Update on Dusty's Matt

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@Michele, ahahaha, aren't they awesome!...... :):):)

@Amanda, Thanks hun. I hope all is going well with the family!......:hug:

@Dex, Thanks mate and thanks for passing the message on!......:thumleft:

@Wendy, :lol: Thanks mate, boring remains goooooood!......:hug:

@T, Thanks for dropping by hun......:ghug: I so hope things start to settle for Gabs. Thinking of you guys.

HOME!!! Woohoo!!! Matt slept through the night last night. I may well be wrong but I reckon it's the first time he has done so this year! I can already see he is so much more relaxed and he is talking about going to watch some pre season soccer. So all is good and here's hoping it lasts a lifetime!

Thanks guys......

Doing well, :ybiggrin:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
That is awesome Dusty. So happy things are going well and you are finally HOME where you both belong. Hoping Matt's recovery is as smooth as his hospital stay. Getting out, sounds good!
@Amanda, Thanks buddy. I hope all is going well with you and Sadie......:wub:

@Sara, Thanks hun, all continues to go well......:hug:

@Rachel, Oh man you are so right about being home, :):):). It sure is the best medicine! Thanks mate......:ghug:

Everything continues to go well. Pain is slowly decreasing, he is sleeping well and his appetite is good, very good in fact! He weighed himself this morning and he is 38.4kgs! Yikes, that is a couple of kilos lighter than when he left hospital! BUT in view of the fact that he is eating so well I will put it down to the difference in scales......or is it that I like them to weigh me less! Maybe I need to recalibrate......:ylol:

We have a 5 day Easter/Anzac day break here. Sarah is home as well, with Stella, and the weather is glorious! All is good in our camp.

Much love and thanks to all, :sun:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
One Easter basket later and Matt will be back to his old weight, surely!

Have a wonderful weekend home with the family, Dusty.
Good to hear Dusty!! Better not get too attached to Stella or you'll have another one!!
@Kelly, He has already started into the chocolate, which is interesting 'cause he was never much fussed on it before he had surgery. If he'd had a transplant I would think it was one of those freaky things that happen to recipients! Thanks for the well wishes hun...... :hug:

@Dex, Thanks mate. Nah I won't get attached. It will be a bit like having grandkids......spoil 'em and then hand 'em back. :ylol:
Happy Easter Dusty. GREAT news that Matt has an appetite back :)


So glad to hear you have your family home for the weekend (and the new little family member) - long over due my friend :) ENJOY your EASTER/ANZAC break together :)

Awww, thanks W! I'm still lovin' and smilin' at the emoticons!

Yeah buddy, in a good place right now and boy doesn't it feel good. :):):)

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Ahahahaha, Thanks so much littlemissh for your well wishes and ......nom, nom, nom!

Lots a love, :wub:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Hiya Dusty

Just popping on to say Hurrah! Sounds like everything's going fab in your house, this is just the best news!
Have a great weekend, all of you.
Lotsa luv
@Joan, Thanks for by popping by mate and for the well wishes...:hug:

@Jill, Thanks hun, very much appreciated...:kiss:

All continues to go well with Sarah and Matt. :ybiggrin::ybiggrin::ybiggrin:

When Matt was discharged from hospital we didn't have any discharge plans in place from the Prof so the Registrar and case manager felt there would most likely be three scenarios:

1. The Prof wouldn't worry about having us come all the way back to Sydney for a post op review and just have us follow up locally.

2. Follow up locally and when we were next in Sydney pop in and see him.

3. Follow up in 6 weeks.

I was hoping for scenario 1 or 2 when I rang the Profs rooms today but got number 3 instead, so we are headed down again for an appointment on the 23rd May. After I read about what some of you guys go through just to try and see a doc, let alone a caring one, I sure as hell am not going to whinge about getting option 3!!!

I also asked for a copy of the pathology report to be sent to the GP so I can have a look at it. The receptionist said they do that as a matter of course and she added that the Prof will discuss it at length with us when we come to see him. He also wanted me to know that it was unremarkable and nothing sinister was found, he really is a lovely bloke but of course I will still peruse the report for myself well before the appointment time...;).

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxx
Hey Dusty, Good to hear thing's are continuing to go well with you all. I know too well the 'let's get out of here quickly, before they change they're mind' scenario!!
Would you like someone to keep you company in Sydeny next month- I'm up for it!!
Sending much love and hugs xx
Woohoo Welshy, come on down! And let's face it, you couldn't have a better chaperone, not only for the drinking holes but if you had any probs with Ossie I know a great hospital with a fab IBD unit! ;)

Loads a love, :wub:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Damn, I guess I lost my bet!! What are those plane tickets going for these days anyway??
I'm from Kentucky, Dusty, and that's the only place I've ever heard anyone say, "hells bells." It must be an Australian term, as well. This planet is such a small place!
@littlemissh, thanks hun for kind wishes......:hug:

@Dex, awww you will never win. Plane tickets, buggered if I know! :lol2:

@Keona, well...I have asked him to weigh himself but he never seems to get around to it! Since is his appetite is very good and he is only pooping a couple of times a day I figure he has to be putting it on. :)

@tm, fair dinkum! Hmmm, having something in common with them there Kentuckians is a tad disconcerting though! :lol:

@clearwell, thanks so much for the well wishes mate......:hug:

Well I bit the bullet and did the chicken out thing all at the same time this morning, that being, as I was about to head out the door to work, well not quite that close but it did enter my mind!, I told Matt he had to go back to Sydney for review! I didn't think Matt would be very happy about it, and guess what? he wasn't! Oh well I will just have to come up with some sort of incentive to make it sound simply irresistible! :ycool:

Dusty. :)
School started up yesterday, they broke up about the time Matt had his op, and he was keen to go, all went well. Any semblance of normality is sooooooo good!

Dusty. :)
I hear ya! funny you mention that as someone was talking to me about a "narrative" I forget the name of the actual writing but it was about a man who was in hospital with cancer. He use to run up and down the stairs before his procedures and surgery because he was nervous and loved to run. Hs nurses caught him and told him to get back to bed..that he is sick. He did just that but had plenty of time to reflect on his experiences and wrote about it. I don't know why but this reminded me of your "semblance of normality" comment.
...Oh, and the man is now cancer free.

I think you should buy him a dog... a great dane...thats good incentive :D
Thanks Wendy and Andi! :):):)

No way Jose! He'll leave home and I'll be left with it and I'm a lazy pet owner!......Get ya thinking caps on again! :lol2:

Matt came home from school today and said he has a science excursion to Sydney on Sunday week. He reckons he is well enough to go so that is good enough for me. He's not baulking at going back to Sydney for this! :ylol:

I'm lovin' the normality, may it last forever! Yes, normal is good, very good in fact...:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Dusty. :Karl:
Oh well, I suppose I could whack a saddle on it and ride it to work! Yeah, that might work...:ybiggrin:

Dusty. :)
Yahoo...normalcy and back to school. Life is good. So happy things are going well...and with the price of gas, I may invest in a Great Dane as well! lol
OH my gawd ! I just caught up on here and I am sooo excited to hear that Matt went to school!! Wowwzzeerrsss !! :ywow::ywow: That's such great news !:rosette1:

Dusty, you must just be over the moon with joy! :D
@Rachel, thanks hun and yep, normalcy is sooooo good! :)

@T, thanks mate, I'm over the moon and into outer space! :ylol:

Well Matt continues to do well. School is going fab and he is spending whole days there, such a huge turnaround to his pre op days. I was speaking with his Chemistry teacher yesterday and he said that Matt is so much happier and he sees the old Matt emerging. I tell ya, that was so great to hear! He is looking well both physically and psychologically and he has put on 1.7kgs (or 3lb 11.96oz to the decimally challenged, :lol:) in the last 10 days...YAY!

He has bloods done today, first since leaving hospital, and is off to see the GP tomorrow. I am hoping that it all remains very, very :boring:

I can never thank you all enough...:medal1:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
He is looking well both physically and psychologically and he has put on 1.7kgs (or 3lb 11.96oz to the decimally challenged, :lol:) in the last 10 days...YAY!

That's why Americans are so smart!! We have to remember ounces, pounds, tons, pints, quarts, gallons, feet, yards, miles etc. etc. All you need to know is 10!! Where's the challenge in that???

Thanks for another boring update to my thread Dusty:)!! Sounds marvelously ho-hum!! It's about time too!!
I am so happy to hear Matt is back at school and doing so well both mentally and physically!

What terrific news!!! :mario2:
@Dex, yeah, yeah whateva...:ylol:

@Stinky, thanks mate. Hope all is going well with you and the Humira, still no pain? :wink:

@Jill, thanks for the well wishes hun!...:hug:

@Zal, yep, lovin' the normality! Thanks buddy...:hug:

Matt continues to be blindingly normal...:boring:

He went away on a school excursion for a few days and all went well, YAY!

His bloods are all normal, not one asterisk in sight, not a one...:awe:

Now I am somewhat ashamed to say this...:redface:, sorry Wendy!, but Matt so didn't want to go down to Sydney for review so I tried to get him out of it. Didn't work though, the Prof still wants to see him, so we head down again Monday week.

Sailing through the days on cruise control, man I hope this lasts forever! :ybiggrin:

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Dusty!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy to read this!!!!!!!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Here's to many asterisk free days to come.

Love you -

How F%^&$#g Freaky Is This Disease!!!

Not that I'm telling you guys anything!

Back when Matt had his colonscopy and biopsies, the path report came back saying something like...has the appearance of Crohns but doesn't have the granulomas present used to positively diagnose Crohns.

So finally received Matt's path report from his surgery, I'm reading cobblestone appearance, skip area, abscess, crypt abscess, ileum to ileum fistula, chronic fistula, NO granulomas, a 200mm chunk of bowel to poke and prod to the nth degree and...summary...
NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE OF CROHNS DISEASE!!! Ahahahahaha, that's a crazy laugh by the way...:)

YIKES! No wonder you guys in the undiagnosed club are pulling your hair out!

Dusty. :ywow:
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WHAT ??!!!????

I am dumbfounded at that !!! Wow!! Wow !! Wow !!

does that mean they are saying he does not have CD ???

:ghug: Save your hair !! :ghug:
Who knows! Nah, I reckon they will still think it's Crohns...if it looks like Crohns, acts likes Crohns and screws ya around like Crohns then it must be Crohns! Even without the *convincing* evidence. :shifty-t:

Dusty. :)
WOW!!! Although I have to say I am not surprised at all. lol They said Maddie had UC then that she didn't. Still after two plus years they wont say what it is. cause of her age, I can understand how you can be confused etc..

I just dont understand what they actually need to have the proof they say they need to give diagnoses..
Thats the same with mine
My colonoscopy report came back saying In the terminal ileum the mucosa was granular and erythematous. In addition there were serpiginous ulcers with florid inflammation nd ulceration.

The specimen report came back
Sections from the terminal ileum four fragments of small bowel mucosa with patchy active ileitis present in one fragment with loss of villi, prominent mucosal and submucosal lymphiod tissue and intraepithelial inflammatory cells including neutrophils. The other fragments show a variety of changes with one appearing relatively normal and other showing intraepithelial inflammation. NO GRANULOMAS SEEN

The histological features are mild but are suggestive of Crohns Disease

So many big words
As long as they don't tell you they are no longer going to provide treatment, I don't guess it matters what they call it:). There is no danger of that happening, is it?
WTF?? 1 week away, and as if by magic, Matt's 'cured'. Dusty, can I please have some of what he's on?
Great to hear that thing's continue to go well for you all- long may it continue (on the drug regieme that is!)
Love, hugs as always xxxx
@Rosemary, thanks for dropping by hun, I know you have a lot going on in your own camp...:hug:

@Becca, yeah, isn't the terminology just fab...:lol:. You're right, your report has many similarities to Matt's and his Crohns was said to be mild and very mild! I was even celebrating at the time! Yikes! Thanks mate...:hug:

@Dex, no there wouldn't be any chance of things changing, well not that I think anyway! Thanks bro...:hug:

@Welshy, it's a miracle hun!!! If I find it, I'll bottle it up, along with some sunshine, and send it right over...:ylol::wub:

@ Wendy, ahahaha, you have the best emoticons! I don't really know what to say either!...:yfaint::hug:

Well from what I can gather, Matt's chronic fistula was where his original 100mm of diseased area was, that length didn't change. He then developed another area of disease about 80mm away, it was 12mm in length and caused another fistula from there to another area of ileum between these two areas. It was also the area responsible for the second abscess that adhered to the abdominal wall. Aside from these two deep ulcers that caused the fistula's, it would seem he only had small number of shallow abscesses/ulcers on the bowel wall of the affected area's, the disease itself is still rated as mild according to the pathology. (((shug))). Hell, does all that make sense, it does to me but, of course I'm writing it! :ylol:

We fly down to Sydney on the 22nd May for review with the surgical Prof on the 23rd. He is going to discuss the pathology with us then. I don't know if he will know about the unconvincing evidence of Crohns, as such, I just think the GI will have more of an idea. I might ring him when we get back from Sydney and see what his take on things is.

Thanks guys, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Have they offered any guess as to how long it took to develop that ileum to ileum fistula? If they say it's "mild" crohns does that mean it may have been developing for years? With no outward symptoms and no noticeable discomfort?

When is the last time Sarah was scanned, scoped, ultra-sounded or in any way had her insides looked at? I know she has frequent blood works but, well you know how reliable those can be!!

I don't know what I'm getting at, it just seems Matt and Sarah may have too high a pain threshold for their own good!! Does this make sense?
Yes, it all makes sense Dex, I know what you are getting at. :)

I don't know Dex. They haven't said how long they think the disease itself has been present but he has no clubbing of his fingers. Sarah had clubbing and they predicted about 2 years for her, mind you I couldn't pick the clubbing that was there. I don't think it has been going on for years for Matt, I think he has maybe had it since the beginning of last year, stupid thing is I don't even know why I think that!

The only thing I can think of with the "mild" aspect of things is, other than the two deep ulcers that caused the fistula's, the rest of bowel in the affected areas had very little activity going on.

Sarah has had no invasive procedures done since her operation. She did have X-rays and ultrasounds done when she had that episode of acute pain back in March. Haha, I remember saying when she had that pain that I would somehow find her having normal blood results as a comfort and how ironic that was!

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Can you possibly explain what "clubbing of the fingers" looks like ??
JJ has some nail issues; it's hard to explain but his finger and toe nails look like they are deteriorating and are very, very thin and (scaly)? Almost like they have been chewed terribly; but like i said it's his toes too LOL. and they're all kinda "fat" ?
Just curious :) He has an appt. next month with a new dermatologist because the last one looked and said..hmmm...I don't know what that is ! Moving on....LOL
By the way...he is not anemic that we know of. I know that can cause similar issues.

I put this image in as the photos of real hands are pretty extreme. It can affect the toes also. As the name suggests it causes the ends of the fingers to bulge out. Sarah's fingers didn't look like this but I think the GI must have picked a distortion of the nail bed and it was one of the first things he looked for in Matt. It is a sign of chronic inflammation and Crohns is one of the causes.

Here are a couple of old threads about nail growth.....



Hope that helps mate and I hope JJ's is nothing to do with what I've just said! :eek2:
Dusty. :rosette2:
Ok, I can't for the life of me figure out how to resize my pictures to be acceptable to put here. However, I did put 3 of them in my profile album.
So...if you wouldn't mind will you look at them and tell me what you think; is this considered "clubbing". Warning...they ain't pretty LOL

Sorry for high jacking your thread :yfrown: That post just really caught my attention !
When you deal with the things I do, I tell ya, those pics are positively pretty! :lol:

It is a bit hard to tell because as you say the size of the fingers is pretty uniform. I can perhaps detect a tiny bit of bulging on the fingers, but don't quote me on that as the nails are short and can sometimes produce that effect. The other thing that may point to it is, he does seem to have quite a bulge/rise of skin at the base of the nail bed but I can't really tell if that is independent of the size of the rest of the finger. You would generally expect that to be quite flat. Certainly bring it up with the dermatologist and when you are next at the GP/GI I would also ask them to take a look. To be honest I don't think it is something that doctors normally look for, with heart and lung type issues yes but not Crohns.

Dusty. :Flower:
When you deal with the things I do, I tell ya, those pics are positively pretty

I'm suddenly very glad I do not have your job! :ylol:

I've been concerned with his nails for quite some time. Hopefully the new dermatologist will have some answers for us :cool:

It is hard to decipher between whether or not around the nail is swollen or not, because there is hardly any nail left on the fingers. And the toes are so ugly who wants to keep staring to find out ?? :ylol::ylol:

Thanks for your input and time !
As always...you're the best ! :p:p
No worries T! I hope the derma gives you an answer too, in the meantime just keep staring at 'em...:ysmile:

BTW, what is your avatar???

Dusty. :sun:
It's a "Hero's Wall". It was blank when the day of the walk started and they invited the kids over to each paint one of the feet. All of my kids painted one.
I think I will change it to the colored picture. It's pretty neat and I loved the concept! :)
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Hey T, that looks more like a problem with the nails themselves than clubbing. Perhaps a vitamin issue or something? Whatever it is, good for you for addressing it before it gets out of hand!
Stop hijacking my thread Welshy...:rof:

Oh hell, now Dex will get on here bleating about he started the thread and it's really his and blah, blah, blah...:eek2:

Dusty. :ybiggrin:
Thanks T- good job I have broad shoulders! Lol
Just no more talking of 'clubbing', makes me feel old, and me dancing ain't a pretty sight!!
What is convincing evidence of Crohns then?

Back when Matt had his colonscopy and biopsies, the path report came back saying something like...has the appearance of Crohns but doesn't have the granulomas present used to diagnose Crohns.

So finally received Matt's path report from his surgery, I'm reading cobblestone appearance, skip area, abscess, crypt abscess, ileum to ileum fistula, chronic fistula, NO granulomas, a 200mm chunk of bowel to poke and prod to the nth degree and...summary...
NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE OF CROHNS DISEASE!!! Ahahahahaha, that's a crazy laugh by the way...

That is the question...after reading and re-reading Matt's colonoscopy and surgical path results, the only thing that stands out as being *absent* and therefore *unconvincing* is granuloma's. So I let my fingers do the walking and walked all over Mr Google only to find that most Crohns patients don't, in actual fact, have granuloma's. What is the point of granuloma's being the benchmark of a diagnosis when most people don't have them anyway?

Disclaimer: They are my words and interpretations and most likely sarcastic ones at that!

All comments and opinions most welcome! :)

I tell you what Dusty....
When Gab was 9 and had her colonoscopy and upper end, her biopsy's showed granulomas throughout her entire digestive track. Everywhere!
However, her doctor said, hmmmmm....I don't want to "label" her as having Crohn's yet and this is just an "indication" and non specific.

I am quite sure I have all of her doctors reports from that time in my folder I have built; so if you would like me to quote exactly what was said, let me know and I will be happy too.

This flipping disease !
OH you don't have granulomas so you do NOT have Crohn's !
OH you have granulomas EVERYWHERE, but we don't want to (label) you yet, so let's just wait and see.
(Gab's doctor said to me..."It won't hide forever if she does. This is a teenagers disease and if she has it, it will rear it's ugly head then without a question!"
I fell for that then....I won't ever again!

Unbelievable with Matt's biopsy's reports! I just dont get it!
I will pull my hair out for you.....save yours! :ywow::ywow:

much love,
Thanks T!

Yep, Gabs had all the signs but let's not label her and Matt doesn't have all the signs but we'll look past that and label him!

Gee, I wonder why so many people are confused about this disease! :lol:

On a more positive note, Matt went to soccer training on Tuesday night! He has a looooong way to go before he reaches anything like match fitness but it's another slice of normality to savour and celebrate! YAY!

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxxx
Just stopping by to wish Matt all the best at his follow up on Monday.
Hoping and praying that he will be following Sarah into a long remission,
Will be thinking of you all,
Hugs xxx
Hey Welshy!

Thanks for dropping by hun...:hug:

Thanks for the well wishes mate. We fly down to Sydney tomorrow, the only down side is we won't be able to catch up with Sarah...boo! She rang me today and said she has a caucus meeting tomorrow afternoon, followed by a dinner, and then some factional meeting to do with the uni on Monday....bloody politics! :lol: We fly home Tuesday.

Matt is doing well and looking better and sounding better each day. The beginning of week 4 post op was the real turn around and he hasn't looked back. He has put on another 2.5kgs this week, now weighs 43.8kgs, so 5.4kgs since he was discharged from hospital 5 weeks ago. YAY!!!

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Positive Report...

Matt had his 6 week post op review with the Prof today and all went wonderfully well...:thumleft:

The Prof is very happy with the weight gain, the way he looks (colour) and his bloods. When he examined him he wasn't able to palpate any masses and he is pleased with the suture line and how it has healed.

He said that he took out 20cm of small bowel and 8.5cm of large bowel/caecum. It turns out all of the bowel inflammation was confined to the original 150mm that was there on diagnosis. At the time of his diagnosis he had 100mm of definite involvement and a further 50mm that was borderline. All of the inflammation, that on imaging, appeared to be bowel way back from January, was in actual fact outside the bowel. It was the second abscess that was a fibrous mass adhered to the abdominal wall. He said that Crohns confined to the terminal ileum has the best outcome surgically as far as remission is concerned. Don't know how true this is. He no longer needs to see him as he is in remission and, in the most sincere way said, he hopes to never see him again but if we have any further concerns just to give him a ring, so that is nice to know.

I asked about the...no convincing evidence of Crohns...and he said it was because of the absence of granuloma's. He said that pathologists don't like to label someone unless they have the microscopic evidence and he said he wouldn't like to label someone with Crohns either unless he was sure, but Matt definitely has Crohns, granuloma's or no granuloma's.

Matt asked no questions and on leaving the office said...well that was a waste of time...gee, if only I had taken bets on that being the opinion he would have! :lol:

So we now find ourselves in very positive territory and I'm hoping, praying and wishing it stays this way for a very long lifetime!

Onward and Upward! :D
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Haha....sucked in Welshy...too slow!!!

And as for you Dex, haven't we already spoken about nothing to be gained from coming too soon???

Dusty. :)
Must have only been by a margin of seconds!!
Bet I was right and you are dancing away though- Fab news, and may his remission last a lifetime!
I like Matt's diagnosis the best !:rof:

So glad he has been cleared to go on with his life!! :kiss::kiss:

love to you!
(you superstar with your own fan club you)
So I'm wondering....

Does Matt's good news, coupled with Sarah's 5 year + remission, mean momma gets to relax at all ?? Just a little ??

I hope so !! :ghug::ghug:

You deserve it !
Thanks guys for the well wishes, they are very much appreciated...:hug:

@T, I'm trying mate, really I am! I don't think I am very good at though. Maybe when there is more water under the bridge I will let my guard down a teensy bit...:lol:

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Well things have been chugging along just fine and dandy...until this morning...bugger. :voodoo:

Matt woke up with lower back pain and then started vomiting. He seems comfortable enough but the pain, he says it is more of an annoyance than anything because he can't get comfortable, and vomiting are persisting. He is only vomiting small amounts so I am not too concerned at this point. I have organised bloods for tomorrow morning so I guess we shall wait and see for now.

If this has anything to do with Crohns I swear I will kill someone so lock ya doors!!! :lol:

Hoping, wishing and praying that this is a non event!
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
I hope everything comes back okay with blood work. sending thoughts and prayers your way as always...
My door is always locked, lol But I can relate as to how you feel...
lots of love
he caught a flu Dusty b/c he has been ill and his immune is still lower that the average bear....

tell Matt to get back to being boring :D .. and scholastic... athletic ... or something...

xo :hug:
I bet Wendy's right!! Probably just a bug! You can kill me Dusty :voodoo: if it makes ya feel better! It wouldn't be the first time:)
Hahaha...you sure you want to keep the door unlocked???

Well Matt woke up from his slumber yesterday in no pain and with no further vomiting and was acting like nothing had happened! Started eating again and going about his business.

I went to a parent/teacher thing yesterday afternoon and they told me there was a gastro bug going around. I'm still not sure if that what was going on with him, I'm more focusing on the lower back pain with that statement but if it's gone away and stays away then I don't give a damn as to what caused it! :lol:

He's still in the land of nod at the moment so that's gotta be good. I had the doc fax the blood request straight to the lab so he will take himself off there when he wakes up.

Thanks again guys for your love and support and for putting up with an over reactive, raving lunatic mother!
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
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YOU ARE NOT AN "over reactive, raving lunatic mother" ... hope your door is unlocked b/c I am on my way over...


BTW... this looks nothing like me...ha!

I hope it was/is just a bug Dusty :) I really dont know...just wishful thinking... you and your family are long over due for a break!!!!!

Haha Wendy, love your pic!

Hmmmm...well I spoke to soon.

When Matt woke up he said he still had a niggly pain but not as bad as yesterday, unfortunately he was back to square one within the hour...left flank pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and no appetite. I took him to have his bloods done and made an appointment with the GP for tomorrow morning. I also decided to pick a urine spec jar.

Matt eventually went back off to sleep this afternoon and woke feeling a little better. Pain not as bad but still vomiting.

Thank god we have a good relationship and he feels at ease telling me things. I have questioned him at length about his pain and explained that perhaps he has a UTI, kidney infection or stone because that would explain many of the symptoms he has. He then told me has some testicular pain but absolutely no abdominal pain at all. So maybe, just maybe the cause of all this is the urinary system.

Oh well, we'll see what the doc has to say tomorrow and what his blood results are.

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
?is that another tongue in cheek comment? Since when is Matt comfortable talking about anything?

Has Matt ever had kidney stones? From others I've known who had them, the symptoms are spot on. I wouldn't wish one on anyone but just this once, I hope that's ALL it is!!
Well he may be a man of very few words but the few he does speak are very succinct, straight to the point and to me! ahahaha. So yeah, he seriously tells me stuff that most teenage boys wouldn't tell their Mum's, thank god! :lol:

No he hasn't had any urinary issues in the past and I'm with you Dex, I hope that's ALL it is too!!! :eek2:

Dusty. xxx
Hiya Dusty
I hope everything's ok, I'm sure whatever it is the doc will fettle it!
Much love to you both, good luck, fingers crossed
Thinking of you all Dusty :)

My niece actually had to go to the hospital last night for very similar symptoms and it turned out to be kidney stones! She happens to be pregnant, so her symptoms were only for the day and I urged her to go to at least get IV fluids and get checked out. And of course...Matt's not pregnant! HAHA ... But I have heard that men do get the testicular pain with the stones.
I sure hope that is ALL it is as well !!

much love,

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