I am not a Dr nor am I as experienced with crohns as most of the people on this forum but I thought that if you had a person showing GI signs and they had granuloma's on their biopsies that was pretty much diagnostic for IBD?
From my understanding at the time granuloma's are indeed indicative of Crohn's disease, however they are not specific to CD.
I don't know the full story but I am so sorry that Gab didn't get diagnosed the first time - I actually can't believe it - I hope you sued the ass of the Dr that missed it and I hope that they are no longer in practice (I am assuming that this is not the same Dr that you are seeing with JJ?).
Ok ~ this may upset some people, but I'm an honest person so I will just say it~ Yes, JJ is seeing the same GI.
NO, no law suits.
I am ok with this for now.
I will attempt to explain, and hopefully it makes sense
Recently back in November when I had to take Gab to the ER at Mayo, I guess her and I both had an AHA moment of sorts ?
We went in thinking that the sores on her resection scar were infection, or old sutures coming through.
We left with the knowledge that it was actually two fistulas
That being said, on the way home we started talking about her bad luck, this crazy disease, etc. We were in such disbelief that her disease was back so soon, and SO aggressively AGAIN.
That led us to bringing up her old ped GI ~ we started discussing the roller coaster ride we went through trying to get her diagnosed, and then getting her into remission, and now were right back on that ride.
We discussed the vast amount of meds that she has been on that have failed her, all the hospital admissions, tests, doctors appointments, etc. We discussed all of the doctors we BLAMED for her being such a mess inside when she finally had her first surgery.
Then one thing led to another and I was like hey, you know what ~ we have you in one of the top hospitals in the world, with a team of amazing doctors now. They have given you and your case amazing attention and medication and research and surgery and after care and now look at you. It's ALL back, and just as aggressive as it was when the ped GI was trying everything she knew how to help you.
We came to the conclusion that this was NOT all the previous doctors fault ~ its the damn diseases fault ! The amazing doctors she has NOW can't keep her disease from raging through her and they have every means available !
Anyhow, while I do still have many reservations about the doc still, I don't believe she was "liable". It's a VERY long story as to everything gab went through getting to this day, from when she was 9, and I couldn't possibly put it all here. But, I am comfortable right now letting this doc run the tests on JJ, the same tests that any other doctor would be doing at this point with him. Also, she knows Gab and her case very well and that is to our benefit at this stage in the game.
I don't intend on staying with her if he is diagnosed, but I'm not positive. She's usually willing to listen to us and is not opposed to discussing treatment and how WE feel about it and what WE want. I honestly wasn't educated enough on CD when gab was 9 to question things too much; so if I were to blame it ALL on that doc, than I am just as liable for Gabs illness quite frankly. :yrolleyes:
I hope that all makes sense ? Sorry, I didn't mean for this post to be this long either ~ trust me I could have gone on babbling much longer :lol: