i have terrible issues with neck pain and jaw pain too. i just discovered that a memory foam neck support pillow helps at night. I am taking vit d liquid at the moment even though doc said my level was adequate. Sod her i'm thinking, i shall do what i feel makes me feel better.
Just joined this site. Not sure how to start my own thread question??
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am still taking 50,000 of Vit d a day. I double checked and the pharmacist double checked and that's the dose he wants me on. My number was 18.
I think I really need to really start taking the Vitamin D faithfully and Pro- Biotics... I am wondering if I am faithfully with the Vitamin D maybe I can get my fatique under control.
My level was a 7. She put me on D capsules for 6 months, they will check me again in June. There has just been soo much going on with my body, I'm not sure how well it's working.
It took just over a week for me to start feeling the effects of vit D supplementation. It's been just over a month, and I'm still improving each day.
Please consider taking David's advice: supplement the Vit D co-factors along with Vit D to realize it's full benefits. Talk to your Doctor about it first, though.
Happy you found something that really helps you Daddy!
Good job with the yard! Come on eover and do ours next, wouldya???:ylol2:
David said to get Magnesium citrate. I went to GNC yesterday and they gave me a liquid form and it says to use for constipation. Drink half the bottle! It's about a quart or less. Is this the wrong stuff? What kind do you take? Brand???
For some people with Crohn's disease (certainly not *all*, but some), the "good bacteria" pro-biotics are a nightmare. Yes, some CD sufferers have great results with them, but for others, it's a sentence to the porcelain jail. Unfortunately, I'm one of those that has, for lack of a better term, "bacteria intolerance." After trying the different "good bacteria" pro-biotics over a one year period, I was in pretty bad shape. My doc started me on a Cipro/Flagyl course that had me straightened out in a week. Cipro/Flagyl is a well known and often prescribed antibiotic combo that often helps CD sufferers.
From that day, I have sworn off "good bacteria" pro-biotics, substituting Sachromyces Boulardii yeast instead. S. Boulardii has been a God send for me. I have finally gotten the results with it that I was hoping for from the "good bacteria" pro-biotics. Now please don't get me wrong... there are many people that have gotten great results from bacteria pro-biotics, but if you end up being one of the ones that doesn't, S. Boulardii is a great alternative.
As for Vitamin D... Well, I worked in the yard for 12 hours straight yesterday, and I plan on completely ignoring my sore muscles; gonna do another 12 hours today. I've been supplementing Vit D for just over one month. I've added it to my daily CD meds so there's no chance of skipping it. To me, it's *that* important.
Right now, I'm taking "Cal-Mag Citrate" made by "Solaray".
It doesn't have any Vitamin K in it, though, but it does have 1k mg of Calcium Citrate and 500 mg of Magnesium as Citrate and Oxide. I don't like the mag oxide part, but it's the best I could find here in my small town. Oh, it also has 1k IU of Vit D in it, but I take an additional 5k IU of D.
Thankyou so much! So do you buy it at the pharmacy there?
Thank you!!
It's nice living in the desert... We don't have to shovel sunshine off the drive ways.:tongue:
The grass is growing, trees are budding, Mourning Doves fill the morning air with their sad song. It's a beautiful time of year.
And the fact that it's gonna be 75 degrees today doesn't hurt, either!
Kids are on Spring Break, so the yard might have to wait a bit today... Going to take them for a hike/picnic through the desert red rocks.
CrohnsDaddy, I have a friend, a guy I've known for many years, who was diagnosed with Crohn's while he was in college. He had the week long hospital stay, a G.I., the whole works most of us deal with. Anyway, after the first year or so, he's never had to treat, see his G.I., etc, because once his mom saw the side effects of all the meds they treat us with, she decided that was NOT happening and started researching. I know she gave him 3 different things, and the only one I can remember is, brewers yeast tablets. She intended to heal him naturally. So when I saw your post about what you take instead of probiotics, it made me think of that.
I know we all are aware that what works for one might very well not work for the next, I do have to give his mom some credit, he's mid 50's now and still has never had to treat. Like he never had it.
my mum had ulcerative colitis too. She had all her colon removed though. just wondering if you have tried it for crohns. i'm being stupid by hoping high levels of vit d3 will be my 'cure'. wouldn't it be brilliant if it worked well for the actual crohns and bones, not to mention mood uplift.
Shall get myself a support memory foam mattress too.
Why oh why do cats clamber all over the keyboard when you want to write omg?!
Sounds like a perfect day!
She is taking Primal Defense probiotics and the first ingredient listed is S. Boulardii, but it sounds like you had better luck taking the S. Boulardii alone, i.e., not included in a combined probiotic formula, like Primal Defense.
Is it available in most stores, or do you order it online or buy it somewhere special?
Sid, do you take your D in a pill form? Is there a reason for just once a week?
Hugh, that is really interesting! Thanx for sharing with us!
my mum had ulcerative colitis too. She had all her colon removed though. just wondering if you have tried it for crohns. i'm being stupid by hoping high levels of vit d3 will be my 'cure'. wouldn't it be brilliant if it worked well for the actual crohns and bones, not to mention mood uplift.
Shall get myself a support memory foam mattress too.
Why oh why do cats clamber all over the keyboard when you want to write omg?!
I think I agree with that, David. But am I thinking that putting the D3 in my body isn't going to do much good after all. I am desperate to get better. I shall continue it and see what happens. will do the co factors too. thanks
While I still haven't seen any improvement in my CD symptoms, supplementing vit D has helped a ton with depression and fatigue levels.
Vit D plays so many different roles... just because one of those roles might possibly be getting interfered with by bacteria doesn't mean that *all* of it's benefits are nullified.
Sure, it would be great to get some primary CD symptom relief, but the fact that I'm up off the couch and active in life again is enough to make me a firm believer in supplementing Vit D and it's co-factors.
While it is true that Vitamin D helps with easing depression after taking it for just a few weeks, it is also true that after taking it consistently for a longer periods of time (6 to 8 months), it helps any type of inflammatory disease, i.e., CD and even MS. I have a friend with MS and she recently told me, "My MS was very aggressive and it took almost 7 months for me to really start feeling better with the vitamin D, but once it started, things just kept improving. It's been 4 and a half years now that I don't have a flare up, my MS is in complete remission, I have not had a new lesion in my MRIs again and many of my old lesions disappeared. I'm completely symptom free ... There are a few people with Crohn in our group ... she started the treatment 5 or 6 months ago and just the other day she posted that she is completely symptom free."
The morale of the story is, if you are not taking Vitamin D along with the cofactors, start taking every day and if you are taking it but haven't noticed any improvement in your CD symptoms, keep taking it because once the serum level has built up in your body, your CD symptoms will slowly diminish. Don't give up on the Vitamin D. It is the key to long-term remission.
Lisa, this is great information to know about Crohn's - for both long-term remission and depression!!! Thanks for sharing!
After reading through this thread a few weeks ago, I ordered the Vitamin D recommended from BioTech Pharmacal Vitamins - well, Vitamin D combined with Calcium and the other vitamins needed as cofactors.
I can't tell you how much better I am doing now that I am taking VitD3 two times a day 5000IU. each time and now liquid magnesium citrate. I need to find pill from . But my hand pain is so much better and my energy and my leg pain is all but gone. Plz try it if you haven't!!!
Thanx Daddy! Does your cockatoo dance too?
muscle weakness and joint issues are a big issue for me. I'm definitely going to try d3 for around 6 months. Sometimes I just can't use my arms and legs much at all. I get to collapsing point. I'm so hopeful that it helps improve my quality of life. The research being presented in this thread is great reading, so thanks to all that posted.
muscle weakness and joint issues are a big issue for me. I'm definitely going to try d3 for around 6 months. Sometimes I just can't use my arms and legs much at all. I get to collapsing point. I'm so hopeful that it helps improve my quality of life. The research being presented in this thread is great reading, so thanks to all that posted.
I'm always low on Vit D and have been supplementing for 4 years. My doc's suggesting now that I'm just one of those people with a chronic low level. Not sure how to proceed with regard to Vit D.
How many IUs of vitamin D have you been taking per day and what is your vitamin D level as of last test?I'm always low on Vit D and have been supplementing for 4 years. My doc's suggesting now that I'm just one of those people with a chronic low level. Not sure how to proceed with regard to Vit D.
Wonder how many CD sufferers also have muscle strength/fatigue issues?...
I keep reading a lot of conflicting information that leaves me in doubt about whether my supplementation is actually doing me any good. I've just read that Vit A+D Cod oil tablets is a bad thing, which it seems was pretty common knowledge that i've somehow missed. Subsequently I won't be taking those pills any more.
Can I please be advised on what I should be looking for, lest I buy any more tablets that I find out are no good for me
Vitamin d3, liquid or capsule? Taken with some sort of fat? and Magnesium? and Zinc now?
Thanks for your reply crossroads. Does the D3 need the B complex to work properly? Do you take it with some sort of fat? Do you take the magnesium at the same time? What dosage of Magnesium do you use?
Sorry for all the questions, i'm just fed up of buying the wrong supplements!
I found the following while researching nutrients important for the gastrointestinal tract - just more confirmation of Vitamin D:
Vitamin K and D deficiency and decreased bone mineral density (BMD) were highly prevalent in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), especially Crohn's disease.
Dietary intakes of these vitamins, however, were above the adequate intakes in IBD patients, suggesting that malabsorption is the basis for hypovitaminosis K and D and decreased BMD.
Vitamin D insufficiency has been linked to higher rates of cancers including colon cancer and gastrointestinal diseases, in particular IBD and colorectal cancer.
All the more reason to take the Vitamin D recommended by a doctor David spoke with at the beginning of this thread - from BioTech Pharacol: Bio-Tech D3Plus - that has the cofactors needed for absorption. Here's the link to this vitamin D. I had ordered it and am taking it.
From David's post on page 2 of this thread from the doctor:
Vitamin D needs cofactors to work properly. If I had Crohn’s, I would definitely pay the extra cost and buy a vitamin D with the expensive K2, and mg, zn and boron. These are the cofactors vitamin D needs to work. For example, the vitamin D receptor is like a glove. At the base of the fingers of the glove is a zinc molecule. Most Americans are zinc deficient. The same is true for boron, magnesium and probably K2.
I recommend the new D-Plus from Bio-Tech Pharmacal. Make sure it is the new formula, not the old one. The dose is three pills per day for 5,000 IU, this is important as most people take only one or two and so are still vitamin D deficient. Take with largest meal of day.
I think that's a smart way to do it with the zinc from food.Thanks for sharing that info Sarah! Unfortunately I can't get that supplement in England, and I can't afford all the separate components. However the Vit D council do seem to prioritise Magnesium as a cofactor, followed by Zinc. So i'm going to order the Magnesium and try and eat some more Zinc containing foods, i'll see where that gets me for now.
Four research-proven benefits of omega-3 fatty acids
i don't tink you're going to be attacked by a sabertooth if you go outside for a bit of sunDavid, you have to remember, lives were also very short and violent back in those days! There wasn't a lot of cancer, and all diets were paleo, but just surviving childhood was a crapshoot. Personally I'll take my cushy life where I have to get some of my vitamins from a bottle, over a life where I have to compete with neanderthals and other large predatorial mammals just to eat.
i don't tink you're going to be attacked by a sabertooth if you go outside for a bit of sun![]()