Vitamin supplements..

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Oct 1, 2010
Hi guys,

I was wondering what vitamin supplements you guys take. I've been told a number of different things about what most Crohn's sufferers need and was curious to find out what you guys think. I've heard that krill oil is supposed to be quite effective for inflammation.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


EJ is on several supplements recommended by a naturo, but the one thing that I think has made a specific difference is a B-complex vitamin. He was having several little "ulcers" on his tongue and since starting the B's, he has only had one. He also takes a probiotic and a multi-vitamin.
Hi Winemaker:

As doctor's urging, I am taking a large dose of ferrous gluconate (iron), plus the daily recommended amounts of calcium and Vitamin D supplements (~1500 units each). My pharmacist recommended a daily multivitamin. And, just to try it out, I'm also taking probiotics.
Thank you,
Do you notice a difference when you take them as opposed to not taking them? What is the probiotic you are taking? I think I'm going to start taking a B supplement as my energy levels are always so low.
Hi there, having your levels checked like B12, Calcium and Vitamin D, these are the important vitamins we seem to lack. Calcium and Vitamin D is needed because of the drugs like Prednisone and antacids like Nexium robs our bones of calcium and Vitamin d3 absorbs the Calcium. I also use Magnesium Citrate (not oxide, that can cause more D) I am on mostly liquid filled vitamins, and now that the winter is coming upon us, we are indoors more so the Vitamin D gets depleted. Vitamin d helps fight diseases and alot of people find out AFTER they get diagnosed with Crohns the Vitamin D is low. Since we get diahreah (most of us) we elimiate nutrition every time we go. So ya gotta put it back in! ;). A multivitamin is alot helpful if you are not a great eater. Some insight for ya.
I'm on a high dose of iron supplement, multivitamins, Calcium + Vitamin D supplements, Lactaid enzyme supplements (to help with the lactose intolerance), and a probiotic - all daily. I would like to get on a B12 supplement as well as it seems everyone else here is and must be important. Does anyone know if a prescription is needed for B12 - like ferrous gluconate?
Hi again: No, I haven't noticed a difference. My iron levels are still in need of some improvement, and the other vitamins are more for long-term (prevention of bone density depletion, etc.). I bought whichever probiotic was cheapest at Safeway. :)

Thing is, I have been in an active flare for 1 year and 4 days now, so I am maybe not the best person to judge the shorter-term helpfulness of the vitamins and supplements -- have fatigue, etc. issues from the inflammation, and it's hard to piece out which improvement might be due to medication (Prednisone) and which might be due to vitamins.

Hi winemaker,

Your best bet is to ask your Doctor to check all your vitamin levels when you have your next blood tests done. This way you will know if you have any deficiencies and what you should be taking.
Not only will it save you money on taking vitamins you might not need, but it can actually be harmful long term to be overdosing on some vitamins and minerals.

Hope that helps

When I thought I had IBS I went onto a multi vitamin with iron in addition to my daily echinecea. I also take garlic during the winter. It seems my common sense plan helkped keep the IBD at bay!
I take B12, Biotin, and Red Krill along with a kids gummy vitamin every morning. I didn't notice much when I started taking them. But I noticed a HUGE difference when I stopped taking the B12 while I was traveling. I had a large drop in energy and I slept for 14 hours at a time and was still tired. Good thing it was a vacation on the beach so it was all about relaxing anyway.

I take the Biotin for hair loss. I think it might be working but it needs more time.
This is a bit old, but thought I'd add some more in to the mix. This should cover it for me as far as regular supplements, mostly taken because my levels were found to be low, or on advice from my specialists, though I may have provoked them somewhat :)
  • Fefol (iron & folate capsule)
  • Citrical (calcium)
  • Vitamin C tablets (to help iron absorption)
  • Vitamin D both Calcitriol daily and D3 capsules weekly - the weekly capsules from a hospital trial started earlier this year as the monthly doses weren't making any difference
  • DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) - prescribed as my levels were very low (thanks pred) but has also apparently been used to treat IBD in some cases
  • Fish oil liquid - has been good for a few things, and there's a fair bit of evidence in its favour inflammation
  • Turmeric - still not widely accepted, but is a known TNF-inhibitor (like infliximab & Humira) and some trials have suggested it's therapeutic at 4-8g/day
  • Probiotics - I cycle between a few to try and get the best of each of them
    • Inner Health Plus
    • Yakult
    • and regular yoghurt - I like the Jalna drinking yoghurt, but it's hard to find the 1L bottles
  • plus extra folate and calcium folinate to counter the methotrexate
My B12 has been within normal ranges every time we've tested, but I did have a shot recently just to see if it did anything, no noticeable energy boost though :(
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I had a real tough time a few years back as I was so tired I had a hard time working. The doctor ran some blood tests and found I was bad need of B-12. He gave me a presription and I started injecting myself each month. I felt better in no time. Doctor said I would need to take it the rest of my life. I am a believer in B-12 injections. I think taking B-12 tablets might be good for normal people. But it never worked for me.
I think prenatal vitamins are excellent for crohnies. They have lots of extra vitamins the crohnies need, like iron, b12, and folic acid. And because they are for pregnant women lots of them are designed to be easy on the stomach.

As for Omega-3s, I now take Carlsons orange flavored fish oil 3x day.

I also take extra vitamin C and D.
Lydia! You may have just solved a problem, not for me, but for my mom, who has terrible reactions to any kind of supplements. I'm going to suggest prenatal vitamins to her -- thanks for this info!
I would recommend getting blood test to check b12 absorption and iron levels at least. I found I was slightly iron deficient so i take iron supplement daily. Also, check with your nature store they usually have a holistic doctor or vitamin expert which can assist you with your condition. I find fish oil, probiotic, and multivitamin have helped a lot.

Iron, calcium, and vitamin D and pot have been the staples.

For awhile I was also taking manuka honey, ground flax and a couple of things I can't recall.
right now just iron supplement (GI ordered) but i also drink 3-4 Boost choco drinks a day too..those have a bunch of vitamins and minerals and stuff in them too.
I personally, due to bad weight loss and bad nutrition, was told to eat a thing called Alitraq.
Its a food replacer wich is very easily avsorbed by the body and contains all nutrition a person needs.
So im currently on it in addition to ordinary foods, consider it, its very good. But expensive :\
I also do iron due to aneima and B12. I have always told to take take b12 with iron, but don't know why. Also calcium with D and multi vitamin. and now with MTX folic acid.
The prenatal vitamins are amazing idea they are also covered by FSA account with no questions i believe!

watch when you take your iron and calcium. The two don't play well together. Caffeine also effects vitamin, also even if you tell your docs what vitamin you take remind them when being prescribed because they interact sometimes..
4000iu of vit d, 3 iron pills a day, 4000iu of calcium(i think) 500 iu of magnesium, 1 small b12 pill, and a multi vitamin, just stopped my folic acid pill
wow this forum really rocks ....I'm learning to re think my habits so i picked up some omega 3-6-9 tablets was that not a good choice...i have no clue where to start my doctor told me he would like me on remicade or humira ...but im so confused ...I want my mommy...**** im 56 ...that wont work she dont even know what CD is anywho

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