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Oct 1, 2009
Ok So hopefully some read my story. Well I had a colonoscopy done on Tuesday and my GI said he could see inflammation where they reconnected the intestines from the last surgery. And scheduled a CBC for Oct. 13th. Well after the colonoscopy I have been having alot of pain. He asked me to describe it. I told him I get this burning all over like a blow torch is in there. it burns all the time but when I eat or drink within 5 seconds of swallowing something it burns really bad for about 5 seconds then calms down some. then I have this cramping and pinching feeling kind of at the top/middle of my stomach all the time. he says thats where it is inflamed at. but he swears the burning isnt from the crohns. and that may be but it never happens when I am not flaring up...well if it isnt from the crohns it is from something and it needs to stop. it makes it to where I dont want to eat. and alot of the time it hurts so bad I end up throwing up from it. So ok back on track here. I called the DR office Thursday I have been in so much pain after the colonoscopy that sometimes it has me curled up in a ball. so I call and ask if he can see me or call something into the pharmacy to help with the pain. His nurse calls me back and tells me to go for my CBC today instead of the 13th. She said the DR says I am going to need surgery again but needs the CBC to determine how intense of surgery I am going to need. Oh and BTW he wont give me anything for pain until he can see me. Which he cant do until Monday..So I am asking what am I supposed to do until then. I am hurting so bad and had been throwing up for 2 days straight..the only thing the nurse could say was go to the ER and go on a complete liquid diet for a few days. my prednisone isnt helping pentasa isnt helping and neither is the 6mp. Soooo I am now on the hunt for a new GI. Every time i go see the one I have I always leave feeling worse then when I went in, and I feel like he doesnt really care. or want to take the time to actually find out what is going on in my stomach. Sorry for the long post. just kind of needed to get it all out.
I have a specialist how always says that all my problems are due to me being fat, I think they teach them to be non caring when they go through unerversity!!!! Im sorry your in so much pain. And im sorry I cant really give you any advice as its all new to me. I hope you get sorted soon maybe it would be wirth going to casulty sorry ( ER ) maybe you would have more chance of getting sorted and you may even get a different opinon x
Yup, off to ER for you Angee. There are times you should go and being in pain and throwing up for two days is one of them!

As for doctors. Yes, I believe they do have to dissassociate from their patients problems/pain to keep sane - could you stand seeing people in our condition day in day out and not be affected. But I'm amazed at how many doc's do manage to comprehend the pain, the circumstances and remain compassionate. It can be done. Try a different one, I suppose.
H-Pylori causes a burning sensation. You can try to treat it with Mastic Gum or Manuka Honey, and if it improves, you know what it is.

I had this in my stomach once, and it was quit painful.

Thank You for the heldful replies. I will give them all a shot...if it helps me out then great..if not, well I tried and I can move on to the next.:lol:
I went to the ER and because of everything I am already on he didnt want to give me any Flagyl or Levaquin or anything like that...So he gave me vicodin for the pain....I have to say...it feels so good to me halfway pain free for the moment. And he gave me something for Nashua it seems to be helping so far....keeping my fingers crossed. If their are alot of typos in this please excuse them...Pain pills always make me loopy lol.

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