Vegan; Good or bad during a flare?

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Mar 11, 2012
Dear Fellow Crohnies
I come to you all yet again with more questions about our unpredictable disease. I've considered going vegan for years now and about a month ago decided to officially take the plunge. Unfortunately around the same time I was entering a really bad flare. I'm currently only on cipro/flagyl (and have been for the past six months). Which is part of the problem since I haven't been able to really control my Crohns and we all know too well how much fun antibiotics are for our bowels on a good day.
Anyways long story short, I'm definitely not going to rush back to dairy and meats as a personal choice but could all my veggies and alternative protein sources be doing more harm than good? I would love any and all opinions!!
When you say alternative protein sources? What are those sources?

I went vegan while I was in a flare and I think it helped me tremendously. I did juice a lot as to cut down on my fiber intake but I also included plenty of leafy greens. I think the vegan diet will be beneficial for you IF you are eating alot of fruits and mostly vegetables. Many people will just eat potato chips, and Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and not understand why they aren't getting to results that other vegans do :D

I say stick to it, just listen to your body over the next few weeks.

Keep in mind that Oreo's are vegan but certainly not healthy! There is lots of vegan junk food. As a former vegan I would advise against it because it's hard to get proper B12, calcium, vit D, zinc and iron without supplementing.

I would be extremely careful around "alternative meats" as they are processed and full of really bad ingredients like denatured GMO soy and corn or wheat gluten. I would say a healthy vegan diet would consist of lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds, whole grains and beans. I would sprouted, soak, ferment and dehydrate to make the grains and beans as easy to digest as possible.

Check out this link:
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I tried the vegan thing for awhile, it didn't last very long, I don't tolerate nuts, seeds, quinoa, beans, tofu, etc etc etc. my point being, it doesn't work for everyone. You could try a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet?
All great advice! Thank you! Mostly I eat vegetables, and juice fruits. Common meat alternatives are lentils, beans, tofu, and lots of chickpeas. I do supplement a lot though I'm not sure it's fully being absorbed as we all know during a flare nothing really stays down properly. I do feel better though just hoping so much fiber isn't aggravating my problem. Gianni what are some key foods you eat that are vegan during a flare?
If you go the vegan route educate yourself, so many vegans come from a crap meat diet into a crap vegan diet and wonder why they don't feel well on it. There's no one deficiency that ONLY vegans get. So many myths about the vegan diet its ridiculous.

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