Using vapourised MM

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Aug 9, 2009
Hey guys. I was just wondering - I am using mj to help with some pretty nasty stoma pain (faulty bags - long story short coloplast sent a batch of faulty bags to nz and now they are completely out of stock and have a back order so I am stuck with bags that arent sticking properly on top of the fact I have crohnic stoma / skin pain).

Anyway I was wondering I have a bunch of used vaped weed and no fresh stuff left (its harder for me to get here as its not legal so I get it thru a friend.) But I am wondering if it is possible to cook it in to something (or even just eat it as is?) as I really need the pain killing effects of it at the moment but cant get more till next week :( If anyone has any suggestions I would be incredibly grateful

You can smoke it the regular way and get the last bits of goodness, it'll take more product to produce the same results in my experience, but it may tide you over. Good luck.
You can make edibles with your already vaped weed. If you google it, you can get all kinds of ways to use it :)
Since it has already been decarboxylated through the process of vaporization, you could just eat it. I can't stand the smell or taste of cannabis that has already been vaped, but you could just mix it in some yogurt or take it in capsules.

Warning: eating cannabis that has already been vaped will be much more sedating than usual.
Is it more of a sedative because the thc is mostly gone? I experienced this eating vape-weed brownies but having never eaten weed before I didn't know that was abnormal.

Follow up: if most of the thc is gone what's left? Say it was vaped at below 375?

I guess my real question is, is it worth it to make edibles out of vaped weed? I have a ready supply of fresh stuff so it's really just a monetary issue.

They certainly work well as a sleep aid if nothing else...
I wouldn't smoke vaped weed. Its pretty rough and might give you a headache, I would made edibles with it or if you are really experienced make some oil with it
Follow up: if most of the thc is gone what's left? Say it was vaped at below 375?

I guess my real question is, is it worth it to make edibles out of vaped weed? I have a ready supply of fresh stuff so it's really just a monetary issue.

They certainly work well as a sleep aid if nothing else...

There is still cannbinoids in the vaped weed, even though the THC is gone. We have many CB receptors in our gut, so making edibles out of the vaped weed will send CB's right to your digestive tract where you want it to go. :D
That's what I wondered! If I can eat a brownie instead of taking a sleep aid I'm down.