the window, eek!) and that always makes my joints a bit unhappy so I'm hoping this hip pain is just weather-related. I'm a bit nervous lately too because I'm having an upper endoscopy later this week. I'm nervous that it'll find nothing and be a waste of time, but I'm also nervous that it'll find bad damage either causing my GERD or caused by my GERD. Pretty sure I have a hiatal hernia so I'm expecting that to be found. I'm nervous because I don't want something like Barrett's esophagus to be found, but I don't really want nothing to be found either. I guess I just want my GI to know that my GERD is really bad and I want a good plan as to what to do about it - I don't think I'll get that plan going if my esophagus and stomach look perfect, you know? But obviously I don't want things to look terrible in there either. And I really don't want it to be so bad that my GI says I need surgery. So I guess either way I'm screwed, ha ha. At least I'll get a nice nap out of the whole ordeal. :p

How's everybody else doing? Bundled up in this chilly weather I hope? I'm definitely making myself a new quilt this year, brrr! I'm one of those people who is naturally always cold, and when I developed this IBD or whatever it is, I sometimes get so chilled that I just can't warm up. It's miserable especially during winter! I remember once during a bad flare, I was so cold and I just couldn't stop shivering, so I sat in a hot bath but that still didn't warm me up. Things are better now that I'm in remission but I still freeze all winter long. I wear 2 layers of fleece and 2 pairs of big thick socks to bed in the winter because I can't sleep if I'm too cold! Of course my hubby is the opposite, he is always too warm (sometimes he doesn't even wear a coat in the winter!) so I get no sympathy there. Oh well. :p
hi cat - when is your gastroscopy? i really dont envy you on that one! i have a terrible gag reflex! lol
i know what you mean about wanting them to find something.. but nothing too serious. even if it was bad.. hopefully the right treatment could keep it at bay? ive heard of barretts oesophagus.. but not sure what it is.

my stomach has been awful... im not having any acid reflux (for a change! lol) just have an incredibly heavy sensation that comes in waves after every time i eat.. and gets worse throughout the day. I was having stabbing pains yesterday which made me fear gastritis (when i had it last time, it felt like somebody twisting a knife in my stomach)
but thankfully i think its just really bad indigestion.

saw GP today who gave omeprezole and another anti-sickness tablet beginning with "D" cant remember the name.

ive also been referred to an opthalmologist now to have another look at my eyes.. as my vision has been awful.. intermittantly feel like things are magnified/dont sit right and have to do a double take.

im really starting to fear that im being led nearer and nearer to the decompression surgery :( fingers crossed i hope not!
Bozzy, I have a GI appt on Thursday and then my endoscopy is on Friday. I had an upper endoscopy a little over 2 years ago (just before the GERD started, so I'm curious to see what's happened in 2 years). So, I know what to expect as far as sedation and stuff. I have heard that in the UK they don't always put you out for upper endoscopies, that must be awful! Here in the US, thankfully they knock you out. They call it twilight sedation but it felt like I was out completely. I don't remember a thing from my previous endoscopy - I remember they wheeled me into the procedure area and said they were injecting the sedation stuff and that my head should feel foggy. I felt my head fog and I said something like, "Here we go!" and that's the last thing I remember, no recollection of the scope at all. I vaguely remember bits & pieces of getting dressed afterwards and being driven home. I do remember more clearly that after we got home, I complained to hubby that my GI didn't even come to talk to me after my scope. Hubby was like, "What are you talking about? He talked to you for like 10 minutes and you seemed totally coherent!" I didn't remember any of that! So I know they will give me good sedation meds and I'm not worried about the scope itself. Just nervous about the outcome. And maybe I'll bring a recording device so that I will know what my GI says to me afterwards! Ha ha.

As for Barrett's esophagus, I only know a little bit about it. I know that it can occur if you reflux too much for too long. My understanding is that when you have chronic uncontrolled reflux, over time it can change the esophagus tissue into being more like scar tissue, and that in turn can make you more likely to get esophageal cancer. I am sure there's more to it than that but that's my very limited knowledge of it without googling. Obviously I don't want to raise my risk of getting cancer so I'd like to avoid getting Barrett's if I can! If I already have it then I would be pretty crushed. But either way, I want to be well-informed of what's going on in my body, so the scope will be enlightening one way or another.

I hope the omeprazole works well for you, Bozzy! Are you on 20 mg a day? I think that's the usual dosage, that's what I started out on, and it worked well for me for awhile. Make sure you take a calcium supplement with it as it is one of those meds that leaches calcium from your bones. I hope the eye doc can figure out your vision stuff, it sounds awful. It kind of sounds like what I experience in a migraine aura - sometimes things will suddenly get brighter & clearer or darker and fuzzier, but only ever in my right eye so that's how I know it's a migraine aura. Anyway, I hope you get it all figured out AND I hope you can avoid surgery!
yeah, im on 20mg of omeprezole.. my GP did say if after a few days it hasnt got any better - to take it twice a day instead.

that barretts oesophagus doesnt sound very good. so fingers crossed its not that! i wonder if biopsies will show any crohn's?

back to the omeprezole.. my rheumatologist said my calcium levels have been historically low. so i wonder if its to do with those meds?!

oh and on another note.. my knee feels fantastic!! honestly this steroid injection has done absolute wonders! :D
Hey guys just wanted to drop back in and give you the 'good' news.

I went to see the new GI last night and he was really nice. He felt my tummy went over my history and recent results and said right away you have some form of inflammatory bowel disease we just don't know what yet and even if we test you and it's negative, it doesn't mean you don't have it, just that it's a false negative. He has booked me in for endoscopy and colonoscopy next Thursday. Dreading it but I'm still bleeding so hopefully it will show something. Apparently the other GI is a liver specialist whereas this guy is an IBD specialist, and it explains his bungling of this diagnosis... Only prob is this doctor works in the same hospital/dept as my old GI and doesn't want to see me on NHS for that reason!!!!

I had pvt health insurance and apparently it would be covered since I have no diagnosis which is great.

The great thing is he looked me straight in the eye and said 'I don't think this is all in your head by the way'. Such a big deal for someone to say that as when no one could figure it out they just put it down to stress!!

He really has been great so far. He rang me personally today to talk to me about the prep and stuff. Has anyone used Fleet prep? I used picolax last time with no issues and hoping the Fleet's going to be the same.

So my 'working diagnosis' is inflammatory bowel disease. Guess I'm officially a sick person. Feels like a bit of a life sentence but going to have to try to stay positive!!!

Cat-a-Tonic - I can't imagine having an endoscopy without sedation. I remember quite a bit of my last one and it was horrendous, I kept trying to pull the camera out and they were holding my arms down because I was out of it but not enough to induce amnesia. The feeling is awful and I would have a colonoscopy over an endoscopy any day! I've had a sigmoidoscopy without sedation and that was AGONY I'm pretty sure I injured a nurse squeezing her hand that day :p I hope it's you get a useful result from your endoscopy anyway and it all goes well :)

Bozzylozzy - is the other med domperidone? If so I eat them like sweeties and find them great for reflux and nausea.
Bozzy, I will be a bit curious too to see what the biopsies from my endoscopy show. I'm not holding my breath, I am guessing they won't say IBD but they might say chronic gastritis (that can be seen on biopsy, right? Non-specific inflammation maybe?). I am sure it won't say celiac. I'm not entirely sure what else can be seen on biopsy but I figure since the scope will be in there anyway, may as well take some biopsies.

That's great that your knee is still doing well! Glad that at least one part of you is feeling good. As for your calcium being low, there's a number of things that could contribute. Statistically, thin caucasian females tend to get osteoperosis more than any other group, so you may just be genetically predisposed towards having lower calcium levels. Having digestive problems isn't doing you any favors, regardless of whether it's IBD or IBS or something else, you're probably losing some vitamins & nutrients by not digesting well and having diarrhea, etc. And then of course meds like omeprazole and pred can leach calcium from you. So given all that, it's certainly not surprising that you've got low calcium levels. Taking calcium supplements can help - take them with vitamin D as that helps the calcium be absorbed better. Eating calcium-rich foods can of course help too - dairy products are good, but if you're lactose intolerant like me then you may need alternatives. Personally I eat a lot of sardines as they are apparently very high in calcium and also omega 3s (good for heart health and inflammation) and they're low in mercury. Oh, and weight-bearing exercise is also very good at building bones. I don't know if you're healthy enough/able to lift weights, but if you give it a go, start slowly with light weights and work your way up. (Full disclosure - I lift weights 3 x per week and I love it! I can usually do it even if my tummy isn't feeling great.) Just don't overdo it on calcium, particularly the supplements, as too much in the system can cause kidney stones. (Apparently too little calcium can cause stones too, which was the case with my husband - I don't really understand why that happens!) Anyway, that was rambly but I hope it helped a little anyway.

lsgs, that's great that your new doc is taking you seriously and believes you have IBD! It's also very good that your insurance is covering it! I'm in a similar situation, both my GP and GI believe I have IBD, they're just not sure which one (GI feels it's either Crohn's or microscopic colitis, he has ruled out UC as I tend not to bleed). They treat me as if I have IBD although they won't give me the stronger meds until I get a proper diagnosis. But I've had short bursts of pred as well as a longer stint on Entocort and now am on Asacol for my presumed IBD, and I'm in remission because of those treatments. I hope that you can get into remission soon too! Is your doctor willing to put you on some treatment, regardless of what the scopes show? What's the plan for after the scopes have been done?

I have never heard of domperidone, had to google it. I take Ondansetron (generic Zofran) for nausea and it is wonderful. When I first got sick, they gave me a med called Compazine for nausea and that stuff was the worst! It didn't help my nausea, it made me dizzy, and after I tried taking it a few times, I suddenly had a bad (allergic?) reaction to it where it made me not be able to breathe properly. That was scary! I haven't had any side effects whatsoever from Zofran, it's lovely. It stops my nausea quickly and effectively, and it has an added benefit of making my stools a little firmer. :)

Speaking of Zofran... I feel kind of icky today. For some reason I've been having diarrhea which I don't usually have these days, and the guts have been crampy and grumbly. I haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary so I don't know what's up. Maybe a delayed reaction to the stressful events of last week? I hope that's all it is. Or maybe it's because I'm getting nervous about my GI appt and endoscopy. Maybe because Thanksgiving is coming up and it's my least favorite holiday, ha ha. I do not look forward to spending a whole day with my in-laws. :p Oh well, at least I get a 4 day weekend.
Hey all, hope you're feeling decent today. I am battling nausea yet again. Does anyone have any suggestions on what will help? I'm down to 1 phenergen and really don't want to take it until I really have to. Thanks!
I am not sure, maybe you have tried this already, but they say ginger is suppose to really help with nausea. Also peppermint can be helpful as well. Hope you can get the nausea under control and feel better.....
HannahN, I concur with what Ihurt said - ginger is wonderful for nausea! Peppermint can be good too, but you should avoid it if you have GERD/acid reflux. (It can relax the valve between the stomach & esophagus, which will allow more acid to come up.) I really like ginger for anti-nausea, it works well and you can use it in a variety of forms. You can get ginger root, pickled ginger, ginger capsules or ginger tea. If there's an Asian grocery store near you, they should carry the tea, root, and pickled forms.

As for me, I had a GI appointment yesterday and it went well for the most part. He answered all my questions and I feel pretty confident going into my upper endoscopy today. He said Barrett's esophagus takes years and years to form, so given that my esophagus looked great 2 years ago, he doesn't think we'll see any signs of it in my endoscopy today. He is going to look for a hiatal hernia and gastritis and will take biopsies from my stomach & from the first part of my small intestine. Hopefully it's just like last time and just feels like a nice nap. Anyway, I leave for my scope in about 90 mins. Wish me luck!
@lsgs - yeah domperidone is the one they gave me.. it was great and worked a treat! they prescribed plenty too so i can keep them if i need them again.
your appointment with your new gastro seemed to go really well! im so glad he has ordered the scopes so soon.. they need to look inside whilst you are flaring i think in order to get more accurate results! so fingers crossed you're on your way to get a diagnosis and treatment :)

i have had picolax which was great and ive also had another one called klean prep (which was awful) i havent heard of fleet prep though. fingers crossed its ok.

@cat - i really hope it goes well today, i know you'll keep us posted ;) and thats really reassuring to know about barretts oesophagus taking years to develop..
also, thanks for the advice on the calcium stuff too :) xxx
@catatonic I hope your gastroscopy goes well today!!

I am really really hoping to be kicked into remission by drugs, I need a break! Esp as my calprotectin wasn't madly high I'm hoping it won't take much, although I am discouraged by how poorly this level of pred is controlling things. I am so scared I'm going to go through the scopes and it's not going to show anything, but this gastro seems to believe it is IBD regardless of what the scopes show so I don't know... I don't get how he can be so sure when the other gastro just thought I was nuts. Looking back I'm quite mad at myself I didn't switch earlier. I should have known with the bleeding etc it wasn't IBS/stress but you just trust your doc.

Not all doctors are born equal I guess.

I don't know what he will do after the scopes, I know he said if they are positive then immunosuppressive therapy. Tbh I was an emergency squeeze in and I think he was in a bit of a rush, which is fine, I'm just so glad I could see someone. I was absolutely cracking up with the constant pain.

@bozzy I used picolax last time too (albeit 5 years ago) and I found it fine too, didn't make me feel sick, no cramping. Hoping this fleet stuff will be the same. I just don't want to be sick tbh.

I love domperidone. I also take an additional prochlorperazine on top if I'm really struggling. I find nausea quite hard to deal with though so I probably overmedicate myself in that respect.

How do all your other halves deal with this stuff? When I feel well, my husband is the best husband in the world but recently when I got sick again he actually seems angry at me and won't speak to me. It's horrible :( So I end up trying to hide it and it just goes downhill from there. This week though I am taking it easy. I have felt so rotten the thought of the prep next week seems unbearable so I'm trying to rest as much as possible before it. Which is annoying him too. Haha.
I'm back! Still a bit groggy from the sedation but I think I'm mostly coherent... I think. :p It went well, no sign of Barrett's esophagus so that's good news. He did find a hiatal hernia which was my suspicion, so that's a big cause and maybe the main cause of my GERD. For now, he's bumping up the dosage on some of my reflux meds and we'll see how I do from there. If I exhaust all the GERD meds there are, then we'll talk about surgery. He took some biopsies too so we'll see what those say, if anything.

lsgs, that's awful that your hubby won't even talk to you when you're not doing well! How sad and isolating that must be. My hubby wasn't always the most supportive, honestly at first he seemed to think I was just trying to get attention or wasn't as sick as I was. Then, he got kidney stones, and in a few key areas it was similar to my illness. He would get intense pain, nausea, and vomiting that would just come out of nowhere. Literally he could be fine one minute and puking with pain at an 8 out of 10 the next. His doctor took a "wait and see" approach to see if hubby could pass the stones on his own - he could not, so he spent an agonizing 6 months basically walking in my shoes. He finally had surgery to remove the stones and has been fine since, but that experience did change him and his opinions of my illness, for the better. I'm not saying I hope your hubby gets an illness, but it sure did help my hubby wrap his head around things a lot better. I hope your hubby gets a clue soon because that sounds terrible. Poor thing, we're here for you. Big hugs!
@lsgs - it must be so hard to deal with your husband being "iffy" about you being ill.. its the last thing you need!
I must say I feel quite lucky.. in our marriage im the moody one lol.. and my other half is the calming influence. and because he is like that, he does his best to remove stress from me when im ill.

@cat - so glad they didnt find anything too concerning. have they said when they want to do surgery? or how long til you get your biopsy results?
Glad the endoscopy went well cat!! When you say surgery do you mean surgery on a hernia? I didn't realise hernias showed up on endoscopy!

It's difficult for him, he worries a lot about money and how we would manage if I can't work. He also refuses to get optimistic about any treatment or doctor visit because nothing has worked before long term. I have never seen a happier and more content guy than when the high doses of steroids were working and we had a pretty normal life for a couple of months.

On Monday night after that GI visit I was really quite overwhelmed trying to take it in that I actually have been sick this whole time and he literally would not talk to me, and was snappy if I did try to for about 3 days. I know he is just a young guy struggling to deal with a sick wife though and he feels helpless. A little support wouldn't go amiss though!! Haha.
What is the point in having health insurance if they're going to refuse you when you get sick!! I am so angry right now! So my choice is have it done now and pay £2600 or go back on the nhs, be seen in Feb by my old GI who has completely messed up my diagnosis :( so frustrated!
Thanks lsgs and Bozzy. lsgs, it's a hiatal hernia so it's a hernia at the spot where the stomach meets the esophagus - there is a valve there, and if a hernia forms there, then that valve can no longer close properly, which in turn allows acid to freely reflux up the esophagus. So yes, that particular kind of hernia can be seen on endoscopy. The only "cure" for it is surgery, so yes the surgery would essentially be hernia repair. The surgery is called fundoplication, you can google it if you like, basically they go in laprascopically and stitch things together so that the valve between the stomach & esophagus works better and doesn't allow acid up the esophagus anymore. It has a good success rate but some potential complications too - bloating, not being able to belch (and not being able to vomit which sounds awesome and scary all at once!), difficulty swallowing, etc. So I'm not sure if I am going to go for surgery or not. For now, I'm taking a higher dose of Zantac as my insurance wouldn't cover a higher dose of Nexium (I'm still taking the regular dose of Nexium along with the Zantac). And I feel okay, or at least I don't feel bad enough to justify surgery right now. We'll see how I do with meds, if I exhaust all the reflux meds then I will probably go for the surgery. But for now it's just an option to consider.

As for me, I've had a rough few days. The endoscopy really did a number on my stomach. My GI took biopsies and it felt like he took a huge chunk of flesh from my stomach - I was in sharp stomach pain for a few days after the endoscopy! Fortunately the pain started to subside yesterday evening and I can barely feel it today so it seems to be healing pretty quickly, but I had a rough weekend with the pain. I lost about 3 lbs over the weekend just from not being able to eat hardly anything due to the pain! I should get the biopsy results in about a week. I don't think they'll show anything which is a shame given the pain they caused!

lsgs, I hope you can work things out with your hubby so that he doesn't turn into an ogre again the next time you flare up. :( I work full-time too and I know we'd be in serious trouble if I weren't able to work - my hubby has been looking for full-time work for awhile now but so far he can only find part-time jobs, so our health insurance is through my work and we pay most of our bills through my paycheck. I'd be without health care and possibly end up homeless if I lost my job which obviously would be a nightmare for anyone, but I think it would be even worse for people like us with chronic health issues! So I understand the pressure to keep working even while sick. It sucks a lot (but it's still better than being homeless). Do you at least have an understanding boss who lets you take sick days as needed? I got really lucky in that regard, I've had 2 different bosses since I've been ill, and both have been super understanding about letting me take time off for medical tests, doctor appointments, sick days, etc. So I know it could be a lot worse than it is. Anyway, hang in there and I hope you can get your husband to understand better and act more like an adult when you are going through a rough patch health-wise. Have you tried showing him the Spoon Theory? It's an essay about what it's like to live every day with a chronic illness. Here's the link:

How's everyone else doing? Okay I hope? Big hugs to all. Thanksgiving is this week so I probably won't be around the forum much. I have to go eat a big meal... with my in-laws... eek! Wish me luck, I may need it. :p
Wow that's not a choice I envy you having to make. At least I suppose you have that option if things get too much, you have somewhere to turn. Glad you're starting to feel better after the endoscopy and hope thanksgiving with the inlaws isn't too stressful haha

With regards to my job, I am sadly self employed! In my job there is really no other option unless I want to go into hospital dentistry, which is a demanding job too. I have the luxury of working part time at the moment (3 1/2 days pw) but every time I'm off for a day I lose a lot of money and patients get very cross. Dentistry where I live is all business, if you don't make enough money for your boss, you will be sacked. It's a lot of pressure but I haven't had a bad month since I started my current job 6m ago. So things are still ok in that respect. I'm just getting more and more tired and more likely to take time off.

I'm due to start my colonoscopy prep in 7 hours! So scared in case it doesn't show anything. It's amazing how you can feel under pressure to have a disease, my family are so hyped up to get a diagnosis I feel like I'm going to let them down if nothing shows.

In other news I went to my rheumatologist appt today and... he didn't turn up! Unbelievable! Spoke to him on the phone when they realised and he said the plan from new GI is to put me on sulfasalazine if something shows tomorrow (which tbh, I really doubt it will) and azathioprine if it doesn't. Apparently the GI had remarked that I had been on way too much steroids by the puffiness of my face. So he is wanting me to come off them again even though when I do I get horrendously sick. *sigh*
Hey Everyone....I haven't been on in forever! O.O Work has pretty much taken over my life. If I'm not at work, I at home crocheting, or I'm at the community theater. I'm never just doing "nothing". Its VERY exhausting....

Health-wise, week by week I'm getting worse. I am now being seen at the pain management clinic at the Army hopsital 3.5 hours away, and I'm still seeing the rheumy there. I saw them both two weeks ago, and it was not a good day. I had a procedure at the pain clinic where they did nerve block injections and turned off the nerves in my abdomen wall, just the skin and muscle layer, to see if the pain was from there. Well, after that procedure, which was the most painful procedure I have been through, I was still having my intestine pain. So they have put in my records the pain is coming from my intestines. After that I saw my rheumy who just said he has no more answers for me and he wanted to do more blood tests. He still has me off my meds. I was suppose to call him by now for the results...but I'm nervous about the dissapointment of them being normal.... :(. I'm still only on tramadol for pain, and it doesn't work at all anymore, yet the pain management clinic wont put me on anything else. I watched my friend get codiene for a back ache here yet I am suppose to keep on living. >.<

The doctors don't quite understand whats going on with me...I am not at the point where I am having flares where I am getting 10-20 mouth ulcers at one time. My mouth swells up and I can't talk due to the swelling and the pain. One day I called the director at the theater and he couldn't understand a word I said. My knees are stiff, and my abdominal pain is worse than ever. Yet they just keep sending me on my way......

Other than doctors that don't want to help me, I'm just trying to keep going day by day. We have ordered a wheelchair because I can't walk because the pain is too high to walk all the time. I'm actually floored that I'm still working....I go home every night crying about how done I am about all of this. But something is holding me back from quiting. I mean, people at my job love me, and I do a great job. Plus I do like not being at home all the time. So mentally having a job is awesome, but physically it feels like I'm dying. I've talked to some other chronically ill friends on facebook and they were all urging me to quit, but I just can't find my voice to actually quit. I just keep going to work. Not being a quitter is really hurting me right now. :(

Cat, I'm so sorry you aren't feeling too hot after your endoscopy. :( I felt the same way after mine. I was hospitilized, and they had me prepping for a colonoscopy hours after...the salty mixture they had me drinking was not mixing well with my bleeding stomach! I feel for ya and I hope you are doing better. :) I have missed talking to you and Star!

I hope everyone is doing well. I am so sorry I just kind of dropped off the earth.
Ack! I just typed a long post and then lost it all somehow! I hate when that happens! So here we go, take two...

lsgs, good luck with the scope prep. Have you had a colonoscopy before? You've probably said but my memory is garbage lately. Anyway, the prep is the worst part, in my experience the scope itself is not too bad. I hope this gets you some answers. Please keep us posted on how everything goes! Make sure they take lots of biopsies too (certain things such as microscopic colitis can only be seen on biopsy). Best of luck!

Allie!! We missed you! I know I see you on Facebook regularly but that's not quite the same, we can't discuss our illnesses in detail on there for fear of grossing out non-spoonies. :p I'm so sorry to hear that things are still getting worse, how awful. :( Your doctors are American/English speakers, right? I could see not getting the best treatment if there was a language barrier, but otherwise there is just no excuse for letting you suffer like this! You mentioned your rheumy and the pain clinic, have you seen your GP lately and could he/she put you on something like pred at least? Or maybe even the ER? As for work, it sounds like you're torn. I don't suppose you have the option to go part-time and see if that helps you heal while still getting you out of the house? If you're to the point where you need a wheelchair, something has got to give. I hope you can figure out a good balance to life without feeling like you're dying!

Oh, and I know what you mean about getting pain meds for certain things but not for others. I have never gotten pain meds in all my years of having IBD, arthritis, etc. But when I was rear-ended in a very minor car accident earlier this year and had a mild case of whiplash, they gave me all kinds of muscle relaxers and codeine and stuff. And when I had bronchitis last year, they gave me a bunch of antibiotics and an inhaler and they even offered me pred! It's like, doctors can understand pain/illness that isn't chronic and will throw everything in the book at you to get you feeling better when you'd probably just feel better on your own in a week anyway. But when you're chronically ill, they throw up their hands and act like they can't help you. It seems like so many people just can't wrap their heads around chronic illness and unfortunately too many doctors fall into that trap too! Not fair at all. They need to teach a class on compassion and make everyone read the Spoon Theory in med school.

As for me, I can't feel the biopsy site pain anymore so I presume it's healed or at least healing. I managed to go to the gym twice this week already and I feel really good, so now I'm just waiting on those biopsy results. Oh, and we got some good news - my hubby has been working in a costume shop part time, but he wasn't officially an employee and was being paid under the table. The owner of the shop just hired him officially yesterday and she wants to give him more hours too! The pay isn't great and it's not full-time or anything, but it's another baby step in the right direction and that is a good thing.
@allie - welcome back mrs!! What cat said about going part time seems like a good option to me xx

@cat - glad you're not in as much pain with your stomach. i wish i could go to the gym. but im just too tired.. although part of that is because im so unfit! Haha
also.. thats great news about your hubbys permenant job! Baby steps is better than no steps!
Ive been meaning to ask how your SIL is getting on? Are they managing to work things out? Xx

i have my opthalmology appointment on friday. i cant wait.. this blurriness is driving me crazy!!
Hey Bozzy, my S-I-L is doing well, they called off the divorce and her marriage is back on solid ground again. She and her husband are lately having a lot of date nights without the kids and they are more affectionate to each other than they used to be. I think I talked about this before, but they really never had a chance to date properly - about 3 months into their relationship, S-I-L got pregnant so they got married right away. Then they had a bunch more kids and the stress just piled up and they just really weren't ever able to connect properly. Now that they're actually taking time for each other away from the kids, they're doing so much better and actually getting to know each other and properly falling in love. She lost weight and he is drinking less so that helps too! He didn't show up for xmas last year or any other family gatherings for about a year, but I'm expecting he will show up to xmas this year.

As for going to the gym, I find it gives me energy. This may be because I'm in remission, though. I do recall that I would pay for it the next day if I overdid the physical exertion before I was in remission, now I do not pay for it so it probably is a remission thing. I do still pay for it now if I overdo certain things, like if I jog then my arthritis will hurt for days afterwards. Or if I overdo abs exercises then my stomach is liable to be unhappy for a bit too. So I mostly work on my arms, legs, back, etc. I do the abs machines when I feel good, but if I am feeling iffy then I leave my tummy alone. I don't know if I mentioned this yet - for the longest time I was just working out in the little gym in the basement of my workplace. There is one abdominals machine in that gym. Well, hubby and I just joined a new gym in our city as it is only $10 a month and he wanted to start working out too. There are THREE different abdominals machines at our new gym! Eek! On a good day, I aim to use two of the three as it just seems impossible to put my belly area though three types of torture in one day. :p Is it any wonder I haven't lost the Entocort belly flab yet? I've been off the stuff for about 18 months now but I still have the fat tummy it caused! I feel like I look weird because my arms are getting really toned and my back and legs are shaping up too but I still have this flabby midsection, ha ha. Oh well.
Just checking in.

Had my scopes today, what a struggle it was to do the prep but the team who did the scopes were amazing. I had an anaesthetist there! He gave me fentanyl and propofol and I literally remember nothing, it was great. In fact the experience was pretty cool haha.

Scope was clear, he took biopsies so now I'm completely confused. Does this mean there is no IBD despite high calprotectin? Does it mean the massive amount of pred I've been on (even the anaesthetist was shocked at the dose) has healed things up so nothing could be seen? Does it mean it's lurking somewhere else?

Can biopsies show inflammation despite a normal looking bowel on camera?

*sigh* so many questions! Why do consultants always speak to you when you're off your face and can't remember what they said?
Yeah, I wish going part time was an option. :( Its either work 8-4 monday through friday or nothing. Thats why this is such a hard decision!

Isgs, I'm sorry the scope didn't find what is causing your symptoms. :( I'm actually very surprised they put you on pred, THEN did a scope....it sounds like the pred probably did make your symptoms do down to where it couldn't be seen by the scope. Thats the dreaded thing about getting treated without a solid diagnosis. I was being treated for Lupus without a full diagnosis, and when my blood tests came back normal the second time (which they should have), my rheumy decided I wasn't sick after all. Very, VERY frustrating. Hang in there!
Hey all,

Is it okay for anyone to jump into this thread? I'm struggling with some of the same issues as most of you (though, to be fair, in a much shorter time frame). Long and short of it is: I was admitted to the hospital three weeks ago with agonizing stomach pains - CT scan showed inflammation and thickening of the small intestine and no one could decide if it was Crohn's or not - docs put me on pain meds and antibiotics - further CT scan showed lessened inflammation so I was released from the hospital - colonoscopy ten days after I was admitted was completely clear and normal. Still, no one can give me any answers on whether or not this was just a random infection of if it's something more chronic...it was basically like, "wait and see if you get better or if this happens again and then we'll figure more out."

I'm totally confused, especially because I'm still having a lot of nagging pain in my right lower abdomen. It's nowhere near the intensity of the sharp pains that sent me to the hospital in the first place, but it's there and it's almost constant. I finished the course of antibiotics over a week ago. I'm doing my best to track my food and symptoms so I have something to report to my doctor at my next follow-up (which is supposed to be in week from today unless I feel "completely well").

FRUSTATING. I can't imagine what you all have been going through - I know some of you have gone years without a diagnosis, and I'm here bitching away about going three weeks without a diagnosis. Hope everyone is well!
Hi theseithakas! of course you can jump into this thread! ;) the more the merrier! (in a way! lol)

many, if not all of us can sympathise with what you're going through. so hopefully we can help you through your journey.
and dont worry about "bitching" about 3 weeks.. 3 weeks of pain is plenty!

im surprised they just did a colonoscopy when your CT showed problems in the small bowel?? a lower and upper endoscopy can only peek into either end of the small bowel. so it cannot be examined by scope.
Maybe you should talk to your doctor about a pill cam?

i was similar to you last year. i had a CT scan which showed inflammation. and you could literally feel a "mass" of inflammation down the right side of my abdomen. they said they were 99% sure i had crohns.

i was on IV steroid and antibiotics. long story short.. it was a "grumbling" appendix. i still get nagging pains even now in the LRQ.

keeping a food diary seems like a good idea. you need to be as prepared as possible to avoid being fobbed off!!

good luck! and make sure you keep us updated xx

@cat - thats great about your SIL - i remember you saying about them getting serious too fast. so fingers crossed they're on track now :)

@lsgs - im glad your scopes went well! did they say when you'll get your biopsy results?? i had been on pred for 3 months prior to my 1st scope.. so everything was clear. on my 2nd scope they found tiny bit of inflammation which was unspecified under biopsy. it annoys me that they do scopes after people have been on pred.. it works so well that it masks your problem!! grr..

meanwhile.. i saw my opthalmologist today. my eyes are healthy and so are the nerve endings. he is referring me to a neurologist to look into other causes for my cloudy vision. and for further eye tests on my field of vision and to look at "slight squints" that could be starting to develop..
other than that. my bowels and stomach a fine. yaaay! xx
Hi folks, it is a long time since I have posted and I am sorry to see things are not great for many on here.

My Grandad died 8 weeks ago and I have been struggling with that majorly, him and Nan had been married 62 years and it has been a blow to all of us, although he had been ill for a long time and died in Hospital you still don't want to lose them.

I go back to London this week for my test results (a genetic form of a rare auto-immune disease), I am expecting them to be normal but I was upset when they said all my problems were due to my weight and didn't think it was auto-immune, generally very dismissive.

I am hoping for them to revise this and a few points in my favour, I will get some other blood results (IG subsets) which I haven't had done before at local Hospital. Also the fortnightly bloods they have had me doing (measuring CRP and a protein called SAA related to the disease i've been tested for) have not been remarkable but are interesting. For the SAA less than 10 is the aim for example and considered healthy values for someone with the disease on treatment. My readings were 4.9, 3.3, < 3.2, 6.7, 6.7 and 6.4 (awaiting last reading- will get that there since the day it comes in post is the day of my appointment and I will be leaving waaaay before the post man!). According to my information sheet they send with results SAA production increases with many inflammatory diseases and is a sensitive indication of disease activity.

So while my values are normal the increase is interesting after a fall 3 consecutive times. CRP was fobbed off as due to my weight and probably the SAA will be too :(

Oh and all my standard blood results were sent to me in a list with no indication as to normal/abnormal so can ask about those.

Would be satisfied with normal test results, discharged with some acknowledgement that I do have/ likely to be an auto-immune disease.

I don't see new Rheumy until early January either :( In September that was the soonest appointment they had.
I've to go back on the 6/12 for results. Probably will need to change it as I can't take more time off work, being self employed sucks!

The pred I have been on now I think on it is pretty insane. The calprotectin was done which showed the inflammation, then I had an 80mg kenalog IM injection (which dropped my ESR from 51 to 2, which says something about the inflammation in my body!) 2 weeks later started on 50mg pred and I've tapered down to 20mg and stayed there ever until today. It does seem fairly silly to expect there to be macroscopic inflammation on a scope after all that? They are trying to taper me down 1mg a week to get me off the steroids. Either way I'm going to be treated, azathioprine if my scopes don't show anything, sulfasalazine if they find evidence. If there's nothing on biopsy he wants an MRI of my small bowel which is the WORST test I have ever had and hope I don't need it again :O If they don't find anything I just don't understand tbh, it's so confusing.

Stargrrl really sorry to hear about your grandad, can't be easy on top of everything else you're dealing with. I also wanted to thank you for encouraging me to change GIs in my other threads, it's been a fantastic change for me so far and at least I am going to get some form of treatment now.
Stargrrl really sorry to hear about your grandad, can't be easy on top of everything else you're dealing with. I also wanted to thank you for encouraging me to change GIs in my other threads, it's been a fantastic change for me so far and at least I am going to get some form of treatment now.

Thanks so much for you kind words :kiss:

I am so glad I helped you. This is why I won't be so disappointed if London discharge me, because I don't need Drs like that and ones that have treated me like that in the past I have ditched.

I am just nervous about my new Rheumy because my old one who left was so good!
star.. im so sorry to hear about your grandad :(
i know people say.. they were ill for a long time, or they had lived a long happy life.. but it never diminishes how you feel if you lose somebody you love so much.
i had been thinking i hadnt seen you for a while. hope you and your family a doing ok xxx

i really really really hope your trip to london will prove those dismissive doctors wrong! i cannot stand dismissive people.. let alone from people who are supposed to give or search for answers!

good luck with your new rheumy.. fingers crossed theyre as good as your old one!
my next rheumy appt was for 4th january.. but got a letter yesterday saying "unfortunately it has been necessary to move your appointment to 26th january"
thats 3 weeks!!! pfft.. its a good job my injection worked! lol
@bozzylozzy - Thanks for being so welcoming! I really really appreciate all the support. I'm not sure why my doctor just chose to do the colonoscopy - I wondered that myself, frankly, but I think the thought at this point is that if I don't continue to improve, more tests will be in order. As the days tick by and I'm still having pain, that seems to be where this is headed. I'm interested in what you said about your appendix - funny, when I first started feeling bad, I thought for sure I had something like appendicitis, but they ruled that out fairly quickly.

Also, sorry your appointment got moved. Three weeks seems like an awfully long time! Yeesh. Glad you seem to be feeling okay in the interim.

@StarGirrrl sorry to hear about your grandfather and your continuing frustrations with your health. Take care of yourself!
Star, big hugs to you, poor thing. And I wish you the best of luck with the London appointment - I hope it's not a waste of time and travel at the very least. When do you see your new rheumy?

Bozzy, I feel for you, I am in the same situation! I called my GI's office to set up a follow-up appointment to discuss the results of my upper endoscopy, and the soonest opening they had was January 31st. Great. I hope they send my biopsy results in the mail before then! Sheesh! I hope your injection keeps working until the end of January, it sounds like it's been working wonders so far so that's very good. How are you doing otherwise, how's the job situation going?

lsgs, when you said you have to go back on 6/12, I was thinking June 12th and thought it was horrible you have to wait so long! Then I remembered that we in the US do dates backwards from pretty much the rest of the world so I realized you meant December 6th and not June 12th. :p So not a long wait then, that's good. I hope you get some sort of worthwhile results and can start on good treatment.

theseithakas, I agree with Bozzy, more tests are in order if they found thickening and inflammation in your small intestine. The colonoscopy and upper endoscopy can only see the very beginning and end of the small intestine. Something like pill cam or double balloon endoscopy would be able to see the entirety of the small intestine, so definitely ask about that. I don't know of anything besides Crohn's that causes small intestine thickening so keep on your doctors for more tests, sometimes you have to fight for tests but it sounds like you really need them! Hang in there, I hope you can get some solid answers soon.

Allie, so there's no possibility of going part-time? Have you talked to your boss about your illness and what you're going through? If they knew the details of the situation, they might be willing to accommodate you better. I don't suppose you're able to work from home on really bad days or anything like that? Or take a longer lunch so that you can have a nap during the day?

As for me, I swear it's just one thing after another lately. I woke up on Saturday morning and felt pressure in my bladder. Sure enough, I have another UTI. Yuck! I wasn't sure if I would be able to get ahold of anyone on a Saturday, but when I called my GP's office, the after-hours nurse answered and she was able to prescribe me antibiotics over the phone. Awesome! But of course being on antibiotics always makes my guts a little grumpy so I'm dealing with the grumbly tummy now too. I'm due for my time of the month any minute now as well so I am expecting an increase in the gut cramps shortly. Ugh, oh well. Just another lovely day in the life, ha ha.
yeah, the injection has been fab. it feels like its never had a problem with it! it feels like what a normal 24yr old's knee should feel like haha!
i phoned the rheumatology department.. and they said it was pushed back because he has annual leave. (which is fair enough)

otherwise.. its my vision thats causing issues. my stomach has settled down.. but my dizziness/breathlessness is back everytime i stand up :(

i hate UTI's.,, i used to get them loads as a child. and even now.. i always know im due my "ladies week" when i get uncomfortable like i have a UTI (but i dont actually have one) so i really feel for you! hopefully it will disappear soon! xxx
I don't see new Rheumy until early January- I tried to book and appointment for December (in September!) and they didn't have any the whole month so I had to settle for that.


And Thursday will be 100% a giant waste of time. All test results will be normal and they'll repeat everything is being caused by my weight.
i dont really know what to say star.. :(
i hope you do get some answers on thursday. I hate it when doctors make you feel like nothing is wrong.. or its all in your head.

can i come down to london and drop kick those doctors in the face if they do this to you on thursday? lol
Star, I'm the same with my rheumatology unit. If I have to change appointments for my sjogren's clinic the next one is always 9 months away they run so busy, and quite often they will cancel last minute. Quite frustrating.

My fight with insurance continues! Still denying the claim so now I have no idea how I'm going to get my MRI and continue seeing my new doctor. I am not confident biopsies are going to show anything, it would be (ironically) too good to be true. You know that way you start to doubt yourself...

I had been feeling great for a week, loads of energy, minimal pain, no D then BOOM today it has hit me really bad. I feel like I am being stabbed. I just don't understand how I can feel so bad/be in so much pain and have a completely normal looking colon. I have no motivation to get up to go to work tomorrow after feeling so poorly all day. I don't know how to keep going :(
lsgs, poor thing, I hope you feel better tomorrow. As for how to keep going? Just try to take it one day (or hour, or minute) at a time. Big hugs, I hope this flare ends quickly.

Star, poor thing, after everything you've been through you deserve to have a really strong test result so that you can shove it in those doctors' faces. I hope you get something, anything worthwhile out of the trip. Can you at least manage a bit of shopping or sight-seeing while you're in the city? I've never been to the UK but I imagine London must be amazing around xmastime. I hope the test results are enlightening, or that they offer you more tests, or something, anything! Keep us posted, will keep you in my thoughts tomorrow.

Bozzy, as for the dizziness/shortness of breath, I presume you've had your bloods done recently? I ask because I get really dizzy and light-headed when my sodium and/or blood pressure are too low. And how weird that you get recurrent UTIs, I do too! I never had one until my early 20s, then suddenly I was getting like 6 or 8 of them a year. It was miserable! They mentioned doing tests on me if I had one more during that calendar year, but I didn't end up having another one that year and I was too shy to ask about testing (how much I have changed!). Then I discovered cranberry supplement capsules and I take those twice daily, and they prevent the majority of my UTIs. I average about one per year now which is so much more tolerable than 6 or 8! But they still suck when they do happen and I hate taking antibiotics. I wonder if taking all those antibiotics in my 20s messed up my guts and contributed to me having IBD in my 30s? I don't know if there's a connection or not. Either way, I go to the bathroom too much! :p

Fortunately I am feeling mostly better from my UTI, the antibiotics kicked in quick. The tummy is not super happy but that's to be expected with antibiotics. Oh, and I did get a bit of good news - my insurance changed their minds and decided I can go on a double dose of Nexium after all, so I started on that today. Hopefully that will keep the GERD nice and quiet for a little while anyway.
I go through periods of dizziness and breathlessness quite frequently
but all blood tests have always been normal...
im pretty sure thats my chiari.. because it affects the veins/arteries that go through your neck to your head and the transfer of csf fluid.

lsgs.. really sorry about your insurer. :( hoped they would have gone for further info..
Thanks everyone for your support.
I have so little energy now that it will be straight there and then straight home. I wish I could do some shopping. I can't even manage going around a big store in my home town now. The most I can hope for is to see some nice xmas decorations or switched off lights.
Well, need to be up at 5:30 am so will try and check in tomorrow evening. Not that I will have any news of worth!
bozzy, I did not know what a chiari malformation was so I googled it, it sounds horrendous!! What symptoms does it give you? I'm really sorry you have to deal with that :O

They did go for further info but they are still debating on the ermmm medically inaccurate info I PM'd you about. It's so frustrating, I know they're wrong, my consultant says they're wrong, but how do I get them to acknowledge it? I'm off work again today, pretty gutted. I'm working 2 part time jobs at the moment to bring me up to 3 1/2 days pw and I think I'm going to quit my second job. It's too much at the moment and I'm too unreliable. I just want some sleep, I took 60mg dihydrocodeine and 1g paracetamol all through the night last night and only got off to sleep at 5:30am, waking up again at 6:30 in pain. SO annoying :|

What do you guys use for pain relief?

Hope there's some news from you Star :)
I only have type 1 chiari.. which is the least severe and often doesnt cause any problems for people.
the main issues for me are severe head pains (like my head is being crushed) when i cough, sneeze, laugh, strain, run etc.. anything that haults or affects your breathing and sharp/quick movement of the head/neck.

but it can cause similar symptoms to MS. i go through "flares" of my symptoms, its really strange. but im putting off the surgery for now.

@star - how did it go today? xx
Well, what a surprise, got nowhere.

The Dr was surprisingly nice, didn't go on about weight quite so much. But all the tests were normal and she didn't have anything at all to suggest. Apart from repeating tests in 3-4 years or CBT therapy, both of which are not an option in my eyes. She admitted something is going on but no clue what, and that CBT therapy is used when they know something is wrong but can't diagnose. She wants to draw a line under the "inflammatory disease of unknown origin" dx which I am NOT happy about.

My Rheumy said pretty much he has no idea what to do either so now have to wait until January :(

I guess I will get his opinion on the London verdict and maybe ask to be seen somewhere else. If he doesn't know of another specialist then perhaps I will ask to be sent to someone at Addenbrooks because this was mentioned once before as a possible route (before PET scan came back normal and not since the steroids failed- I asked about this after scan and was told they would just tell me to take steroids, and I did which was a failure). I certainly want a second/third opinion on the "not an inflammatory disease".

The only thing that came back abnormal was I have two copies of a gene which makes you slightly more likely to get Crohn's. But it doesn't mean anything, she told me about a study where they looked at healthy people and CD people with the gene; and the CD people with it were only a tiny fraction higher. I was very unimpressed with the numbers!

I tell you, it always comes back to bloody CD, third time in my life I have been told it's possible and nothing ever comes of it


There is no way in hell I am going back to the Gastro department either.
@cat-a-tonic & @bozzylozzy - I have NO idea how you guys have dealt with having so many UTIs. I've had one - it was about six years ago, and I wanted to die. Awful. More power to you ladies for handling those.

@lsgs - I'm so sorry you're in pain. I hope it subsides SOON. I wish I had better advice for you on what to use for pain control - I'm just sort of legging it out myself right now without meds.

@star - ugh. frustrating! good thing that you're going to get second and third opinions. that's ridiculous, and I hope you have answers soon.

As for me, I have a gastro appointment today at 3. It's my first appointment since my colonoscopy two weeks ago. I'm going to explain to the doc that I'm still having a lot of pain and see what she thinks the next steps ought to be. I'm not going to be happy if I'm told to "wait and see if it goes away or gets worse." I should NOT be in pain every day. Yeesh.
Star, that stinks. So they didn't even give you the option of testing for the other types of amyloidosis (not sure how to spell that)? It is interesting that everything keeps coming back to Crohn's. I'm not sure what CBT therapy is? I remember you talking awhile ago about a possible immunosuppressant trial, but I think that was with your old rheumy so I'm assuming that's no longer an option? How frustrating that you have to wait until January now. I don't suppose you could see your GP sooner or that they could do anything for you in the meantime?

theseithakas, yes, UTIs are really not fun and very uncomfortable. There is one medication that helps with the symptoms and it's over the counter so no prescription needed - it's called Azo. It's not an antibiotic so it won't actually get rid of the infection, but it makes the symptoms much more tolerable. It's apparently got a lot of iodine in it and it makes your pee turn dark orange (the dark urine can stain too so I have to wear a pad when I take Azo). It was the first thing I reached for on Saturday morning when I realized I had a UTI. If you ever get a UTI again, of course try to get on antibiotics right away, but if you can't get on them immediately or if they take awhile to kick in, I would definitely recommend trying Azo. I keep a stash of it on hand at all times because I never know when I'm going to need it.

Oh, and theseithakas, good luck with your GI appointment today! And if they try to make you "wait and see", tell them that is unacceptable and then tell them specifically what you want (more tests, a trial of meds, a referral to a different doc, etc). I have had to demand things from my docs in the past and I find that it goes better if you say specifically what you want rather than just say "help me". I demanded a trial of prednisone and I got it, I more recently asked for an upper endoscopy and got that. If you tell your docs what you want and specify why you feel that way, they are more likely to see your side of things and give you what you ask for. Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes!

lsgs, as for pain relief, unfortunately we are very limited. With things like IBD, you are not allowed to take NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories - things like aspirin, ibuprofen, many others) because they can make IBD worse and cause bleeding stomach ulcers. So tylenol (also known as acetaminophen/paracetamol) is my only over-the-counter option for pain relief and it doesn't work very well. And I can't overdo it on the tylenol either because taking too much can damage the liver and I already have funky stuff going on with my liver. Fortunately I'm in remission and I never had super terrible pain to begin with. Before I hit remission I'd get some LRQ pain but it was never unbearable so I just dealt with it. I do have arthritis in my hip but that is also mild so tylenol and sports creams usually make that feel better when it aches.

The sad thing is, most docs are not too keen on handing out pain meds for things like IBD. I don't know why that is. But for other pains, they hand out pain meds like they're candy. I was rear-ended in a minor car accident earlier this year, and I had a mild case of whiplash, and they threw all sorts of muscle relaxers and codeine at me. I took the muscle relaxers for like 2 days and I didn't take any of the codeine stuff, so I still have it and am hanging on to it "just in case". So yeah, the system is kind of messed up that way. But my understanding is that GPs are more likely to prescribe pain meds than GIs are, so if you feel you need stronger pain meds, check with your GP first and see if they'll prescribe something.

Bozzy, I didn't realize your symptoms were that bad, poor thing! How long do your chiari flare ups usually last? Is there anything you can do to lessen the symptoms when it flares up, any meds you can take or anything? I don't blame you for wanting to put off surgery though, that's what I'm doing with my GERD/hernia situation. It's like, it's bad now, but with the potential complications, it may be better but it may be worse after surgery and I don't know that I want to take that risk and I at least need time to wrap my head around it and understand all the potential risks. And as scary as it is for me to envision surgery in the area of my stomach/esophagus, surgery around the spine/brain sounds even scarier so I don't blame you one bit for not having the surgery done now! But I hope there's something you can do to alleviate symptoms in the meantime.

How's everybody doing today? I'm okay, very glad it's Friday as it's been such a long week. I think it's been a longer week for my hubby though, he's working 9 days in a row without a break. His boss is selling her costumes at a convention this weekend so hubby has had to run the shop and help his boss set up at the convention so he's basically doing double duty right now and he's exhausted. All this makes me glad I don't work in retail! So I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend home by myself as hubby will be working all weekend. I'm going to do some sewing, some crocheting, some cleaning and maybe some baking. And of course I'll sit and watch movies and drink hot chocolate and all those other lazy weekend type things. :) I may visit with an old friend too, a girl I've known for many years is back in town for a funeral but her family is kind of nuts so I suspect she'll stop by to get away from them for a bit. So a nice relaxing weekend should be in store, hopefully my health plays along. As long as the IBD, GERD, arthritis, UTI, and whatever else are all quiet, then I'll be good! :p
@Star sorry to hear your appointment wasn't a success. I know that feeling of banging your head against a brick wall! I don't know your full story so it's a bit difficult to follow but I hope you get some answers soon. Is your next step your rheumatologist again?

@theseithakas how did your appt go? :) You definitely should not be in pain everyday and you need to keep on at them until you see results, whatever that may take. They're quick to dismiss but you know if there is something wrong with your body. At the end of the day they go home at night ok, we are the ones left at home in pain.

My GI called this morning, biopsies provisionally normal but admits steroids could have caused a false -ve and was very quick to defend his decision to do the scopes while medicated as I paid £2500 for them!! Haha! He says the calprotectin could have been a false +ve but I find this unlikely as it was raised in 2009, then negative in 2011, then a definite +ve 2012... so it's been more +ve than -ve and has actually followed my symptoms quite closely. I think false positives are rare if you've not been taking aspirin or NSAIDs as well. Told him I was just worried I was going to be left like before and he said 'don't worry, I'm not going to give up' so that's reassuring. Hopefully when he realises I can't pay for anything else he will still feel the same! He is now thinking small bowel crohn's (which I guess is the most common place for it)

I'm seeing him next week so I'm going to speak to him about the meds I'm on and see if there's anything he can suggest. I haven't had a full nights sleep in months due to waking up with pain or diarrhoea and it's taking it's toll. The trouble with GI's is they're always in a ******* rush and you never get all your questions answered. So annoying. My rheumatologist has much more time for me and my question asking. haha.

@Cat I am also SO glad it's Friday. I hope you have a good weekend and your body lets you enjoy it!! Mine has calmed down for now just a few niggles today so I'm in a super mood!! Hoping to get to the cinema tonight with my husband as we haven't been out in weeks due to me! Don't care what we see, some time out the house is just going to be lovely :D
Have fun at the cinema, lsgs! I don't go to many movies but the hubby and I saw "Wreck it Ralph" and we liked it. I think that's the only movie I've been to recently. Mostly I watch movies at home - I get antsy just sitting there watching a movie, so I have to be doing something (sewing, playing on the computer, etc). Plus I like being able to pause it in case I have to go to the bathroom! I hope your tummy cooperates and lets you watch the movie uninterrupted. Have fun and I hope you have a good and restful weekend!
@star - right im off to london to drop kick them in the face!! Lol. im really sorry you've hit a brick wall :(

@lsgs - im glad your GI is taking you seriously.. fingers crossed you wont have to spend much more money

@cat - my chiari flares are very strange. i can have symptoms for a few weeks to just a fews hours! I feel weak and "not with it" so it affects my cognitive ability. i get extreme fatigue thats so bad i can barely speak. the head pains im ok with as they only last a few seconds. sometimes my hands are numb when i wake up.. so much so i cant press the buttons on my daughters baby monitor.
my vision is driving me crazy right now though :-/ pfft!

There are no meds im aware of for the neurological stuff though..
Yes I see new Rheumy again in January. They wouldn't even entertain testing for other types of amyloidosis, especially as they say my inflammation is too low even for an "inflammatory disease of unknown origin" :(

Immuno-suppressants were an option, the Pred was the first step and if I responded to that then I would graduate onto the next level. But the Pred failed miserably so that was out of the window.

Nothing a GP can do beyond what I get now in terms of pain relief and immodium (I need so many I can have them on prescription!) Of course now I am paranoid i'm going to get the pain meds taken away and when I do see Rheumy going to ask him to write to GP confirming I need to stay on the meds. But worried I will run out before then, I have refills left but they might be denied once the surgery gets a copy of the London report.

CBT therapy is basically a physiological therapy where you teach yourself behaviours and talk yourself out of pain, fatigue etc. Complete and utter rubbish. Drs like to prescribe it from everything from mental health problems to diabetes (yes, really). It's the latest fad therapy that they think works for everyone.

Needless to say with this and everything else it will be an even worse xmas/new year than ever (xmas has always been spent at home with mum, being single and for the past 6 years sick! Never got to go out on New Years either and a friend died at that time of year).

This is why I was so upset not to get a Rheumy appointment until January when I wanted December, knew this would happen exactly as it has :(

Thank you to everyone for your support :ghug:
Star, have you tried Lomotil? It's prescription only, it's basically prescription-strength Imodium. It works better for me than Imodium does. I tried Imodium in my first couple of flares and it did absolutely nothing, didn't slow down the d one bit. But then I was prescribed Lomotil and that would actually stop the d for about a full day, enough for me to function at least. It sounds like you're taking a ton of Imodium so you might want to look into trying Lomotil, just a thought for you.

And that CBT stuff sounds like total garbage! And for diabetes, really?? You cannot wish your pancreas well again if it isn't working! Ugh, the really sad thing is there are probably lots of doctors out there who believe that kind of stuff actually works. (Probably the same doctors who think that anyone with tummy troubles has "just IBS" and needs to deal with stress better.) I'm with Bozzy, I'm going to come to London and kick those doctors in the head until they come to their senses. Sunshine doesn't post much on here anymore, but on her blog recently she was writing about something similar - that certain people in her life have been telling her she's not praying hard enough and she won't get better until or unless she prays really, really, really hard. Maybe it's because I'm an atheist but this type of thing makes me really mad! You cannot think/wish/pray/meditate/whatever yourself better. You can think positive thoughts and maybe feel slightly better mentally but that's not going to do a thing physically if your intestines are inflamed or your organs don't work right! Urgggh this seriously just irritates me. It's just a fancy way of them saying it's all in your head - and it is NOT!!

Ugh. Okay, rant over. For now. :p

Bozzy, that sounds frightening that your hands go numb like that! I'm assuming the feeling comes back once you're awake? And for the vision stuff, there's nothing they can do for that either? How yucky. Are you able to drive with all this stuff going on or is that not possible? It must be so hard to care for a little one too with everything you've got going on health-wise. I don't think I could have handled having a baby at the same time as dealing with everything I went through before I hit remission, I don't know how you do it but I admire you.
Immodium works quite well for me so not needing to try anything else really- it stops things when I need to and doesn't constipate me- of course there are times it doesn't work for D but on the whole it's good. Generally used to manage day to day (an attack while out for example) and not flares because they are too severe (and when I have a "guts need to empty" flare I let them do just that). Sometimes I need them at the end of a flare to finish it if I am not coming out of it quick, they help me keep food in at that dodgy phase of the flare- needing to eat because of weakness/dizziness but still not keeping things in well.

I get a box of 60 and that can last me 6 weeks or 3 months before I think about a refill (so some overlap), really depends how things go.

Those are pretty much my thoughts on CBT. Although she said to me recommending it is an admission something is wrong but they don't know what. Still not interested- no sale!
Star, have you tried Lomotil? It's prescription only, it's basically prescription-strength Imodium. It works better for me than Imodium does. I tried Imodium in my first couple of flares and it did absolutely nothing, didn't slow down the d one bit. But then I was prescribed Lomotil and that would actually stop the d for about a full day, enough for me to function at least. It sounds like you're taking a ton of Imodium so you might want to look into trying Lomotil, just a thought for you.

Just wanted to say that Lomotil (co-phenotrope) is a life-saver for me. I use it as well as Immodium. It's seems stronger than Immodium. It helps with diarrhoea and it makes my stomach feel noticably more comfortable throughout the day after taking it. For years I didn't know it existed, then a GP randomly found it listed as a treatment for diarrhoea, and I wished someone had told me about it years ago!
Hey all,
Sort of a short update because I'm typing this from my phone but nonetheless, I wanted to fill you in on my GI appointment yesterday.

Basically, everyone remains confused. The biopsies from my colonoscopy were clear. That's the good news. Bad news is that I still have no clarity on what this might be. Doc says it's not normal that I'm still in pain, but that it could be just a long recovery period from an infection. She did say, however, that my presentation is a little confusing because if I had had an infection, I would have likely presented with severe diarrhea and other symptoms that I didn't have. At the same time, I don't have many other symptoms of anything else either. She says she can still feel to the touch that the right side of my stomach is bloated and full.

The temporary solution was this - doc put me on another course of antibiotics, one being Flagyl, so if anyone has any experience they can share with Flagyl, please let me know. I think I took some in the hospital but I can't recall. She also prescribed me probiotics. I'm going back in two weeks to check in. Doc also ordered a blood test yesterday to check my CRP. If that's elevated again, we're going to figure out what to do next.

I'm very frustrated, as you can imagine. Nonetheless, I suppose it's progress.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
Evening all,

I originally posted this in the welcome forum before I discovered the undiagnosed forum. So posting here to say hi :bigwave:

What a great and informative site

I have not yet been diagnosed with Crohn's or anything else for that matter, but I have been having a little look around this wonderful site and could really do with some support. (Not saying my family aren't supportive but I'm starting to feel that if I keep going on about my symptoms and how they make me feel - it'll start to sound like I'm whinging!!) I suppose I just need to let it all out with people who can understand and relate. Below is my story.

About 2 years ago I started having an urgency to get to the toilet as soon as possible (at least 4 times a day). I was under a lot of pressure and stress at work and had already had a lot of time off because of this, (being treated for depression) so I put my symptoms down to this.
None of it got any better and last year I ended up leaving my job of ten years. My depression started to ease a bit once I left, but my toilet habits didn't and one day whilst I was in a strange area miles from home, I had an accident as I didn't find a toilet in time. Needless to say I was more than embarrassed and my daughter had to get a taxi to me with clean clothes - I don't know what I would have done if she had been at college that day

I tried to mention it to my GP on several occasions, but always bottled out because I felt ashamed. Then I nearly had another accident and decided enough was enough. I had a bit of a temperature and a urine infection, so my GP said this was the reason and gave me antibiotics. 6 months later I'm back as the symptoms hadn't gone away and now I was extremely tired, was aching all over and generally felt like death warmed up.

I saw a different GP this time and as soon as I told her my symptoms she mentioned IBD, more specifically Crohn's. She took my temp, which was again quite high, and did another urine test, and although that showed I didn't have an infection, it showed a high amount of whatever it is that fights infection which could lead to an infection!! (confused much)

She ordered blood tests to rule out other problems, gave me some painkillers and told me to go back the following week for the results. Before I had the chance the to go back I got a Perianal abscess Which I had to go to hospital and have drained.

Blood tests all fine, I have been given Codeine to relieve the urgency, but now I feel like I have trapped wind . I'm still achy and tired but have an appointment at the Colorectal Surgery department at the end of Jan, so will finally (hopefully) have some answers.

Like I say, I haven't been diagnosed with Crohn's but everything seems to be pointing toward it, and in a way it's a relief to know that it's not just a 'getting older' thing which I also thought as I'm 40 . At least now I don't feel like I'm going mad.

Anyway thank you for taking the time to read. It feels so good to finally let it all out.

Brizzle: sorry you've had such a hard time. It took years for me to be diagnosed (which is why I check this thread - it made me realise how many people go through the limbo I went through). I was having accidents too - that takes it's toll on your self-esteem and social life (I was a teenager at the time it started).

You're doing great to have held up this long. I hope you start getting some real answers soon. Whether it turns out to be Crohn's or something else, in the mean time you can learn a lot about thie diagnosis process and symptom management and get support here. I joined this forum a couple of months back and it's helped.
Hi UnXmas,

Thanks for the post. It really is great to know I'm not alone (not that I wish this nightmare on anyone just so I have people to confide in lol)

I'm glad I now have the opportunity to express myself and concerns freely with people who understand and can relate. I wish I'd found this site a year ago when I desperately needed a cyber ear, but hey, good things come to those that wait.

I'm glad you have answers, it must have been somewhat of a relief to finally know, and thanks for looking in on those us going mental in limbo land.

This site is great and I've been flitting in and out all over the place. It's the most relaxed (well as relaxed as can be) I've felt in months.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply, it means a lot.

Hi brizzle.. welcome to the club! I can certainly feel for you on the accident front.. a few of us (me included) have been there too.
Im so glad you have been referred to the colorectal dept. A colonoscopy sounds like could be your next step.. when is your appt exactly?

Cat - i dont know how i do it either. my husband as been fantastic though.. looking after me and our daughter. so definitely couldnt do it without him.
i dont drive much.. especially since the visual stuff. i had to inform the DVLA in august about my chiari.. and im still waiting to hear back!
Hi Bozzylozzy

Thanks for the welcome.

My appointment is not until the end of Jan. Seems ages away.
I'm expecting an appointment soon with ATOS too as I'm into my 16th week on the assessment rate of ESA, but I'm hoping this will now be after my hospital appt as I never mentioned these problems on my ESA50 due to being so embarrassed and am now panicking that they wont take it into account

I really wish I'd known this site existed back then as now I know I'm not going mad, I no longer feel ashamed.

Star, I have had honestly about 6 courses of CBT. The last two I paid for myself privately because the NHS kept losing the referral. I found it actually made me more anxious about the pain. It caused me to focus on it more, and believing that it was anxiety/stress/whatever related got me so frustrated and worked up that the techniques didn't work or that I was causing it. Now when something kicks off my brain just thinks oh, it's just my stomach acting up and I'm much calmer about it. I wish I had never bothered with CBT. I appreciate that's probably not what you want to hear though.

theseithakas, my recent colonoscopy was clear too. My GI said it could still be in the small bowel though so it doesn't rule anything out according to him. My inflammatory markers have been high too. I really do feel your frustration. Have the antibiotics helped at all?

Brizzle, welcome to the club :p Really sorry to hear what you've been through. I definitely felt better too when I realised there were people going through the same thing and being able to read about it. There is no reason to feel ashamed!!
Isgs that is super helpful. I have long thought CBT is rubbish and it's the latest NHS fad as a cure-all!

She may have mentioned it as an option but that is not one in my view- at all.
UnXmas, Lomotil has a similar effect on my stomach. It calms everything down and stops the d. Now that I'm in remission, it actually can constipate me for days, but in a flare it's a lifesaver.

Brizzle, welcome. I can't add much more than what the others have already said, but I'm glad you found us. You're not alone, you're not going mad, and there's nothing to be ashamed about. Welcome!

theseithakas, I haven't been on Flagyl so can't comment on that myself. As for the biopsies being clear, that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Crohn's can manifest anywhere in the digestive tract, literally from mouth to anus, so all this means is that they didn't find evidence of disease in your colon. The cause of your illness could still be hiding out in the small intestine. Are you going to try for more tests after you finish up with the Flagyl? Something like the pill cam (capsule endoscopy) could get a good look at your small intestine. Good luck with the Flagyl, I hope it helps! Keep us posted on how you're doing.

Bozzy, I'm glad to hear your hubby is supportive and takes care of both you and the little one. That stinks that you aren't able to drive very much though. Working out is my #1 form of self-therapy, it makes me feel so good. And I think driving would be my #2. In my car is the only place I feel like I can be totally alone - I can cry in there, I can crank up the music and nobody will complain about the noise, and if I don't like where I'm at then I can drive somewhere else! Driving around aimlessly sometimes really helps me clear my head. I don't know what I would do if I wasn't able to drive.

lsgs, how was the cinema? And how interesting that the CBT actually made you worse in a way! I can see how it would be a relief that it's not all in your head like they tried to make you believe - you are legitimately ill and cannot just think/wish it away.

Star, I'm glad you're not going for that CBT stuff. I've talked about this guy in the past, but a couple years ago in a bad flare I couldn't get in to my GI nor my GP so I saw a different GP in the same clinic, and he was so awful. Looked at my chart for all of 2 seconds and said I have IBS and I "look depressed" and he then offered me some anti-depressants - and I hadn't even gotten a word out of my mouth yet! He was horrible. And one of the other things he offered me was to refer me to a therapist for "talk therapy" which I'm guessing might be similar to CBT. That was the day I put my foot down and demanded pred and got it, but what a quack that doctor was. Any doctor who refers you to therapy because they can't figure out your illness is a quack. Makes me so mad!

Allieinwonder, tagging you here. I don't know how many of you guys here are friends with Allie on facebook, but she posted on FB earlier today that she was heading to the hospital. Apparently she went to a clinic and they said she's bad enough to be hospitalized. She didn't give a lot of detail so I don't know exactly what's going on. But please, keep her in your thoughts, it's never fun going to the hospital and it sounds like she's not doing well at all. Allie, if you see this - thinking of you and hoping you can feel lots better very soon, and that you don't have to stay in the hospital for very long! Get well soon and make them put you back on your meds! Big hugs!!
Oh no! Poor allie.. :( please keep us updated cat, if she updates with anything. sending her huge hugs! And fingers crossed she can get some answers!

Is flagyl the same thing as metronidazole?? If so.. i was on that for severe tonsillitis (had to be on IV for 24hrs in hosp) it was great stuff.. but boy did i have bad fatigue! Oh and it messed with my urine too lol!

In terms of the CBT stuff.. i went once.. and they said they couldnt see i had "active" signs and symptoms for them to treat?!? Crazy or what?? just shows the GP refers willy nilly! Lol!!!!!
Bozzy, I will keep you updated. Allie did give a bit more detail on FB - she said some heart test (EKG I think?) came back abnormal and her blood tested positive for infection. I don't know if they know what's wrong with her or if they're just treating the infection or what. I'm at work now and there's no FB access here so I'm going by memory and I don't have the latest updates. I'm going to the dentist in a few minutes though and I think they have wi-fi there, so I'm going to try to check FB on my Kindle while I'm there in the waiting room. I'll let you know if I find out anything more!
Evening all,

Still new here and trying to 'get down' with all the abbreviations lol (maybe it's cos I'm old) but CBT is that Cognitive Therapy Behaviour you're talking about? If it's not then ignore my following words lol......

CBT didn't work for me. I was asked by my therapist to NAME SOMETHING THAT SCARES YOU... I said Cotton wool.... He said, 'No seriously, something that scares you'............???????????

He then said, PICTURE A ROSE OPENING UP, DESCRIBE THAT TO ME.......I pictured the red rose on a white England rugby jersey opening up, I described that there was a beefcake wearing it (ok not in so many words lol) he said.'No, just picture the rose'?


Like I say, I'm still learning my abbreviations so if I'm off course, please please please let me know

Briz xx
Bozzy, I have a quick update on Allie from her FB page. She said she had a bunch of heart tests today and they all apparently came back normal, so her heart is fine. Tomorrow she's going to have a bunch of lung tests. So they're trying to figure things out but so far it's still a mystery and she still doesn't know how long she'll be in the hospital.

Brizzle, you got it correct. :) I'm glad to hear you walked out of that therapy session, what kind of therapist says "don't talk about your problems now"??? I giggled at the rose thing too, I would also much rather picture the beefcake than the flower! :p But, are you really afraid of cotton wool? I won't laugh if it's a real phobia - personally I have a phobia of dead, taxidermied animals - I know it's silly but the glass eyes in particular just freak me out! I don't like dead things looking at me.

I Hate cotton wool................. (getting goose pimples just thinking bout it) When I first met my hubby n told him, he put cotton wool in my (1st) birthday card. When I jumped he laughed and tried to rub it in my face...............I punched him square on the nose n made it bleed lol........... I also hate feet (can touch, but dont touch mine) and fake apples i.e apple juice/sweets/ candles lol................. Freaky me lol
With the feet part I'm an aromatherapist so overcome the touchy part lol........ If you're in the Bristol/SW/willing to travel area I will give u an awesome foot massage. (or head/shoulder) for a fiver xx (or free if u recommend me 4 more peeps) lol

Brizzle, I am the same, I also hate apples! I cannot stand applesauce, apple juice, apple cider, apple candy, etc. The only thing I can stand is fresh apples - I put them in my juicer and they taste good, but anything else made from apples tastes like mushy rotten apples to me. I have been that way all my life - my mother still complains that I was the only toddler she ever met who refused to drink apple juice or eat applesauce! :p

APPLES apart from the round crunchy fruit or apple pie/strudel makes me heave.......Always has... my son gave me a strawberry filled jelly sweet today, I smelt apple, he said no straw, i got him to read the ingredients.....he said, oh yeh sorry mummy lol

I know my apples.................Gggggrrrrrrrrrr :)
Brizzle what's the deal with cotton wool? Is it just the feel of it?

I am putting on so much weight on pred it's untrue, I've almost reached the stone mark :O And my face is like two tiny little eyes, a tiny little nose, and a tiny little mouth in this sea of FACE. I've sat in many a lecture hearing about moon face and buffalo hump but it is a different matter when it happens to you! So sick of pred and it's awful tremors and heart palpitations!!!

I never ended up making it to the cinema, my husband went down to the borders to visit his grandfather and I had a night in with the dog! Who is in the bad books because he broke my tooth a few days ago :mad:
Greetings group! I've hesitated joining this forum because my DX comes and goes for Crohns. Still undetermined. It's great to have some similar stories to read. I feel like I've been chasing my tail. :)

I've had IBS(?) since the 70's, first block in '89; hospitalized/no DX; occasional ER visits for temporary blocks throughout the years which relieved with hydration/released home with no DX - all leading up to stricture surgery 2 weeks ago. Through all the years, using some medications copiously like aspirin, prilosec X 7 years (chronic diarrhea followed), later - switched to tums (no more diarrhea), antibiotics for rosacea/fioricet (constipating) for migraines which I'm sure have had an impact. No diarrhea since Prilosec, no weight loss EVER, no issues with particular foods, nor bleeding issues etc. Only symptoms ulcers/strictures leading to temporarily blockages and absorption issues for iron, B12, calcium. Surgical tissue showed ulcers and consistent with Crohns. Prior tests negative for Crohns/IBD. Currently on Entacort for 3 months - then more definitive testing including Prometheus Diagnostic. I'm fairly certain I'm going to be a Crohns DX but during this period of unknowing it's great to have this support option! I'm on my 3rd GI....that's another story!

Cat-a-tonic: My Harley looks just like your cat's picture.
Sparkle2012, sorry things have been so up/down for you! I think possibly the only thing worse than being undiagnosed is being diagnosed, then have it taken away, and then diagnosed again and so on!

Funny cotton wool was mentioned. I have the same reaction to organza. Jeez even typing about it I have minor goosebumps coming up on my arms.

Not doing that great, sleeping alot because I am so depressed. Pretty sure am building to a joint pain flare and I had the most spectacular night flare at 1am (in the bathroom, almost passed out from the cramps, window wipe open, stripped down to nightie-similar to a tunic in length and sleeveless) after discarding dressing gown, thin cardigan, socks and pj bottoms. Honestly I thought about taking nightie off too! Considering it snowed here at 5am that's some feat I was boiling hot in that situation! :hallo3: Absolutely pouring with sweat it was horrible, even with constant wiping of face/neck with a very wet wash cloth. So much sweat had to change into a new nightie once I woke later in the morning (didn't change after toilet session in case I needed to go again). Not to mention the D that followed :poo: which lasted quite some time, although thankfully I went back to bed and didn't have to get up again.

The worst part is sometimes for the night attacks I can find something that caused it, but that was one of the mystery ones. It's just easer to cope with you know when you think "well I shouldn't have eaten xyz".

Ok, I will admit the pain was so bad I was scared :( Nearly woke my Mum up but she has a cold so I didn't like to. Not good :(
Brizzle, I can so relate! We bought these supposed cherry and grape flavored popsicle things, but they are made from apple juice and they are so gross. I do not taste cherry or grape, all I can taste is the nasty apple. Fortunately there are orange ones too which are made from orange juice so I can eat those. But my hubby likes the orange ones best too so we're almost out but there's still a lot of icky apple-based ones in our freezer. Yuck, why are so many things made from apples??

lsgs, what dosage of pred are you on? I was on Entocort for 7 months (it's a steroid similar to pred but not as harsh) and it helped me gain back all the weight I had lost... and then some! I had lost about 20 lbs when I was ill and flaring, and I gained back more like 25 - 30 lbs. And, it all seemed to go to my midsection when the weight came back! It's been well over a year since I've been off of steroids but I still have a flabby belly. So I can relate to steroid weight gain! I work out 3x per week, sometimes more, but I just cannot get the flab to budge. It's really annoying!

Sparkle2012, welcome to our little club. I agree with Star, having a diagnosis and then having it taken away from you sounds even worse than just sitting in undiagnosed limbo forever. It must just screw with your head - to be told you have a serious, incurable illness - and then to be told later, nope, nevermind! I wish you lots of luck with the upcoming testing and I hope you can get a definitive diagnosis soon. As for my pic, that's my Lydia Kittya. :) She was only about a year or two old when the pic was taken, she's nearly 10 now. She's my bathroom buddy, she likes to follow me in there and hang out in the bathroom with me and she cheers me up on my bad days.

Star, sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. :( I get sweaty in a flare too but only when I'm asleep for some weird reason. I will wake up drenched from head to toe but won't sweat when I'm awake. Once, in a bad flare, I managed to catch 10 minutes of sleep here and there between bathroom trips. And even when I was just asleep for 10 minutes, I would still wake up covered in a layer of sweat. When I'm awake in a bad flare, I sometimes get terrible chills, so bad that even sitting in a scalding hot bath doesn't warm me up inside - I still feel cold in my bones. But, weirdest of all, when I took my temperature during those times, it was always normal. I never seem to have a fever and my body temp is normal in spite of terrible chills or sweats. So weird! Anyway, I hope you feel better soon and that the joints behave themselves.

How's everyone else doing? I'm so-so. I had a bad experience on Monday - went to the new gym and decided to try to do all 3 abdominals machines. Big mistake! My stomach was just churning afterwards and I was refluxing so badly. And, for some reason they were giving out free pizza at my gym that evening, and the pizza smell made me nauseous. I very nearly puked, it was not good. I usually don't feel the reflux come into my mouth, but that time I did and was desperately drinking water trying to get my stomach contents to go back into my stomach again. My stomach has been a bit iffy ever since too. I ate something for dinner yesterday that should have been pretty safe but my guts didn't like it at all so I spent some quality time in the bathroom last night. I'm taking it easier today and eating low-res. Going to go to the gym tonight (I checked and there is NO pizza tonight so no nausea-inducing food smell to contend with) and I'm going to take it easy on my abs. Maybe I'll do one abs machine but definitely not all 3.
Hi sparkle! Welcome to the group.. if definitely does look like you're on your way to a crohns DX. in any case.. what your surgeon saw is not IBS! Please keep us updated on your progress xx

@lsgs.. omg i hate pred. it worked wonders for my bowels.. dont get me wrong. but i put on loads of weight too.. i also sweated a lot too.. and roid rage!!! Hahahaha!

@star - :( let us know if there's anything we can do.. being depressed is awful. its so hard to know you're ill but there are no results to back you up! :hug: xx

@cat - cat cat cat.... tut tut. do i really have to warn you again about the perils of doing exercise?!?!? Lol!!! :hug: xxx
Cat, I'm currently on 17mg. I was on 50mg + 80mg kenalog at first.

I'm tapering 1mg per week because when they tried to taper quicker I got so sick again! That takes me into April and I worry my face won't fit through the door by that point. As my wonderful husband pointed out, my cheeks and my chin seem to be joining up! It's so embarrassing. I also have that really weird pad of fat over the top of my spine but luckily it's winter and I can cover that no bother!!!!

Oh and the exercise thing - just proves it's bad for you :p No I would love to get back into cycling but it gives me wicked stomach pain. The day I get back out on my beloved bike will be one to celebrate. I miss it so much!

I love the idea that your cat is your bathroom buddy. Once I was having a seriously bad attack and my 35kg labrador came and hugged me on the loo, I appreciated the sentiment but he is not as gentle as a cat!

Star - I also get the horrendous night sweats. I wasn't sure if it was pred but it seems to be related to periods of feeling worse. The worst bit is the shivery feeling when it calms down yeeeugh! I hope you feel better soon :(

And helloooo Sparkle!

I'm off to my GI appt today and I'm so nervous what he's going to say! I want to keep seeing this doctor and not go back to my old GI, that's what I'm worried about. He seems determined to get me better diagnosis or not which is all I care about!!!
Oh dear god, GI appt did not go well.

He wants repeat calprotectin and if it's high then a small bowel MRI. Now I'm terrified the calprotectin is negative again because then I'm stuck with an IBS diagnosis. I asked him why would I be getting up during the night with d, night sweats etc and he said errr I don't know, IBS is just what we call it when we don't know, it could be you have severe IBS!! And what is his treatment for this - PROBIOTICS.

The thing that really bugs me is he said I have not been steroid responsive because I still have symptoms at this dose! Ignoring the fact that on higher doses (probably 30mg and above) I had completely normal, painless BM's and could go days with no pain. Also ignoring the fact that it took my ESR from 51 to 2!!!


I don't know what to do. I cannot continue in this level of pain indefinitely :yfrown: He had no suggestions for pain management in the meantime either so I'm stuck in the same situation as I was.

Lesson of the evening learned: Drs are very good at waffling when they don't have an answer to your questions. Sorry for the rant.
Isgs - thanks for the welcome. Sure sounds like Crohns. I know you must be frantic with the pain and no answers from the GI. You just feel frustrated and helpless....and sometimes very alone as you are pacing around ithe middle of the night while everyone else peacefully sleeps eh? Why is this disease so hard to diagnose? And why are doctors sometimes so lame? Gees....I'm having an episode of severe unexplained pain now - my surgeon says "might be body adjusting to resection new anatomy." He said to call him and make an appointment "if it happens again." Oh that helps as I lie writhing on the bed. And...still no DX here. More tests coming with GI in 3 months. Hope you get answers soon! Stay strong!
Hi sparkle! Welcome to the group.. if definitely does look like you're on your way to a crohns DX. in any case.. what your surgeon saw is not IBS!

Hi there - thanks for the welcome! Yes, I think that IBS DX is just another way of saying "I dunno." I've been getting that from numerous doctors for years with and without tests. Most likely it is Crohns although I'm not having issues with D. at this point....no food problems. I'll probably know in another 3-4 months when I get my new and improved tests. :)
Isgs, sorry your appointment didn't go well :(

I don't get night sweats in the usual sense, just intense periods of sweating often during a night time toilet trip. Once the D/attack stops so does the sweat.

I did get spectacular, proper night sweats on pred though, I would need to change my nightie 3 times a week!
lsgs, that just stinks. :( Things sounded so promising with your new GI after your first appointment, but now it sounds like he's throwing up his hands and saying "I don't know". For what it's worth, I'm still undiagnosed too and you sound a lot like me - I respond great to pred, I get nights sweats and nighttime trips to the bathroom when I'm flaring - oh, and probiotics don't work for me. They actually make me worse - I was taking probiotics in capsule form and they made my GERD worse and my guts a bit more grumbly. So I stopped the probiotics and felt better. Then at one point I decided to try Greek yogurt as it's supposedly very healthy. BIG mistake! I was in pain for several days and then passed blood - I normally do not pass blood so it was scary. But it only happened when I ate Greek yogurt! So I avoid probiotics now.

I hope you can figure things out. I don't suppose you can get a 3rd opinion from yet another doctor? It sure sounds like IBD to me, at the very least it is definitely something inflammatory since you respond well to pred. If it's not IBD it could be something else inflammatory like Lupus or Addison's disease (autoimmune illnesses that can sometimes mimic Crohn's-like symptoms). You can be tested for those two via blood tests so it might be good to rule them out. I had blood tests for both of those and they have been ruled out for me, so I sort of unofficially have IBD just by the process of elimination (still technically undiagnosed though as all tests have been "normal"). Just a thought for another avenue of testing it sounds like your doc is out of ideas!

As for my cat following me into the bathroom, it started years ago before I became ill. I work full-time and I used to live near my workplace, so I would go home every day for lunch. My cat liked spending that time with me and I'd do the same thing every day at lunch - eat while watching TV, then a quick bathroom trip before heading back to work. So my cat would follow me into the bathroom every day on my lunch break, it became a ritual. She even responds to the name "Pee Cat" and will run to the bathroom when I say it. A few years ago, we bought a house that is farther away from work so I can't go home on my lunch anymore, but my cat still follows me to the bathroom every time I go now anyway. She just sits there and purrs and hangs out, or sometimes she plays in the tub or the sink. My hubby thinks it's weird but, especially being ill with something that makes me use the bathroom a lot, I am so glad to have a little bathroom companion kitty. :) I have a dog too, who sometimes tries to follow me into the bathroom, but she hates the bathtub and pretty much just wants to leave the bathroom as soon as she enters because she doesn't want a bath. :p She's a corgi and is very silly and fun, but honestly I'm a cat person more than a dog person so I'm happy to have my cat follow me in there and the dog can stay out.

Sparkle, that sounds awful! I would call the doctor back like now saying the pain is still there. I had an episode of awful unexplained pain after my colonoscopy, and when I called my doctor, he said something to the effect of, "If pain is a normal symptom for you then it's probably to be expected that you would have more pain after a procedure like that, and call me back if it gets worse." In other words, he had no idea what was going on. Fortunately that pain didn't last too long and didn't get worse (I think it was because he took a lot of biopsies during that scope - I had similar but higher up pain after my recent upper endoscopy, I could pinpoint where he took the biopsies from!). It sounds like your doc gave you a similar "I don't know and I don't care/have the time to figure it out" lame answer too. When was your resection? I hope your pain isn't indicative of anything really serious like a perforation, but I would say definitely go to the ER if it gets worse or if you get a fever or vomiting or anything. Hopefully it's just food passing through the resection site and causing pain as it passes or something along those lines. I'm assuming you are eating mild low-res foods, nothing too high-fiber or with sharp edges like nuts that could irritate the resection site? I haven't had a resection myself so I can't give much advice. But if it stays bad, gets worse, new symptoms, etc - don't wait for an appointment with Dr. Clueless - get yourself to the ER ASAP. Hang in there and I hope you feel better soon!
I was on Entocort for 7 months (it's a steroid similar to pred but not as harsh) and it helped me gain back all the weight I had lost...

:frown: Good Lord! I'm going to be an even chubbier potential crohn???
I'm on them for 3 months - and I gained 6 lbs in 30 days last time.
I thought I was just having some sugar cravings.

As for my pic, that's my Lydia Kittya. She was only about a year or two old when the pic was taken, she's nearly 10 now.

:thumleft:Same age as my kittyboy Harley D. Black cats have a very
cool personality.

When I'm awake in a bad flare, I sometimes get terrible chills, so bad that even sitting in a scalding hot bath doesn't warm me up inside - I still feel cold in my bones.

:yfrown:I used to get that occasionally when I was writhing on the floor and
vomiting -- years ago before they discovered bleeding peptics. It always
seemed to me like a form of shock, chattery teeth, chills, freezing cold.
Cat-a-Tonic: the pain is subsiding....and I finally broke down and took half vicadin script that's been unused since surgery X3 weeks. My orders said return to normal diet and Einstein here ate a Pulled Pork Sandwich yesterday. Something tells me that might have had something to do with it. It does seem to be the bowel for sure --- but no fever, vomiting, nausea, BMs coming thru A-OK. I think it's that little piggy parts rubbing my surgery site. Lesson learned. I'm giving it a day and then I'm calling my GI to rat out my surgeon as it is getting lesser. With the vicadin and the heating pad, I'm in a good place right now - spasms no longer punching thru. Man I don't want another night like last night. :)) Thanks for your support! I think we need a "lame axx doctor" string where everyone could enter some quotes from their lame doctor. It would probably take up too much space though, Eh? I still love my GI#1 comment when I asked about "the diet." He said "Judging by your current body habitus, that would not work for you." Here's one I love delivered to me on the ER gurney "probably gallbladder, you know, fair, fat and forty."
Don't get me wrong, I'm chubby - not a whale. But that was probably close to an emotional rock bottom for me.
Sparkle, I'm glad to hear the pain is subsiding and that it's likely releated to what you ate. As far as the Entocort, it made me more hungry but I wasn't sure if that was totally due to the steroid or if it was also because I was feeling better. I was only ever on pred for a few days here and there, never on it long term, so it never had a chance to make me fat. I do recall it gave me manic energy and made me feel like superwoman - "euphoria" is one of the listed potential side effects, and I was definitely euphoric when I was on pred. Entocort made me feel normal, like a human. No super powers, no euphoria, but I could eat and function on it and I felt relatively good most of the time while on it. It put me in remission so I really have no complaints about the stuff, I am very thankful for it and I will take the chubby belly if it means I can once again pass for human.

With Entocort though, it doesn't work for all types of IBD. It isn't systemic like pred is. Entocort has a special coating so it only works on the terminal ileum & colon areas. This means that if you have Crohn's higher up in your small intestine, it won't do anything for you. The good news is, if Entocort does work for you, you can narrow things down significantly. It only works on Crohn's that's in the TI or colon - it also works on microscopic colitis. My understanding is that it doesn't work on UC though. So my GI has said that because Entocort works well for me, I likely have either Crohn's or microscopic colitis. Not sure which one for sure though because nothing has been definitive on any of my tests. Still, it is nice to have that narrowed down to two likely suspects and have most everything else ruled out.

Back to the subject of eating & gaining weight, I found that particularly when I came off of Entocort at the end of 7 months and was in remission, I felt like my body was begging me for two things: Food, and exercise. So I gave it both! I ate a lot while on Entocort and after coming off of it, but I also started working out a lot too and that's been my #1 favorite thing to do ever since. Sometimes I overdo it and my body punishes me, but as long as I know my limits, I feel great and I can tell I'm getting stronger and healthier because of it. So, if you find that Entocort is being good to you but you are gaining weight, try working out to balance things out. Maybe start slow like some walking or yoga, then do more if you are able to. Personally I lift weights 3x per week and do some cardio and yoga - I can't jog due to the arthritis, but I can ride my bike and walk with my dog. Bozzy will probably yell at me again for exercising too much but I went to the gym on Monday (weights), yesterday (weights), and today (cardio), and I'm planning on going tomorrow too (weights). Pretty sure I'm addicted to exercise at this point but it's a healthy addiction so it's mostly okay, I think. ;)
You can never go wrong with exercise. I haven't worked out routinely for 12 years -- since marriage! I gained 40 lbs...recently lost 23, entacort put on 6, lost a few during surgery....I've go about 20 lbs to go to get to my premarital weight which wasn't thin but was strong. :) If I can EVER get off this couch, this compression garment, and can wear clothing with a waist again, I plan to walk daily. My strictures were in lower small bowel so maybe I'll maybe I'll have luck with the entacort.. GI#2 put me on for 30 days---- GI#3 says it takes at least 60. She put me on 90. I was a sugar freak after first round so I'm going to stock up on some healthy sweet things this round. Although now I'm a little concerned that I've harmed myself with a meat again (blockage surgery after steak so) and what else do I need to be careful of? Haven't had any food issues thus far. I'm really lookin forward to feeling better and for now, waiting until 6:30 to see if I feel better or I feel better because of the half vicadin. I was a little worried about the appendix...but no nausea fever and everytime I eat, my area hurts so I think it's my resected bowel. Please please please don't let it be another surgery. I'm still wearing sticky tapes from the last one!!! :) Nice chatting with you again!
I've been pretty absent from the forum this week, mostly because holy hell do these antibiotics make me tired. I'm an early-to-bed kind of gal myself most of the time, but this stuff is intense. Most nights I'm forced to lie down on the couch at around 7, and falling asleep by 9. I went to see Skyfall last night at 9, and slept through the ENTIRE MOVIE. Not normal for me at all.

I got a call from my doctor on Monday saying that my CRP level is totally normal now. I have to call them in a week or so and tell them how I feel. If I feel normal, then I don't have to go back in, I guess. Problem is, I've been a week on these antibiotics, and I'm still having the same kind of pain. I've also been feeling some discomfort and mild pain in the left side of my stomach, which scares me, but I wonder if I'm just extra-sensitive and freaked out about everything now.

I feel okay otherwise, besides the fatigue. I've had a few bouts of nausea with the antibiotics, and I vomited once, but I've been spared the diarrhea and other side effects. I suspect that's largely due to the probiotics I've been taking.

If I'm still in pain next week, I'm going to go back to the doctor and push for more tests. I mean, it's really unacceptable to me to feel like I have to just wait and hope that I get better and that this doesn't happen again. In any event, one of my friends also referred me to an alternative medicine practitioner in the area who he says is really great. Anyone have experience with that kind of thing?

How is everyone else doing? I'm very much looking forward to catching up on your updates this weekend during my limited waking hours ;)
I do recall it gave me manic energy and made me feel like superwoman - "euphoria" is one of the listed potential side effects, and I was definitely euphoric when I was on pred.

You know, I could really use something that gives me euphoria right now....3 days with these on/off violent bowel spasms. GI nor Surgeon seem to be concerned. GI whose "on call" this weekend - told me if it got worse, to go to the ER. Surgeon says he doesn't know what that could be body adjusting maybe. My husband complaining about the hard chairs in the ER and doesn't think that is a good option. :ybatty: I broke down and took a full Vicadin last night just to get a break from it. Waking up - comes back with a vengeance - like a sharp stabbing knife. I got mad at my husband this morning and found that the pain has subsided considerably. What's THAT about? haha

I need a vacation from medicine, pain, and insensitive people.
cat! you're darn right im gonna yell at you again! ;) haha! :p xx

@sparkle - not wanting to alarm you.. when i had my appendix removed, my only symptoms where pain and feeling "off" after eating.. and sweating a fair bit lol!!.. but didn't have any nausea, and i wasn't doubled up with pain. nor did i have a high fever.. i only suffered low grade fever around 37.5c. but.. that was a grumbling appendix.. and i think that's fairly rare.
but certainly seems you need a break from meds, pain and insensitive people! how are you at the moment? x

@theseithakas - i cant remember, but did you say you were on flagyl? (which i think is same thing as metronidazole??) if so.. i suffered bad fatigue with that. i literally couldnt even talk without wanting to fall asleep. shame you missed skyfall!! i love that film! but i love daniel craig ;) hahaha!! how much longer do you ahve to take the meds for? x

as for me.. ive got my neurologist appointment on tuesday evening.. so lets see how that goes!
meanwhile.. ive started getting sharp griping pains again on my LRQ.. ive also got a strange red rash (across my breasts :() but seems to appear randomly in different places throughout the day.. such as my legs.. or my torso etc.. its not like hives (ive suffered that before) and it only itches occasionally. just a tad confused with this one???
but then.. it doesnt take much to confuse me! hahahahah!
Unexplained RLQ pains 3 weeks post op

bozzylozzy! Sounds like you might be reacting to medicine with that rash? Are you taking something new? Those LRQ pains don't sound good.

Today, finally, after 3 days I can walk again. It's been rough - those pains were like a hot knife that kept stabbing...picture the "Psycho" shower scene...ha. Interesting about the appendix--- that was one of my first theories -- along with my new bowel resection coming apart (GI assures me I'm all healed), gas pain, bowel spasm. If it was the appendix, it has calmed nicely with the entacort - and will most likely then rear its ugly head again. But I can feel something moving thru that area after I eat so I'm pretty sure it's bowel, possibly the Myralax causing spasms and some gas. I think Ive survived it. That area still feels "bruised" but the pains have subsided for a whole day. woo hoo

Day 4: pains are back. Gees.:(
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im not on any meds at the moment.. and i take anti histamines occasionally.. because i have had severely itchy skin in the past.. but never had a rash.
its so strange.. i havent changed any detergents/perfumes etc.. my skin isnt red. just like a few red spots dotted around. particularly on my breasts and a few on my stomach (and around my c-section scar).. but like i said.. ill wake up and the rash has moved!!

my palms/fingers and feet are itchy too..
so i really am stumped!!

im so glad you're doing a bit better today :)
@bozzylozzy - Ugh to that rash! Sounds very annoying. Any improvements? Keep us updated on your neuro appointment...

And yes! I'm on Flagyl. The fatigue is the worst. Really terrible. I'll have to go see Skyfall again :). I only have six more days left on the medication (thank GOD) and I'm counting down. Really, I am.