Hi Dahl, always happy to see you - I wish it were under better circumstances though! Ouch, a potentially fractured foot? How's the acupuncture going, have you noticed any difference since starting it? I know a few people who swear by acupuncture, but I'm always a bit skeptical of stuff like that and haven't tried it myself yet.
Cassy - first may I just say, I'm proud of you. I'm sure that was a rough appointment, but you asked for what you wanted (pill cam) and you got it! I hope that and/or the laprascopy are illuminating. But I must say, your GI sounds like a moron. As others have already mentioned, no you do NOT see the entirety of the small intestine with the scopes! You only see the very beginning & the very end, there's a vast amount of small intestine that isn't seen on the scopes. You're right to ask for the pill cam because that can see the entirety of the small intestine, so I hope that one gets you some answers. If you do have Crohn's, it can affect the entire thickness of the bowel, so sometimes it's more obvious from the outside than the inside - which means the laprascopy might see something that the other tests are missing, so hopefully that one is worthwhile too. I wish you lots of luck with these tests. In the meantime, if it were me, I'd keep the test appointments but start looking around for a new GI. Yours sounds awful!
Meg, I'm presuming the new GI may want to re-run tests, so you may have to go through another c-scope. Most doctors like to get a look for themselves as to what's going on, rather than rely on a previous doctor's notes. I hope he's a good GI and can get some things figured out for you. I know you'll keep me posted on how it goes.

And yes, in some cases you just have to wait for scar tissue to develop before you can get diagnosed - that's what happened with my aunt. (You're FB friends with her so you and her may have chatted about this already.) She was ill for something like 30+ years before she got a proper diagnosis. Sometimes it takes a really long time unfortunately.
lsgs, that's good about the pancreatic enzymes working so well for you! But I agree that the MRE sounds too soon, and what's up with making you drink prep?? An hour beforehand!! Yeah, I would think that's dangerous, I would probably have an accident in the machine too! Can you call the hospital and ask to talk to a supervisor in the MRI department? Because whoever you talked to, it sounds like he didn't give you correct information and/or was a jerk. I completely understand being sick of doctors though. Take some time for yourself, especially as Maree said since you're feeling somewhat better right now. Don't give up altogether, but take a breather. It was actually my GI who suggested I take a breather, he could see I was going broke and crazy from all the tests (and all the "normal" results), so he said let's change course. He said we would try getting me into remission rather than put me through more tests at the time. He put me on some good meds, and I got into remission, and 2 years later I'm still in remission so I guess I'm still taking a breather! If/when I flare up again then I know I'll go through more tests, so I'm not in any rush to leave remission.
Maree, you mentioned a benign lump in Liam's stomach? Do they have any idea what it is? I ask because they found 4 benign lumps ("focal nodular hyperplasias") on my liver. It's not cancer, but it is growing, and they said that someday they may need to be removed. As far as I can tell, they don't cause me any symptoms. But it's troubling to know I've got these things - it's also disconcerting when my GI calls them "benign tumors" because nobody wants to have tumors! My GP doesn't even know what they are, he actually asked me if I know anything about them! I've had an MRI of them which confirmed what they are and what size they are, but nobody can really tell me more than that. Anyway, I'm rambling again, but I hope you can figure out what Liam's benign lump is and what to do about it, what caused it, etc.
Little Bear, there really isn't any one test that is absolutely the best for diagnosing IBD. Colonoscopy & upper endoscopy are usually the first major tests that doctors like to do. If you have those scopes done, make sure they take lots of biopsies, as some types of IBD (such as microscopic colitis) can only be seen on biopsy. The pill cam is a good one too, it can see the entirety of the small intestine and the scopes cannot. Scans like MRE and CT-E are less invasive than the scopes and can see things like narrowing or thickening of the bowel wall. Of course with any CT scan you get exposed to radiation, so I'd go for the MRE (MRI-enterography) over the CT. There are always the more minor tests too, like bloodwork and stool samples. Bloodwork is never 100% accurate so most doctors don't rely on that alone. For example, about 10% of IBD'ers will have normal CRP & ESR (blood inflammation markers) even in a terrible flare - and the blood test for celiac is notoriouslly unreliable (I've heard you may as well flip a coin!). When you have bloodwork done, ask them to check your vitamin levels. Things like vit D, B12, and iron are often low in people with IBD. Good luck with the testing, keep us posted on how it all goes!
How's everyone else doing? As for me, I'm okay. The arthritis is still being a pest, slightly less than 2 months to go until my rheumatology appointment. I've finally adjusted to the new medication (Delzicol) and my bowels are pretty calm for the most part (I ate pizza last night so things got a bit riled up!). Work has been kind of crazy lately. I'm still working out every day, now that it's nice outside I've been going on lots of bike rides. I'm still lifting weights too as that's always been my favorite.
Oh, this is kind of weird though. A woman at work saw me going down to the gym on my lunch break (there's a gym in the basement of my workplace). This woman clearly pays a lot of attention to her appearance, she's very thin and her hair & makeup & clothes are always perfect. So she saw me going to the gym, and she said, "Oh, so THAT'S your secret!" I was shocked and couldn't say anything. I wanted to say, "No, my secret is that I have an inflammatory bowel disease that tends to keep me thin because I have a hard time digesting food and absorbing nutrients, and I work out to try to be as healthy as I can and to make my sick body stronger, not thinner." Many people at work know about my illness, but not this woman, and I just couldn't find the words to tell her how wrong she was about assuming that I work out and that makes me thin, end of story. Do you guys just hate it when others make incorrect assumptions about your life/weight/health? It really irked me. Maybe it shouldn't - maybe I should just be happy that someone assumed I'm healthy & normal?