Wanted to pop in and say Hi and give a bit of an update on Kota

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Feb 23, 2012
Hi everyone. I hope you and your littleones are all doing well. I have learned with Crohns you maybe doing well one minute but in the drop of a hat you may not being doing well the next minute.

Kota has his good moments and his not so good. He is at least laughing more. So thats great. I love to hear him laugh and see him play. He is such a blessing to me.

We are at the hospital in one doctors office or another nearly everyday. It seems like I dont do anything but I am always busy and super tired.

All last week Ko would wake up throwing up and sick at his stomach. After he threw up and had been up for awhile he felt better. Then during the day he would be okay. I mean his stomach always hurts but he could manage it. He isnt eatting much but better then it has been for a few weeks. It takes him a while to eat lol a few bites here and a few bites there.

Had to push for them to give him promethazine for his nausea. They wanted him to take zofran which didnt help at all. Then they would only give him half a dose of promethazine. Still have no idea why the heart rate is still up. We were told they were stopping the bentyl and starting Levsin/SL for his stomach cramping. Well when I read on the medicine it said dont give if you have a history of high heart rate:ybatty: acid reflux, kidney disease. It is removed through the kidneys. Drug interactions with Amitriptyline and promethazine which he takes both UGh really!! Why cant they check these things. So they tell me to hold off on this new medicine well yeah I am going to. Nurse calls this morning and says to continue to hold off on Levsin and Bentyl both. We have appointment to see GI Monday. First time since February. And that appointment didnt go so well. Ko was just out of hospital with dx and doctor was so rude about Ko not sleeping and gaining weight. Hope this appointment goes better. Nurse said Dr was ordering a Colonoscopy an Egd for next Tuesday. Uh okay.
So I have a question for all you smart mommys and daddy. We are in the process of getting new Gi. New hospital and Gi clinic have still not recieved his records. So I called hospital he is at now yesterday and they said they were mailing them today. Should I go ahead with this Scope or wait? Will the new dr want to do it? And I am a little scared him being put to sleep with his heart rate still being so high and no one knowing why. What would you do if this was your littleone?

We went today and took urine test back to lab Cardio had Nephro order to see if they can figure out heart rate. Went and had his cast taken off and xrays today. Then we had to go see Allergy doctor. They were a bit freaked out with heart rate:ywow: It was 135 and he was sitting still.

His labs have been looking good. We went and had his Metabolite labs done Monday but dont have those results yet. So thats whats going on with Ko.
:hug: So sorry he is having such issues.
I tend to hound medical records daily until I get things sent- They can fax the records- no need to mail them-
I also hand carry any cd's with me to the appt.
Regarding the scope-
How soon can you get into the new GI?
I would ask to speak to their nurse and find out how long of a wait?
Then you can decide.

FWIW we ended up doing a quick upper and lower scope before went for our second opinion - Ds was just too sick and was not dx yet.

The high rate would scare me as well- would cardio even sign off on the procedure???
So sorry he's going through this.:kiss: Poor kid.:kiss:
Not much to add. Have you thought about calling his
NEW GI and asking the their opinion.
It might not be possible but at least you tried.

Sorry he's still dealing with so much :(

I'm agree with everything MLP said.. especially the heart rate and whether cardio would even let the procedure go ahead???

Good luck :ghug: I hope you are able to speak to someone and get a definite answer about his heart rate before the scope!
So sorry about all of this...Bless you!

I don't know about doing a scope with the heart rate either. If it could wait, I would rather have the new GI do the scope. He will have a better grasp of things if he looks for himself. But if it is bad enough that it can't wait, Kota comes first and the new GI will just have to look at the films. I'd call the new GI with this situation...they may try to get you in. HUGS!!
I would make sure he is cleared by a cardiologist before he has any procedures done. Anesthsia can be dangerous under any circumstances and when you throw the heart issue into the mix I would not want to do it without the clearance of a specialist.Has he seen a cardiologist? WHat do they say? If he has not been seen by one can you get him an appt with one?
Thanks for the update LbM. :hug:

I agree with having a clearance from a cardiologist before consenting to any procedures that require an anaesthetic.

As to the new GI, I would ring and see what sort of wait you have and enquire as to whether they would be scoping him as a part of their initial work up process then make a decision based on their answer.

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Hi, thanks for the update. Not much to add to all the good advice above - just wanted to send my best. Hope the new GI is great and gets some of his tummy pain away. Maybe his heart rate is so high because his body is dealing with so much it has to work extra hard. Really wish they could find the answer for him and you!!
Well we decided to hold off on the Colonoscopy until he gets to the new GI office. We went there today to take his records since the hospital he is at still had not sent them. It was over 200 pages so I didnt want to fax either. Thats just since he was Dx with Crohns so I would hate to see his records since birth. New Gi wanted to see him July 2 but we are going to be gone on Vacation until the 18. So he goes July 24th to see the new dr.

Heart Rate today has stayed right at 140-165 today. I am so ready to figure all this out.
Good to hear the new GI is getting sorted! Seems like the old adage is true ay? If you want a job done right do it yourself!

Good luck with the appointment hun. I hope Ko's health is okay until then...:goodluck:

Dusty. xxx

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