Kelleh, they saw the hemmie right away with the anuscope - they said it's right inside my anal sphincter, which would explain the pain. I was told it's "only" about the size of a marble which still sounds pretty big to me, particularly with where it's located! And it was weeping blood a bit on the anuscope but no longer gushing, so I guess that's good. And yeah, that was the 2nd time I've had an anuscope and they're never fun and very uncomfortable. I could feel it sort of scrape up against the hemmie as it went in and I was like, "Ow, ow, ow, ow."
As for your blood results, I don't have any advice for you but I have a lot of empathy because my bloodwork was normal ("perfect" was how they described it) as well. My inflammatory markers (CRP and ESR) are almost always normal as well. It's so frustrating when you are feeling so poorly and you know something is very wrong, but the tests just don't reflect that for whatever reason. On paper, I am the picture of health. But really I'm obviously not! So I feel for you, it's really frustrating. Just keep fighting. That's all you can do.
A thought for you - I'm not saying it's not IBD - but, it might be worthwhile to put off the IBD testing for a bit and rule out some other stuff. There are many other illnesses that can cause this type of symptoms (Addison's, Behcet's, Lupus, etc). Many can be tested for with bloodwork, so it's typically not super invasive. That's what I did for awhile and that's one of the reasons I was able to get my GI to treat me as though I do have IBD - we ruled out most everything else, and we've found that I respond well to IBD meds. In a nutshell, that's what comprises of my pseudo-tentative IBD "diagnosis".

If you can at least rule out some other stuff, that's a big puzzle piece or at least it has been for me. I still don't have all the puzzle pieces, but ruling out other things that can cause IBD-like symptoms has been absolutely worthwhile for me. And there's of course always the chance that you actually do get a result when testing for something else - you never know and might end up lucking into a diagnosis when looking outside of the IBD sphere. Just my two cents!