Very happy with new doctor!

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Oct 23, 2009
Just felt like I had to come on and share this. I am very happy :).

I had a doctor that I wasn't happy with. I felt he was completely mis-diagnosing me, going way too extreme for my case (at one point attempting to put me on long-term Remicade, Imuran, and Prednisone for symptoms I had described as part of a flare that was only a few days long). He would never remember my last visit with him, even when he would refer to his notes and the appointments were only a few weeks apart. He even once told me, as a fact, that my disease was worsening and I'd need to increase my drug therapy. He did no medical tests to prove this claim, other than feeling my abdomen and sticking his finger up my butt.

I also felt like he never explained himself well, almost intentionally. It was almost as if he'd overly complicate things so you wouldn't understand and had no choice but to just go with him. I wouldn't understand something he'd say, so I'd let him know and ask if he could explain again, and he'd say it again in a way you'd have to be a doctor to understand.

Anyways, I was very disappointed, and after numerous visits with my family doctor after being disappointed with how things had gone with my specialist doctor, I got a referral for a new GI! The appointment finally happened early last month, after months of waiting patiently.

The appointment could not have gone any better with her! She explained everything extremely well. I left feeling I actually understood things quite well. I also found out that according to my paperwork, I only have about 3cm of infection in my intestine, which she said is very minimal, and if it has not progressed past that point since my last colonoscopy, which was 2 years prior, there may not even be any need to be on drugs at all. Of course, she wanted to do some tests to confirm this, so requested for me to get bloodwork done, and MRI to see if my fistula from when I was first diagnosed is still an issue, a colonoscopy, and a berium x-ray.

I had my bloodwork done later that week. The MRI, surprisingly, happened within a week as well, as they had a cancellation and were able to fit me in, and I just had the colonoscopy late last week. I got to see my new doc just before they put me under for the scope, but she told me that she had seen my MRI and bloodwork results and both were immaculate. The fistula is completely gone, and my blood levels for inflammation were perfect. The scope then happened, and when I woke up and got my discharge papers there was a note at the bottom saying "v. minimal crohns, 0 polyps". This is by no means an official diagnosis, but is very exciting news for me! My old doctor was trying to convince me I was close to being on my death bed with the severity of my condition. I couldn't be more relieved!

I still have the berium test to go, and then have to schedule a follow-up with her for the results of everything. Can't wait to get back in there to get the official word! I'm very glad I went with my instincts and sought a 2nd opinion.
I'm very glad you've found a doctor you are happy with and who is doing the best to see you get good care. I went through a couple of terrible GIs before finding my current GI, who is fantastic, I'm kicking myself for wasting time on the others when they just weren't helping!

Hope you managed to get everything sorted in the near future. :)
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Hi Everlong

That first part of your story, about the over zealous doctor, made me laugh !! From one extreme to another, you can't win!
But congratulations if you are in remission, this is inspiration for us all, and that it can happen!
That's fantastic! It always helps to have a doctor that you trust....I was lucky that I got mine on the first try :) Mine's female too..wonder if that has anything to do with it? lol
Thanks guys! It is such a relief.

I had tried several times before to get referred to a new specialist, but my family doctor is great and was always able to clear up my confusion and calm my frustration. I'd leave his office finally understanding what my GI was talking about and feeling happy, but then the next time I went to my GI the same thing would happen all over again! Enough was enough though haha.

Its great to finally have a doctor I feel I can trust. Only wish it could have happened sooner! Better late than never though :).

Apparently my old GI does have a good reputation though, so I'm not sure how things went so wrong in my case.
So, I just got back from my official follow up. My Crohn's is now officially very minimal, and my previous doctor was officially full of it! Blood work is perfect, berium follow through showed no issues, MRI showed my fistula has completely healed and gone away (which apparently is rare she said), and my colonoscopy showed that my condition is virtually the same as two years ago when I had my last scope.

Discovered that although my ileum is infected, it is hardly infected at all. She said there are just two small ulcers there. My main infection is within the last 5 cm of the rectum, but still not much to be concerned about. Explains why I still get strong urges to have to go sometimes.

Apparently I have some hemorrhoids down there, so that may explain the bleeding I've been getting in the past (haven't had any at all since the colonoscopy, and my previous doctor wasn't even able to give me an explanation for the bleeding after the colonoscopy I had with him two years ago). Also sounds like the rectal abscess I had 7 years back, which lead to my diagnosis, may possibly have not been Crohn's related at all. May have just been coincidental. No way to confirm this though, just speculation.

Bottom line is that my condition has not advanced at all in the last two years and my fistula has vanished. I have no need to be on any medications. She gave me a new prescription for some Salofalk, incase of a flare, since the main infection is in the back end.

She mentioned to me on the way out that she was very relieved we went through with the tests rather than just going ahead with the Imuran, as the previous doctor was wanting to do. So happy!
May 28, 2010


Congratulations on finding the RIGHT DOCTOR for YOU.

I’ve had Crohn’s Disuse for 25 years and the most common problem I hear from patients is the Horror Show associated with their eventual Diagnosis and Initial Treatment. I refer to it as the “Diagnosis Journey.” Also, some doctors are not as familiar with Crohn’s Disease or UC and they go straight to “Text-Book” treatment when in your particular case – it might be completely uncalled for. That type of method sometimes includes the premature introduction of Prednisone and now seems to include the premature application of Potent but very effective medications like Remicade, Humira and Remicade. Doctors could do this for a variety for reasons, some well-intended and others more “business” related but we Patients are also often a Cause of Mismatched Doctor-Patient relationships because we get too “attached” to a local or childhood doctor and then “stay too long.”

But, you went “with your Gut” and I think that’s GREAT. I’ve learned to ALWAYS TRUST MY BODY and MIND so the fact that you “felt” something wasn’t right and you acted on it – well – I know how hard it is to start from scratch with a Doctor but yet how GREAT it then feels to “Connect” with a Compassionate, Qualified Professional who LISTENS and tries to tailor your Treatment Plan to best suit your “Lifestyle.”

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