Liquid out which end though? Here's a pic of my baby to cheer you all upView attachment 2101
Liquid out which end though? Here's a pic of my baby to cheer you all upView attachment 2101
It's not a big deal!Hey guys thanks for all the replies, I find it so reassuring to post here you are all so lovely.
Either pain relief has kicked in or it's improving, pain's still there but not as bad.
I'm such an idiot, I don't know what would happen to my dog if I go to hospital. That worries me! And I don't know if any of you guys are like this but I'm quite secretive about my illness, only my husband has seen me in pain and I don't like people seeing me like that. I could have called my sister to come get me and I know she would, but she has two toddlers and I would feel guilty I was making a fuss. It's so stupid. Do any of you feel like this too?
I am slightly concerned as I have been going about 10 times a day and suddenly this pain starts and I'm only passing mucus for 2 days... Slightly worrying
Cat we get the prep sent out in the post like a week before, or I've picked it up at hospital before if private. I would hate to have to go pick up my own prep. I don't think I would go, I would wuss out! haha.
I was on Entocort (Budesonide) for about 7 months, and I had some pretty strong food cravings too. I had lost about 20 lbs from being so ill, and I gained back about 25 lbs on the Entocort over the course of 7 months. So not too bad, I gained back a little more than I should have, but I didn't balloon or anything. Although I will say, being so sick and losing the weight, I'm sure I was losing muscle & bone mass. Gaining weight on steroids, I seemed to gain it all back as abdominal fat! I had a gross flabby belly which I somewhat lost with exercise but is still there a little bit. I lost the extra 5ish lbs and I'm back to my "healthy" weight again, and exercise has also helped me gain back my muscle mass, so Gabi, hopefully you have a similar experience and can just regain your lost weight and get back to a healthy weight. If you can, I strongly recommend exercise (steroids themselves can rob you of muscle & bone mass too). Feed your body well when the cravings hit, don't just automatically reach for junk food if you can avoid it. I scarfed down a lot of chocolate-flavored rice cakes while on steroids, as they are sweet but low-calorie and relatively healthy.
lsgs, that's good to know about this prep - that seems to be the general consensus of what I've read about it, that it's easy to drink and isn't crazy harsh on the system. Gatorade & Miralax was easy for me to get down in the sense that it didn't taste bad, but I did have to drink a lot (64 oz Gatorade mixed with a full bottle of Miralax), and it was really rough on me and dehydrated me badly. I'm hoping that this Prepopik stuff is easier in that regard, I just don't want to end up on IV fluids again! I'll keep you guys posted - prep day is Tuesday and my scope is first thing Wed morning, so I'll be around on Tues having a prep pity party for myself, and I'll hopefully be coherent enough by Wed afternoon to let you all know how the scope was.
Hey Cat, yep I pretty sure that was what she called it. She described it so I knew what the heck she was talking about. It was pretty late on Friday night when she called so it was kind of hard to absorb everything she said. I do know she said that she would be taking "numerous" biopsies. She stated that a couple of times. She put me on 20 mg ped. She said it may clear up some of my areas but felt due to the amount of pain I was in that it was appropriate. I also am on zofran for nausea, and have norco for pain meds but she doesn't want me to use them unless absolutely necessary. I try not to take them at all. On top of my regular meds (nexium, estrodial (hysteroctomy at 26) and levothryorxine (low thyroid)) I gonna need to use a tracker so I know when I took what. LOL. Sorry for the miss spells. Spell check doesn't work well for meds
I hope your prep goes well. I do mine Thursday. Best of luck!
I am so nauseous! Had a huge wave of nausea come out of nowhere. Can barely move. Took some more zofran, hope it kicks in soon. I have been drinking a lot today in an effort to stay really hydrated, so I'm not sure if I just have too much liquid in my stomach or if the prep is making me nauseous.
lsgs, it's going okay. I've only gone to the bathroom 3 times so far, so this is definitely being more gentle on me than Gatorade & Miralax was. The dizziness & nausea are mostly gone - I'm not looking forward to drinking that second cup though!
Reflection, how's prep going? Hope you're doing okay. Take Zofran as needed to keep the nausea in check. I got super nauseous after drinking my first cup of prep so I feel for you! I think I took 3 or 4 Zofrans total on my pre
Reflection.. sorry you are in pain. Hopefully your reaction during the scope, but hopefully they may get some answers from the biopsies.. all being well - if that happens.. you can have some meds. Then once your guts are better, you could start reintroducing gluten foods etc.. good luck!xx
Gabi - thinking about you.. hope you are ok xx
Lsgs - how are you feeling today?
Cat - when do you get your biopsy results??
As for me.. guts are still doing great.. I actually had a bm that looked like a cigar! Haha I feel a little proudI know the sulfasalazine was given for my joints.. but could it be helping my bowels too?