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Ha ha ha Cat I saw that I was tagged and I wondered why my left ear was burning!
And yes this is true, they did have me booked in for a lobotomy after my 'incident' lol but I got bloody seen to! They were a tad scared.

I hope you're ok after your accident? xxxx
Txarmywife, for whatever it's worth, pretty much every time I've needed IV fluids, I had been drinking and peeing pretty normally too. This is just my guess, but it almost seemed like my intestines got so inflamed/irritated that they just weren't absorbing any liquid. It seemed like water went from my mouth to my bladder without actually stopping anywhere along the way. So you might have something similar going on. At times like that, it seems like IV fluids are the only way I can get rehydrated and feel somewhat well again.

Is there an urgent care clinic or anything like that you can go to? I prefer urgent care to the ER, the wait times are usually shorter and the doctors don't seem as frazzled (and if you're like me and have to pay some percentage of it that your insurance doesn't cover, urgent care is much cheaper than the ER!). Good luck with whatever you end up doing, I hope you can get some degree of relief!

And as for mucus, before I was in remission I used to pass a LOT. At times I would pass only mucus with no stool, it was really gross & looked like someone had blown their nose into the toilet. I rarely pass blood and when I do it's bright red (I get fissures and hemmies sometimes so I'm sure it's from one of those). I haven't passed mucus hardly at all since I've been in remission so it just seems to be another fun symptom of IBD.
Thanks Joan, I forgot about that tagging thing! Most people just call me Cat on here without writing out the -a-Tonic so I rarely get that tag notification. I haven't heard from you in awhile, how have you been? I'm good, recovered from whiplash so I'm good and my car is good (it needs minor cosmetic repairs but don't we all, ha ha).
Lolbotomy. :rof:

Cat: Canada, and more specifically, St John's is too small to have urgent care, just er or your doc.

As for mucus, I haven't passed any mucus only movements, but it looks like you said, like someone had a runny nose and mistook my poop for a tissue.

Also, great on the insurance! Awesome, can't get better than that!
Lolbotomy! I think I need one of those. :p It's too bad you don't have urgent care in your area of Canada. During the first year of my illness, I was at urgent care quite often, usually for IV fluids. I used to joke that they should have offered one of those "buy 10 get 1 free" or frequent shopper type cards for me. A nurse at my urgent care once told me they handle "everything but heart attacks and babies being born" so it is a good ER alternative for most things.
Hey Cat-a-Tonic!
See, you'll get a taggin thingy me bob now!
Change your name to Cat!

I'm doing really well thanks, it's work that's the problem! CD is behaving it's self!
I break up on Friday for 2 weeks, HUZZAH!

Sending some cyber hugs to you all in the U-Club, hang on in there xxx
Thanks ya'll. I'll talk to hubby about it or call nurse advice if I don't hear from the GI nurse...which I'm doubting I will today since it's almost 5 here. I don't know if we have an urgent care or not...and not sure how that works to go to one with Tricare. When my hubby was deployed and I had moved closer to family and saw a civilian doctor I went to urgent care for my kidney stone issues. Cat, you're right in that they're much better. There was hardly ever a wait and they got me in with an IV and pain meds in no time flat. Only downside is their policy (at least at that particular one) was if they can't treat you they transfer and admit you to the hospital...so too many times to count was I transferred and admitted to the hospital for 3, 5, 7 day stay. Kidney stones are no joke! Most places take you pretty seriously with stones because it's the one thing they know without a doubt causes horrible pain. I always mention I have a history of stones when I have abdominal pain for quicker care...but that's gotten me into trouble too because some doctors can't look past the stones and see if something else is going on. That's what happened my most recent hospital stay last month...I was admitted for this same left quardrant pain...even had a ureteroscopy which showed no stones on the left side. And was discharged in the same pain...totally missed it being a possible flare even though I kept telling them I had IBD. Granted it could have been pain from the pregnancy stretching scar tissue were I had a ureter resection due to a stricture in my ureter which then a stone formed on causing a commplete obstruction. That was my Urologist's theory for my pain...but now that I'm having all these other symptoms of a flare I don't think that was the case and all the Dilaudid they pumped me with just slowed down the D that would eventually come once I was out of the hospital. Anyways, I've rambled. I'm hoping I can figure something out and get some kind of answers/relief soon. And I sure hope you guys do too! This isn't fun is it?
Yeah, it would be a good option, but that's one of the quirks of Canada's healthcare system. Always a funny consideration that healthcare is always designed by the healthy.

Buy 10 get one free, that's good :p

Sorta like a joke I had going with my friends for a while when it first flared up. They ask how I'm feeling.
"Ya know I'm not doing too bad. Don't know why I'm complaining so much, only been in pain once the last two weeks!"
"Oh, you've only had pain once?"
"Yep, started two weeks ago and hasn't let up yet!"

We're at least lucky up here to have universal healthcare. I'd be broke now for all the tests I've had done and appointments I've had. Not that any good came out of it so far.
Joan, it appears that somebody else on the forum already took the username of Cat, so I can't change mine or set it so that I get notifications whenever someone says "Cat". :( Enjoy your break from work! Your job sounds so stressful, rewarding but VERY stressful, I don't know how you do it! Thank you for the hugs, there are lots here right now who are doing very poorly so I'm sure everyone appreciates it.

For those who don't know, Joan was undiagnosed for (if I'm remembering right) 15 years before she finally got diagnosed with Crohn's, so she's an honorary member of the Undiagnosed Club and she totally understands the stuff that we go through! Joanie, you're a very strong woman and I look up to you, I don't know how you made it for 15 years without answers. I'm at 2.5 years undiagnosed now although at least I'm getting IBD treatment and am in remission, many others in the club aren't so lucky.
Nathan, no kidding about going broke! I have insurance, but even so, the first year of my illness I racked up about $6000 in medical bills that my insurance didn't cover (fortunately my hospital offered me financial aid, and I got approved, so they wiped out my bills and I didn't have to pay any of that). We're still paying off bills from when my hubby had kidney stones and that was a year ago - he started having symptoms in Dec 2010 and had surgery in June 2011 to get rid of the stones. I do wish we had universal health care here or at least a better system, because even with insurance you can get totally screwed financially due to medical bills in this country.

And that joke, is that Rodney Dangerfield? It sounds familiar but I can't quite place it offhand.

Txarmywife, that is awful that they'd only look for stones even when you told them you have IBD! :( That seems negligent to me. I saw your other thread about you wondering what a stricture & obstruction feels like. I've never had either as far as I know, and I hope you don't have either! From everything I've read on the forum, obstructions are just about the worst pain ever. If you think you have one, even a partial obstruction, get to the ER. A partial obstruction could turn into a full obstruction, and a full obstruction can turn into a perforation which is life-threatening. Just look at the stoma subforum, some of the folks in there had situations where an obstruction perforated and they had emergency surgery and woke up with a bag (and many say they were lucky to wake up at all). I don't mean to scare you, but this stuff can turn serious very quickly, so please do go get seen if you suspect a partial obstruction! Worried about you, please update us later so that we know you're okay or you went to the ER or whatever the case is. Big hugs!
Wow. $6000 after insurance. That is a broken system. Truly and wholly broken. Especially for new people in the workforce who don't have the seniority to demand benefits, nor the wages to afford them.

The joke? I made it up.
Cat-a-tonic...the nurse never called and I started feeling a bit better. Ate dinner and not having any waves of pain at the moment. So im going to wait and see. Funny thing is I did go to the ER and that's when they doped me up with morphine and prescribed the 5 days of Pred. Discharged me as "Crohns flare up." They just did bloods and an ultrasound of baby & my kidneys (for the stones that I don't have on the left side haha). When I get the pain I can't help but think I either have a bleeding ulcer or an obstruction. It's one of the worst pains...I feel like I can't even walk into the ER and would need an ambulance. And then it just goes away eventually. It's different than the obstruction I had in my ureter which caused hydronephrosis and required a nephrostomy...that pain was terrible but it was constant after a certain point. And I somehow could still walk. This mystery pain buckles my knees, causes a crazy mix of chills/sweating, I can't talk...just start praying to God I'm not dying in front of my son. But it comes and goes. I describe it to my husband as an 8 constant pain when it begins then comes in waves of an 11/10...off the charts pain. And then at some point it goes back to just the constant pain and eventually goes away completely. If it happens again I'll go in. For now I'm just taking it easy and working on drinking a bunch of Gatorade. Eating dinner helped me not feel so light headed. I'm hoping the nurse calls back tomorrow. I'll def keep y'all updated or ask another around of 20 questions :)
Txarmywife, I hope you're feeling better today! I'm glad you were able to eat and drink, that's promising. Keep us posted, I hope things start calming down for you and you're able to get some good relief for awhile. I hope that nurse calls you back, too!

Nathan, yeah, I know at least one couple who filed for bankruptcy due to overwhelming medical bills. That's just the way it is in this country, the system is broken and if you get sick or injured and have no insurance or if your insurance won't pay for everything, then basically you're SOL. I had no idea how bad the medical system really was here until I became ill 2.5 years ago. They offer some minimal help, like payment plans or financial aid if you're lucky enough to qualify (I technically didn't meet their criteria for financial aid but somehow they approved me anyway - they had really ridiculous criteria such as, you must be at least 500% below the poverty line and your medical bills must be at least 1/2 of your yearly salary, etc - I wasn't anywhere close to either of those!).

How's everyone today? Doing better than yesterday, I hope? I'm okay although my arthritis/bursitis decided to act up again. My body just can't let me feel totally well ever, something always has to be acting up it seems. My neck was feeling 100% fine yesterday but then my hip started aching yesterday evening. It's slightly better today but it's still not feeling great. I think with the food poisoning and the GERD and car accident, and me having to skip the gym a few times because of all that over the past few weeks, my hip hasn't been getting enough exercise and stretching so it's being a pain now. As Gilda Radner said, it's always something! If it's not GERD then it's whiplash and if it's not whiplash then it's my hip. I'm sure my head will just fall off next, ha ha. ;)
Finally got a call back from the GI NP I saw last week. She said she got my labs back and my white blood count was high, I'm anemic, and my sed rate was high. So she stressed me getting that letter from the OB to them so we can schedule a flex sig...but that she probably will want to do the full colonoscopy to see "if it's Crohns". I keep getting the feeling they doubt my DX since its not one or the other. Anyways...so I asked what to do about my new symptoms and she said it sounds like I need to go to the ER for IV hydration but that they couldn't do anything really until I get them that letter since "there isn't really anything that's safe during pregnancy". Joy. So I'm suppose to just deal with whatever this is for 5 months?! I'm aggravated. Gonna start trying to drink more Gatorade and talk to hubby about makin a trip to the ER...which I believe would end up being L&D now that I'm 20 wks.
Txarmywife, I actually ended up getting better GI care when I was pregnant, believe it or not!!! I had all kinds of issues (which I now realize in hindsight was probably a flare), and I got jumped to the front of the line, better attention from doctors and nurses. There were still quite a few diagnostics and meds that were safe during pregnancy, and people seem more likely to try harder with a little human inside you :) The thing which actually helped me the most turned out to be a nerve block in my abdomen.......amazingly effective, and perfectly safe. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get an official diagnosis then, but they were able to safely manage my flare and get my pregnancy to full term.

Hang in there!!!!
Thanks Estrella. I'm feeling pretty defeated at the moment. It's encouraging you got good care...I'm still waiting on my chance at good care :)
I totally understand the defeated feeling!!! Defeated, terrified, feeling like another 18-20 weeks of that is unbearable......I could co-author the book with you. If you end up going to the ER (which I did), don't be surprised if they admit you and plunk you in the maternity ward for a few days. They can make you comfortable, monitor your little one, run the tests and try the treatments so much faster than a doctors office can. Be a nosy patient and ask which pregnancy class your meds fall under, take advantage of the opportunity to give your body a good rest. I learned from my OB that the late 1st to mid 2nd trimesters are the toughest for moms with preexisting abdominal problems, as things are stretching and pushing pretty quickly. I turned a corner around 25 weeks......right about when my belly "popped" and he started growing out instead of up.
That's partly why I'm afraid of going to the hospital :( if I can just make it until tomorrow after workmy husband will be off work for 4 days. His unit is giving him problems and the Army is finding any reason to kick soldiers out :( that'd be the worst thing for us as we would lose our house and medical insurance (how oh how would I survive without insurance right now!). The past few times I've gone they've admitted me. It's encouraging you got better after 25 weeks. I hope that's the case with me! I'm a petite person and feel like baby is pushing on everything that hurts!!
Out of curiosity from all the other undiagnosed folks out there have an ANA titer run as a preliminary test for autoimmune issues? I had one done at my first GI appointment (which came back positive and highly elevated).......wondering if anyone else experienced this?
Estrella, at least a few of us in the club have had our ANA tested. When I was first diagnosed with arthritis in my hip, they ran my ANA to see if my arthritis might be RA (it wasn't). And I know that Allieinwonder had her ANA tested and hers was positive, it fell in the range of Lupus/MCTD (because of Allie, I now know that Lupus can mimic Crohn's-like symptoms!). It's my understanding that ANA is usually normal/negative with IBD so that's interesting that yours was positive and elevated. You should ask your doctor more about that, it could be indicative of something like Lupus. I don't know much about ANA myself so I'm sorry I can't be of more help.

Txarmywife, I hope you can hold out until tomorrow. I certainly know how awful it would be to lose insurance so I don't blame you for waiting it out a little longer! It sounds like Estrella has given you some good advice and I can't really add anything. I hope you get some relief somehow, even if it's just IV fluids and some rest. Hang in there!

I went to the gym and my neck still feels fine so the whiplash incident seems to be over. My hip was acting up quite a bit while I was exercising, but it feels better now that I'm done. It doesn't feel totally better though and I won't have a chance to rest it tonight. I need to clean my house tonight as we're having someone over for dinner tomorrow - my husband's cousin just moved to our city. Hubby's cousin is a spoonie too, she's got Lyme disease and several other tick-borne illnesses and her health is not good at all. I don't think she knows has any friends here in the city, and she seemed very grateful and excited to get invited to dinner at our house. She's got a lot of dietary restrictions too so we're doing a low-res no dairy and no sugar dinner - baked chicken, baked potatoes and steamed veggies. :) I don't know her very well but we do have chronic illness in common and she's about my age and seems like a cool person, so I am excited that she's moved here and I'm looking forward to getting to know her better. But, I have to clean my house before she comes over because it's a mess and there's dog hair everywhere (for anyone thinking of getting a corgi, they are great and very smart dogs - but they shed a LOT). I'm totally rambling now, but yeah, long story short my hip isn't great right now and I can't rest it tonight as I have to clean for my new spoonie pal's dinner visit!

I hope everyone else is okay? Hanging in there at least? Big hugs to all and I hope good tummy days are in store for you all.
So glad your neck is doing better :)

I just need to vent a little bit. i hate my boss. Ive been nothing but honest and transparent with her about everything thats going on in my life. ie: being tested for incurable diseases.
just so you all know.. i work in a call centre. i assess private medical claims... now my boss keeps going on at me about my call times and wrap times etc. she knows i have a history of anxiety. and shes also having a go at me about asking supervisors for help too much.
well im sorry that i seek reassurance that im making the right decisions. ive tried so hard to build up my confidence so that i can trust myself to make decisions.
but she just doesnt understand that outside work im worrying about my health. And now shes causing extra worry for me when im in work
i joined a union yesterday.. because im starting to worry about the security of my job :(
Vent finished lol
Hey everyone! I really need to start checking this thread myself instead of relying on the email notifications....

Cat, I'm glad you are doing better from the accident, and that the entire situation is being taken care of by your insurance!

TxArmyWife, I hope you are doing better and that you were able to avoid the hospital. Being an army wife myself, I really can't fathom the Army kicking your husband out because of your health problems. Yes, they are downsizing, but how would they even put that on paper? The usual procedure with dependents with health problems is EFMP, and if the base you are at (if you are overseas) cannot take care of your medical needs, they do not give you command sponsorship to be with your spouse. Tricare can also refuse to cover ER trips that weren't true emergencies, but other than that, your husband's carear shouldn't be affected by your IBD! My husband's unit is deploying in the next month, and my husband is rear-d because of my illness. They can't punish your husband for something that is completely out of your control!

Estrella, like Cat said, I have had my ANA tested, and it was well into the positive range. I went to a rheumy after all of the IBD tests I was having were all coming back normal, and I knew there had to be something wrong. ANA can point to several different illnesses, but you will not have a positive ANA with IBD. Like Cat said, I have MCTD/Lupus (mixed connective tissue disease)...the connective tissue around my intestines is inflamed, causing IBD like symptoms. I also have arthritis in my elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles, and I have a ton of other symptoms that are like IBD, some of them Lupus type symptoms (like skin rashes). If you have not had any luck with finding IBD, I highly suggest seeing a rheumatologist!

As for me, I'm sitting in the living room waiting for my in-laws to pull up in our driveway. Because the deployment is so close, they wanted to come for memorial day weekend to see Stuart since he will be busy for the next 9 months or so. He himself is not deploying, thank goodness. They rejected our letter of resignation to leave the army at the end of this year, and because of his reasons of wanting to leave (because I'm so sick and can't take the stress of being an army wife), they decided to give him a job that keeps him here in Bamberg so that there is a smaller chance of this whole thing causing me to flare. Anyway, my in-laws will be here until Monday.

My health right now is pretty much in the pits. The kidney infection is gone, which is fabulous, but because of my immune system having to kick into gear to fight it and the stress of it, I'm back into a pretty bad flare, well, a worse flare than before anyway. The spot on my stomach where I have my pain has been so painful since Friday that I have had to take a ton of tramadol to keep myself comfortable...I've even been trying breathing excercises to try and get the pain to go down. Whenever I think my pain has gotten at its worse, my body surprises me and makes the pain higher. >.< With the in-laws here we are going to be traveling and walking pretty much the entire weekend, so I'm kind of worried, but I know Stuart will be shoving so much pain meds at me to keep me as comfortable as possible. After all he is usually the only reason I take the pain meds in the first place! I also have a rheumy appointment tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully he can up my meds and get me out of this awful flare.

Oh, I have some really good news as well. :) We are getting a corgi puppy! I know I posted on Facebook about being dissapointed because we found a corgi puppy we loved but they wanted too much for her, but in the past few days another corgi puppy litter was advertised, and we have been talking back and forth. We are going to pick up the little guy next Sunday when he turns 8 weeks old. His name is Adrian, but we are going to change it (we have been throwing around Bentley and Bailey so far). I am so excited! My husband isn't excited at all...he doesn't want to get his hopes up if something goes wrong and we don't get him, but she has already reserved him for us and everything. The only thing that might stop us from getting him is if our dog Kallie doesn't get a long with him, but that is a longshot because she loves everybody! Here is a picture of the little guy:

http://www.feenringcorgis.de/images/stories/freya und sonja zu besuch 18.5.12 018.jpg

I'm not going to announce him on Facebook until we actually have him, but I wanted to share with you guys. :) Its going to be nice to have a puppy in the house!
Allie...thanks for responding. Im sorry youre having a rough time but a new puppy is exciting!! Would you mind messaging me about how to get on EFMP? My husband mentioned it to me last night as he stayed up with me deciding if we would go in or not. I began violently throwing up blood...so much so that the blood was also coming through my nose which frankly was scary. We didn't end up going in to the ER as I was too worried about his unit getting mad at him for missing a few events this morning. I'm hoping he can take me in this morning. I was able to fall asleep finally and haven't thrown up yet again this morning but my whole stomach hurts.

Anyways I hope everyone has a better day today.
Bozzy, I worked in a couple different call centers so I can relate to the pressure to keep your call times down and your calls per hour rate up! I hope things are okay with your job. Maybe you could have one of your doctors write her a letter, explaining that you're not well and that added stress only makes you worse? Whatever the case, I hope things get better for you job-wise. I just found out yesterday that I'm getting a new boss as someone was promoted. Fortunately I like the person who is going to be my boss now, but I don't think she knows that I have an illness so I really hope she is understanding in that aspect of things. So yeah, I'm under a bit more job stress than usual too and I totally understand! Hang in there, dear.

Allie, YAY NEW PUPPY!!!!! :D Is he a cardigan or a pembroke Welsh corgi? Yes, there are two different kinds, they're basically the same with only slight differences in the colors and the face shape and stuff like that - and cardigans usually have tails and pembrokes don't, although I have seen a pemmie with a tail so that's not a hard and fast rule (Lily is a pemmie and has no tail - she's got just a little nubbin that waggles when she's happy, it's super cute!). Based on the photo I'm going to guess he's a cardigan? I have no experience with cardigans but like I said they're very similar in appearance to pemmies and I think their intelligence/temperaments/etc are similar too. I've never had a corgi puppy though so I don't know how much training he'll need but probably not a ton - Lily picks up tricks SO fast and easily even as an adult dog. We got her at age 2 and we've taught her a few cute things (she came to us knowing a lot already, such as sit, speak, wait, leave it, come, off, down, etc). My brother taught her to roll over, I taught her how to whisper (instead of barking like when I say "speak", when I say "whisper" she does a very quiet "grr", so cute!). And we also have this thing where I say, "Lily, you have stinky breath!" And she'll go bark bark! And then I'll say, "Lily, do you need a breath mint?" And she'll go barkbarkbark!! And then I give her a doggy breath mint. :) They're really smart dogs, I'm sure you know that with having a half-corgi already. He'll probably try to herd you. At mealtimes, Lily nudges the back of my legs with her nose (some corgis will actually nip the back of your legs!) toward where we keep the dog food, ha ha. She also herds her toys, if she fetches a ball she won't bring it back to me but she will bring it back to her pile of other toys and balls, like herding them all together. :p So silly! Anyway, that's my corgi ramble for the day. Congrats on your soon-to-be new puppy! I want to see lots and lots of pictures. :)

Txarmywife, I hope you got the info you needed to ease you mind about your hubby's job and were able to go to the doctor or ER. Please update us when you are able to - I hope you don't have to get admitted, but if that's the best thing right now then I hope they take good care of you and get you a lot of relief. Big hugs to you and feel better soon!

I'm doing well today, finally nothing is hurting or acting up! The hip is feeling better, neck is still fine, GERD is behaving itself and tummy & guts are good. Hopefully everything stays feeling good for the long weekend ahead! I hope everyone else has a good weekend, and happy Memorial Day if you celebrate it. I won't be doing much myself, hubby has to work Sat & Sun as usual and then we thought we might go kayaking on the holiday on Monday, but now it sounds like it's going to rain. :( Boo! So, I will get stuff done around the house and in the yard and probably not do much else. Anyone else have fun plans for the long weekend?
Oh my gosh TxArmyWife, you should have gone to the ER if you were throwing up blood. That is NOTHING to mess with. Your husband cannot get in trouble because of your health. That was a LEGITIMATE reason to go to the ER! I know I sound like I'm yelling, but you are not going to lose your income and house because you need medical attention. If he needs to go to work, then you need to go to the ER alone. When I have been hospitalized my husband has gone to work, and my husband's commander was confused as to why he came in. Please don't continue to let his army stuff get ahead of your health. I promise you they want you to be in good health. I know there might be other things going on that your husband's commanders might be mad at, but they can't get mad at your health, you were not forcing yourself to throw up blood. I'm worried about you!

If you are officially diagnosed, then you are suppose to enroll in the EFMP program. But it will only be used if your husband gets orders to go OCONUS. I am not enrolled in the EFMP program because my diagnosis isn't solid enough yet. The purpose of the program is to ensure that dependents of the military will have all the healthcare they need, so EFMP has to be done before you get command sponsorship to go OCONUS with your husband if he gets OCONUS orders. Technically, if I enrolled in EFMP right now, they might reject me and EROD me (early return of dependants), because I do not have proper healthcare here for my disease. Usually if you are enrolled in EFMP they make sure you are at the bases near the army hospital here in Germany, called Ladnstuhl. We are three and a half hours away from the hospital, and I have appointments there sometimes, and I don't mind the drive to see an american specialist. My rheumy is German, and I like him as well, but I am only being seen by him because they did not have the time to see me at landstuhl. So, in a nutshell, enroll if you might be PCSing soon and you might get an OCONUS base, and only enroll if your diagnosis is solid. I hope this helps!

Please let us know if you make it to the ER. I hope you feel better soon!
Cat, you're right, he is a cardigan welsh corgi. :) I knew there were two different kinds, but I haven't really been paying attention to that. :p Kallie is very smart, and she does everything you were describing...she doesn't play fetch, she herds! When we take her for walks we go to this big field and let her off the leash to run, and she runs around my husband and I and tries to herd us. :p My in-laws are here for memorial day weekend, and we were just down there and she was herding all four of us! So funny. :p She knows all the normal stuff, but whats weird is when I taught her down, she forgot shake. She had known shake since she was a puppy, and I teach down with a very similar hand gesture (palm down vs palm up), and she just completely forgot it. We have tried to reteach it to her and she refuses like she just doesn't want to shake anymore. :p

I can't wait to pick him up! The breeder is keeping a diary of how all the puppies are doing every day, and todays entry was how our dog and three other puppies went to the vet, so they went for their first car ride. :D Just picturing them in the car makes me so happy! She also has been uploading videos of all the little guys, and yesterday she posted a video of her calling them inside for dinner, and all of them bounded into their "puppy room" to chow down on some dry puppy food. I recognized Adrian in the mix and I got so excited to see him bound across the floor. :) The breeder is so sad she is having to give them up....they still have three available, and one is a runt so there are keeping her longer, so 4 puppies total, and she is so happy that she still gets to keep them a little longer. I feel so bad taking one of them away from her but I know she can't keep them all! The joys of being a breeder I guess!
I was hoping to see a friend today, and really needed to, but of course I was not well enough to go. Not happy about getting my results Monday, I really really don't think that I can cope with another normal result.

Discovered my cat has roundworms, but the drops she has (fle, roundworm, tick, mite monthly, dual wormer 3 monthly) are doing their job by killing them and "expelling" them, so no need to panic or take her to the Vet, when I phoned they said I was doing everything right. I had noticed she was bloated, and a little lethargic at times, so now I know the reason.

Also found out a lovely lady, a neighbour of my Nan&Grandad, has bone cancer. The prognosis is good. What is distressing is that she had breast cancer last year, told the Drs she was in pain, and got fobbed off with "it's from your scar tissue". Of course she is a Nurse and knew it wasn't.

Another neighbour of my grandparents (again a truly lovely lady) comitted suicide a little while ago, in (excuse me for saying this) a dramatic and very tragic way. What with another neighbour in trouble, and the fact that I saw in local paper another poor soul tried to commit suicide this week in the same way, I am rather upset right now. These people have been part of my life for 15 years and are all kind people who would drop anything and come running if my grandparents needed anything. Their next door neighbours just moved away which I can easily deal with, but not the above you know?
Allie, so I guessed right, he is a cardi - I'm assuming he has a tail then? I'm not sure if Lily was born with a tail or not - if so, they cropped it. Some pemmies are naturally born without tails and some are born with, but for show dogs they're not supposed to have tails (Lily's first owner bought her to put her in dog shows) so she might have been cropped, which seems mean to me. For some reason though cardis are allowed to have tails if they're show dogs - makes no sense to me! So yeah, just because of that pemmies usually are tail-less and cardis have tails.

And how funny, Lily forgot how to shake for a little while there too! I have been working on it with her lately and she's much better now. It seemed to happen around the time she learned roll over - I don't know if she concentrated so hard on the new trick that she forgot an old one, or what. The latest thing I've been teaching her is "shake off", as in shake the water off when she gets out of the bath. Sometimes when I'm bathing her, she'll start shaking off the water while she's still in the tub, and needless to say I and the entire bathroom get soaked! So, now when I finish bathing her and she gets out of the tub, I throw a towel over her and then tell her "shake off" and she does, and all the water stays in the towel instead of going everywhere. So far so good with that! She's such a smartie, it just took a few times and she seems to be getting the idea and she hasn't gotten that one confused with "shake" so far either. :)
Star, sorry to hear about all that. :( When I got my cat as a kitten, she was very ill and had worms and mites and fleas and you name it. She had diarrhea too (her original name was Poo Poo Kitty but I changed it to Lydia shortly afterwards). But she recovered from all that just fine and is now a healthy (and fat) 9 year old cat. I'm sure your cat will be fine too, give her a big cuddle for me! And as for the other stuff, particularly the suicide stuff, that all sounds just horrible and so tragic. I hope the person with cancer can make a full recovery too. I have a friend who had cancer years ago, and I didn't realize this until she mentioned it recently, but apparently you're not considered "cancer-free" until your cancer has been in remission for over 7 years. She just hit the 7 year mark. That seems like forever to wait, what a scary thing! I guess in a way it's similar to IBD in that it never really leaves you totally and even in remission you're wondering if it's going to come back or what tomorrow is going to bring. Anyway, I hope all these bad situations get better, and I really hope you get some good, worthwhile, not "normal" results on Monday! Please keep us posted, I have my fingers crossed for you and will be waiting on pins & needles.
Thanks Cat, have noticed my cat has been so much better since she passed the worms, more alert and her belly feels much more normal, i've just given it a rub and it's feeling so much better. No signs apart from slightly lethargic and bloated before they came out.

We lost our last cat at just 5 due to liver failure (unknown cause) so Lily is used to being watched with a close eye and being poked here and there to check all is okay on a regular basis lol.

She is due her next flea/worm drops next week anyway so that'll be a fresh, full strength dose going in.
Star, I'm sure your cat just loves being poked and prodded regularly, ha ha. :p My cat would hate it, I don't think many cats would like that! But hopefully she knows it's for her own good and that you're just making sure she's still okay. I can't imagine losing a cat at only age 5, how sad that must have been. :( My family had just one cat when I was growing up and she lived to be 18 (frankly she was very ill and too old and should have been put down at 17, but it was my dad's cat and he refused to euthanize her until it was clear that she was too sick and going downhill very rapidly). I'm hoping Lydia lives for a long time to come, too (and I hope that unlike my dad, I am able to recognize when it's time to say good-bye and not make the animal suffer just to keep it alive longer). I hope your Lily feels all better soon!
Kallie does the same thing in the bath! If I'm not holding her or touching her somehow, she shakes and gets water EVERYWHERE. So she was taught "Shake it out" for the very same reason! How funny! Adrian has a pretty long tail, black with a white tip. :) In the videos his tail is just a wagging, and you can tell it apart from the others because of the white tip. So cute! I am already so attached to this little guy, I can't wait to see how I feel once I actually hold him. :) The breeder has already told us how it will go, we will take a walk with Kallie on a leash and Adrian will be held (she said he is still too young to go for walks! How precious!), and then out in the field they can play and see how they like eachother. I just can't wait to hold him. :D I wish my husband was more excited! He keeps telling me I have fallen hard for this little guy. :)

Star, I'm so sorry about your grandparents neighbors. Their families are in my prayers. I'm sure your grandparents will get through this!
Allie, I hope Kallie gets along with Adrian (or whatever you end up naming him). Lily isn't the nicest dog to puppies, sometimes she seems to like knocking them over! My neighbor has two corgis, Jimmy and Dani, and when Dani was a puppy she'd have playdates with Lily sometimes, but we'd really have to keep an eye on Lily and sometimes separate the two of them because Lily doesn't know her own strength and wouuld kind of beat up on little Dani and knock her over a lot (Lily was like 50 lbs and Dani was maybe 10 or 15 lbs!). But now that Dani is a year old and mostly grown up, Lily could care less and will only knock Dani over if Dani is really pestering her or in the way (the last time it happened, Lily was running and Dani got right in her path, Lily couldn't stop and so just plowed over her and Dani actually hurt her paw a little bit). So, don't get discouraged if Kallie doesn't take to the puppy right away, some dogs just aren't that fond of puppies but are fine with slightly older dogs.
Oh wow! How interesting! I actually really hope that they get along, because this breeder is very strict on who can buy her puppies. I'm afraid that if she did something like that, the breeder would tell us we can't have him. :( I've seen her around puppies before, and she did just fine. She isn't the kind of dog to play with other dogs though, but she does know how to herd them. My in-laws have a yorkie and he loves to escape from their house and run around the house in circles, and if you tell Kallie "go get rhett" she will herd him back into the house. Its actually quite funny to watch. :p
Your dogs both sound lovely, and so cute!

Usually I will have a check on Lily when she's all sleepy/happy/dopey on my bed- there isn;t much resistance! Just looking through her paws, have a good feel around all over for lumps/bumps etc. She is used to it and kind of gets a "oh. this again" look on her face lol. She realises though with things like flea/worm drops, the more still she stays in position, the quicker we are done and she can run out of the room lol. She did go through a phase where she decided she didn't like it and was going to wriggle- so we had to use a towel for a time- neither party likes that- but last month or two she was really good for us.

And yes, it was incredibly hard to lose our last cat, Phoebe, at such a young age. She had been sick with one thing or another for a long time, and although she was only 1/4 siamese it came out very strongly. For example the delicate stomach, totally normal for her to vomit multiple times a week, we just got used to it, bless her. When Lily rarely does it, I tell her about Phoebe, her previous owners (we got her at 5 months) obviously were harsh when she did it as she gets a terribly worried look on her little face, and she is 7 next month, so all this time later and she still gets so anxious (although not fearful like she was :( ). We are very matter of fact when it happens, chat away in a postive tone while we clean it up and then a big fuss after to reassure her. Makes me so mad she was treated badly. I mean cat sick is just as normal to us as something like a sneeze we got so used to it with Phoebe! Lily just does it once every few months!
I kind of wonder if it's a Napoleon complex thing with Lily, being so short she feels like she has to be tough or something like that. She really likes playing with big/tall dogs, but small dogs and especially puppies are a target for her. She's nice to the cat though and the cat is only 13 lbs (she will sometimes try to "dominate" the cat, which in Lily's case she puts her head on top of the cat's neck to show she's taller and therefore is dominant and wins, but she's never knocked over the cat or treated her like she did Dani - the cat only gets mildly perturbed, not knocked over). Anyway, if Kallie plays well with other puppies then I'd say that's a good sign. She's not super short, right? I think in Lily's case it's just a height thing mostly. She's got issues, ha ha.
Star, you mentioned frequent vomiting with your old cat - was the vomit mostly food, or hairballs, or something else? My cat vomits food pretty often (I actually don't know how often, as it's mostly comprised of food, my dog will eat it if she finds it before I do - you might want to rethink saying my dog sounds lovely, ha ha!). I think it's just because Lydia eats too much at once, she's a bit fat and can be kind of a pig at the food dish. She's got a small frame but weighs 13 lbs and has a bit of a tummy! (For comparison, our old cat that lived to be 18 was always very skinny and weighed something like 4 lbs.) I think vomiting is just a cat thing, and I'm just hoping she's not vomiting an inordinate amount and the dog is eating it all (though that might explain why it's taking forever for my dog to lose weight!). The vet has never found anything wrong with my cat except for crystals in her urine that could have turned into stones - we put her on special prescription food to take care of that so from what they can see, she's perfectly fine. My guess is just that she overeats.
Yeah it was food with Phoebe, she just had a delicate stomach I think as Siamese cats do tend towards that.
Unless your kitty loses alot of weight in a short time I wouldn't worry too much :) You know your kitty best and if she has a little pot belly and eats alot at once, then that sounds like it would be the cause.
Eeeeeeeeeeew is all I can say to your dog eating it, but on the upside you have no clean-up of gross cat sick!
Thought id update...went to ER this morning who sent me to L&D. Baby was fine and kicking away do they cleared me and sent me back down to ER. I ended up getting transferred to the large civilian hospital and admitted. Still don't have any answers as few labs were even run yet. Internal medicine admitting dr who was very nice said GI & OB will come by tomorrow. Hopefully we will figure out something. I'm hoping this isn't another long hospital stay but I'm at least glad maybe I'll get some answers. I'm still throwing up blood but not in the volume and intensity as that initial one last night. I'll keep y'all updated and appreciate all the support
Hi lovelies, sorry to read that a lot of you are feeling unwell :( I've been reading, just been so busy with work and study, and things to reply to anyone's posts.

In regards to my boyfriend's stance on painkillers, we've agreed that he's going to stop being a jerk. I did placate him by booking an appt with my GP, to discuss some non NSAID painkillers, I'll have that on Monday. Boyfriend's main concern is that, according to some research he's been doing, is that painkillers can disrupt, or kill off the bacteria in the stomach and other areas that apparently can contribute to IBD. I'm not so sure myself, but my GP seemed to know a lot last time I saw her, so I can ask her opinion.

I've been having this really odd feeling lately, it feels kind of like my lower bowel on the left lower quadrant is either twisted or blocked somehow. It feels, oddly enough, like it's stuck to my hip. Sounds odd, I know, but thats the only way I can think to describe it. Walking makes i
t worse as well. I'll just add that to the list to talk about with my GP.
Boyfriend's birthday tomorow, we've made about three batches of different Salsa for a Mexican night. I guess I'm going hungry again! Had to make two banoffee chesecakes right off the back of a busy shift at work, I'm so tired I could sleep for days!
I am so jealous of your Corgis! I have always wanted one, they're just the cutest! My family recently had to put down our Springer Spaniel, the house is quite empty without a dog! I might lobby for a Corgi.
Had another GI appointment today.....ran another round of blood work, started to do some new meds, and scheduled me for my first colonoscopy. Oh joy. Apparently having your gallbladder removed and a previous bowel resection really clouds the picture. I asked about a trial run of steroids, but she wouldn't sign off on that so she gets a better picture of my guts at the colonoscopy. Makes sense, but it's not scheduled until June 19 so I'm not too thrilled about another month of feeling like crap. Plus I have family in from out of town all weekend......which I enjoy, but not when I feel so lousy!!!! My charming husband got a pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms, and onions for this reason. Of course I ate some to be polite, and of course I'm already paying for it 10 minutes later. *sigh*

Txarmywife, I'm glad they're getting you some help!!! Keeping my fingers crossed theyll be able to get some answers to go along with it. Throwing up blood is no joke!!!

And I've loved everyone's posts about their pets. It's sorta ironic that people with tummy troubles have pets with tummy troubles too......talk about a sympathetic bond!!!
@txarmywife - im so glad that baby is doing fine. you're in the right place to hopefully gets some answers soon - because mums need major looking after too! feel better soon xx

@chell - glad you're going to the GP! didnt know you were taking NSAIDS.. your boyfriend is right, theyre really not good to take for this type of thing. but hopefully your doc can offer some alternatives

@estrella - ive heard that having your gallbladder being removed can make IBS or bowel problems significantly worse. good luck with your colonoscopy next month! the test didnt take long for me - and the gas and air is fab! i didnt opt for the sedation, but my friend said that was good :) i hope they give you a nice bowel prep - mine was awful! (i had klean-prep) please let us know how you get on xx

im off to a ladies night tonight with my work friends! im really looking forward to it.
im also a bit nervous.. i wont know where to put my eyes as there will be strippers there :eek::eek::eek: hahaha.. im such a prude! i cant even watch people kiss on tv!!!.. so i think a few cocktails are in order...
deary me...
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I am so glad you went! If you were admitted then I am really glad you didn't wait....thank goodness they can keep an eye on your symptoms and figure it out! I am very relieved that you are getting the help you need. Keep us posted! I hope you aren't there for awhile (I hate staying in the hospital just as much, I avoid it at all cost), but I also hope you get the help you need.
Txarmywife, I hope you get somewhere and don't have to be in the hospital too long. Give us an update when you are able to. Sending you a big hug!

Estrella, with regards to pets and tummy issues - I know that dogs and I think cats too can actually get IBD! I have a co-worker who's dog has IBD and the dog takes pred every day. I'm very glad my pets don't have IBD, my cat is just a bit of an over-eater from what I can tell but that's it. Good luck with your scope, and I hope the next few weeks go by quickly. I see you're in the US so you'll get good sedation (apparently in the UK, the sedation they get doesn't really knock them out, but here in the US we get the good stuff so you will feel knocked out and won't remember a thing from the scope).

Chell, so if I read that right, you have been taking NSAIDs? Those are a big no-no if you've got IBD, and your boyfriend is right, they can mess with your gut bacteria and they can also sometimes cause stuff like bleeding & ulcers. Just before I became ill, I had been taking a lot of ibuprofen and I had been under a lot of stress, and it's my thought that both of those may have contributed to me developing IBD. Long story short, no NSAIDs! You can take Tylenol/acetaminophen (it might have a different name in the UK?) as that's not an NSAID. Take it in moderation though, as it is metabolized in the liver and can cause liver issues if you overdo it. Talking to your doctor is probably best and I'm glad you have an appointment. And yes, ha ha, I love corgis and I have a smart silly fat corgi. They're great dogs - the only real issue is that they shed a LOT so if you do get a corgi, invest in a good brush and a good vacuum cleaner and be prepared to find dog hair everywhere - on your clothes, in your food, etc. There's a "fluffy" variety of corgis, I just have a regular corgi and hair goes everywhere - I couldn't imagine having a fluffy! I think I would drown in dog hair, ha ha. :p

Bozzy, I hope your ladies' night went well! It sounds, um, interesting, ha ha. ;)

Allie, how are you doing today? Better I hope?

Star, how's Miss Lily Kitty today? How are you doing?

As for me, so yesterday you guys may recall I said that I was finally feeling well and nothing was acting up. I spoke too soon, that good day was just one day and today I'm super nauseous! It's not a flare of food poisoning though, it's just something I really shouldn't have eaten. See, we had one of hubby's cousins over for dinner yesterday. She's got Lyme disease as well as some other tick-borne illnesses and has really struggled the past few years. She's going through a rough divorce and just moved to our city so we wanted to cheer her up and make her feel welcome. She has a lot of food issues too so we went low-res for dinner with baked chicken, baked potatoes, and some steamed veggies. That was all fine with me. But, hubby's cousin wanted to bring something to the meal, and she brought dessert. This girl doesn't do sugar or dairy so she made cookies with all sorts of alternative ingredients like sunflower oil and coconut flour and carob chips - no sugar, no chocolate, no butter, no gluten, etc. They didn't taste very good, and I only had one cookie, but I seem to be paying for it dearly today! I know that coconut oil does awful things to me so it was a big risk eating something with coconut flour, but I had never tried coconut flour and so I gave it a shot. Big mistake! My body has been quite upset with me, I've been very nauseous all morning and have "gone" 6 times today already and it's not even 10 AM yet (no d yet but each stool is a little looser than the last, no vomiting yet either but I hate vomiting and refuse to unless there is no other choice). Bleh! No more coconut products for me, it seems I just can't do coconut in any form (which is sad because I absolutely love coconut). How funny, I can do regular cookies with all their sugar and gluten and butter deliciousness, but I can't do healthy "cookies". (Cookies is in quotes because I don't think these even qualified as cookies!) Oh well, if this means I need to rest up over the long weekend, I can. I usually clean the house on the weekends while hubby is at work, but we already cleaned our house for his cousin to come over so everything is spotless right now. I'll have to do laundry and dishes and that's about it, so that's nice anyway. I've got some movies queued up on Netflix and I've got some crocheting to do so that'll be that if I still feel like this over the next few days. Bleh. I hope everyone else can have a restful weekend too with good tummy days (avoid coconut!).
Chell, I'm glad your bf is letting up a little bit on the painkillers. If you want something stronger than tylenol, but not as strong as vicodin, then I strongly suggest Tramadol. It has the same risks of addiction and withdrawal, but it lasts 8 hours instead of 4 (so you need only up to three a day), and it isn't as strong so you can continue to do your normal activities. I have used it for 18 months now and I highly suggest it.

Estrella, good luck with the colonoscopy!

Bozzy, have fun tonight!

I had my rheumy appointment today (I only go every three months), and it went well just like last time. I am in a MAJOR flare right now (every time I go back into a flare its worse than the last one), and I made sure he felt my stomach, because I could feel the inflammation, so I knew he would be able to feel it. He felt it with no problem, watched me wince in pain, made sure the pain wasn't radiating into my back, and told me this has to be figure out, because something is severely inflammed. His first instinct was my spleen, but that has been ruled out by ultrasound. I mentioned surgery just to get this over with (since I have had so many other tests with no answers), and he winced, so I know he doesn't like that idea. Which is funny because he is a surgeon! He suggested an MRI, which I haven't had before. His nurse said "why not just a CT scan" and he said "because they already did a CT, it didn't show anything". But he knows somethings wrong. The pain has been awful lately...the inflammation is so bad you can tell by just lightly touching my stomach. When the pain was at its worst, when I touched my stomach I almost passed out. It was very scary, but I knew it was just my body cannot handle that much pain.

So I am staying on tramadol while my in-laws are here, because they are very active...we walked and were on our feet for at least 5 hours today. :( Stuart told them at dinner that they need to consider my illness when planning the rest of the weekend, but I don't want them to be bothered by it. It will be like having to plan around being with a grandmother or something. >.< They still don't like to acknowledge that I'm sick anyway....they watch me wince in pain, wear a medical bracelet, and go to a rheumy appointment where they say something is really wrong, and they ignore it all. When we were in the states Stuart said right in front of them that I would be in a wheelchair while we went Christmas shopping, and they still ignored it. I wish it wasn't that way, but I guess they just want to pretend I'm a healthy 22 year-old that married their son, not a very sick 22 year-old that married their son. :(
Thanks for clarifying for me, Cat and Allie :) i didnt know it was so bad, boyfriend is fond of scare tactics in situation like this. I've not heard of tylenol, but I'll talk to GP on Monday about other painkillers.

Was mexican night today, for bf's 21st. The whole family was there, and they have a tendancy to force feed. So, I had a small handful of nachos and guacamole. Went to loo no fewer than six times in about two hours. Bf embarrased me by making a joke about it, wanted to shrivel up and die :(
Our family friend has chrons, so he polietely smiled, but he understood, so that's okay, I just don't want attention or sympathy when ithers have it worse.
If i keep getting forcefed, I'm going to have to start buying shares in Andrex!
Allie, so you are going to have an MRI? You probably saw me mention this to Bozzy already, but make sure to dress warm! I was freezing cold during my MRI. It should be fine otherwise though, they give you a panic button to press in case you need to come out of the machine for any reason, and they can talk to you the whole time and you can listen to music too. It was one of the easier tests I've had done, and I say that regardless of the fact that I had a bad reaction to the IV contrast dye they used! I would still rather have another MRI than another c-scope. So, good luck with it, I hope it can find the issue and that it's nothing too awful and something they can fix easily.

You've mentioned problems with your in-laws before, how sad that they still don't "get it." I know that I have vented about my father-in-law before and how he made me cry and stuff, but he's gotten a lot better lately so it is possible for in-laws to "get it" and change their behavior. And believe me, it's not your problem, it's theirs! If you can't walk around a lot or do much, then I say you stay on your couch or in bed and rest. If they want to go out by themselves, fine, and if they want to stay in and chat or watch movies with you, fine. Don't put your health at greater risk just to appease them. It's not worth it. They're not showing you any respect so why should you show them any? Hang in there - they go home soon, right? Big hugs, dear, not much longer now and they'll be gone, and then you'll have a new puppy to cuddle! There's a light at the end of the tunnel!

I hope everyone has a good weekend. It's looking like it's going to alternately rain and be super hot here (the high on Sunday is 94 but they're saying it could be 100 degrees - too hot for me!) so I'll probably be sitting inside doing crafts and work around the house. I'm feeling better although still not great, but I feel like I could do some sewing and organize my closet and stuff like that. I hope you guys have a good and tummy-friendly weekend!
Chell, I think Tylenol is called paracetamol in the UK. I couldn't remember the name before but it just came to me. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to be sure, but I am pretty sure that paracetamol is the same as our Tylenol/acetaminophen, and isn't an NSAID and is safe to take with IBD. Like I said, just don't overdo it or your liver may not be too happy.

And that's not good about being forced to eat unsafe foods and then being made fun of for going to the bathroom! That's not cool at all. I'm glad you have a family friend who understands but your boyfriend shouldn't be saying things like that in the first place - how would he like it? Maybe put some laxatives in his next meal and then say embarassing things to him in front of other people! (No, seriously don't, but wouldn't that be satisfying? *evil grin*) As for being forced to eat at get-togethers, you don't have to eat just because others are pressuring you to. I usually bring some safe food with me, I throw an Ensure or some crackers into my purse in case there isn't anything I can eat when I get there. I would rather look like a weirdo than get sick, you know? So like I told Allie, it isn't your problem, it's theirs! If they think you're weird for eating your own safe food, that's their problem! Don't make yourself eat unsafe foods, it just isn't worth it (especially if your boyfriend is going to be making comments about it later).
Chell, I am also being force-fed by family!!!! Hahaha, I actually created an advice post today to see if anyone has ideas on how to politely save myself. But at least they haven't force fed me Mexican!!! Sheesh, I feel your pain.
Ah, paracetamol. Oddly enough, they tend to not work with me. I think I built up a tollerance to then due to bad periods when I was much younger.
I just talked boyfriend down, he just didnt realise how much he upset, I think he was just trying to make a joke so I didn't feel uncomfortable.
He's a really good guy, but I think this is wearing him down as much as it is me.
I think I'll keep some soup in my bag for situations, I'll text boyfriend's mum tomorrow about it. She's the nurturing type is all, not bad or unkind, just sonetimes a little unthinking.
I'm a lot like you, estrella, I tend to eat the food so Im not rude or ungreatful and wont upset anyone.
Sorry, vent. So glad I found you guys that understand :ghug:

Yeah guys, I know how ya feel with the 'force feeding'. When I'm feeling sick my appetite just isn't the same, and for a while I was losing weight because I was following my gut, so to say, on when to eat, and family and my girlfriend's family were always thinking I didn't like what was there.

Blech. I was saying I had been doing worse by the day before. Not much has changed. The pain has levelled, so I can ignore that, but oh I've started feeling tired and nauseous. I also feel blocked right up, like someone poured cement down my drain.

I told my doctor to hold off on the repeat of the small bowel followthrough just last week because I was starting to feel better and didn't want to have a test when I was feeling well. What a frustrating situation.
Update...still don't have answers. They've had me NPO most of the time here and the few times they've let me had liquids I've thrown them up. Even a sip with medicine :( needless to say I'm starving! I'm desperately hoping I can try to eat again soon although I must admit the pain is worse when I eat. But baby is making me very hungry even though I feel sick. GI finally came by today. I'm waiting on the head GI to come by but the resident mentioned probably going on prednisone since its worked for me...which I will take with open arms at this point. I'm on contact restriction (everyone has to come in with gowns and gloves) until my c diff and some other test come back. The internal med dr (admitting dr) discussed doing an X-ray to check for obstruction and an endo/colonoscopy. OB cleared me for the scope but I'm worried about the X-ray while pregnant. I plan to discuss it with them further if they ever come back in my room :) had an ultrasound of baby who's doing good and measuring right on target...and he's still a boy :) now just to get clearer answers as the plan for me and hopefully some food!! They said is prob be here for longer than they first thought. I haven't been throwing up nearly as much blood. I am concerned however because I was going D 5-15 times prior to coming in and haven't gone at all in 3 days. Although I appreciate the break, they're concerned for an obstruction ESP since my pain is getting worse :(
TXArmy wife, I'm sorry you still don't have answers. I know when I was hospitilized that the entire weekend I was there I didn't see a doctor because they had the weekends off, as well as the technicians that did all the tests, so it was a waiting game at that point. I hope they have you on some pain killers to ease the pain (I don't know if they can while you are pregnant but I hope you can). If you are still passing gas, but not actual stool, you might not have an obstruction, just an fyi. But I'm sure your doctors know what they are doing. :)

Well, today has been a really bad day for me. This was the second day of sightseeing with the in-laws, and by the time we were at a restaurant I just snapped because I am so tired and in so much pain. There are just no spoons left, NONE. With my in-laws liking to ignore my illness no matter how hard I try to talk to them about it, I waited until they went into the restaurant (ahead of me and Stuart), and I just lost it. My husband is acting just like them, and he told me to "Grow Up" and tried to drag me into the restaurant. We had a fight because he was talking down to me as I was crying because of my pain and exhaustion, and the spat lasted so long his mom came back out and then pointed towards me and told my husband, "this isn't going to work".

I feel so insulted right now, and so alone. My husband is being just as cold as they are, and he is literally ignoring how all of this walking and activity has just broken me. We got home after sitting at the restaurant and he refused to talk to me about any of it, just made me take a bath, forced me to take my sleeping pills hours earlier than normal, and left me in the bedroom while he stays with his parents in the living room. I feel so ganged up on and treated like I'm am being a baby about my illness. I just can't wait until they leave...this is just Christmas all over again. They all want to be in their perfect little world, and I am the bad apple they just want to ignore. At this rate I'm going to pass out tomorrow, because tomorrow's plans are to walk around two different towns a few hours from here. My in-laws are just never going to care about my illness, and my husband is following their lead on how to treat the situation. Which I totally don't understand...one of Stuart's grandmother's has been having health issues lately, and Stuart's mom thinks most of it is her just complaining more than she should, but when she visits them they just hang out in the living room and chill, and she is wheeled around in a wheelchair so that she doesn't have to exert more energy. They always say she is being dramatic, but they don't treat her the same way as they do me. They make sure that when they visit that they don't plans things that will cause her to be miserable. Why can't it be the same as me? I'm not making this up, I'm in real pain, and I have a serious health condition that needs to be acknowledged. All I'm asking for is a little consideration for the limited about of spoons I have, thats it.

Maybe I will just have to stay home tomorrow while the three of them drive and walk all over Germany......:(. At least I would get some majorly needed peace and quiet and I would be able to do whatever the heck I want.......and not deal with them ignoring my limping, sighing, wincing, and taking Tramadol like its candy. I really don't think it is worth it to go, but if I don't go there are going to think I'm lazy and over-exaggerating the entire situation.

Its sad, we have been getting along so much better lately, and I have been opening up to them about my childhood and other things, and they love all of that, but they hate everything that has to do with my illness. I just want a little compassion, not judgement and the cold shoulder.

Sorry about the rant...like I said, its been a really bad day.
Oh no! That sounds awful! I cant believe his mother came outside and said what she did! Who is she to meddle in your relationship!?
Its not fair for them to bully you like that...
i hope they give you a rest tomorrow! X
TX: Oh dear. Best of luck to you. I hope you get this sorted as soon as possible! Also, it's good that no shady doctors would do sex change surgery on a child that young behind it's mothers back. Or under her skin as the situation may be. :p

Allie: Not good. That is not right at all. Not at all. Maybe I don't know much about the world, but here's my view such as it is.

It's your life. You enjoy it for you. Don't listen to someone else on when to go to sleep (With regards to making you take your sleeping pills early), nor where to eat. The way you were treated is unacceptable in any situation, certainly even more so for a spouse.

I know I'm nothing to ya, here's my advice, take a day for yourself, cool your head. Then after that, if they try and drag you along on their merry little circus show and you're not feeling it, just say no. Do things because you want to do them, not out of misguided charity to extended family who care nothing about you, seemingly.

Anyways, I don't know if my advice is worth anything. I hope it is. But if not, I'm just some monkey on a keyboard. Do know that even if you were being dramatic and malingering, that treatment is unacceptable. How much more so since you are really in pain?

Best of it all to both of ya!
Boy, seems like we're having a rotten weekend all around!!!! Here's some sympathy and empathy for everyone else stuck in the flare boat.
Allie, :( I think what you said is best, stay home tomorrow and rest up or do what you feel like doing. When my father-in-law went on his little tirade against me, he said things like my marriage (to his son) will fail (he also said that he thought I was either faking my illness or just that it was not possible to be sick all the time/as sick as I said I was). It was really awful and I know just what you're going through. Fortunately for me, my mother-in-law did not take part in his angry drunken rant against me, she stayed supportive and gave me a big hug and told me to call her anytime I needed to talk. It sounds like your m-i-l is the main bad guy here, is your f-i-l going along with her or is he being at least a little supportive of you? My hubby wasn't exactly supportive of me during my f-i-l's rant, my m-i-l was my only friend in the room during that time. It got better for me, I hope things get better for you too. Your hubby needs to know (after his parents leave, when you have a chance to really talk) how much this hurts you, that you're not purposely trying to inconvenience anyone, and that regardless of what his parents do or say, he is your husband and he needs to be in your corner fighting for you. Believe me, I had a similar conversation with my hubby. He didn't fully "get it" though until he got kidney stones. My f-i-l "got it" eventually, I think because my m-i-l told him he better be nice to me and that my illness is real. Anyway, I hope you stay home and get some time to yourself tomorrow. Hang in there, big hugs. Take care of yourself! I hope things get better (or at least that your in-laws go home really soon and leave you alone!).

Txarmywife, how are you doing now? Have you been able to poo or eat anything? Feeling any better at all? I hope they figure out what's going on and get you some relief. It's good to hear that baby is doing well at any rate (I giggled at the part where you said he's still a boy, ha ha!). Hang in there, a big hug for you too and I hope you're not stuck in the hospital much longer.

How's everyone else doing? I'm surprisingly well considering how crappy I felt yesterday. I felt so terrible because I ate a little bit of coconut flour (apparently I can't do coconut in any form, even in very small amounts). But I'm feeling much better today, I was able to run some errands and walk the dog and do some yard work too. And the best news, hubby got out of work early today and he doesn't have to work tomorrow and I don't have to work Monday! This means we have two days off where we actually get to spend time together, that hasn't happened in almost a year! (I normally work Mon-Fri and he works Sat & Sun.) So, we decided to go buy a bunch of paint and we're going to paint our living room, kitchen, and hallway. I'm so excited, that's a looooong overdue project (we bought the house in 2008 and have been meaning to paint ever since!). We got a new doorbell too and a couple new light fixtures. Yay house improvements! Our house is old and ugly and needs a lot of work, so this will be a major step in the right direction. :) I'm excited! I hope everyone else is doing okay, big hugs to all.
Thank everyone. Not feeling up to responding to everyone individually. It's been a very rough day for me. Still don't know anything. They finally let me have some liquids so I enjoyed some tomato soup and Popsicles. They ended up giving me a suppository to see if that would make me go...horrible idea! I'm so sick now and once again having terrible d/mucous only bms. Had some issues with the nursing staff today :( a nurse made a few med errors...gave me another patients medicine instead which resulted in prolonged pain for me and my kidneys now hurting :( now having issues with my current nurse. I'm not happy and feel once again helpless in this awful medical system. Add that to the stress of whatever it is in dealing with and beig so hungry I'm just at my end. Praying tomorrow's a better day and sounds like many of y'all could use a better day tomorrow too! So let's make it a good one!
Thanks everyone. Nathan, you are right, I really shouldn't be treated that way. My husband calls himself my "caregiver", and I told him yesterday that is not going to work anymore, because he is treating me like a child.

I'm not going to be going anywhere today, even if I felt like it. Hubby is dead set on me staying home. He isn't going anywhere either, so my in-laws will be spending a day in Germany alone, I think. The jet-lag is getting to them and they are tired too. So we shall see.

I've tried to talk to my husband about how he was treating me, but he wasn't responding and was just trying to get me to do other things (aka bath/meds/get in bed). I really don't understand why he is being so cold and mean. I guess I will try and talk to him when his parents leave, maybe he won't be so hard and cold.

TXArmywife, that is terrible that they gave you the wrong meds. I cannot believe someone would do that!!! I really hope whatever those meds were for that it doesn't cause too much damage. And I hope you have a better day today!
Allie im sorry for all that's been going on with you while your inlaws are in town. Sounds awful. I will say that my husband and I rarely fight. We've been married 4 yrs...but as soon as we go home to visit family we some how start to fight. Maybe that's the case and when they leave you'll go back to your routine and heal from the hurt you've felt this weekend.

I was given someone's high blood pressure medicine instead of my pain medicine. The mistake wasn't caught until I was in tremendous pain even after the "pain medicine" was given. I also started having horrible kidney pain and didn't know why. The mistake was then told to me and of course my reaction was is my baby ok. The med that was given is a cat b for pregnancy thankfully and thankfully my blood pressure (which has been very low while here already) hasn't dropped too low because of this error. I just hope no further problems happen because of this error. I understand nurses are human and make mistakes. This nurse also gave me too much pain medicine today also which I think after the initial mistake she tried to hide that she gave me too much. I plan to report the situation in hopes to prevent future problems like this from happening because it could have been much worse.

Now hopefully I get answers soon and am able to sleep and eat eventually! Today has to be better for us right? :)

He needs to realize that he is not your caregiver. Even if he does take care of you 24/7, that doesn't make him your caregiver. He is your husband, and one of the stipulations of that is through sickness or health. It goes both ways, you're there to help each other whenever you're feeling down and out. You didn't plan to end up needing the most help, but that's the thing about it, you don't get to choose how much you're going to help beforehand, it's an as needed thing.

TX: Oh dear, hope that stuff doesn't happen again. Having a rough bit aren't ya?

As for me, I dodged a bullet last night. When I went out to get a rental movie for tonight, I started hurting bad. Every time I moved I'd almost be bent over in pain, and it was extremely tender to touch. If it'd gotten constant, or even stayed as it was, I'd have needed to go to the hospital.

Yesterday was not a good day, really tired the last few days. I slept almost all day yesterday, only up for a few hours to go to work, have a bite to eat, then went back to sleep, and up again 8-11ish, then back to sleep for the night. Hope this week is better than last one. :ysmile:
TXArmyWife, I cannot believe they did that still! I know that nurses are humans too, but if that happened with a medication that could do major damage they would be in soooo much trouble. I hope the blood pressure medication gets out of your system and you start to feel better!

Nathan, you are right again. I am very grateful that he helps take care of me, but he does need to be my husband first, and treat me like an adult. I'm sorry you are in pain too and I agree, I hope this coming week is better than last week!

Good luck with your test results star! I hope they show something to help you get towards a better diagnosis.

We have stayed home today while his parents went out and explored Germany on their own, and he has been his normal self while they were gone. I have been exhausted and in a lot of pain today, so I have stayed in my recliner working on a custom order for my blanket business (A baby blanket sized afghan for a dog, a yorkie to be exact, with little puppy bones and the puppies name on it :) ), but I am still not very comfortable. Its already 8pm here, so I will probably go to bed soon. Last night, after I talked to you guys, I fell asleep sitting up with my fingers still on my laptop keyboard. o_O My husband woke me up when he came into the bedroom and moved the laptop. It was kinda funny but kind of annoying too because I had business stuff I wanted to do.

I wanted to share this with you guys, especially you Jamie..... our new Corgi puppy's ears have popped up, and now he looks like a true corgi! He is so cute! This photo was taken yesterday by the breeder, and he looks a little different...he seems to have a lot more brown on his face! He is so so so cute. :D I want him in my arms NOW, not a week from now! He will be such a great little guy to have to keep me busy and keep me happy through this nasty illness. We already tell Kallie she is such a great therapy dog. :)

http://www.feenringcorgis.de/images/stories/26.5.12 adrian.jpg

Have a great Sunday guys!
Awww cute puppy!! We have great Danes so im always a sucker for cute little puppies since Danes just don't stay little long! When we got Tigger she was 45 lbs @ 10 wks :-/ I got to carry her for a week before I couldn't anymore haha.

Anyways I'm feeling better today. They've switched me to a full diet tonight so I'm looking forward to feeding baby and me! My parents drove in from Houston (about 3 hrs) to visit and come get our toddler to stay with them for the week. It looks like I'll be here at least til Wednesday because Tuesday is the earliest we can do the scope. They want to hold off on the prednisone until after the scope so I'm just holding tight until then trying to control the pain and nausea. X-ray didn't show an obstruction so that's good :) having terrible D again but not puking blood anymore thankfully.
Sooo just got word my stool sample came back positive for c diff. I thought my symptoms sounded familiar to it and I have been on a lot of antibiotics recently. Looks like we are starting to figure out the pieces to the puzzle!!
I'm so sorry you have C diff! I don't have any personal experience with it but I have heard some nasty stories about it. :( That's good that you will be able to eat again!

One of my friends here has a Great Dane, and I totally understand where you are coming from on the size thing. Her Great Dane is 9 months old and is almost 100 pounds. Crazy! I'm shocked you held him the first week! My corgi/lab mix is only 22 pounds and I have trouble holding her.

I hope they get you some answers from the scope! Hang in there!
Allie, PUPPY!!! He's so cute, I love the ears. :) I'm glad you spent the day home and away from the in-laws, and I hope things improve.

Star, GOOD LUCK tomorrow!! Still got my fingers crossed for you.

Txarmywife, sorry to hear it's c diff, but now at least they can treat it and hopefully get you feeling a lot better. Good luck with the scope too!

Nathan, sorry to hear you're not doing well lately. I hope things improve soon!

This is going to be a short reply, ha ha. Hubby and I spent all day, literally starting at 9 AM and just wrapped up (it's 5:30 pm here) and I'm exhausted! It's really hard work painting, I had no idea. So tired now! Going to veg out and prepare for day 2 of painting tomorrow.
Well I am really upset I can't deny it.
PET/CT totally normal :( Another failure.
Reluctantly agreed to a pred trial (30mg for 14 days, then 25,20,15,10,5,each for 5 days so 39 days total). Talked about Azathoiprine after that.

Did some blood tests FBC, ESR, and the inflammation markers CRP,C3,C4 to get a before picture and i'm to repeat these after the trial.

Trying not to look at this as the end but a pause in my journey. Think I will do the Aza and look for and get a referral to an Imunologist. Maybe it is my immune system. Something is producing this inflammation. It is in my blood not in my head!

Going to ask for a second opinion on scan pictures, another Rheumy to look over my notes and I think it's about time I looked at my medical file (takes time but can be done). So I can review it and highlight anything at my next clinic appointment in 6-8 weeks (typical they couldn't book me in today so got to wait).
I think you made a good choice with doing the pred trial. My pred trial brought me a lot of good things: proof it wasn't IBS/Fibro/all in my head, and after I stopped the pred my disease came back full force, stronger than before, and I was able to show the doctors more about my illness (joint inflammation/abdominal inflammation was worse and warm to the touch). Because the pred worked I got put on a more long-term med for my illness, and was given a rough diagnosis. I know you feel like the pred will hide your symptoms and your won't get any abnormal test results, but that isn't always the case. I think you tried your hardest with regular tests, and now you are trying another route that might get you somewhere. You aren't giving up! I hope the pred works for you and that you feel better soon!
Oh, Star, I was thinking of you today. I'm so sorry the results weren't want you wanted, I can empathise with you there for sure.
I went to see my GP today, for what good that did. According to her, I just have severe IBS, and that I can't have IBD because my scopes came back normal. I had to push her to get her to send a letter to my doctor at the hospital regarding the pill cam, as she asked if I wanted more tests. I was like, yes, give me all of the tests!
I said I was worried about having Chrons, as my friend has it very bad, and we share similar symptoms, and she laughs at me. She doesn't want to do any more blood tests till August, despite that I've not had my inflamatory markers tested since December.
Also, she says I can't have Chron's because of nothing in Colon, as I understand, it can appear anywhere and everywhere through the digestive tract?
She printed me off a load of useless IBS information, and booked me an appt with a dietician, that will be fun with all my trigger foods.
I left with a prescription of Ammytriptyline, which I am very uneasy about taking. No other IBS meds have worked, why will this one?
Oh, in the IBS literature, it specifically said, if a sufferer of severe IBS does not respond to meds, they are sent for councelling.
I just went home and cried :(

(edit because I forgot something!)
I had such a great day yesterday. Took an early nap to be able to go to a baseball game with my husband, son, and father in law. Despite walking about 2 miles to get there (and back) in about 85 degree heat, I did great. Today was pretty good too.....went out this afternoon on a "date" while Grandpa babysat. All good, until I ate half a hot dog. BIG mistake. I am curled up in some pretty fantastic distress right now. Guess they're on my list of unsafe foods.

And not only do I really like hot dogs, there's a whole thread about Chronies who get along with hot dogs just fine. I want to yell at the universe right now!!!!!
I too am sorry Chell :( Normal scopes don't equal IBS, still loads and loads of the small bowel to look at (both scopes only peek into either end). Hopefully you can get a Pill Cam and it will lead somewhere.
You're right, your GP is talking rubbish, UC is confined to the colon and CD can occur exactly where you said. Maybe it's time for a new GP? If mine said that to me I would have no confidence left in them.
I had the Ami, it worked quite well for a few years before becoming ineffective. And if you don't want to see the dietician no-one can force you.

estrella, it sucks you can't have one of your favourite foods, I can relate for sure! It's just insulting isn't it when others can have it.

I'm pretty depressed today, haven't broken the news to anyone outside of the forum yet, but if i'm going to start the pred soon I need to tell my mother. I'm a bit lost as to what to do next so if anyone has any pointers i'd be grateful. There are just no tests left for me to try so it seems like a new Dr is in order, since I have exhausted a GI, Rheumy and Endocriologist. I will do the pred but at the moment I am not happy to go onto Aza after.
Star...I'm sorry the test didn't give you any answers :( I know it can be frustrating. Hopefully the Pred will work for you and you'll start to feel better.

Chell...maybe the dietician will help you work out a plan that'll help you get what you need nutritionally but still avoid the foods that trigger you. Im sorry your dr is being that way it really sounds like you need a new one!

Estrella...glad u were able to go out and have some fun!! Was the hot dog cooked ok? I ask just because of listeria which can cause problems. Maybe you can try to eat them again another time since u like them so much.

Allie & cat...how r y'all?

As for me I'm still in the hospital and looks like I'll be here for a while. This c diff is no joke! They started me on Vancomycin in addition to the Flagyl to be "aggressive" in treating it. Also switched my pain meds to Fentanyl which seems to be working a lot better. The pain is unimaginable. I'm bloated and feel like my intestines are exploding...they're very gassy although I'm not passing any. I can just feel them popping/bubbling/gurgling and its very intense! The pain is now all over with the most intense pain being on my left side. I'm not throwing up anymore although I feel like I'm going to. Baby is doing good. They want to hold off on the scope and treating a flare until after c diff passes. But waiting to see c diff improves enough for them to at least do an endoscopy to check out the cause for vomiting blood. It's a wait and see right now.
Star, so sorry to hear about the test results. :( But for what it's worth, pred may just change your life - it did for me as I'm sure you already know. I haven't tried Aza/Imuran yet myself, but my understanding is that it takes awhile to kick in, so you might want to ask about starting that one around the same time that you start the pred - that way, it should be starting to work by the time you taper off pred. Anyway, good luck with the meds. It shouldn't be hard to tell your mother - this is a good thing, I promise! I'm taking a diagnostic break myself but remission is really great. Just think, if you can hit remission too then you could move out of your mother's place and get your life back! Try to be hopeful, I am really hopeful for you with these meds. If you respond well, and I hope you do, then you should feel so much better in no time on the pred and Aza should keep you feeling better. Or if you really do feel it's IBD as opposed to another AI illness, you could ask for something milder than Aza, like Pentasa/Asacol. I think Aza might be your best bet though as it should work regardless of whether it's IBD or something else immune-related. Anyway, I've been on pred and I love the stuff, it made me feel like superwoman. I hope it has the same effect on you or at least makes you feel lots better! Big hugs, I know this isn't quite what you wanted, but it really could be a very positive thing regardless. (And if pred does work then you KNOW for certain it's not IBS/all in your head/etc, and more importantly, your doctors will know that as well.)

Txarmywife, sorry to hear you're still in the hospital but I'm glad you're getting better pain medication finally. I hope the c diff goes away soon, it sounds awful! And I hope you're not stuck in the hospital too much longer either. Get some rest if you can, and keep us posted on how the scopes go.

Chell, as Star said, Crohn's can manifest anywhere in the digestive tract, literally from mouth to anus, and the scopes only see a tiny bit of either end and can't see the vast majority of the small intestine. So keep pushing for the pill cam as it can see the entirety of the small intestine! And I agree that finding a new GP might also be worthwhile. And as for Amitriptyline, I've been on 25 mg of it for something like 1.5 years now. I mainly continue on it because it prevents my migraines pretty effectively, and it helps me fall asleep at night. But I don't think it's had any effect on my guts - my GI told me it will "calm" them but I haven't noticed any such thing. It might work for you or it might work in other ways (like with my migraines) so give it a try at least.

Allie, did your in-laws go home yet? How are you doing?

Estrella, there's too much weird stuff in hot dogs so I don't touch them. I don't do pork but I used to eat turkey hot dogs before I became ill, but nowadays I don't touch that stuff. Even stuff like turkey bacon doesn't agree with me! I think it's the additives because I can do regular turkey just fine. So perhaps try to find a pretty "natural" hot dog with the fewest additives/chemicals possible, and give that a try? I don't know if such a thing exists but it's worth looking for. Or, maybe turkey dogs (or tofu dogs?) would agree with you better than pork/beef hot dogs? Just a thought. Feel better soon!

As for me, for the most part I'm doing good. Pretty exhausted though and my guts are not super happy today. Hubby and I spent Sunday & yesterday painting our house. It was a ton of work but we finished yesterday afternoon and decided to get some food to celebrate. I really was hankering for real pizza with lots of cheese, so we got some. I stuffed my face and just felt really bloated afterwards, and then during the night I had to get up several times to run to the bathroom and have d. I didn't sleep well at all although the d seems to have stopped now. I can't complain too much, I knowingly ate a large amount of unsafe foods so I brought this on myself, and I'm not feeling too terribly bad (I felt much worse after eating that one cookie with coconut flour in it). I hope everyone else is doing okay today?
I lost my long post but here it is briefly- i'll do the pred and it would be wonderful if I felt better, but I still wouldn't know what was wrong with me or if it was going to come back. That's not something I think I can live with so I have to consider lots of things before discussing the Aza with Rheumy. At the moment I will take the pred trial as a break where hopefully I will feel better, but I am not automatically going on to Aza after as they want me to.

I still think I have IBD but I doubt myself again of course now...
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Star, my rheumy said the same thing to me when I started my pred trial, that it would not get me any closer to a diagnosis, but when I came back with great results from it, he gave me a diagnosis based on the pred trial and my long list of symptoms. Don't give up hope! You have seen how well Cat and I have done with pred trials. Like she said, this is a good thing!

TXArmywife, I'm sorry you are still in the hospital, but it sounds like you are doing a little better! I'm glad the baby is fine and that they have you atleast a little more comfortable right now. I hope the C Diff clears up fast and that you can get out of there as soon as you can.

Cat, your house looks great! I was looking at the pictures on Facebook this morning. The accent walls look awesome. :) Sorry your guts aren't happy! I hope they calm down soon.

Well, I am still in a really bad flare, and today was a bad day, so I'm pretty grumpy at the moment. I just haven't had time to rest to try and beat this flare, with the in-laws here the past weekend, and now this crazy week ahead, I just feel a little defeated. Today the landlord was here all day working on a shutter that broke in the living room (over here in Germany they have shutters on every house that roll down and up, and the strap that we use to raise and lower them snapped), and he left at 3 saying he will be back tomorrow to do it all over again. Tomorrow night is auditions for the next play, a murder mystery, and then Thursday night is a military ball for my husband's unit. I'm so tired thinking about all this makes me stressed. >.< On top of it all my husband's car broke down last week (a fuse blew and now it doesn't tell you how much gas you have and stuff like that) so he has been taking my MINI, and I hate being stuck at the house with no car.

I want to ween off the Tramadol, like I always have wanted to do, and I still have reasons why I'm not going to be able to. With this flare my pain is through the roof, so I have had to take atleast 3 a day to stay comfortable. My PCM made my prescription less the last time, telling me to take an *average* of two a day. I am still mad she made me bargain for my pain meds. I am tired of feeling guilty for taking a VERY mild opiate so that I can try and lead a normal life. Every time I try and take less something comes up. I'm not addicted, I only take it when absolutely necessary, and I shouldn't be treated like an addict.

I translated my letter from my rheumy today, and it indeed says he found inflammation and "abdominal thickening" where my pain is, and that it needs to be investigated. He suggests that it might be my spleen, and if it is it is the MCTD attacking it, and that I need to go on a stronger drug. But I know its not my spleen, they checked that the last time a doctor felt the swelling. So, hopefully the MRI shows whats really inflammed, whether its my intestines (outer or inner wall) or the tissue in between.

Hopefully I can just get myself to Sunday and get that puppy in my arms and everything will be ok. :p Hopefully the flare won't get in the way with how busy I will be taking care of him!
I'm so tired. I literally can hardly keep my eyes open except after a big cup of tea, and even that doesn't last very long. I go to sleep early, wake up as late as I can, and have naps but it doesn't change anything.

What can I do to help this!?
Gculk, I've been stuggling with really bad fatigue lately too. :( And then when nighttime gets here, my pain is so bad I can't sleep! :(

Have you tried B12 tablets? Sometimes inflammation can cause you to not absorb nutrients correctly, including B12. B12 helps with energy and metabolism. I have a deficiency, so I have to take it, and when I do it helps with my energy levels. My husband also takes it (in a different form) to help him kickstart his day since he has to be up at 5am everyday.
Star, yes, what you said is true. I still have this illness inside of me, even though it's currently dormant, and I don't know for sure what it is and I do know that it can come back at any time. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try fighting it! You could go on this way forever, being ill and trying to get diagnosed, but you can also try meds to get some relief from the battle for awhile. There's no shame in that, you're not giving up (in fact you're fighting it harder in my opinion because you're finally throwing some real firepower at it!). Pred can be a scary idea, but if it helps it is SO worth it. Believe me, I am speaking from experience here! You said you don't think you can live with the thought that your illness could come back at any time - believe me, it's MUCH harder living with active illness than with the ever-looming threat of possible illness. That's just a "what-if" as far as I'm concerned. I'll never be totally normal or well, I am well aware of that. But so far I've been in remission for about a year now and it's been a great year, I wouldn't do a thing differently (except maybe I'd avoid my trigger foods better!). If my illness comes back tomorrow, I won't regret having gone this route - it was the best choice for me, especially considering I had limited testing options left. And if my illness comes back in a year or a few years, then I'll have more testing options as it'll have been awhile since I had the scopes & scans, etc. Anyway, I'm rambling a bit, but honestly - try to look at the positive side of this, I promise there is a big upside to trying pred and Aza too! Allie and I have both had good experiences trying pred, it turned everything around for both of us! Allie got a tentative diagnosis, and I got remission. Both are good things! And yes, neither of us have a full diagnosis yet, but things are better for me now than they were before, by a lot (I don't want to speak for Allie but I'm guessing she'll say the same thing). Seriously, it'll work out for the best, I truly believe that this will be a great thing for you. And if nothing else, it'll rule out IBS!! :) Hang in there, I know you're still not too happy about all this, but try to chin up! You're still fighting the battle, you're just using a weapon now instead of your bare fists. :)

Allie, that does sound like a very hectic week! House repairs plus car repairs at the same time, no fun! And a flare on top of that just sounds awful. :( I'm guessing your hubby might have already tried talking you out of doing the musical so that you could rest up instead, so I'll just say break a leg but don't overdo it. :) Do you have the MRI scheduled yet? Good luck with it, hopefully it can get a good picture of what is inflamed. And I can't wait to see more puppy pictures!! I hope Sunday comes quickly for you! Do you have a name picked out for the puppy yet? There is this fluffy pemmie corgi I've seen on the internet, his name is Pudge - that's such a cute name! Lily came with her name so I couldn't change it (it's on her AKC paperwork and everything - her full name is actually Callalily Star, she had to have a longer silly name since she was going to be a dog show dog). I would be tempted to give a slightly silly name such as Pudge if it were me naming a corgi pup. They're such silly dogs, a name like Lily is sometimes far too serious! :p Ha ha. Whatever name you pick, I'm sure it'll be adorable on the little fella. :)

Nathan, it sounds like you're in a flare? Fatigue is a very common symptom. If you do have IBD (or anything autoimmune really), just think about it - your own immune system is attacking healthy tissue. So that's taking some of your energy for your body to attack itself. And then, the soft tissue has to try to heal and repair itself, so that's also taking energy. It's like when you have the flu, your body spends all its energy fighting the virus and you feel so wiped out. Well, this is like double that because your body is fighting itself AND trying to heal itself all at the same time! So it's certainly understandable that you're so fatigued. Get to the doctor if you can, see if they can run more tests, even blood tests to check your vitamin levels (like how Allie mentioned with B12, have them check your D and iron too). And hang in there, hopefully the flare won't last much longer!

And speaking of B12, I just took mine. :) My B12 has always been in the normal range, but seeing as how I do seem to have some form of IBD, I want to keep my B12 normal so I take a tablet every day. I do the sublingual lozenges, you just stick one under your tongue and let it dissolve. Apparently by taking it that way, a bit of the B12 absorbs directly into the bloodstream (don't ask me how, I read it in another thread ages ago on here!). That or liquid B12 are supposed to be very good methods of taking it, better than just swallowing a capsule. So if you look into B12 supplements, I'd personally suggest the sublingual losenges. I've been taking them for something like 2 years now and my B12 hasn't dropped out of the normal range yet!
Thank you so much for all the kind words, really really helps me.

Allie, if the Pred works will be wonderful but Rheumy pretty much said Pred then on to Aza, no re-look or evaluation in terms of testing/dx after or in between.

I'm starting the Pred Sunday since I am hoping to see a friend Thurs and then family Saturday, and I don't want those messed up. Mon& Tues are public holidays because of the Queens Diamond Jubilee so someone will be home with me for the first 3 Pred days.
We have picked out a name, Bentley to be exact. :) He already has a name (Adrian) and its on his German paperwork, but I do want to still change the name because Adrian sounds way too much like a human name than a dog's name. I can't wait until we get him!!! I think the name Callalily Star is very pretty. :) I think it matches her quite well, at least from the pictures I have seen!

My husband actually hasn't said anything about not going to the auditions..its not a musical this time, which is good. I guess he knows I love theater so much I won't miss the opportunity to be involved in it. :)

Star, I still hope it works out for you!
Star, if it helps, here is how pred went for me the first time. I was in a flare. I had just tried several IBS meds with no luck, they did nothing. I wanted to try pred but I was getting burned out trying meds and didn't want to be disappointed if another one didn't work, particularly an IBD med, so I really didn't have high hopes. I took the first pill and tried to forget about it. Then, about an hour later as I was driving to work, I noticed that the music on my car stereo sounded better than it usually did. My head started bopping along and I started singing along. This was WAY out of character for me, mornings were always the worst for me and I normally just sat like a zombie in traffic. I just started feeling GOOD, and this was only an hour into my first pill? I really didn't want to believe it. But the day went great, I found myself smiling and laughing more than usual and I just felt good the whole day. And by the end of the day? My symptoms were GONE. Totally gone! I felt so jazzed! I felt like I wanted to break out into song and dance like in a musical! (That would have been scary for everyone as I can't sing or dance, ha ha.) The only issue I had was that I had a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep, but I felt so good that I didn't really care. :p Pred made me feel amazing and I had such energy and no symptoms - it was wonderful! (Later I read through the potential side effects again, and I saw that "euphoria" was one of the potential side effects - yep, I definitely got that one!) So, it's okay to be skeptical of it, but if you're anything like me on pred, your skepticism might go out the window pretty quickly. :) Just my experience. Some people complain about pred, but I have nothing but good things to say about it. Euphoria aside, it made my symptoms stop in their tracks and I got a lovely little respite and it did put me a step closer to a diagnosis.

Good luck with it - I'll keep an eye on this thread on Sunday as I want to see Allie's puppy photos and I want to know how your first day of pred goes! So you two, keep us posted. :) Puppies and pred, two of my favorite things. Ha ha.
Hey guys, thanks for the suggestions, will try B12 out and get that checked.

God am I regretting not getting more tests booked last week when I was feeling a bit better. I'm really sick to my stomach, literally all day the last few days. Thank god I haven't puked, but there've been some close calls. Also, move the wrong way and I get dry heaves.

I generally know when it's peaked and I'm going to get a few days 'recovery'. It's not even slowing down yet. Still getting worse by the day. Doc's thursday. Hopefully the fact that I've lost a few pounds despite eating not a bite less than normal will get her moving.

Thanks again,
Hello everyone. I come by and read once in a while, but I don't really have much to add. Nothing has really changed for me. I went off the plaquenil, and I can now say that it was definitely helping, but it was also causing side effects. I don't think it was helping enough to be worth it. That said, my pains are worse and my hair loss is worse again.

Here's the important part of the post:

I got these clip-in Jessica Simpson bangs off Amazon and they're really pretty nice. They just came in the mail today so I put them on and cut them a bit to go with my own face and stuff. I do have a few 'no-name' bangs coming from China in the next couple weeks so I'll try to update everyone on that as well, but so far, clip-in bangs are way better than a wig. can't even feel that you have them on and Im not sweating like I would in a wig.

I'll take a picture and post when I'm having a better day. I'm pretty sure my rheumatologist has all but dropped me as a patient. I like/d her, but her adversity to treatment with medicine, I think, puts me at a disadvantage. Despite what everyone else in my life wants, I'm going to do my own thing for a while. once again I'm in collections for my medical bills. woooee.

<3 to all of you.
Hi Carrie, I had wondered how you were doing! I see you on facebook every so often and you seem to post normal/happy type stuff so I had hoped that meant you were doing better. I'm sorry to hear everything is still the same or worse. :( Are you still having issues with waking up in the night to heave/vomit? I recall thinking that sounded like a particularly awful symptom - not that anything we go through is nice, but that one sounded really terrible. Hang in there, I hope your health at least is stable and that you can get the medical bills taken care of with a minimum of hassle. Big hugs to you!

Nathan, are you doing any better today? Good luck at the doctor tomorrow and of course keep us posted!

I'm doing pretty well today. Went to the gym and totally rocked it. :p I hadn't been to the gym in a week, due to the coconut incident and then the holiday, so it felt really good to exercise properly again. I feel like a total weirdo at work though - my gym is in the basement of my workplace (it's for employees only). And I am just about the only person who uses the gym. I have had so many co-workers approach me and say things like, "You use the gym a lot? When do you go? I *really* need to work out but (insert excuses here) but maybe I'll join you someday." But they never go or they go once and then never again. :p I feel like they look at me weird because I usually go work out 3 days per week. A co-worker just today asked me, "Oh, are you going to the gym? I need to walk more but (more excuses) but maybe someday." I wanted to say, "Seriously, you have no real excuse, you're just lazy! I have IBD for f's sake and GERD and arthritis too, but you don't see me skipping the gym due to that stuff and those could actually be legitimate reasons for not exercising, but really they just make me want to exercise harder so I can conquer my illnesses!" I kept my mouth shut though. I just hate hearing stuff like, "Oh, I don't have time for the gym, I am not motivated enough, blah blah blah." Why do people think I care about their excuses? If they don't want to go to the gym, fine - I like working out alone anyway! ;)

Anyway, that was a fun ramble. :p How's everyone else doing today?
Hi Cat :) I'm not waking up to that scenario very often, but I've also made a concerted effort to stick to softer foods in the evening. I'm still waking up nauseous, but zofran helps.
Well that's good, Zofran is something I always have on hand too (I keep some at home and some in my purse). Fortunately I don't have to use it much nowadays, typically only when I eat something I shouldn't.

I'm intrigued by the clip on bangs, too. My hair has always been so thin/fine, and it did start falling out back when I started on Entocort, although biotin seems to have mostly stopped that. My hair is getting too long, maybe I'll cut it short and use what I cut off to fashion myself some clip-in hair. :p I wonder how difficult it would be to do that myself...
Hi gang! I'm not feeling up to replying to everyone but I've been looking at the posts and praying those who are having a rough time get relief soon. I'm praying for y'all.

Update: I'm still not improving. Had another episode of vomiting. My pain is worse and more wide spread now. Before it was localized to my upper left quadrant and now it's my entire abdomen and wraps around to my back. They started me on vanco enemas in addition to the vanco and Flagyl by mouth. They fear the antibiotics arent getting to my colon due to severe inflammation. Good news is there was nothing of concern that they saw on the X-ray from Monday. My ultrasound yesterday showed sludge in my gallbladder but otherwise ok. (They just checked my pancreas/gallbladder) they also added a colorectal surgeon to my team just in case I need surgery. He was very nice and said as things stand right now he wouldnt want to do surgery especially because I'm pregnant. But if I continue to decline then removal of the colon might have to be considered. So more waiting and praying these antibiotics do their job and rid me of this dreaded c diff so then we can focus on the ibd
Carrie, I do sew but have never sewn hair and I hadn't heard of wefting before. Sounds a bit complicated! I'm intrigued, but I don't think I'm skilled enough in intricate little sewing like that, and I would probably just make a big mess out of it.

Tx, sorry to hear that you're still not improving. :( And I hope you can keep your colon! It's a scary thought and I hope it doesn't come to that - but if it does, then I hope it's for the best and makes you feel lots better. Still, I do hope you avoid surgery and can start improving soon. Baby still doing okay? I don't suppose you'll be able to leave the hospital any time soon? Hang in there dear, it sounds like they're doing what they can to get you feeling better, and I hope things improve greatly and soon. Big hugs to you!

I'm doing okay today but probably going to have a reflux attack soon, my own fault of course. Peanut butter seems to be one of my worst GERD triggers. And you know those little mini chocolate peanut butter cups? I saw some in the store today and just couldn't resist and bought some and I just ate like 7 of them! They were sooooo goooooood but I'm going to pay for it, ha ha. Otherwise I'm good, looking forward to the weekend as there's this bike ride thing I want to do. They shut down some major city streets to car traffic and let people ride their bikes (and jog and rollerblade) in the middle of the streets for a day. It's a 5 mile route which is just about perfect for me and there's fun activities along the way and food and stuff, so it sounds really fun and I am excited especially because I have a new bike now - I can't wait! So I guess I need to avoid more trigger foods until then or I might be using every porta-potty along the route, ha ha. :p

How's everyone else today? Doing okay or at least not doing horribly?
Carrie: Oh dear, that's no good. Hope you feel better, and hope the bills aren't too bad, can't imagine what state I'd be in if I were down there with private health O.O thousands of dollars in tests and no answers.

Doing a bit better today in terms of pain and whatnot, but honestly, all the improvement (imo) is from just lying around all day and not moving my still tender gut. I still consider myself worse today than yesterday because of the difficulty getting out of bed. Still exhausted 24/7. GP is getting me to another GI for a second opinion, and trying zoloft to try for IBS/stress. Woopie.

Pre-post edit. When I went to pick up the zoloft at the pharmacy the pharmacist said that zoloft isn't usually used for IBS and couldn't find reference for it, so will call my doctor in the morning to see why she is prescribing it, then call me after.
Nathan, certain anti-depressants can work for IBS when taken in low doses (Amitriptyline is the one that springs to mind) but I also haven't heard of Zoloft being used for that. Possibly your GP just thinks you're depressed - I saw a GP once (not my usual GP fortunately) who I went to see when I was in a terrible flare. This GP looked at my chart for literally about 3 seconds, then told me I have IBS and said that I "look depressed" (is that a medical diagnosis?) and tried pushing Zoloft onto me. I said no way, that was actually the GP I demanded pred from and I got it (he made me try some IBS meds first, none of which worked). That particular GP didn't go so far as to say my symptoms are all in my head, but I'm sure he was thinking it and that's why he was trying to push Zoloft. Get some clear answers out of your GP as to her reasoning behind the Zoloft prescription, and if her thinking is similar then it might be time to find a new GP! I'm glad to hear you're getting a new GI, I hope that goes well. And I hope you improve soon and get some energy back. Keep us posted as to what your GP says about the Zoloft!
The past 24 hours have been a complete nightmare for me. Last night I broke down after the auditions, because the tramadol does not help my pain very well, and I try to just deal with the pain as much as I can and only take the tram if I absolutely cannot take the pain, and this flare has just worn be down. I'm VERY tired of the constant extreme pain, and trying to live a normal life while it feels like there is a knife or bullet lodged in my stomach. My husband tried to calm me down, and we decided that today was going to be a spoon day with lots of pain meds to give me some sort of a break. He was going to put a note on the front door telling my landlord to come back tomorrow to finish the shutter issue, and he put the shutters down in the bedroom so that I could sleep in. Well, he put it on the wrong door, and the landlord woke me up this morning. After they finished and left I had a huge attack of pain in my stomach...it felt like my intestines were being ripped to shreds. I crawled through the house (the pain was WAY too high to walk) and got pain meds, then collapsed on the couch and waited for it to pass. Once it passed, I was extremely weak and I was terribly sore from the ordeal. When my husband got home (he got home early to get ready for the military ball we went to tonight), I went to go get ready for the ball, and I couldn't walk because I was so weak. He insisted I stay home, but I would rather be in pain and be weak and be with him at the ball then sit at home alone (he was going whether I went or not), so I slowly got ready sitting down. The ball SUCKED. I almost passed out several times, and Stuart has now declared he is ordering me a wheelchair for situations like these. I feel very defeated right now. Once we got home I had another attack, so now Kallie is in bed with us trying to keep me calm and distract me from the pain. I'm suppose to go shopping tomorrow for the new puppy but I really doubt that is going to happen now.

Cat, I'm sorry your GERD is acting up! I would hate to have that on top of IBD. Having both of them with trigger foods must be so annoying! Lately I haven't been able to eat much, I couldn't imagine having to figure out safe foods for both problems.

Oh, so yesterday I got some bad news about Adrian the corgi pup. He has an abdominal hernia. :( The vet that found it says it does not require surgery and that it will heal on its own. The breeder offered us another puppy, or to keep Adrian, and after a couple emails back and forth we have decided to keep Adrian. She is confident it won't get worse, and it isn't causing him any pain or discomfort. Poor little guy. :(

Auditions last night were a lot of fun. I did amazing...not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm usually terrible at auditions, and I knew leaving that I will most likely get the part I want. They had more auditions tonight (that I didn't go to) and more people auditioned, which makes me kind of nervous since the two people that I know auditioned want the same part as me, but I'm trying not to think about it or worry about it.

Sorry this is so long! I am really out of it and I seem to type a lot when that happens....
Nathan, my GI said the exact opposite about Zoloft!!! I've been taking it for mild depression since '09, and she suggested that I talk to my GP about trying a different one since diarrhea can be a side effect of Zoloft (at least the generic version of it, which is what I take.)
Nathan, Zoloft is NOT used for IBS. It is not in the family of anti-depressants that are used for IBS. The ones that are used for IBS are completely different. Amitryptiline is used, as well as nortryptiline, but not zoloft. Estrella is right, Zoloft causes diarrhea. I was put on it by a nutty PA who thought all my pain was "in my head" and that it would magically dissappear with some antidepressants, and the month I took it I was having 20+ BM's a day instead of about 10. I hate zoloft!!!!
Allie, that sounds awful. :( Please, let your GP or rheumy know about everything that's happened with your pain and barely being able to walk and so on - hopefully then you won't have to bargain just to get more Tramadol. You might even want to ask for a higher dose of pred too, just to get you through this flare. Hang in there! I agree with your hubby, a wheelchair might not be a bad idea. I know that Sunshine got one recently too. I don't have one but I do have a cane in case my arthritis gets worse again. Actually it's hubby's cane - he's very fair skinned, and for some reason if his feet get sunburned, then they swell up like an allergic reaction and he can't walk easily, so I got him a cane ages ago for those rare ocurrences when he has sunburned & swollen feet. But he hasn't used his cane in years so I can use it if need be. Anyway, a wheelchair sounds like a good idea to me especially if you're doing that poorly. And call your doctor! And of course big hugs, I hope this passes soon. Although it sounds like you and puppy will both need to be calm and rest a bit so at least that part will work out okay! I'm glad to hear the puppy's hernia will heal on its own. You might be able to talk the breeder down to a slightly lower price as the puppy is slightly damaged? Lily's original owner got her at a discount price - she was $800 but should have been over $1000 - because Lily was the only puppy in her litter. She actually had a brother but he didn't survive, the breeders' had a small child who "hugged" the male puppy to death. :( But for most of her puppyhood she was an only pup, so they thought Lily would not be well socialized and sold her at a discount. Anyway, most of that sounds bad. :( I'm glad you rocked the audition - but you need to get well enough to perform in a play! So call your doctor, get more meds, take it easy, and enjoy that new puppy in a few days. And sorry that was so rambly. Big hugs!

Yeah, my GERD is triggered by peanut butter, refried beans, bananas, chocolate, tomatoes/tomato sauce, and anything really greasy/fried. My stomach in general is bothered by dairy (lactose intolerance) and red meat (I no longer seem to produce the enzyme necessary to digest beef after years of not eating it). And my IBD is triggered by coconut, nuts & seeds, corn/popcorn, anything fried or spicy, insoluble fiber (most fresh fruits & veggies), and about a million other things. It is hard keeping track of all that and sometimes I just want to eat a bunch of peanut butter. I know it's not good for me but even in remission I hate having to avoid like 75% of all foods, so at times I just eat them and deal with the consequences, which sometimes are minor and sometimes are quite bad. I think it's part denial - in remission I feel great, so why shouldn't I eat the things I want to? And part rebellion - my guts can't push me around, I'm going to eat what I want anyway! Ha ha. :p
I totally understand with the eating it anyway and being in denial...I do that all the time, especially when I am feeling better. :p When I was feeling better before the kidney infection I had started adding fresh fruit and veggies back in my diet...not that much, like a couple slices of cucumber or 1/4 of an apple a day, nothing big, and I loved it. Can't do that anymore! Its just so hard to keep to such a strict diet, especially when some of the trigger foods are foods you are suppose to be eating to be healthy. So confusing!

I wish they had upped my pred. :( I don't think my rheumy really understands my situation because of the language barrier. He was told everything that is wrong, in English, and I think he didn't understand all of it because all he has been trying to treat is my joints, not my abdomen inflammation. He said he felt a ton of inflammation during my appointment, but said my meds were at the right dose because my joints were fine. :( I told him the joints were after the abdomen inflammation, and they are caused by the same illness, and he just looked confused. :( So right now I'm not really being treated the right way. Hopefully once they find proof of what the inflammation actually is I can get a solid treatment.

Adrian's hernia isn't causing him any pain, and the breeder told me he won't have to be handled any special way because of it. Its very small, and it was only found because the vet checked for it. As he grows it will heal and strengthen. He is too young for long walks right now, which I see as a good thing since walks aren't really fun for me right now. I don't think he will be any cheaper because of the hernia though. I'm surprised Lily was cheaper being the only puppy.....Bonita, the first Corgi puppy we wanted, was the only puppy left in her litter and she was almost twice as expensive than Adrian!

Yeah, the only reason I'm even slightly considering the wheelchair right now is because of Sunshine. I know she hasn't been talking in the thread lately since she is doing very badly, and I know the wheelchair helps her. My arthritis doesn't make it hard to walk, but being this weak does. I just would hate the questions, the stares, and the critique I would get from being in a wheelchair. I'm sure a ton of strangers and even people I knew would criticize saying I am exaggerating. I know it would be needed often, but still, I just don't like it. :(
wow! took me ages to read all that lol.. Didn't realise I hadn't popped in for so long! MUCH love to you all! xoxo

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