Unfamiliar lump in lower left quadrant.

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Nov 23, 2012
Nova Scotia, Canada
Hey guys, new to this forum so not sure if this is the right area so excuse me if it is indeed the wrong sub-forum.

I recently have been in this flare just over 2 weeks. Been on a liquid diet for about 2 days now, but I keep getting this lump that protrudes whenever anything passes through. It significantly sticks out and is almost solid when it does. Just wondering what this could be? Have never noticed this before, at least not this severe so I'm a tad bit worried. I've been diagnosed for almost a year now, with Crohn's being in my small intestine.
Hi and welcome.

Where is the lump? Is it painful? Are you currently in a flare? Are you running a fever?

Sorry for all the questions.
The lump is in the lower left side of my stomach, by my hip. It's not a constant pain, but it is painful at times. I am in a flare and haven't eaten anything remotely close to a meal in 2 weeks. No fever whatsoever. I've had more severe flares and symptoms a lot like this. This just seems to be last much longer than usual.
I have the same thing but on my lower right, around the area of my appendix. That's also where my inflammation is located (TI), so I assumed it was inflamed tissue or scar tissue, and the bulging is caused by something passing through a narrowed area. It might settle down after a few more days on liquids?
Thanks guys. I ended up going to emerge because I was worried. The doctor took my blood, and my blood levels were perfect, as with every blood test I've had since I've had symptoms of crohns. He asked me about my diagnosis history ad I told him 5 scopes including 2 biopsy's came back as negative. I had to get an mri to be diagnosed. He found that unusual due to blood levels being off when suffering from crohns symptoms. He then suggested me to get tested for celiac. What do you guys think?

P.s: this doctor isn't my specialist, so it's a second opinion.
If you're currently on a gluten free diet their is no point in being tested...it will come back negative.
I would follow up with your GI. ER doctors don't know very much about things like IBD
Yeah, that doctor was a nimrod. I ended up at emerg last night again. Got treatment from a different doctor and she pretty much told me to disregard everything that doctor had told me. Reassuring me that I do most likely do have crohn's, because she actually went and looked at the records they had on file for me dating to 2 years ago when I first showed up there, as well as the MRI I had a few months back. They x-ray'd me and I have an unusual air bubble due to location, that is pretty big. There appears to be what seemed like a tiny obstruction. She said they contact me if it was when they found out for sure. In the meanwhile I'm on gut rest. Do you guys know if it's safe to eat popsicles while on gut rest?
Thanks everyone

And DJW, yeah I found that out after I posted that. Thanks though
My TI stricture would cause a visible lump on the lower right which would go down after 10 seconds or so with a big gurgle.

Does it last?
My TI stricture would cause a visible lump on the lower right which would go down after 10 seconds or so with a big gurgle.

Does it last?

That sounds similar. I too have a lump that is visible on my right side but it wasn't as big/hard as the one on my left.

By the sounds of it, I have to suck it up till Friday when I see my GI. I am not medicated at the moment. That's what my Friday appointment was for. Just a tad too late, eh? :shifty:

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