I don't do a ton of cycling, but there are a lot of really nice bike paths in my city, and I enjoy riding around on them. When I first started exercising in earnest, I was mostly lifting weights (my favorite type of exercise, which I can fortunately still do). But I knew I needed to do cardio too, so I tried jogging. That went terribly - I have arthritis in both hips, and they cannot handle jogging, too much pain. So I tried riding the stationary bike instead, and that went well.
So last year I bought myself a cruiser-style bike for riding around in the city, although we had a super hot summer last year so I only got out on my bike maybe 3 times last year. I rode the stationary bike all winter to get myself in better shape, and I was so happy recently when the weather finally got nice enough to ride outside. I have a TV in the room where my stationary bike is, but it's still so boring to just sit there and basically pretend to ride a bike for an hour.

So when spring came along, I started doing short rides (like 5-6 miles) and that went fine. It wasn't until more recently, when I started doing 10-15 miles rides, that the issues started happening. So I can probably still get away with riding 5 miles without bleeding, but it's frustrating because I know I'm in shape enough to do more than that, and I hate holding myself back. I guess I'd rather just not ride at all right now. I'm not even sure what I'm going to do for cardio now - I'm going to stick with weights and yoga on alternating days for now and will hop on the stationary bike when there's something I want to watch on TV I guess. There's nothing like getting outside for a nice long bike ride though, and I hate my body even more than usual for it taking that away from me.
Yes, I think you've mentioned in the past that you used to be an avid cyclist. I am so sorry that you aren't able to ride your bike anymore either. I was similar with my kayak - once I got sick, it sat in my basement for about 3 years collecting dust. I finally was brave enough to take it out last year, and fortunately that went well. It was terrifying though, all the "what ifs". What if I am out on the water and need a bathroom, what if my guts cramp up and I can't continue paddling, what if I push myself too hard and set off a flare, etc. I didn't have as many what ifs about riding my bike - riding in the city, I know there's always going to be a bathroom relatively nearby, and if I can't continue riding for whatever reason, I knew I could call my hubby and have him come pick me up in the car. But yes, I totally relate to having that fear, I avoided my kayak for years because of it.
You mentioned taking a long walk recently, right? And you've mentioned feeling quite a bit better due to pancreatic enzymes? I hope you're able to continue being at least somewhat active once you get over the food poisoning. Is it your Sjogren's that's flaring up now? I see in your sig possible Lupus, that's a new one - goodness, you have so many illnesses to contend with!

It's just not fair. I know I complain a lot, but I "only" have IBD, GERD and arthritis, so I shouldn't complain too much. This not being able to ride my bike thing has gotten me really down, but I'm trying to look at the positives (at least I can still lift weights!! I think I would die if I wasn't able to do that anymore!). Anyway, I'm totally rambling on again. I hope you feel better soon, sounds like a really nasty food poisoning. Have you been to the doctor? As for your job, do you have any programs like Family Medical Leave (FMLA) there? FMLA is something we have in the US, basically it says you can't be fired due to taking extra sick days if you have a serious, chronic medical condition. I would be out of a job without FMLA! I hope there's some kind of protection there you can apply for. Hang in there, hun.
I'm not going to be on much for the next few days - my hubby's birthday is tomorrow so I'm taking a couple days off of work and we're going to try to do something fun. Fingers crossed, if I'm feeling well enough and if the weather is nice enough, I'm hoping we can take the kayak out!