Vaporizing Pipe

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Oct 19, 2011
Smoked Marijuana for the first time in like 23 years. First I got really high, probably the highest I've ever been, and I didn't like it. Is there a strand of MM that takes away the pain but doesn't make you high as a kite. Wow have things changed in two decades, lol

Secondly, I smoked it in a joint and it really hurt my chest, so I'm not even going to try it again until I get a vaporizer. I was wondering if a vaporizing pipe would work just as good as a regular vaporizer?
I'm not familiar with vaporizing pipes. Are you maybe referring to a water pipe or bong? Of course, technology may have improved since I last looked at vaporizers. But pretty much anything is going to be better than a joint for your lungs. But yes, vaporizers or cooking is the way to go in my opinion.

If you haven't smoked in 23 years, you may have smoked way too much thinking you needed as much as you did back then. Weed is much more potent now. If you're concerned about the high, I'd start off with a small hit and wait for awhile to see how it hits you. If you want more, take another small hit and work your way up. No need to take huge movie size hits off the bat :)
I totally agree David. It is way more potent now. I didn't expect it to be so strong. I will definitely take just one small hit and wait, before or even if I have to take another. No doubt, I learned from that last time. Thanks!

As far as the pipe vaporizer, that's what it is called on I have no experience with this. All I've ever used was papers, bong, pipe or hookah. I never even heard of vaporizing, but I want to get the best for my money that's why I'm asking.

Again, thanks for your input. :)
For something more compact/portable, check out the Magic Flight Launch Box and VaporGenie vaporizers. I have a MFLB and love it. I've heard good things about VaporGenie products, as well. I don't know much about normal vaporizers, but the Volcano is always mentioned as one of the best (and expensive).

I second what David said. With no tolerance, take it slow. If you're buying good stuff (sometimes even bad stuff) it won't take much at first.
Thanks effdee, I will definitely look into both of those.

Side note: I saw that you were taking LDN with Cimzia, how did that go for you?
Not particularly well. The Cimzia had stopped working at least 4 months prior to starting LDN. I stayed on it just in case it was keeping me from getting that much worse, since I tolerated it pretty well. The LDN had minimal effect, but I did notice some benefit after about 8 weeks.

Glad I could help. It's a bit weird to use at first, but you'll love it once you get the hang of it. Not needing a lighter is really nice. It's possible to buy different batteries to use with it (not sure what kind, do some googling before you buy any), but it's not the easiest thing. They'd be cheaper, but if you order the MFLB batteries you won't have to take the covers off yourself. You won't need new ones for a while. Just something to keep in mind.
I can't get the hang of the mflb so it just sits around my house being lonely. any tips? I have an iolite but it's dying. I've thought about trying vapor genie.
I'm not familiar with vaporizing pipes. Are you maybe referring to a water pipe or bong? Of course, technology may have improved since I last looked at vaporizers. But pretty much anything is going to be better than a joint for your lungs. But yes, vaporizers or cooking is the way to go in my opinion.

If you haven't smoked in 23 years, you may have smoked way too much thinking you needed as much as you did back then. Weed is much more potent now. If you're concerned about the high, I'd start off with a small hit and wait for awhile to see how it hits you. If you want more, take another small hit and work your way up. No need to take huge movie size hits off the bat :)

David, I think I'm talking about the Vapor Genie. It looks like a pipe to me, lol
well you need to pull the battery in and out according to the directions. I would either get a burny hit or a non-existant hit. it probably requires some amount of practice :)
It does take some practice. When you make contact with the battery, check to make sure the light comes on. Then hold it for about 5 seconds and wait to see if you can see vapors forming through the lid (angle it with a bit of light). Once you see that, start to inhale VERY slowly. Start out as slowly as you can until you know how to handle it. I think the instructions said to act like you're taking a sip of really hot tea or something. You won't see vapors when you exhale, but you should be able to tell while you draw if you're getting anything. Shake it up between hits. It will stay warm/hot while using it, so subsequent hits won't take as long to start. The charge on the battery has an effect on it, as well. If you stick with it, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it before too long. It's extremely convenient should you need to carry it with you, as well.

I forgot to mention before that the more you can grind the bud, the better.
good to know. I always carried the iolite, but as I said, it's dying a slow unhappy death :/ I'll have to give the box another shot.
i use an iolite but really want iolites new and improved portable vaporizer. of course, nothing beats a volcano vaporizor. It's german made and very high quality and super quick and easy to use but costs $500.

The flightbox seemed to give me smaller hits than the iolite. If you haven't smoked or vaped in awhile then take it one hit at a time and be careful to avoid unpleasant side effects like paranoia or anxiety.
Thanks Johnny, I'm going to look into the lolite vaporizer. I'm so glad I can get everyone's opinion before I buy. This is great! Yeah, I learned the hard way about taking one hit at a time. Back when I used to smoke, a couple of decades ago, it took way more than one hit to work. The first time I did again, a few weeks back, I took 4 or 5 and definitely had unpleasant side effects - major paranoia and anxiety. It was not fun, to say the least.
i'd get the new one called the whisper. the company iOlite has great craftsmanship and warranty and is half the cost of the Volcano. Volcano is the way to go if money is no object. you can find these cheaper on Ebay sometimes too, but here is a company i've used before:

PS come back and tell us how awesome it is. i want to upgrade from my iolite because the vapor is supposedly a lot thicker on the WHispr. They replaced my iolite right before the 2 year warranty was up so now i have a new one.
The volcano is the best. Be using it for the last year and find it way better then other units I've used.

They do cost alot but in the long run. Or not so long run you save a bunch of money since the amount you have to use in it is small
I have a digital Volcano and I love it. It's the first vaporizer I've ever used so I can't do any comparisons but it's super easy to use. I watched tons of videos on youtube about Volcano's before I bought one.

I use the easy valve system. It seems much less involved than the other one that is used with the volcano.

I have considered checking into the MFLB for more portable usage. It seems like there is a bit of a learning curve with that thing.
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