**************************PART I *****************************
Hello All:
To followup my previous comment, this is my daughter's story. Let me apologize ahead of time for the lengthy reply, however, I think it's important for you to know the back story.
Rachel was diagnosed with Crohns five years ago when she was 15 and her symptoms were moderate to severe. She lost a ton of weight, she had massive hair loss, high fevers, bathroom issues, you name it. Just making it to high school was a challenge. She has been on all kinds of different meds (too long to list) with the last one being Remicade for just under 3 years. It worked great the first year but then lost its effectiveness and she started suffering with side affects. Her pediatric GI thought increasing her dose to the highest allowed for her age group was the answer, but it wasn't. It just caused her joints to crack & pop, the skin behind her ears were always inflammed, her immune system was so low that she caught every bug that came around and on top of it all, the Remicade did not alleviate her symptoms. We were very frustrated because she was attending college four hours away from home and in order to be able to make it to any of her classes, she had to wear an adult diaper everyday because of the frequent accidents she was having while on the highest dose of Remicade. She has so many embarrassing stories, as do all Crohns & Ulcerative Colitis sufferers.
We decided that it was time to get a second opinion by a non-pediaric GI, so we brought her to a big city hospital near her college in November 2012 and they did a CT Scan along with a colonoscopy. They confirmed that her large & small intestines were completely involved (her small was even more diseased than her large). Her ilieum was involved, too. In fact, her ilieum was so inflammed that they could not even get their small probe to go through the ilieum into her small intestine, therefore, they could not complete the colonoscopy. The GI prescribed Humira and sent her on her way. They sent her the practice Humira needle kit and kept calling to setup the appointment for her first injection, but we decided no more meds! Five years was enough! I mean, why take med after med after med if she is not getting any noticeable relief from her symptoms? She was already eating a very limited diet and we decided to limit her diet even more and even visited with a nutritionist a few times to get their recommendations, as well. We were scared because taking her off meds after being on them for five years was a big risk, but the hard decision had been made.
We were so frustrated at this point. I became obsessed with researching everything I could get my hands on about Crohns and I talked to anyone who would listen to me and even attended a CCFA Crohns Conference that was being held in another state (I'm from a small town and those conferences are no offered in my area). Then, one evening, I attended a short two hour Crohns seminar that was being held near my hometown where a GI was going over the latest meds that were being used to treat Crohns & Ulcerative Colitis. I got talking with a woman there and that one conversation changed everything for my daughter.
This woman's husband is a scientist and many years ago struggled with psoriasis. When doctors could not help him he spent all his spare time researching his condition and he found that taking Vitamin D-3 and Folic Acid which he bought at his local store took away all his symptoms. Many years later his wife (the woman I met) was suffering with a bad flare from her Ulcerative Colitis and nothing her GI recommended was helping. Her husband starting thinking that if the Vitamin D-3 and Folic Acid fought the inflammation that caused his psoriasis, then maybe it would help her. They decided there was no harm in trying it so she started taking the Vitamin D-3 and Folic Acid and in less than one week felt better than she had in years! As time went by, all her Ulcerative Colitis symptoms disappeared and just two months ago had a colonoscopy and her GI said that there is no evidence of Ulcerative Colitis in her colon! How amazing is that?!
They had not shared their experiences with anyone else outside their family until I met her on the night of October 23, 2012 when she stood up and told everyone in the room about her story. The GI played down her experience saying that what helps one IBD patient will not always help another. Anyway, we exchanged contact info and have been keeping in touch since. We had already stopped all prescribed meds for my daughter anyway so we decided to give the vitamins she suggested a try when my daughter came home for winter break at the end of December 2012. Please keep in mind that my daughter had her last Remicade infusion on October 19, 2012.
We have just been absolutely amazed at how wonderful she feels with taking no medication and only taking 5,000 iu's of Vitamin D-3 and 400 mcg's of Folic Acid together every morning! Before she added the Vitamin D-3 and Folic Acid to her daily regiment (she was already taking a multi-vitamin, calcium, iron, probiotics & fish oil everyday) and was having Remicade infusions every eight weeks, she was a mess and we truly wondered how much longer she could continue to go to college, but we were going to do everything in our power to keep her in school. She loves college and she was doing everything she could do to not let Crohns take that experience away from her, even though she was a walking zombie half the time as she very rarely slept through the night when she was having Remicade infusions.
It sounds absolutely crazy, I know, when I hear myself say that just by adding these two little vitamins to her daily routine, it completely turned her health around, but it's true! I am not a doctor and recommend that you talk to your doctor before doing anything, but we are going completely against both of her GI's orders, not giving her any meds at all, and she has her life back! It is truly a miracle!
If your kids are having Crohns symptoms and are not taking any kind of steroid (Vitamin D and steroids do not mix so please do not add Vitamin D if your child is taking any kind of steroid), I highly recommend that you talk with their pediatric GI and consider giving them Vitamin D-3 and Folic Acid. The 5,000 iu's of Vitamin D-3 and 400 mcg's of Folic Acid is what my friend recommends for adults, but children should take less. I am not a medical professional so I don't want to tell you how much to give children, but I think you should consider giving your kids with IBD some Vitamin D-3 and Folic Acid everyday.
The way the scientist explained it to me is that everyone needs Vitamin D and the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of Vitamin D is set way too low (400 to 600 International Unites (iu’s) for adults a day). For adults, with skin conditions or IBD, he believes that we should take 5,000 iu's everyday, even healthy adults. Depending on the weight of the child, it should be lower, so check with your pediatric GI on how much Vitamin D-3 they should take. But, taking Vitamin D alone will not work as, if taken alone, it will only stay in your system for about 90 minutes which is not enough time to heal the imflammation in your body. If you take the Vitamin D-3 with Folic Acid, the Folic Acid causes the Vitamin D to stay in your system for 6 or 7 hours which gives it time to absorb into your system and fight the inflammation (i.e., inflammed bowels, inflammation on your skin, etc.). Anyway, that is some of the science behind his discovery.
I just wanted to share this with all of you as I know what you are going through with your children or if you have IBD, what you have to deal with everyday. It seems with the success that my scientist friend, his wife and my daughter have had that he may have stumbled onto something really awesome that can help you or your kids.
I wish you all the best! If anyone else has had good luck with Vitamin D-3 and Folic Acid, please message me as I'd love to hear about your experience!
I will continue to keep your children in my prayers as they, and you parents, cope with this terrible disease.
Take care!
************************** PART II ***************************
Hello everyone -
Thanks to everyone for your comments. Both her pediatric GI and the GI who provided us with the second opinion are aware of what we are doing and she is having her inflammatory markers and vitamin levels tested in a few weeks.
I totally agree that this does seem too easy and too good to be true, but this is her reality now and it is wonderful considering what she has had to endure over the past five years. This is all very new to us so as more time passes, I will keep you posted on how things progress for her and I trust you will do the same.
Please let me be clear - I do not condone shutting your GI out when dealing with any kind of IBD as you should always work hand-in-hand with them in order to ensure that you are making well informed decisions about your health or the health of your children.
One last note which I think is quite interesting ... As I said previously, the scientist believes that Vitamin D and Folic Acid help reduce inflammation throughout the entire body. Many years ago he had an X-ray done on his knee prior to having minor knee surgery. Then, about ten years later he had an X-ray done on that same knee as he was preparing to have another surgery. When comparing the two X-rays his doctor was astounded because the X-ray that was taken ten years ago showed signs of arthritis but the current X-ray showed no signs of arthritis at all. How does arthritis just go away on its own? Could it be attributed the Vitamin D and Folic Acid he had been taking for years? Very curious ...
Thanks again!