Hi Mlits, welcome to the forum and to the club. If I read your post right - you had an emergency gut surgery many years ago but are still having IBD-like symptoms and are still undiagnosed? What specifically was the surgery for initially, did you have a blockage or appendicitis or something like that? And what was the indicator in the caption on your colonoscopy pics?
Hi there Cat-a-tonic-- thanks for asking-- I don't really know yet how to navigate this site, and yours is the only item that refers to a post I've written--(kind of like when you're trying to tell somebody about this blasted condition, isn't it? Sometimes feel like your talking into a wind tunnel!)
Anyway, here's what you asked for: Emergency surgery 30 years ago, I was told NOTHING. At least nothing that I remember. Dealt with severe constipation only ONE time before that surgery--that's what landed me in the hospital doubled over in pain.
After the surgery, I had labor-like pain any time I had anything in my stomach at all, and when the "poohs" came, it hurt like hell.
Now, many years later, I can look back, and see the progression from that part to extreme diarrhea (liquid shooting out, I know: TMI.) and seldom any constipation at all. Can't usually keep anything in me long enough to get constipated!!
As to the comment on the colonoscopy photos: it said, "Anastamosis, side to side, surgical changes, terminal ileum." There are two pictures.
So that's the phrase I typed into the search engine...did a little more reading; then I read the Rx sheets that come with the prescriptions which I had not yet started, and, frankly, they both scared the hell out of me. Decided to call the doc and reschedule the "follow up visit" which is TWO MONTHS out, and ask, instead for a consultation. (He's probably gonna throw me out-- I do not want to take those meds, unless there is no other way to arrest the symptoms.)
I want to know what happened to me 30 years ago, and what the best route to deal with it is--even at this late date.
Because mine is intermittent at this time, I would prefer to control it if possible without chemicals. Yeah, there's pain. When it's bad, it's an 8, but, praise God, that isn't that often. Mostly 3-5. Today is not a good day-- staying close to the potty--

oo: but taking something, that according to the folks who make it is somewhat known for causing an obstruction??--Naaah.
Does that make sense?
The meds are omeprazole (I don't have upper GI symptoms, other than a restricting of the esophagus--we did an endoscopy this time) and questran. I admit liking the IDEA of the questran-- I want a similar result without the danger!!
Thanks for asking. Its nice to talk to somebody who doesn't think you're just exaggerating. Frankly I am trying hard NOT to exaggerate. It's bad enough as it is!!
Blessings to you and yours.