Hi Shreela, welcome to the forum. I responded to you more in-depth in your thread in My Story, but long story short, I hope you can get some answers. It's interesting that you mentioned carrageenan as a trigger, I've been reading about it lately and it sounds like something everyone should avoid, even healthy people. I read somewhere that it actually induced UC in lab rats! Eek! I've cut it out of my diet too - it doesn't seem to trigger symptoms for me, but it's a good thing to avoid.
Cindy, I didn't know you were a tattoo person! I'm not a tattoo person myself but I'm kind of fascinated by people who get tattoos. I'm so indecisive, I'd never be able to pick what to have tattooed or what body part to put it on, and I'd probably hate it 2 minutes after I got it. I'm a spaz like that.
It's fascinating to me that people can say, I want this picture on my body forever, and just go with it. I'm not nearly laid back enough to do something like that! Anyway, I like it, it's like a celebration of your strength and what you were able to make it through.
It does seem special, getting a tattoo in honor of making it through a rough medical ordeal. My aunt did something similar, she broke her neck in an awful car accident (no paralysis fortunately, she's okay!) and they had to put this metal rod thing in her neck to fix it - it's permanent, the metal rod won't ever be removed. So once the scar healed, she got a tattoo over it. Stuff like that, I could see maybe getting a tattoo for something like that. But people who just drunkenly go out and get a Spongebob tattoo or whatever, that kind of thing will still forever puzzle me!
Bozzy, yep, my GI said I can try Pentasa. I can't afford it though until payday, so I'll be starting it on Friday. (It's $75 per month with my insurance, which is a bit pricey and I'm usually pretty poor, so I have to wait until I have more money.) How are you doing, are you okay? When do you see the new GI? And how's school going?
Bureaucratic, have you had the pill cam? It sounds like the areas you're suspecting aren't visible by scope (I think the upper endoscopy can see just slightly past the stomach and that's it?). Pill cam or double balloon endoscopy would be able to see those areas better, and pill cam is less invasive - although as Carrie has shown, there is a chance of it getting stuck. But you can have the patency capsule beforehand, as she did, to make sure the real thing won't get stuck (the patency capsule will dissolve if it gets stuck).
Speaking of DBE, I wonder how Carrie did with her DBE! Carrie, I hope all went well and that you're home now and resting. Sending happy healing thoughts your way.
So back to the subject of money troubles, it sounds like my hubby is finally getting it through his head that he needs a full time job, ANY job! As most of you know, he's an animator, and he gets sporadic freelance projects here and there, but the money is not much and definitely not steady. He's also working part-time (usually 1 day a week) for minimum wage in a costume shop. Well, lately he's been mentioning things here and there that lead me to believe he's looking for other jobs besides art/animation (there are NO jobs in that field!). One night as we were going to bed, I mentioned something I saw on TV about a woman who was ashamed because her husband was a car mechanic, and I was saying that's nothing to be ashamed of. Hubby muttered something like, "Jeez, a mechanic is shameful now? And I was thinking of applying to be a janitor." I was like, huh, janitor? Hey, a job's a job, I could be married to a janitor, I don't care! And then the other day we had to go to the grocery store, and there was an office supply store next door with a sign in the window saying "we're hiring", and hubby pointed it out and he seemed interested. So, I might actually be able to afford actual fun things again if he gets a job.
When we get a bit of extra money, I go all crazy buying groceries - that's my splurge! Groceries! I get all excited for grocery shopping! And that should not happen, that's just not right. But that's where we're at now - we're poor because he doesn't work much and because I have a lot of doctor/medical bills and take expensive medications. Hopefully soon I'll be able to splurge on funner things than groceries.