Update on Dusty's Matt

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Thinking of the two of you !!
:goodluck: Pre-op tomorrow !

Try and get a little rest tonight ! (ha...ya right!)

Good luck at the pre-op.. if it was anything like mine..it is very boring and they just did a heart test, blood, urine... speak to the anesthetist ...you know...the usual.
I hope everything goes smoothly :)

Big hugs sent your way :D
@Dex, As always, thanks mate! :kiss:

@Pen, Awwww thanks hun......:blush:......Yep, Pen still hangin' in there, :biggrin:! Not long now until D-Day......:eek2:

@T, Thanks for popping by mate when you have so much on your plate......:hug:. I reckon I might have to steal one of Matt's bedtime friends......Temaze!!! :lol:

@Wendy, Thanks buddy!......:hug:......Big day for you today and I will have you close in my thoughts, best of luck my friend......:goodluck:


I have never been to pre op clinic before and what an experience that was, 4 hours later we were finally released from captivity!

You ain't wrong Wendy......ECG, chest X-Ray, bloods, registration, nurse, clinic nurse, case manager, anaesthetist and surgical registrar. :yfaint:

When I spoke with the case manager I broached the stoma as it wasn't ticked on the sheet to see a stoma therapist. The surgeon did not flag stoma on any of the paper work but I wanted it raised in front of Matt anyway. She said that the surgeon would avoid it at all costs but that it could never really be ruled out completely. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong but I would hate to think that he woke up with a stoma without it ever having been mentioned since January. He seems to have taken it okay and said he understood that if the surgeon has no choice then so be it.

He is listed as a laparotomy and will have a vertical incision with an invisible continuous suture as closure, Sarah had this as well. He will have an indwelling catheter, probably a drain but no NG tube. Due to his weight they may put up some TPN for a few days post op. He has no bowel prep and I have to ring tomorrow afternoon to find out his fasting and admission time for Thursday.

Rest day tomorrow and then full steam ahead!

Thanks for all the love and support guys, :wub:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Ahh Dusty you got off easy with only 4 hours ! We had 7 ! :ylol::ylol:

Seriously tho, I think it is very positive news that Matt didn't even have an ostomy consultation scheduled ! Or that he didn't get "marked" ! I'm sure you remember my surprise, and fears, when Gab did...and the outcome. So, YIPPEEEE !! Things are really looking positive for Matt ! ( in my little ole opinion anyhow :eek:)

I hope you and Matt are having a little fun today !

Still thinking of you !
And here's to hoping his "bedtime friend" becomes your best friend !:beerchug:

Much love to you both !
Just like to wish you all the best Matt, you're an inspiration to all the young Crohnies out there!
Much love to you too Dusty, try and get some rest now, your strength and vitality will be needed post op.
Be thinking of you both come Thursday (it's on my calendar!)

I think that since Matt did not have a stoma consult that is a good sign. My doc mentioned the possibility of a stoma pre surgery and then told me that the odds were against it happening. I came out of surgery "stoma free". I am sure that will be the case for Matt.

Matt will come through this and be much better for it. From what I am reading in this thread, the outlook looks good to me!

Well be think about you folks on the 7th.
thinking of you :)
hang in... this long term treading water is exhausting ...isnt it...
things will get better Dusty :)

Please take care of yourself...
@T, 7 hours!!! You're right, we did get off easy. Matt seems fairly relaxed today, more than me I reckon! :lol:. Thanks hun......:wub:

@Joan, Thanks mate! Trying to rest, I promise I am!......:hug:

@Doug, I sure hope he doesn't have a stoma but after all the set backs we have I'm having trouble thinking too positively! :eek2:. Thanks mate for all the positive thoughts and wishes......:ghug:

@Wendy, Thanks for dropping by hun, I know you are going through a very tough time at present......:hug:. I reckon my head is just bobbing above the water line! :ylol:

@Dex, patience bro! Nothing to be gained by coming too soon!......:wink:

Well the call has gone in and Matt is fasting from midnight and is to be admitted to the peri-operative unit at 9:30am. The countdown is really on now, YIKES!!!

@Dex, patience bro! Nothing to be gained by coming too soon!......:wink:

Have you been talking to my wife behind my back???

Well you may be nervous (where did you find that nail biting emoticon anyway?), but at least you still got your :rof:!!

I can finally say tomorrow w/o feeling like I'm in a time warp!! Come on tomorrow and brighter days ahead for Matt!!
haha.. Dex

You both will get through this just like you all got through this with Sarah :D
Hopefully this will all be a think of the past in a few months!
Sending you warm thoughts and best wishes :)
I'm with the rest of you on this one (fingers going thump thump thump).

I hope you are feeling the love from far away Dusty.


Oh I am glad to see I'm not the only one who keeps checking in here...over and over and over....
Everybody breathe, the waiting is over......

Matt has just arrived back on the ward, 6pm our time. He went into theatre at about 12.30pm and in my nervous travels around the hospital I ran into the anaesthetics registrar a couple of times so he was giving me updates and reassuring me that although it was taking longer than planned it was going well.

So I haven't seen the surgeon yet, he is still in theatre so I don't have any of the finer details. What I do know from looking at him is......

He has no stoma and no NG tube.

He does have a urinary catheter and a drain, not the pigtail though!!!

He is very groggy and sore and the green button on the PCA is getting a wonderful workout.

Will update when I know more.

Thank you so much everyone for your wishes, prayers, support and love. I felt it all the way from over the various ponds!

Much love, :Karl:
I am so glad to hear this Dusty. I hope Matt is okay and can rest easy now.
Please get some rest too - and I hope Sarah is okay. Stress, huh?

What a family...
Happy dance :banana::luigi:!!! Great news Dusty!! The urinary catheter and drain are normal procedure I presume?? I hope so, I know Matt is tired of appliances!! :banana::luigi:
Oh Dusty, this is all great news. I'm so happy for you all. You and Matt have been in my thoughts so much. All our thoughts and prayers will continue as Matt recovers. Love and hugs to you all. :ghug:
That is such wonderful news, I hope he has a speedy recovery!! Sometimes being relieved of the pain that got you to surgery makes the post op pain pale in comparison.
Lots of hugs! !!!

this is great news !! I am so happy to hear he didn't wake up with a stoma !

the catheter and drain are pretty routine (as I am sure you already know this..)

Aw i am so happy for Matt !!

Now the healing process can begin and he can get on with his normal teenage life, just as Sarah has !!



I am still curious to hear the details tho....but
Get rest when you can Dusty ! :)
Oh this is the wonderful news we've all been waiting for!
Way to go Matt, speedy recovery now, and Dusty...... breathe hun, you've been so strong and brave, RESPECT sista!
Awwww, thanks everyone......:Karl:

I'm lovin' the emoticons Wendy! :wink:

The surgeon has been in this morning and he said they decided to start the surgery laparoscopically but were unable to continue as he had an inflammatory mass adhered to his abdominal wall. So essentially when they opened him up he had a mass of two bowel loops that were tangled and adhered together and this had then adhered to the abdo wall. This was the mass the GP and Matt have been feeling the last couple of months. They also found another abscess. They removed his terminal ileum, ileocolic valve and caecum, all up about 40cms of bowel was removed. The surgeon was very pleased with the way things went.

Matt didn't have too bad a night and is much more settled today. We'll see how he is travelling later after he has to get out of bed and take a few steps and sit in a chair! :eek2:. I think the PCA will know it's alive!

Catcha later.

Loads a love, :wub:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
We love you Dusty and it sound like things went as well as we could have expected, right? I hope you are taking care of you - I KNOW you are taking great care of your baby.

Love & hugs,
Hey J, :bigwave:

The surgeon came in again this afternoon so he could sit and chat with Matt when he had more time. He said that he took out about 30cm of bowel and what they actually found within the mass was he had another perforation that wasn't able to be easily visualised. They can see it on the films now they know it was there, so yeah the fistula and abscess they knew was there and another set they didn't know about......lots of infection. Just too much inflamed bowel at that spot to be able to see it on CT. He is really happy with how things went and with the way Matt is looking. YAY!!!

@Dex, yeah I knew he would have a urinary catheter and I expected a drain if he was going to end up having a laparotomy.

He had a walk and then a sit in the chair this morning, he did okay but before long was looking longingly at the bed like a love sick hound dog! The nurse went weak at the knees and let him go back to bed......:ylol:

Much love to all, :wub:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Yeah for Matt !!

I'm so happy to hear he walked and sat in the chair already! It took us 3 days to get Gab in the chair, and 5 days to even walk to the door of her room! She's a bit stubborn ! :lol:

I am so glad things went so well, and now that nasty infectious bowel and abscess is gone! gone! gone!

Still thinking about you all and hoping for continued success and speedy recovery!

Tons of hugs for you both!
YEAH :thumleft::thumleft::thumleft::lol2::lol2::lol2:

Way to go MATT! Dusty, he will be OK. Take care of yourself and Matt and the family.
no wonder he felt so crappy...
I am so glad it was all removed and cleaned up - I look forward to hearing the updates from here in :)
I am glad for you guys and that things are finally improving... what along haul !
You guys have more strength than I think you know...

Wendy :D
Oh bless not nice but the only way is up now much love to you all.We can all breathe a little easier and it's flipping hard trying to do stuff with your fingers crossed.I think I have been more worried about Matt than I was about myself.lots of love and luck Geri x
Are we still talking about the same kid?? The one for whom nothing went right for the past 4 months? It is so good to hear that things are finally going his way Dusty!!!

I expect any minute now he'll sit up and ask for some technical math manual or something really exciting like that:)
Sorry about not checking in :redface:..... I know I did:confused2: ..... I did type something :ybatty:..... It must of Hyperspaced:oops: .... I know I am not crazy! :roflanim:I wonder where it went!???? :confused:Oh well You & Matt have been on my mind for days! I am so glad that things are good! No Stoma Yeahhhhh! But still surprizes within! It does go to show you that you never know! I'm glad the anticipation of wondering whats gonna be is over & the healing can begin! :rosette1:
Gentle Hugs to All across the oceans!:hug:
WOW!!! Thanks for all the well wishes and thoughts guys!!!

Matt still doing well but I don't think he will get on top of things until the process of removing all the tubes and lines begins, he just isn't one that likes having things attached to him. That would explain why he never did fall in love in the pigtail!

No farts yet but started on a clear fluids diet today. Went for another couple of walks, much to his disgust. He would much prefer to lay in bed motionless, can't say I blame when he has only just been gutted like a fish! :eek2:

He will kill me if he finds out I've posted this pic but I can't believe the amount of colour he now has in his face. I swear to god when he was in the hospital in January he was the colour of the sheets!......

Oh yeah, that frown on his face isn't pain, it's a why are you taking my photo face.

Lots a love, :wub:


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I'm so happy he is doing so well. I hope things keep getting better and better. BTW, I can't see the picture you just posted, is it my computer?
Hey Sara, :bigwave:

Thanks hun......:hug:

I can see the pic in the post on my computer. Yikes, I have no idea why you can't see it!

I wonder if others can see it then??

Dusty. :)
Hey Dusty, so good that Matt is on his way to recovery and they took out the nasty problems. He must of been in great pain :voodoo:. Will he be on maintenance drugs after? Dont worry your kids are fighters like the mom!

I can't see the new Avatar either, I see Roo. Unless YOU look exceptionally young! :kiss:
HAHA... hey Dusty
Nope..cant see the pic either.
I am glad Matt is doing better.. I bet he hacked into your account and removed the photo :D
When do the tubes come out ..or do you not know that yet? I dont like tubes attached to me either. Its not like they hurt when already in (in my case) but I was afraid of reefing them out..and causing more troubles.. the wanting to lay flat motionless... I cant say I blame him there. I remember when I was gotten up to walk and the pain killers made me REALLY nautious (it wasn't nearly the operation Matt had either).. I hope he can get up and moving though since it will speed up his recovery (or so I hear)... I dont think I would want to either so Im with him on that one!!

How are YOU doing???

Take care and thanks for the updates..
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BINGO!!! You should be able to see the pic now......

@Pen, Thanks mate......:hug: He will be on Imuran 100mg indefinitely and Flagyl for 3 months. As to the avatar......I wish!!! :ylol:

@Wendy, They haven't said yet when anything is coming out. He still has his urinary catheter in and that is what he is hating the most at present. Sarah's came out the morning after her op so surely his can't be in too much longer??? I'm doing fine hun......:hug:

Dusty. :)
Hey Dusty!!! I saw Matt's pic! My goodness you got some great looking kids!!! Hope is recovers very quick and you look after yourself... right Dexy!!! Make her do it :lol:
Yeah lol is right!! Dusty takes so much advice from me already...then she tells me to stick it up me arse!!

Yeah, yeah Matt does look great Dusty...but Sarah, oh Sarah looks mahvulus, simply mahvulus!!
Dusty takes so much advice from me already...then she tells me to stick it up me arse!!

Liar, liar pants on fire......I can smell undies burning Dex!

Dusty. :)
Thank you Pen and clearwell for your lovely words and wishes......:hug:

And Dex, you are really sounding like a creepy old man now! :ylol:

Dusty. :)
Caught!! Red handed...actually she just tells me to eff off!! But she always follows it with a :) !!
The Prof has been and the catheter is out, Matt is grinning like the proverbial cheshire cat......:D!

Dusty. :sun:
Lovin the emoticons Dusty...
you must be doin better... you and Dex are at it again... shheesh....

What is stuck to Matts forehead??? That cant be comfortable...lol
^^^^LMFAO! Wendy......

Ahhh the pitfalls of one dimensional photography! :ylol:

That is Matt's new best friend, Temazepam is no longer riding shotgun, the lovely glowing green button that unlocks the power of the PCA (Patient Controlled Analgaesia) AKA......give me my Morphine!!!

Dusty. :sun:
Hi Dusty: Thanks so much for sharing the picture. Delighted to hear that you can see a good improvement in Matt's colour. The rest will come! :hang:
Ahhhh Dusty ... I LOVE seeing your positive posts !! And Matt does look amazing...(even with the PCA button attached to his head ! LMAO) That was too damn cute ! :lol2::lol2:

Hoping he does better and better and his stay there is almost at an end !

Much love !
@Entchen, Thanks mate for dropping by......:hug:

@T, Hey buddy......things are going well thus far, fingers crossed! I hope all is going well in your camp, I am always thinking of you and Gabs......:wub:

@Wendy, He's in hospital mate! :ylol:
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney so send away! :dog: By the time they get here he should be on a full diet......


Dusty. :)
It's fantastic to hear Matt is doing so well. It seems like yesterday since Meg was in exactly the same point in her recovery and I was frantically PM ing you! Sarah look's lovely. Will email soon xxxxx
^^^^LMFAO! Wendy......

Ahhh the pitfalls of one dimensional photography! :ylol:

That is Matt's new best friend, Temazepam is no longer riding shotgun, the lovely glowing green button that unlocks the power of the PCA (Patient Controlled Analgaesia) AKA......give me my Morphine!!!

Dusty. :sun:

Hah, I thought it was a Wii controller and Matt was playing math olympics or something!!

Awesome, one less tether and only one more to go and then he's freeeeeeee!!!!
Sorry I'm late for the party but its been a week at work. YIPPEE, tht is fantastic news Dusty and Matt is such a handsome boy. Get home soon!
Glad to hear Matt is doing better and smiling agian.. lol

Sorry I have not been on to read update dustykat. So much going on here. thinking about you both.
I hope you are getting some rest as well..
@D, Hi mate, good to see you! Thanks for dropping in and I'll look out for the email!......:hug:

@Dex, good one Dex!:yrolleyes: Yep, things he's slowly dropping off the tethers. :ybiggrin:

@Rachel, No worries hun and thanks for the well wishes!......:hug:

@Rosemary. Thanks hun for popping in......:hug: I know you have a lot on your plate at the best of times, let alone now. Good luck with the move and I so hope this a turning point for you all, fingers and everything crossed!

Matt is still chugging along fine and hating hospital! Spoke with the Prof yesterday and if all continues to go well he should be discharged Friday or Saturday. I also asked about soccer and he won't be able to play for 6 weeks but can do some light training after 3. He isn't allowed to drive for 3 weeks and then it is only short distances for a further 2-3 weeks. I asked the Prof to clarify short distances because a city short distance is poles apart to a country short distance! He said as far as the shops. I laughed when he said that and said some peoples mailboxes are further than the shops! They just have no concept of travel when you are out of the city!

Matt is still on clear fluids but hopefully will move to free fluids today. Big news is he started farting yesterday......:banana::banana::banana: The PCA came down yesterday so he is now on oral Endone when needed. So now he just has one IV, hmmmm maybe we will get rid of that today, and the drain which will be in until later in the week. He is walking well now, quite straight and long distances.

Now the PCA is down he can have his bedtime friend, Temaze, written up as a regular so he is happy about that. The resident came and told him that last night and he asked Matt if he wanted 1 or 2. Matt asked if two was better than one and the resident said......you bet, twice the fun! Needless to say Matt chose two! :ylol:

Just re read this and it is all sounding very boring! WOOHOO couldn't wish for anything better!

Much love, :wub:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Good going Matt! I had to look up Tamaze...yep that should help lol. So he is farting up a storm eh?? Good thing, he is sounding better every day. You also sound better too and must be relieved. You are an amazing strong mom and person. Always a pleasure to read your posts. I love it when you kick Dexky's butt lol.
I adore boring! So glad to hear things are tooting along....yes, pun intended!

Lots of love, Dusty........

This is just wonderful news. I'm so happy for you both !

I was wondering what PCA stands for? I heard my Dr mention that and I didn't know what it meant.

Hey Matt, we are all so excited you have the "putt putt's" again !! :rof:
@STLGirl ... PCA means "Patient Controlled Analgesia"
It's the nifty button you get to push for pain meds whenever you want :)

@Dusty ...

I am in awe of boring !! WHOOO HOOOO MATT!! :kiss::kiss:

Hope the good news continues on and on and on....

much luv,
Boring is EXCITING, Dusty! We've been so concerned, following Matt's journey, and this is fabulous improvement.

Excellent news Dusty. I did some reading and caught up glad to see he's doing well after surgery. I agree with other people above me when saying being bored in the hospital healthy is awesome compared to before.
Wow Dusty! Your family sure has been on a rollercoaster with this disease! I’m so sorry I missed this thread, but trying to keep up with work, my disease, and all of the newbie’s on this site sometimes keeps me from finding out what is going on with all of my old Crohnie friends that have been there for me in the past.

I’m glad that Matt seems to be doing better. You and your kids are in my thoughts.
@Pen, thanks mate for your kind words and thoughts......:wub:

@J, thanks hun......he sure is tooting along!!! :lol:

@Sara, haha tooting and putting! T is spot on with the PCA!......:hug:

@T, thanks for popping in buddy and things remain AOK! :Karl:

@Kelly, I agree! Boring couldn't be better! Thanks for coming along on the ride mate......:wub:

@Zal, hello buddy! So good to hear that all is going so well with you, that's awesome! Thanks for dropping by......:ybiggrin:

@Jer, awwww mate, no need to apologise! Thanks buddy......:hug:

@Doug, I'm glad you like boring 'cause there's more where that came from! :ylol: Thanks mate......:)

Yeehaw!!! Things remain boring here!!! :boring::boring::boring:

IV came down yesterday and he started on free fluids, tolerated that well so commenced on a light diet today. Hasn't really required any pain management outside of the regular Panadol he has been receiving. He has been pooping since yesterday......:banana::banana::banana:

Will have drain removed tomorrow and if he continues to behave himself......discharge Friday!!! :emot-dance::emot-dance::emot-dance: We will stay in Sydney for a few days and fly home Tuesday......flight booked......YES!!!

Have spoken with both Prof's today and they both say malabsorption can't be ruled out so I will be vigilant, once again, with watching Matt for continued diarrhoea and B12 levels. The GI Prof wants Matt on Imuran 100mgs daily indefinitely and Flagyl TDS for 3 months so that regime has now commenced. He reckons, that according to research, 3 months of Flagyl post op greatly increases your chances of gaining and maintaining remission.

All in all we are very fortunate......:worthy:

AND now for something completely different and totally off topic......

Sarah has moved out of college and into her own apartment. What do you think was one of the first things she did??? Get a kitten of course! :yrolleyes:

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx


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What did she name it?

Glad to hear the good news about MAtt - tell him to behave :)
Hugs across the pond !
Thanks Wendy, hugs right back at ya mate!......:ghug: And I will tell Matt to behave!

She sure has named her......STELLA! or should I say STELLAAAAAA. :ylol:

Dusty. :)
So much for those beautiful wood floors!!! Good to hear Matt's situation remains blah an routine!!
Dusty I am so loving the boring!!!!!!! Yeahhhhhh! :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:
I keep looking for this topic & just realized your not in the "Parents" section! WELL DUHHHHHHHHH!!!! SHEESHHHHH!!! :ybatty: :duh: :runaway:
I'm just glad your head can slow down it's spinning & it's close to stopping!!!!

:grr1d: Well your daughters Kitty looks awful pretty!!!

Until next time I will try not to get so lost! :rof:
@Dex, bugger the floors, purr, purr, purr......:cat::cat::cat:

@Pen, did John Travolta say that too!!! Hell, I gotta get out more......:yfaint:

@Keona, yeeeesss......:):):)

@Mom, blame Dex for that! He was the one that started it here......:ymad::ylol:. Thanks hun for persevering in the hunt! :hug:

The team has just been......drain out today and home tomorrow!!! :banana::banana::banana:

Plenty of time to think while I have been here and of course Matt hates being here, hey who doesn't, but you know I reckon it goes deeper than that. Okay, so Matt is wicked smart and over the years I have wondered about his quirks, well quirks in my minds eye, and have seriously considered he bordered on Aspergers. Anyway I am ashamed to say it took me forever to realise that he is on the extreme end of introversion and once I did it explained so much. This whole environment is so disconcerting to him that his discomfort and frustration is palpable. The noise, interruptions, invasion of privacy, inability to escape......roll on tomorrow!

Hmmmm, that was out of left field but to me physical progression is only one part of the puzzle. I know he will do so much better when he is able to recharge his batteries in private, the introverts will know exactly what I mean. :wink:

Dusty. :)
He is globally gifted but his passion lay in the sciences, particularly pure mathematics. Must take after me......NOT!!! :ylol:

Dusty. :)
@Mom, blame Dex for that! He was the one that started it here......:ymad::ylol:

Well, if it makes you :ymad: have one of the mods move it :ytongue:!! With all your pull, it should be no problem!!

I'm so glad he's close to getting his walking papers sis!!....for both of you!!:)
So glad things are going well.
I am not an introvert but at times the sensory input is too much for me too. I have to have about an hour of down time/quiet time a day or I get buggy! It is worse if I am I am under artificial light for a significant amount of time.
All good thoughts headed your way,
@bruscar, Thanks mate!......:hug:

@J, Thanks for the hugs hun......:wub:

@Dex, Ooooooooo someone's a little sassy......:kissgrits:......Thanks buddy. :wink:

@Michele, Hey hun, thanks for dropping by and for the well wishes. Haha Matt could not get outta there quick enough! Good luck with the new job......:hug:

Well the Prof came in, the wound dressing came down, the Prof nodded his head and said......nice......we grabbed the discharge papers and meds and got the hell outta there before they changed their minds!......:eek:utahere: Now we are at Nana and Grandpa's and Matt is being smothered and spoilt and is as happy as pig in s***! No tethers or attachments for the first time in 3 months. :):):)

Onward and upward! :allright:
Dusty. xxx
Dusty, you have just made my day. That is wonderful news and let the spoiling commence! It has been a long road for him but he sounds like he is MUCH happier now, and so do you! Forward progress,awesome.
Hot damn, that's the best news I've read in ages!!! :banana::luigi::banana::luigi: and all the other little happy dancers I can't remember!!!! Wooooohhoooooo!!!!
Hey I love that kitty with the headphones :banana:

Dusty,, so glad Matt is getting better everyday! You must be so relieved too! Btw grandparents always spoil the grandkids. It is their job and get even ;). Good news!
Hey there Dusty! :rosette2:

Just checking in on you. Hope Matt's recovery is going well still. Have you made it back home yet, or are gmom and gpop still spoiling ?? :ytongue:

And how's Sarah latey? Is she enjoying her new apartment? and that adorable Stelllllaaaa!! :D
I can't wait (well, yes I can) for Gab to just be in a dorm and living life and having some fun! :cool:

Big Hugs to you my friend! :ghug:
Hope you got some rest while at your parents :)
@Rachel, Thanks hun, very much appreciated......:hug:

@Wendy, ahahahaha, lovin' all the extras, fab job mate!......:wub:

@Dex, Thanks buddy......:hug:

@Pen, I am relieved hun and he is still being waited on hand and foot by you know who!......:ylol:......:hug:

@StarGirrrrl, Hey mate, thanks for the well wishes......:ghug:

@T, Still at Mum & Dads, so Matt is being spoiled and I am getting more rest. We fly home tomorrow (Tuesday).......:hug:

Matt is doing fine. He was a little down yesterday but after speaking with him I think he has realised that he is very much underestimating his recovery time. He feels he is progressing though and the only pain he has is what he describes as wound pain, he no longer has the pain deep within. His appetite is good and he is sleeping well so all that's left is to build up his stamina and put some meat on is bones!

@T, as to Sarah......She is absolutely loving her new apartment, it's Art Deco and very quirky,so, very Sarah. Stella is being very spoilt and smothered to death, much like Matt......:lol:. Last Tuesday night I went with her to Ikea, hells bells was that an experience! We country folk don't have stores like that! :ytongue:. Anyway I went over to her place yesterday and helped assemble the last of the flat packs, so all is good! I bet you can't wait to see Gabs take that next step in her life! You are sort of sad and excited all at the same time. You don't want to see them go but you are so proud of what they've achieved and are excited for them and the future.

Slowly edging forward! :sun:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
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keep up the :boring: updates Dusty and Dex... :D


all kidding aside, I am glad you made it home :)