Bureaucratic, if you don't get the auras, then you're lucky at least in that regard! Like I said, mine are different every time. My first migraine, I think that was the "classic" aura where I saw a swirly spot in my periphery and it grew until I was basically blind in the right eye (I only ever get the auras on the right side, and I only get migraines on the right as well - no idea why!). My later auras have been much, much stranger. I had one where suddenly there was like a "click" on the right side of my head, and everything was much brighter on the right, as though someone had turned on a lamp that was just out of view to my right. Very weird! With the click in particular, that was the one that really made me worry I was having a stroke. I've also had a similar one to that, where suddenly everything got sharper and in more contrast - like someone was changing the settings on a TV, but of course again only on the right side of my vision. And the most recent one, I was chatting with a co-worker, and he was standing in front of a window. I kept thinking the sun was right behind him because it was so glaringly bright, I couldn't even see his face. Then I looked away and still saw the incredible brightness, so I knew it was an aura. Not fun! And at those times, when I'm at work or whatever and have an aura, it's not like I can hop in my car and go home. The auras sometimes partially blind me temporarily so driving is not safe. But what I'd love to do during an aura is speed home, because I know the migraine itself is only 15ish minutes away... except when it's not! I had an aura at work once at about 10 AM. And then, nothing, no migraine. I thought I was in the clear and forgot about it for a bit. Then at about 3 PM the actual migraine hit! I don't know why there was a 5ish hour delay when it's been 10-15 mins every other time. I never really know what to expect!
Oh, and so at one point I told my GP about my migraines, and he prescribed sumatriptan for me (generic Imitrex). He said I should give it a try the next time I had a migraine. So, one evening at home I was watching a movie and I felt an aura come on, so I popped a Sumatriptan. It seemed to work, the migraine never really fully happened (I did feel a little funky and still had some sensitivity to light, but I didn't have to go lie down or anything). That entire evening, I felt okay. But the next morning, I woke up with a raging migraine - on the left side!! That's the only time I've ever had a left-sided migraine. I presume it was a rebound migraine as a result of the sumatriptan, but it freaked me out that it was on the wrong side.
Anyway, that was long and rambly, but I'm glad to hear you don't get auras because they're not pleasant. And if your doctor gives you the option of low-dose Amitriptyline or Sumatriptan for your migraines, I'd recommend the Amitriptyline. It's been a great preventative for my migraines.
And yeah, googling symptoms like that can just lead you to a lot of worst-case scenarios. I saw a comic strip online recently, it was pretty funny. It was this guy going about his life, but "web MD" was following him everywhere. So the guy would do something like eat ice cream and get an ice cream headache, and web MD would say, "It's cancer!" Then the guy would stub his toe and web MD would say, "Cancer! It's cancer!" And so on. Yeah, that's pretty much what you get when you type symptoms into web MD.
I hope everyone here has a good weekend and that your tummies all behave. Anybody have fun plans? I have to go to a party at my in-laws' house, but I get to see my sis-in-law and my nieces & nephews. Sis-in-law is now 8+ months pregnant, she's due in about 3 weeks, and I just found out she's having a girl, so I'll have a new little niece soon.

Yay! At the risk of sounding like an awful person, I like my nieces better than my nephews (I just don't "get" boys!). My oldest niece just turned 10 and she's turning into a cool person who I can have an actual conversation with. Maybe that's why I don't like the boys as much, they don't want to talk, they just want to run around and play in mud and crash into each other and stuff.

Plus, the girls seem to appreciate me more - 2 years ago at xmas, I made pretty crocheted scarves for my nieces, and they loved them. Last year at xmas, I made scarves for my nephews, and they were like, ugh, clothes, boring, we want trucks and manly stuff.

My best friend from childhood called me a few weeks ago and she has 2 sons, and she was saying she just doesn't "get" girls - I was like, are you kidding! I so do not "get" boys! Anyway, rambling again, but I get to see 4 of the kids this weekend and I'll be welcoming niece #3 soon.