Vaped weed left over recipe?

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Oct 19, 2011
I have a huge bag of vaped weed that I am reluctant to throw away, as far I have read it still contains some beneficial CBD left in it.
Has anybody got and nice recipes/ideas on how I can ingest this to get the most out of it?

I would slow cook it on a crock pot for several hours, coconut oil is my preference. It will get the last bits of goodness out of it, you can use the oil any way. Won't be nearly as potent as using full strength MM though.
Put it in a glass jar with coconut oil. Put in crockpot, in water, on low for 8-10 hours. While cooking, every 2 hours or so, pull out the jar and give a good shake :) Once done, you can strain it and put in the fridge to cool. Straining is optional though. It's how I made mine with kief, worked awesome :) You can then use in w/e recipes you'd like. I personally would put some in my tea in the morning